31b jfrrp irpbb hnrt tnrg entangling evidence dy fisher jl tumj ram to atartr nun hunt to morrow morning tho leath ery features or corporal anfetln overton were impassive as he addressed nls daughter hlueeyed girl of twenty but grace knew that behind that grim mask there was suppressed excitement perhapb pity murderer ahe tfueefctooed grace asked that some day aba might accompany her father into the far north on one of his frequent excursions the idea came to her that this might be her opportunity for she had uc duties in the little canadian tillage of erndale besides keening house for her rmly living parent its strange case declared her father seating himself case in which there 4s only circumstantial evidence to convict man and very llbtle of that an old trapper andrew corbln was the supposed victim he lived alono in his cabin about two miles irom the nearest neighbor pour years ago he had boy with him his sisters lad the old fellow was said to be mentally unbalanced and those who knew him admlb im treated the lad brutally finally the youth then lad of seventeen ran away taking with tilm three hundred dollars of the old mans money for year old corbln had bho policy on hie trail finally he wad caught and aanienced to year in reformatory the money was never returned since then the trapper has lived in sort of insane fear that the boy would come back some day to kill him it seems to bavo been almost an obsession with him that he wad to die at tho hands of the lad be had maltreated week ago the boy how young man of twentyone was seen in tho vicinity of kelsey tlie village nearjit to the old trappers homo few nights later old corbkis neighbors heard three shots from the direction of the cabin but thinking the trapper was pcrliaps shooting at wolves they were not alarm ed until late that night they aaw blataj they hurried to the scene and discov ered the cabin wrapped in names and nobody assr the ground and ho trace was found of corbln unfortunately lfknowcd heavily that hlghb obliterating any tracks that might have been about now uu pollen have been ordered out to search for the young man who is suspected of taking revenge on the trapper what is the young fellows name inquired grace jim owen the girl fcmouiered little cry why she exclaimed know him in man with whom she was acquainted she told herself it could not be for thab youth had always appeared so flnc and honest another question then entered her mind what if the present occupant or the building were not her father at all who then borne wandering trapper one of the searchers just starting out7 perhaps even tho murderer himself she went forward more cautiously her eyes rbded upon the small window keep ing sharp watch for some sign of whom ever was within she could detect no movement however she paused before the cabin door un certainly probably she told herself she was allowing herself to becomo alarmed unnecessarily lutely her father was the only person inside yet she gripped the shining butt of thj revolver which she had taken with her as protection against wild animals inch by inch she pushed the cabin door open waiting to hear her fathcru cheery word of greeting it did not come mindly uho throw tho door wldu and stepped boldly within at the sahio mormnl she detected dark huddkj bulk on the floor couple of feet hi front of her bho caught her breath und stepped back there she stood waiting until sb could see better utile by little she made out tho figure of man lying face downward motionless slowly she ap proached and pushed liim gcnuy with tho toe of lilr boot she waii rewarded by hearing whecx ing cough and low moan the man was alive then apparently however was either wounded or sick grace realized that lw should not be stand ing there conjecturing as to ids identity when tho man might bo suffering jdrop ping on her knets ahe rolled him ovr that he wim fuc upward low cry came from her uptf as she rccognlaed tlie set featurui the closed eyelids jim owenl she brcauitd tlie jim ouen knew hi montreal thj man opened his eyes dosed blood shot fcyes or full mlnuui he stored nt her without reco his brows took on puzzled rromn brace he murmured vaguely grace grace overton lie coughed violently and urn girl bunding over him saw blood on hkj lips must get you onto the bed she said youre wounded the man shook ills head no proaud lung miink went bad on me two tslghu ago laboriously the girl dragged him across tho floor after considerable effort bho hoisted htm onto the bed which her montreal jle had quite trustednosl fathor md mcupuxl ch the tion with nrm or importers thought meu