Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Feb 1936, p. 7

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thuiu5d ay pebftuary 13th 1030 the acton free press page bbvbi song of wintett sing song of winter when coldest weather cornea ftour and twenty snowbirds picking up the crumbs when the crumba arc eaten the birds fly to tree isnt that pretty sight for anyone to cc then one anowy morning they und ahcaf of wheat that same one jyho tovca them hapg out for uicm to cat and do you know the reason why they are served that way it is meant for them to have valentino today mary store twenty yeabs ago from the xsaue of the yeo pre of february 17th 1016 petitions arc being circulated in berlin to have its oernum name changed turnips continue to delivered in large quantities fifteen cciiu per bushel is now being paid tho mercury dropped to uio lowest point this winter on sunday evening when the thermometer registered 24 below zero mr lowlo atkinson of cedar creek farm fourth line lias purchased th livery business of mr mccolm who takes tho farm over nfty memben of tho epworth league kings orderlies and sunday school orchestra had an enjoyable aleighrulo to mil ton to visit the mil toil league tho acton young people con tributed on excellent program tho stock judging course at the ueard tnore stock farm was well attended und the course proved very in be resting since tho opening of the war about 125 men have enlisted in acton or from acton mr sye of mt dennki formerly of acton is with the pioneers in england his son joe at salonlca and willie is with the 80th ilattallon at pic ton the following have donned the khaki since last thursday joseph laycock james loutctt ernest perryman 15 mcklnnon hcrrlngton rud tnan fred crecmore kipling puffer died mceachern at bt michael hos pital toronto on friday february lit 1010 theresa ursula neville wife of malcolm mceachern in her 28bh year peraian bain there is nothing like it tot creating and preserving lovely com plexion cooling caressing it soothes and dispute all roughness or cliafo caused by weather conditions uclitauly fra grant it adds exqukilte charm to the most finished appearance ektinty women inevitably choose persian holm velvety smootli lotion it makes bhe skin roseleaf in texture recommended abo to soften and whiten the hands truly peerlctis toilet requbjte for every woman uusineys ilhomovesstent khown lit annua klirport of bun life akkuranco co jul itclcautd definite stgru of an improvement hi guttural builneis conditions can he gutliered from the 65th annual itepurt of the 3un life assurance company of canada jiuit released for publication by arthur wood president and man aging director the statement reflect uie itrongth nnd stability of life insur ancer voluntary cooperative movement lilch for generation has stood even test and uhlch appears on page thrc of tills luue life insurance companies annual statements aluaya considered barometers of general business conditions in the territories they operate in have been accurate indicators during tlui depres sion and unte 1033 have jjioun in no uncertain terms that general business li makingheadway the sun lifes financial statement for 1035 jliowfl still further strengthening and iniprovemanujuit tlu report for 1034 showed progress over 1033 the year tlie deprewiion reached its low point assets of the sun life minrmny nf rnngmn tfnvl if nn nil chronicles of ginger farm wriltm specially for aeion fw pre gwendoline clakkk time high nt the jenrend an increase of fortyone million dollars for 1035 and are now over sewn hundred and seven million dollars the bond account increased from om hundred and slxtytuo million dollars 10 two hundred und eighteen million dol lars and now over thirty per cent of the assets profit from redemption or sule of securltuvi during the ear uai over five million dollar cash in banri won approxlmuti ly tucntonc million dollar during 1d35 the policy loan re nay men ta took decided upuard turn which djflnltely indicates return lo better times tliese ciih repajmeiu on lomui exceeded any previous jear in the libit ory oi the company and uero tuvntyfour ptr tent grtater than 1dj1 investment income jlioued notable tn creaie over 1034 vvhiliiixpeiuies were further ndiuvd and by any insurance yardstick the report is an excellent one und eucoyriging for future jirosjiecl am beginning to uilnk minor aches and pains can cause more acute dis comforts than major unca for instance hero am with nothing uorlously wrong at all but yet urn sitting hero in misery with nine toej and two heels justi tingling with chilblains and eight fingers and one thumb as painful act can be wllh