Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 6

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papjb bix he acton free prpss thursday february otto 1036 soofucity the dear shnpllalty of homely thlnjpi that mke of daily life quiet oang tho gallant friendly lovely lifting thlngp that snug within tho walls of home belong and the awect oimpllcity of faith that keeps the courage high when days aro drear that lifts the heart above the nuun of earth and draws the sympathy of heaven near plain brown sauce melt four tablespoons butter in sauce pan brown well add five and half tablespoonfuls flour and continue brown ing stirring constantly add two cups hot brown atoclc gradually while beating briskly add onehalf teaspoon salt ono third teaspoon pepper bring to boil ing point mushroom sauce melt together two tablespoons butter two tablespoons dripping and blend with four tablespoons flour when flour is brown odd ono teaspoon worcestershire sauce ono half teaspoon salt and two cups beet xlock or equal amount of water to which two teaspoons beef extract has been added boll utijrrlng constantly for five minutes add one can or onehalf pound fresh mushrooms sufficiently advance of serving to heat through hechamel sauce melt quarter cup butter hi saucepan add onequarter cup flour btlr untij smooth add grudually one und half cups of highly seasoned chicken stock while stirring constantly add onehalf cup hot cream and beat until smooth and glossy season with salt pepper and jino grating of nutmeg if yellow sauco is dtslrcd remove sauce from rang and add the btatcn yolks of two cgg4 diluted witli one quarter cup warm cream do not pillow sauco to boll after adding egg yolks sauce piquant make plain brown uuuec simmer ono tablespoon each of lllicly chopped chives olives mild red pepper pickles und caperrf in two tablespoons vinegar for live mluuteci add to brown sauce and simmer 15 minutes thick white sauce melt two and half tablespoons of butter in saucepan add five and lialf tablespoons flour mixed with one third teaspoon salt and few grains pepper add one cup scalded milk stirring constantly bring to boiling point and beat until smooth and glosy surprise salads so many foods will blend in so many ways far salads that there is no excua for serving one salad day after day try out new combinations until you have found at least dozen that really appeil then vary those incidentally here are two vary delicious winter salads itriday salad small tin ttardlnes cup celery finely cut tomato chopped cup dill pickle chopped cup mayonnaise cut sardines in quarter and mix with ylrrv tomato dill pickle and mavoaj nalse serve on crfcp lettuce garnlilicd with allced tomato serve frftthted olteese salad ft dates cut ane flg cut flue cup sweet pickle relish package ounces cream clieee mayonnaise masli cream cheese and add to it pre pared fruit and sweet pickle relkh add jjt mayonnaise to moisten may be formed into balk and served on cruo lettuce millers worm powders are par excel lence the medicine for children wlio are found buffering from tlio ravaged of wnmm tifv immpdlntrlv niter thr qtamachic conditions under which the worms subsist and drive them from the system and at the same uiiw uiey aro tonlcal in tlieir effect upon tho diges tive organs restoring them to healthful operation and ensuring immunity from further disorders from such caue tho woman was old and rukbhl and kray and bent with utu chill of uio winters day murraykays toronto during the oc cupancy of later tenant tho property was destroyed by arc tho store now en tho ollc and remodelled about ten years ago has been the oocno of successful tailoring business by cooper si akinu and now cooper in tho meantime thu otoip on the op posite corner was rebuilt on larger scale and for years woo occupied by accord broil as departmental store largo business was done until their retirement successive businesses followed euch as hughes st grljt in dry goods and gen eral store griffin donald fergu son of stratford ran branch store hero for some time symon si campbell haj hardware store succeeded by wm white ills stock was flnallydlspcrsed and woodhall si mckay bakers and grocers were tenants then when tho secord estate was sold mr star it man bought tho block and remodelled it com pletely and talbot now occupies tho comer stare the section occupied by the llrook dalo forms and mortons barber shop wau the homo of mckoos drug store prior to his removal toquelph thou fallowed 13 swackhatncra clothing store henry sherman and then geortjo wallace made the start for hlct flourish ing business which he removed to ouelph and conducted there for so many years and is how conducting on yongo strcet in toronto tile small store hi the block saw number of businesses located there jdlm arthuni john ritchie and others had small stores und for time it was barber shop and now occupied oy george ed war di as hurnesa tthop wluit lt now lrunk moonuyif shop wad for many ymr occupied by ooorai hnvlu as tin und stovo shop und later as laundry before the building at the rear was erected for laundry robt creech built the storo occupied by kduards bakery and grocery for humem shop later alex secord had grocery and crockery jtore and was fol lowed by george charles william com lleld andothtrii mr speight had hardware storo there for years mr william wuliatiu flnully bought the just had to have it distinguished bishop not long ago while making journey by rail was un ablw to find his ticket when tho conduc tor asked for it never mind bishop said tho con ductor who knew him well