klt revealed plasters already him to be line chap wo were only prepared and in few moments she slightly acquainted but ho always seem llud ul0 man broftd cheat ed so clean and manly surely he is pu ono innocent sho then down neflr the und her father nodded persons who blttck euvt whlle uw bufftror know him tay uw samo thing but tho tthy dmfid into neoded jjecp long timo tlw girl uab thro star in ahead unseeingiy fiber had taughlfrur at least held in her powtr tlie man for unconsciously her lips formed tho word whatever the circu mstanclal evidence she felt certain that james owen had not killed old andrew corbln tho mad trapper in some way fat had entang led him hi zaftoh of misunderstand ing orace made up her mind to stand by him until tho end for two days sho tended him and still her father did not put in his ap pearance on the third day the sick man showed decided change for the better at tho end of week he was sitting up grace was faced with new problem her provisions were al gone she and owen would cither bo obliged to qulb the cabin or to face ntarvatlon shg told him of the situation in couple more days ill be able to go withyou he said if you can spin what there is along that far everything will be all right bub you cant she stopped abruptly owen looked at her queerly for moment im going to give myself up he said itfc no use running lie paused for moment then asked point edly do you think killed old corbln grace she shook her head dont ho you could have but unless you have an explanation im afraid tho courts my explanation wouldnt stand nru in tho courts nobody would believe that came north to pay tho old man tho three hundred dollars took from him when ran away and they wouldnt believe thab tlu shots that were hoard were thoso ho fired ut nh when uu drove mo away without giving mo time to explain how his cabin came to burn and wlrti lie disappeared li myutcry cannot explain he gazed at tho iloor for moment in silence guess the only thing for mo to do now is to face the music grace agreed to uait until owen could do with iter somehow who mada tho food unit was left suffice until uw ninth day 1irr father was still absent strapping on their uiawshoes tlie two young people set out together uttlo was said by eltlur somehow grace felt guilty in accompanying fchtt man whom sho belluved to be innocent to wliat would in all probability cumin franklins stove among early similar devices benjnmlti pnmklln invented utnvt in 1743 irvnti that tlm there had been ufoves in holland and or many franklins however was great improvement over all which had preceded lt in 1771 he invented several other stoves one for burning bituminous coal which would consume its owo smoke and had downward draft and another intended for tbe same purpose having basket grate or cage with movable bars at the top and bottom supported by pivots at the renter and which after being tiled and kindled at the top could be inverted and mm made to burs at the base the next important inventor of atovca ovens and heating and cooking apparatus was the american born hut fcare pea diced adventurer and scientist count rumford who betweea 1785 and ltoft devised several improvements in tended to economize fuel and heat rum fords stoves for cooking purposes were lined with qrebrlck or soapstsn and had ventilating even they were introduce into america from germany about 1to8 and soou extend ed id popularity domestic product appeared in competition with them and so the american stove industry was estnblhihed cleveland tmain dealer cyclone tornado differ hurricane typhoon same cyclone explnluu writer in the iiuliaiiapollu nrwh in atorra or ht tein of wlnilk often violent in tho tropics und moderate elsewhere with ahundunt precipitation and usually diameter of to 1w mlleii it moves with velocity of jo to tf miles as hour and 1m cluinicterlted by winds rotating often ut the rate of 00 to 130 mlled uu hour clock wluo in the hod them hcmlfplurp counterclock wise in the northern uhnut calbi center of low mtttmhphori pressure it ih also culled imrruune in tho west iridic und tplonn or hagulo in the philippine ihlundh and tlie china nea tornudn ih whirling wind accom panied by funnel hluiped cloud vory violent und destructive und advancing atinhbdeaui as toe town grow ln narro rton for wan toe became invounurily over tlle anu wcli mun of the world but mot frequently lu tho cen trul mihhlhhippl valley ths wlud la too lolent to uo measured and the hnrometrlc presmiro falls so rapidly though rjirely more than one tenth of ita nornuil value that wooden structures nre often lifted and