frost bltet added to that the muscles of my neck are stilt and aching through getting nouty jolti hi car tho chilblains of course are result of the cold spell und getting too close to the lire the frost bite kt result of my own foolish independence was lovely day yesterday so told partner would drive to town instead of him taking time from hlti work to go so ow prince as hitched to tlw cutter und started off quite glad to have the lines in my hands once more vir few yards all went well then my hands began to get cold and then tlmy got colder and colder mid coldur until they reached unit iitage at which one could quite rosily dance with pain daughter was witii me und took tile urns but by that time tin dumugo was done idtlvough did not know my flngvru wvru froatbluen until tlicy thawid out today but now know indeed yes and with nine bruises at the end of my lingers cant possibly ufe typuwriter today hut still it might havobeen wocsc king whiter find is fond of practical jokes for hatance yesterday saw man with the most bibulous looking nose and lie tho elder of churchl of course presumed the appearance of his roacate prodocls was the result of froufcblte one should at least give dignitary of church tlw benefit of the doubt another or winters practical jokej yesterday was to freeze my tlilnking apparatus so uiat when got home found myself minus flour and tea we had cocoa and coffee in uie house and product made from roasted wheat all of which we tried hi turn but last of all found that life without tea couldnt bnsninvtca7onowycngtwnhlitj gone begging what should we do without neighbors oh dear but what week it lias been and how hard it lias been to gut any real heat in the house with such gale blowing we were afraid to stoke up veymueh in case of the eliimney catch ing fire those old fashioned chlmheytt may be plclurque but chimneys livu feet wide have way of retting lined creosote which sometimes only needs spark to set it blazing for hours we have had one such experience and we would rather be little cold than rtek another did say little cold how nbout this one night in uie wrt sma hour kicked my cold hotwater bottle out of bed at six oclock part ner plckid it up from the floor frozen yes our bedroom uiu little cold but still we really had nothing grumble ubout on neighbor for in stance had stovepipes and chimney catch tire while she alone in the house but she kept her head and uliizn of toms cabin flesh and blood person llnrrlfl fleer imm stirn rhiirnelit iil7uif uncle tonix cabin fati was rtnil iiihii ami blood person icllza harris actually crossed ihe ohio fin thf tlaiitlu lee enkeh antl wuh mihji teretl in itlplcy tfuribed then quaint quiet town r5 inlhtt abovr cln rlntuitl noten writer in thi cleveland plnln denier here rlie true rol that pjiieu plnyed in life when her kentucky muster kindly hwiininc mini nuuvred sovem flnancln litssiw be wuh com pelled to dthpttfm of bis property vzuzn wan to he hm along with tilher chat telk evarlng that thin would nieiin aep rntlnn from htr child k1h run uvvuy inking the child with hr when they euuie to tho ohio it wiik illud from alior to uhor with lee hoes sb and the youngster iimiu rcfiigo in beurby cuhln hut the next morn ing learning of tin itpprouch of pnr btiera k1i plungtd d4hpenileiy out over the moving ice hlockx with the child in her nrnih an hiio neared the ohio hhore 11 man who hud wntchrd the movlmr flgureh with aktonlhincnt euuie out to help her and the child to wufety without uny help put out the lire both the plpth and the chimney an other has to haul water for large number of cattle and would that cold job well you figure it out another neighbor had most of his water pi lies burst our lane for nearly month lias been unhavigable but just lately neveral pertons haw trll to drive in so part ner tl he ha bet digging it out lie got it about half done nnd that same night the wind got up once morean ii up the lane all over again jutt another of king winters pranks and downt he like to pile ui snow in the mast awkward places one of our biggest drifts li right in front of uiilia junior aay dad can ask qu tlan dad supjwse so lets haw it junior where is the wind vixen it doesnfc blow just fcitise culoiiur ilatkrtedv certainly im mstlanvl ive nothing but pralac for you tailor thou bupposc its not much good my maiding the bill hi again sir hie wateringtrough wlilch means part hai to dig pajageway nearly every day weather iuch aj wt have just expuri vnced pretty hard on the ntrves of rountry jwople who housis general get the full benefit of every wind that blows most country houses have tuo many doors and wltli high wind blowing when one door