ill get it on my second round however when tho conductor passed through the car again tho ticket was stul mkislng oh well bishop it will bo all right if you never find it tlio conductor assured him no it wont contradicted the blsliop ive got to find that ticket want to know whore im going just an expert ah otd gentleman smiled as he watch od rurallooking man sitting on fencopost gaping at tho telegraph wires waiting to nee messago go along eh tho other grinned and replied yea tlio old gentteman sat down and for tho next ten minutes tried liard to dispel the others ignorance now ho said at last as you know something about the matter hope you will spread your knowledge among tho other farmers hut dont work on farm you dont ehv no im foreman of this lino crow and wuro testing out now wire ahem two irishmen roomed in an clght atorcy apartment on the top floor and could not sleep on sunday morning as tlie nun would shine in the window and wake tljum up they bought some black ii lnt und painted tho windows and lay down to sleep when they woke up they realised they would bo lato for work as it wan 15 they rushed to tiiclr jobo und the foreman looked at thrm in be wilderment put says futth and whats tile matter boss wero only 20 minutes late suyji the foreman twenty minutes where were you monday and tuesday hhinet hill what would you in mytihoes7 tom ohan them do if you were haskatciiewanvbutter output up creamery butter production in sas katchewan during november last amounted to 970465 pounds an increase of u57g43 pounds or 30 per cent over the corresponding month of 1034 tho output up to tho end of november amounting to 21025003 pounds shows an increase of per cunt over tho same period of 1034 and exceeds tho record production of tho year 1034 by more thmr million pounds justice always rests firmly on free dom and especially on free will chlerton strmovo all callouses and enlargements from your ntock with douglas egyptian liniment wonderful remedy grov does thefour thing necessary io kill cold quickly opens the bowels combat the cold germs and fever in die system relieves the headache and gnppy feeling tones up the entire system ac all druggist ask for growsw theyre tn xokue box quinine the street was wet with recent snow and uu womans feet were aged and premises and stili ouma thci stores ue slw titood at the crossing and waited long alone uncared for amid the throne of human beings that parsed her by none heeded the glance of her anxious eye conducted shoo store tliere until hlu retirement about fifteen years or more ago frank totli conducts shoe repair business there the adjoining property has noted history dr mcgarvln built his resld ence tliere when he came to acton ubuut eighty yjars ago he also built tlio ntore to now occupied by harold wiles au con glad in the freedom of school let out out came uie boys like hock of sheep hailing the now plied white and deep past the woman so old and gray hastened the children on their way nor offered helping hand to her so meek so timid afraid to stir lxt the carriage wheels or the ho tees feet should crowd lier down in tlio slippery street at last came ono of tho merry troop the gayest laddie of all the group ho paused beside her and whispered low tu help you across if you wish to go her aged arm on his strong young arm she placed and so without hurt or luurm he guided tlie trembling fet along proud that hid own were firm and strong then bock again to hk friends he went his young heart happy and well content shes somebodys vtiaw mother boys you joy why does salmon rise to t1ie hjyt docs salmon rise to fly in fresh water becatic it is hungry or just for fun thfc question lias arlin with re newed force by the finding by ouldo jack ruisell or ludlow and an ardent angler of huntingdon ny cdall of frcslily caught flki in tho tomaclid of atlantic slhersalmon caught on the soathueit mlramlchl river in new bruimulck it huj long been an opinion tluit salmon never feed in frejll water uuitei tliv 1lsh and game de partment of the canutllun nutlomu hull uiivs altlioiigli there have uetn two uelt authentleiited iiuwh where salmon took liuccts hi fivsli uater one ciue being hi cuuuda and the other in scotland and expert are ugaln debating the subject pro and con chuckxt or two life should be ull mirth umlfun and no rcgreu when it is done dout take life txi serlously even those who work uild tlrlvu and alkuiuy khun all gulty never get out of it alive a3 look down mill street from its intersection at main where the silent policeman now stands or leans on guard day and night numberleia mem orla or long ago days crowd upon me hffynrstrrctofcrctjmrrhchn ore hen mrs sarah augusta secord calne to actan wltliljer throoyouug sons jolin pred and percy nearly seven tyfive years ago alrs secord was woman of many execllencjea she had the advantage of good education and remarkable ability for bikdnji this esteemed family settled in large store and residence on tlio corner wliero tal bots hardware store is now situated an waft formerly occupied by woodhall as mckay few years lauir this property wan destroyed by fire notlilng daunted thls energetic lady proceeded at omo with the erection of better utore and residence on tlio opposite side of mill street uhero billy coopers flno gents furnishing storv now staiutn nili was nt that time commodious frmiu bulld lng neatly constructed und painted white adjoining on the lot where jack ieth munt block and thv gregory tlieatro now tuind mr secord had one of th llneit flower and fruit gardciu in town she hiul the faculty of iectirlng