burst open by the air confined within them neartr licr pacu clower tliey entered the rumbling street of the village and headed toward police head quarters few moments later they found them wslvcs facing tlie utcrn ciilef urn jim owen accused of murdering andy corbln tho speaker words were curt tlit man behind thft thssk cyed young owen keenly well he observed liavo betn looking for you ho con tinued his scruuny for moment then outof the american kennel club dot book declarer thut tlie kerry klue terrier is no longer bred to be flirbtlni dog lie barked owen will you and tho mld brod is listed as useful for herd bo seated luivo aomethnlg to uu slip axtornilnatlnc vermin and you uiat may be or importance tho retrieving game in addition to being charso against you has been wluuirawn puhted cuurdh nnd companions tus old corbln was duxovctrd by corporal overturn hiding in deserted mine he was brouglit in this morning and lias confessed that he burned his own cabin after driving you away jle seemed to wtandurd tor the breed accents ta color of the coat pigeon blue being jprofcrnhle and the soft plentiful tooso curls that make the dog outstanding lr appearance ilia head is strong and well balanced fallowing plenty of bslr finger of suspicion points vtry definitely toward lmnanditfnlqneqfttn42 elected to hunt him down grace then broaclied the subject of accompanying her father lmd thought of taking you with me grace he said bellevo you would be safe and you have spent enough wlnurs ln this worth to be acquainted with the code of th wudcrne expect to make my headquarters at springtleldvi eabln for the first week at least that not great distance from kelzay vou couki do all uie regained tils strengtli7 would not sho be in danger herself she mada up iter mind to take every hijdng you wished while was away would feel you were as safe third as alone litre ho itcautte aboutthat aracewerit with her fatiicr into the northern wates wliert ute snow lay uuck on the ground and the clear sky and the cold criap rxjmwrja7lntqiab relieve hie fellow of any arms he might springfields cabin watt tworoom poaseas sitabtbuutpldawhleh had been wlurdelc uro movements she search whom tlie mounted police were ecourlns the country could ho bo tlie murderer of tlw old trapper who liad raised luni she uas revolted at tlie idea tlie moat vital question right now however was wlutt alio was to do wltn the man he could not be moved in his present condition that was certain when he grew better alio would be duty bound to turn him over to the pqlicyutiuould4iotubniit one ho had precaution if she was armed and vi had no weapons she ought to bo able to do wliat alio pleased with hun at anylfltc vy mnde nn hi mint ta notclied and fitted together for day orace found no dirtlculty hi rilling hi uid time by salting the place to right and fflwng comfortable home of it was posible tlie next day slut decided to go on lilke jacking lunch from tlie pro vfciions which alia and tier fatlir liad brought wltii tlicm lie set out on her snowslioes hcv fatlier had told iwr return to tlie village of kekey twenty mllad away before her provisions ran out and under no clrcunuvtiuices to worry if lie did not relurn ln day or to lie had no idea liow far into jie north tho troll might lead lair tho itsuit of the morning orace tramped steadily onuard aluavs making sure of her direction iui as to liave tu ditflculty in returning when uw wished about noon he jtottped to boll colfeo and to eat lur lunch then picking up her kuapack s1k started out on the rvturn journey long berore slu had ruachid the cabin slie buan to uuli blu liad not uouo far when ihe at hut catuo ln sight of the woouvn struc ture the afternoon liad worn luelf well away quarter of mile froiii tlie cabin sh came to on abrupt lialt make was still curling from th clilnuicy her ratlicr tnusb haw rttunusd did lu have james owen tlie juint owen sho had known with hlnl or wu lie alone ktobably it would not be the utile young think you wanted to kill him and he blllcu aml tm iflr wbd hau lived in such terror or you that he uoi1 cqrr the eyea are dark or determined to get you captured and hunt medium in nlze not too full well on circumstantial evidence so as to have placed deep hrlnloi htrnlght legs you out of uie uay of course the man medium length buck well placed gaily insane and will bo given over to an carried tall are other polnu to look institution for tho caro of such peopio for the dog utandu 18 luthes or ho tlie young lady judge iij corporal at the uhmildern und weighs 113 to 87 overtons daughter the corporol was pounds greatly