open the res blow 11ml we look through tin window ttial is if they are not completely frost over and the wind and the driven snow go swirling bi earning along un odd shlnge or two ev ry now nrul llivn anvlou mot hen watch for children coming from srhool and we wr liu tuu tar 011 the road and uondti if the owner will ever get home wv dislike ui see our men go out in the storm do chores uul we tllllke still more to yo out our selwt all thcm tlilngt contrllute to mate of high nervouo tension and tlu onlj renudy know or to get down to real big job piefemhly one not too far uway from the lire and suf ficiently interesting abtnrb our at tention to the exclusion of weather con ditions and then perhaps when tha job done you find to your surprise tlu wind has dropped and the mercury rlen and that you ure still ulive und little tile wonx after the weatherman rough treatment except ivrhap for touch of froatblte aiul fuw chublulmt after all uie weutlicr is seiuonable and rlmracterlstlo of the country wasnt it kipling who called canada our lady of the iiiiows and who sinco cluut tuas dare say uist ive wad wrong irish terriers said lo be genuine daredevils the enrlv hlhtnry of the irish tc rlor or tlnkrw flog una an troubled nnd coiirtimml ni the oreen ihle that gave him hlwh wrlteh mj mltfowl llrtee in anwwer miiguzlne h1m first official appearance wan nt the dublin aliow of fft7t where it nt once became evident tlmt the expreaalon irlnh tory her indlni terl not lil ng mora definite than terrier bred in ireland hut ulnce tliane duyn hlh typ ha iwen utandurillxed ami nothing is mora remarkable than the manner in which bin character resembles that of thrf people of his own country if hh high spirits and love of aport are xr his sense of humor is outstanding while the courage that he dlhptnya id battle is only equaled by hu cor inviting appearance when off duty the daredevil as this daslilbg arid often reckless dog lu sometimes called is similar to but racier in outline than the tax terrier and la required to pos bes more powerfully developed hind quarters he is aiiiall enough to be handy and large enough command respect silts diary by oltver waiuien sunday pa isent jk duaftt neem to bo abei to xtrikate hisclf olfcn ills noooo papfr pioli evvn when in tho buascm of uie fumlly tliu in ma od uliu made kake tlmt is poem la repll4o well xppect im xpected to bo the waist bankvt tuesday last wk tcechcr told arc class to each rite porno for today rote took jane out riding cold cold wiu thp brvtjae jane ed me your anteyfreeiu seenui turned to antey jjueeze jano dldcnt like it none two well wedneflday boy from tho country got on uuijbdien at the oprey house hut nlle wlio was gcluti algn aud etc out of lut you cant get alga wiljioul no hens can you wd u10 majlalieii to uie boy tlie ripply wac ahuro can wo got tirklc dux te gees ganders all bo kvry body laft thursday si pa was nt the grocery store buyeii sum shugnt etc tho groccrle nuill ii he ult to be prize llur iu la wmt watchtn tlie skahjt the lite wate chamjlen ad pit dlddent seti the joalc buo its tlwre sum wlmlrs yrlduy ullstursei lltlel bruther cum to tkool for the 1st time yester day hi when he got home ttlliterse ma ast htm what did he lent as lie unl koiudderable but hede lrnft to go agen tomorrow blls tcre fokei sed it was funny but dont ivfhow cum saturday at ukool yejur day paytreii wtm tryen out are cljtses on observing ut tlw block hoard she as me for no ss sed 3d wlch slie writ down ua ullsters glv uu the writ 82 55 sed juke less see you cliance that to clkak llottlks sajjt stt iu mxie the aaddesi spot in mexico is the hill of tteji the old colonial city of qusretora whero tho mexican in dependence movement was born its one monument crude atone chapel ksetmorlallfce the death of one em plra and tho full of anothur on the grund now covered by tho chapel maxtulllun of mexico nnd hla two genera ik mlramon and mejlu faced the tiring wjund and volley of musketry hounded the hittr tattoo for the em pire in porflrlo dlnx day fran joaef kmporor of amttrlaiiungnry built the cliapel above the soil vvhoro iiih brother died it waa intended that the european empire would per manently main till the chupel tw metnorlul to the lueu ho had died for an empire in north america tho world war intervened neglected by nutria the chape wuh tripped by vuiuiiiih within thiee granite tnbletij mark the doath of the mexican empire an ultnr stripped of iti hangings la uletestlmouyco tho fato ofkraux kgg rihulbi aliould notbe thrown away wush them see that they arc thoroughly dry and store them in an airtight tin until they aro needed they are admir able for cleaning bottles