raru punli und shrubs many home wui benefitted by the bouquets geiieroukly he stowed from this uttrictlw plot re intiulx fifty or more jeurs ago paujuj tiil ivt iiu olf icj in early rprlmr and olyervlng the fint bonqmt of the exsou of trotumh jnowdropii etc gruc ing the tdltorlul iu after mii imordi retln incut from bujjuji ovtr forty ago tlibi buirv ttiw mupled for time by ward how who cunt herv from ji rn yvllle he ui for yimni land of the mlk diurtment in fcctlonery for drug store here for years he conducted drug utore and had consulting room dr morrow followed in tlie same profession and dr forster of stratford wait later an oaoupant john secord had liardwnrc store theiw and for some years it woo also barber shop thos agnew and george stovcl who later removed to guelph conducted boot and shoo businesses there the small ctore between tliat and browns fruit store woe first used as shoe repair shop later mcklnnon conducted hla legal business there mr wright now occupies thvo otfioo with ids insurance business goorge hynda conducted jewellery store for over thirtyfive years tliere then it was sold to hlnton after mr hynds death here pallant started hkj clotlilng store and it is owned by mr brown who conducu si fruit and grocery store there this store was built for bakery by david galloway guess tills is enough concerning this block for tills week my old eyes are getting tired and my readers may not for all shes aged and poor and sloyw ti ttirfeltrfthi ancenthocl history if get in too much ive enough and hope some fellow will lend hand to help my mother you understand if ever shes poor and old and gray wlicn her own dear boy id for away and somebodys mother bowed low her licad in her home that night and the prayer she said was god be kind to the noble boy who is somebodys jinn and pxldrnnd more stuff still on tap in my thick old head concerning the remainder of tills block to make goad fat column there is no substitute for natural bulk needed to correct corittlipation mont peoplo roeopjnixo tho nerl ouimtum of constipation hut too often they done themnelven with ntrong cnthurtun that often actu ally lead to chronic comitipntion tho natural way to check com mon constipation ii to correct tlio condition which causes it uslmlly iiiiiifllrm bulk in mcala how can you get bulk fruits and vejyot ablcs have nonu hnin has more tlio mmt popular product of this kind in k11oiih allkuan the bulk in allbuan is ijentlf in action allbltan also mippliei vitamin it and iron thm dehcioiih ceroal is whnle oiiii food seivu aiiititan rciu lui ly for ictfului it with milk or iiciiiii or line in cnouuij two talilisponnfuls ot liihuam daily vv ill ustyilljlitt ct ton tttpu tuin due to insiiluciiiit hull if not uliived sis your doctor aiihkan rive you intli iii mil 4mi ill sold ity all made by kellnfi london out coititiitu jurf to imiuduii iull mmmma did you ever stop to think by edso vvaite sluiwnee oklahoma rex fieldhouse advertisement man ager of the scotsman edinburgh scotland says do not know of business where optimism plays bigger part than in ad vertising the whole structure of the business is built on an optimistic outlook and sense of success enterprises more particularly those of marketing re quire fearlessness and the gift of being able to divert thoughts of failure and turn them to good account negative thinking is harmful and have no doubt tliat inter national problems would be more easily settled if those responsible were more op timistic in tlieir outlook advertising men take good deal of beating when it comes to carrying on in eeofahtbenaterial evidenge whicb nionnallywouldqrattrimanoutof stepr with things even at their blackest and markets apparently dead have heard advertising agents and manufac turers discussing new campaigns includ ing luxury articles loo with an absolute disregard for tradition or even the laws of economics advertising if in right hands need never bow to any slate of mind or condi tion which lends lo retard the forward movement let optimism and the intelligent ap plication of common sense prevail business directory medical dr mcniven physician and ftugv4a offlc and xlsidnce corner avenue and elgin street dr nelson fhyslelan and snrreoa klectro therapy phao tt dr wm cullen ffayalcian and bargeon office hours 1i and 70 comer frederick and kul btxtate telephone 138 legal phone mo 33 box ot harold nash farmer barrister solicitor n4ary cmveymneer eta mux street actoh ow hours d30 to 1200 noon loop mtos00p in saturday 00 oclock kenneth langdon rurrfettr sftucltot kckary m4u officer acton qorfttow3i over geynucks cajce lain btrw fl por appolntmrnts ptione acton oeonrctown bs orrlco hours acton toeaday thursday x15 to 4j0 lnb od request dental buchanan fcnil onide in liihmn teuock hours hi until by appointment tut tot extractions closed wednesday afternoon pbon 149 pearen kental moved to our new quarters in tho symon block phono 30 mill street acton veteemav dr bruyns veterinary sttrreoa honel13saarohomtaja40 ottuie m1u btreot miscellaneous francis nunan account books ot all kinds toad order periodicals of favory dascsiptioo carefully bound itulln nemtiy uid promptly done wyndhahl etroet ooelpa oat general insurance we brecullli in life fire health and accident automomti winastonn plate glaaa bouer fidelity bona annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets lkadinq comtaniaa kxceixknt pacitrnu fred right acton ales alerf an bodnt tdy mle fcotun by ptiixua knattas ar lawni in the acton free pre ss ikone 114

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