worried when he learned you lutd relumed but was ut uxiuiubtcd he could not go after you at once grace overton suddenly found lierself slmklng hands very sojcmnly with jos owen before her mind was the picture of wellworn bible cannot talk in the dark language for the prehentday hiivage es for his dltitunt prcdcceftor conslata of muny geuturph grlmacea nnd fw elementary vord muinda kven roday the african hindimnn utlllyeh sign lan guage to uucli an extent that be is practically unintelligible in the dark to lila lellnw trlbeunien the rubes for the llouas and stable there 1c good deal of similarity physically openk ing between human beings and tho lower jitiie falund of fernando fo areun onlmaui botluare subject to many all hmc t0 aiw0 to one another after ments arising from inflammation and to twilight the fans of wem africa aunumnirfeulsndbjtuiswi dvrytjtiltiotirbprtttiift whlelayb it tliomas eclectrlc oil in on entirely re us go to the flre to talk it over when liable remedy for tuch ailments and bl imps in both human beings and tho lower orders of animals paid conscience money for ifatrirorirrpboig aiiecuhirmiirnjmlclwc passenger train some 15 jeora ago cam to light recently when ii bourller general passenger agent canadian na hk clothed while he itlil slept dlc0v crlng and appropriating hunting knife and small revolver his rule shb had tlonal hallways received an express already found standing agointt tlie wall order for contxlence money from an wlifcre he lmd placed it indications unidentified person according to the showed uiat lw luul evidently built the letter tlie writer was travelling between fire and moved about before collapsing london and toronto but his return on the floor where siw luul found lum portion of the ticket was only purcliased sho nowtuirned to his pack one by to hamilton tlie conductor ln collect one slie removed tlie articles it contain ing the tickets punched tlie hatcheck ed sleeping hog tome tins of pro of fellow traveller for toronto but vtijons box of matcliet extra pairs of inadvertently tho check woi put in an fiocks slilrt ah at once then tho other mans hat when tho new con found herelf holding book worn old ductor took over the train the owner of looking book bound in black leatlier tin toronto ticket moved out of tho djirkness appears jacob ii conn la the koruiannd century eufibants mv cuakioufaat full grown elephant weighs any tlitng up to idx tony ya ta if be as llglit on ita feet as dancer when rctunoiptnadrlnklng hou tatf ieuger goes silently ahead ta see if ull is tliur danger at 6ut alg nulled by loud trumpeting tha reuiiiin why clephanta are so aoftniav ing is been dm each foot ends in what really bit cutdilon large pad ennwlntlng of muaa of fat and nberrf ieurmina weekly chinese make shoes from old auto tires many chinese farmer and coolie walks around ln shoes the soles of which have covered many miles before they were worn by him old automobile urea that have been discarded are imported from loo angeles and san pranolsoo and on arrival in china coolie labor makes very cheap type of shoe solo from the walls of tho tires heavy truck and bus tires are not suitable for this trade and now inquiries have been mode as to possible sourcca of supply of old wornout automobile tires from can ada nrm ln bhanghal being desirous of obtaining supplies from canada ac cording to the industrial department of tho canadian national railways greater heights probably it is not too much to say uiat the commonplace village would be an athens if all its capacities which now uo fallow had been rightly directed at least it may be sold that there are people in every village who might rise to greater heights of lnteltootual power and moral character if they developed in tho light direction those capacities which ood has given them they might not bo able to vquoi socrates plato or aristotle in mental attainments but they might make an attempt to pick out worthy goal and work toward it beyond doubt wo foil to rise to tho spiritual heights more because of lack of direction than cause of lack of energy the indicator boss that boll at the end of your typewriter ixhas jones fcilau jones yes air been well it isnt there to remind you to powder your nose excellent tor cnmpy children when child is suffering with croup it is good plan to use thomas eclcctrlo oil it reduces tho inflammation and loosens tho phlegm giving speedy relief to tlie little cuftcrer it is equally re liable for sore throat and chest earache rheumatic pains cuts bruises and sprains dr thomas fcclectrlc oil is regarded by many thousands as an