crush the uiclls to powder put liberal supply lu the bottle to be cleaned add soap flakes und little warm water and nliake well xunsc first with warm water and then with clear cold water which will remove all traces of dirt and dis coloration liiave the bottle updlde down to drain alterations little boy waa utjced by his sunday school tcaclker why certain port of tlia church was called the altar because it is where people change their names lie promptly answered josef tha plac of ktllm bulawayo whlchithe largest town lu mindeila south africa literally translated means the pluce of kill ing tho fumouu indaba tree un der which judgment wan rendered still stands on the ground tt of the govern ment houte from tlu alto may be seen the hllla oftliubjih inilumiwlhra executions and tlmeil suicides took place in accord with royal decree ceeilithodca whoiiunuaumd statue btandh in the main htrcet ilea burled st bin reqiipht amid the matopos hllla j7 ml lea from bulawayo hold faat just iu nillea from berlin nt vetb chuu live one of the uioht curious folk of nil europe sniiill colony of wends who utlll speuk the languugc ofjhelr nueihtnrs rather diiin jerinan and wear the eohtninis nf centurion ngp tn sundns ihe wurmn dress in elab orate headgear an enormous luce apron over their skirls and ride sol fiunlv tt to hiinti mi their bicycle village inses uie jiisd tno hoatsnuin prtipellltig the tint boltoniiml punts of llie cniintry ipertly ulnug eaiuils ancient tunnel lu hungary an 11 im itlit tunnel ullumeterh long utiuh twlleved to lute hack to tint litrlnr ln ii was discovered rifmir the formerly uiigarlun town of sat mar mthouh the authorities wcr uvvnre tif tlie ttxlsieiilv of fliiih tun nel there were no details uimwu about ik length or dlreeilon man who mcldeniilh dlminveieh nt ranee epluied the 11 11 ml emerged in se hnslnvuklii tha avocado the avecadn lit st nuilve ut tin wisit intlhh und centra america it is the niilv spei leu of thlu order ultlvutvhl for the fiult the fruit in unusual in thai the llesh hits fat content ill per eenl itii nn averuge the watif iuiiieut si per ieiit ami the carho hy dnit cm per cent the fuel vulu high olj culiirlim per pjiuud tootlmche and neuralgia are instantly relieved with douglas egyptian lini ment quick sure remedy also re commended for bums sprains sorea and inflammation annual report of goodvear ok canada rroflbt higher and excellent liquid vsltion slmim for the rut year ail lnreaje of 1130 82 in net profit an earned uurplus of 7470uu high ratio of ousels to llubultlis an wi ex cellent liquid position were revealed in the financial statement of tho oood ynir itm und rubber company of canada ijmlt and subsidiary rom pallie for tile yeur ending december it 03i priited by the lixaidunt carlisle lit the annua meeting lure today current nnd working iujeli wltli ln ventories enuid ixlow prevailing mar ket prices mood ut jn9lu5u7 02 as against current liabilities of 41y7ctt 07 cash on luuid totalled 014370 04 and the total ciuh call loan nnd govern ment bonds was 3u3545 00 cflulvalciit to 447 unila the total clirrvnt liabili ties total working capital after deq ducting all current liabllitus including account payable and tax rwierves amounted to b4ti3hli705 this rcpro tenli decrease of lj0njy103 larbcly accounted for by the fact that during the yeir preferred ttock ialhu par value of slovjjbooo wiuj redeem and only 0000000 00 of tlie new pre ferred stock issued referring to taxation mr carlisle wild we wlih to again draw to jhe attention of the shareholders uie execs live tabi burden imposed upon industry for the year 1035 the total tiixen pijid by ycur company or accrued amounted to 03210107 lie cojitinued your company maintained its hading position in the canadian market during 1035 it enters 1030 with adequate finances inventories considerably below prevail ing market priced plant and equipment wvll depreciated these factor plus loyal and efficient organisation policy of quuhty and service and public prefcrencv for its products indicate that your company will continue to occupy dominant position in wie canadian rubber industry his own dkvkks an important tiling for young mother ij rtiuember is that he la not tlicrc ut amuse her baby llaby should amuse hlmslif many par en la imaalno tliat directly their baby tits up and lake notlre tic needs lot of amusements to make him kharp toy should play minor part in tho babys amusement the young fa uie who romes home proudly display ing an ther toy horse for sonny lo not being hepfu if sonny alreudy p4xsev1cs tos in fact an accumulation of to worries hinall child became it overtitimulates the tiny brain and makes him jfraotioujt hitlh tit lliu this why you often find that ridly contnud youngster pavrfsscj only ohe toy wth whlrh he will play for hours utu ttrttch whilst the dlsagriuahlc iwvbh dlvuiusfled child is tin poaijr of many play thing baby should irani to nlnu hmaclf and depnd upon hinllf child left to hul own devlccs will play with lingers aid thumhs toi clothes dm strup of nis chair soft hall or ttulfed animal there is no need as rule for mother to be continually show ing the toys to baby throwing the hall or thnklng tho rattle let tlw biby uarn to do it and leave him to it onre jou spoil child by playing with him too much he will not play alone dress the baby in suit able romiiert aud leave him to his own devices time tables nadian nati0nalbailways at actor going kast dally except sunday dolly except sunday daily except sunday sunday only the chicago nlcr that here at 031 castbound georgetown at 041 dally except sunday dally except sunday djlly fjccojit sunday dally except sunday sunday only sunday only btandaltd tti 700 anu 1007 sm lljpja 7j4pjn hxjeucivd tops at 33 pan 704 pjm 12 31vm 0oo bjh 11 jopjn tlulosk purpose li one of the outstanding qual ujs of character and which colors personality with an unmistakable sheen it drawn everything worthwhile hi life to it sincerity is manifest in action associations are richer willpower ki increased self con tide nee developed memory is nioreretentlce eoucetitrution easier all from the inception of one thing purpose weakened with screech of broies tho new york to chicago train came to sudden atop passengers hurled from their teats in tlw third car were scrambling about excitedly when conductor rushed in kverythlngvi all right lie shouted somebody pulled the emergency cord and the broke took hold too quickly the lost car has left tlie rails no onea hurt he assured them bub well bo delayed about throe hourti cood grocfousl exclaimed young man three hours and im to be marri ed tills owning in chicago the conductor uwung nbout and re garded the young man angrily say he demanded are you the bird who pulled that cord home treatment for bladder weakness brings swift relief arrow bus leave westbound 045 in 1145 except saturday s1s in 31 salurdbiy only 515 ta 715 11 is ta 105 no saturday sunday aud holiday leave eastbound 700 dally except sunday 310 to 1z43 kn 4j kn 645 in 900 tn itinkualiltk manned to aub 1ointii in canada united states mexux consult local agent wllestjftestaukant central ontario bob liatt toronto while serious if neglected it bi now ordinarily an easy matter to quickly re lieve bladder wealoitsa and irritation palnci tn back und down through groins frequent dally annoyanee and trouble some nights by the plcjuaint home uad of the dr southworth dratabs wlilch any drugirlst will funilui on definite promlse of money back on first boic pur choficd if resultr are not fully ralkfoc tory hco matter how stubborn or trouhle aome your cajw may be you can taally prove tlie value of uratabs in few days time start the test today and iou may look for improvement inside of 24 hours patterson ro specialist in kyb ortliopug tnjtmwih iu wjnaiuiii si next ouelinl hione 310s the free press offers you great subscription bargain ihai saves you money stove for every home electric coal and wcod coal oil gasoline electric hot ffeictf and splendid range of ouaran teed used and reconditioned stawl we also furnish fiepalrs for all maked of stoves vou old stove accepted as part payment terms arranged we can save you money woneeu equipment co stiibuslied 1g13 19 woolwleh st gutzph onl hereis real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do select any of these famous magazines touu with your incul xcws pupvr and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low pricey mb ea cj fc s6ft current thougkl yi macleans 34 iou yr chatelaine yr canadian yr national home monthly ljmciori review lyr canadian horticuuurc and horn mgaxin 1yr oujkguararilec to youl this wonderful offer la avail able to old and new subacrib cra to this newupaper wo luaranteu tho fulfillment of nil maguzine uubscriptlonu nnd you hnvo positive usauranco that tills ieneroug offer la exactly un represented ite nowala will bu extended for full term ah own 7y kbf please clip list of afaouiines ajier checklno iniblicd tioiis demred yiu out coujwn coryully gentlemen enclose luu bvud ma uie tluee muguxlneij checked witii years subscription to your newspaper name stufclcl town and mtovincei new business ptunteu will auraoi uew bmdrtf laltk tiut plae tke old thai yxj am loalnjf gri to rloea the acton free press thou shalt not kill drive carefully

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