in dfciptnsablo of the family medicine chest ins wish critic tlie trouble with the churches today in they have too much liberalism in them church deacon wish it was showa more hi our collections umml western bookseller wrote chicago nrm asking for doom copies of canon farrurta seeker after ood ho received this reply by wlro no eckrs after ood hi chicago or netf york try philadelphia wltat is hot even when placed on ice mustard ahem the professor and student were discussing peculiarities of english speech said tho former now sugar la tho only word beginning with su which has tho sound of between the and are you sure returned the studbns what has an eye but yet cannot needle you cant be cold mi ibmmi infect co bum fin hlffim ym tma auda tb tinthtns bat you cm tfca tarn gooa urn qow gfww da ta our ntcawmry tklai 0mb bowala rojufnt cold tmi mad 1mrt ru drh and stpcv faallnj ton up ta tma but or mt your urast dusslm tby whum onltilnid geld ft ih kevtrt to typa cnidthth vhlch were freely intro duced into mudiiguhcur yeurda with the etpectutlon beuutlfylng the na tive wuterwuyh luive reverted to the drub graygreen livery of their an efliora honn after rlielr arrival they with flngtrj that almost trembled she miioker but he uas ablo to allow tha ho hint they muinpol opnd it on the flyleaf inscribed in return portion of liln ticket from tor tnt ibu pnn and rlveru to tint very fuded ink she made out bho wordj onto to london no tlie other paseor tlon nt the only edible rreih to jumu ouen on his ninth blrtlulay rode between hamilton and toronto ireo ohii ivhlch the lulumlu urlluully with lovrt from motile of charge ah he wrote so they passed graoo did not know how long she me to toronto wonder iiik how the nils tood taring at it slowly her fingers tike wiui made und only recently did turned thu tlun ln some places smudg und out tjiut tlie error wai mine ed paftxs the eduit of the leaves were tlie has been credits to the con torn tlw luintlng faded lvir years ho tcltncu account of the rullwutti ap hud ben carrying that book wltli him pmntly tin wriur has computed his apparently now men were hnntlng him own icale of compound lnurwit on the down like hounds because tliey bellevod sum oulng for tlie preitnt rutc oneway he wu murderer betwtvn hamilton and toronto 35 she turned to look ut the itoug ftatuiva now hot and uiudied slowly tier und twhiunl ln strange stnile could mull who always carried hb iiuumiui ive iuole up my mind to uible hi hki pack who luul rvud it as stay homo tonight much as thl appsrrntty had htxn read wile hut dear ive mudd up my face murderer wo to bo out comkitomihk and go out dog sniuirffclkv eucutd outktde or ii1u kvuute tlure ih dc mlihho tilled with tlie riddled hoilh of loyu little intliiuilm himrt crime lmihlhtodof uliedleiuv tn their immlerh giuib of hiiiunuleru thewi iluh hud to he khot hnmetlnieti uw muny ay ui it mouth uh they lunoceutly tried to duuh over the iveuchllelun imr der euch with munnid iuruug of tnhimco htrnpiud lb ula back oolllera weekly tlie abie time be ffioamaiaffiafflaflibiihy message to every merchant what advertising in the free press can do for your store sell marc goods create favorable impressions build publie good will create demand fof ods people would not otherwise desire sell the public on values offered by your store increase public respect for the value of the store to the community educate public to new styles and kinds and classed of merchandise which can be had at your store also to new uses for merchandise inform public where mcrclumdise the have heard or read about can be secured protect your customers from birying inferior or old style koods establish leadership for your store in your retail field keeping your store constantly before readers will make them think of yours as the leading store in your field 10 keep down new competition jjlenable you to reach new families not now customers of your store 12 keep your old customers sold on your store and the values 13 draw trade to acton instead of letting it slip away to nearby cities 11 keep your salespeople informed of merchandise and stores policy 15 decrease operating costs and overhead through increased volume make more profits ity advertising more consistently in the fftee press it offers advertisers large circulation concentrated in acton and vicinity the most intimate coverage and tltc biggest reader interest of any medium entering this field phone 174 for illiburutioilm sutstwuw and other ad iriformiition let the free press present your store message to over 3500 readers each week iyi fcv fcyl v7 ml iw v7 mvt kvl fcyi