tt sixtyhrst year no 40 acton ontario thursday april 2nd 1030 eight homeprint pages fivo cents acton minor ball club organized at meeting last night barr is president the acton minor ball club held their third annual mooting in the town hall last night mr barr the president occupied the chair the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were adopted and the officers elected lor the coming year were as follows honorary president storey president barr 1st vloeprealdentr mosaics 2nd vicepresident atkinson secretarytreasurer white executive committee joe kcnuier baylisa mosales patronsj brstbrook rachlln wm arnold arnold haamrd elliott bros holmes dills wood dr nelson brown dr buchanan the treasurers report showed expen ditures tf 9731 receipts and donauoru 75 lo balance owing of 2221 the foregoing statement wan adopt ed and considerable discussion on methods of raising money to clear the debt took place it woti decided to sponsor concert local talent in the town hall bn anrll 22nd daylight saving this year april 25 to september hcardmore co io cooperate and observe this period avoid uie confusion of last year gregory requested reduction of license fee on theatre milk license pees to be collected by chief of police repairs to roads are to be made main street pavement is to be repaired at the meeting of the acton council on monday evening councillors mason mcmillan and mc cutcheon were present in the absence of iteevc harrison mr mccutchcon oc cupied the chair as acting reeve in reply to letter from the clerk mr bcardmore stated tliat the bcordmoro co were willing to cooperate at the plant here by dbooiiuiiulng day light saving on labor day if the umo were made effective on april 25 til at the sumo time uiut toronto adopted tlili time tlilt would avoid uuj confusion that had been incurred lant year and make for uniformity mr gregory wa present regard ing his theatre license ho said that committee business liad not been good for omo wax formed to make arrangements time and requested that the fee bo ro the minor club hope that the peopls duoed from the 25 ito pointed out will continue their upport of lost year tliat in georgetown he llad paid no when the team won the halton county license for three or four years it was league and got into the objaa play also stated tliat no licence was paid in downs all the players and commltefl brampton council decided to invcstl requested to be at the town hall gabs the matter thoroughly and make on monday evening at 800 pjtn for meeting in line with the concert in marble halls while in ottawa another game that is played in the dominion and witnessed by the editor hockey wtu over locally but the editor decision at the next meeting in the meantime the license ww to be with held tnc ixth report of uie finance com mitted recommended payment or the following accounu kelly si son records for arena tsd5 jos mcoeachle labor at tire on february 5th 200 1095 tile report was adopted it was the nuxrlctt buduul in ioinettmir tire bylaw adopting daylight saving wiuieawd uliouier diversion while on time in acton waa given tho required visit to ottawa last week the mir umber of readbiau and passed by uw rounding were even more pretentious council the advanced time will conic than an artificial ice arena but it had ito effect on saturday arll 25th at its similarities of matching wits by two midnight and continuo in force until opposing factions visit to ottawa monday labor day september 7th at for hoard meeting of the director of midnight the cleric was instructed to the weekly newspaners association cubllsh proclamation in th puke found us with the business concluded paai to this effect nbout 630 the opportunity cf council sanctioned payment of an ac vlsltlng the iioum or commons and lis couu josephs llofpltil teliblg to tlve debate was cliancc wo earl anderson and it war forwarded could not miss county clerk visit to xiv hughes cleaver re matter cf collection of ml pnsentauve for halton county was all license fees from delinquents was hand that was necessary for tlu arrangement lo the chief of police for attention as matter of fact it was the pleaburo regain to roads in town wero olscius of the editor to have dinner in the ed and tile clerk was instructed to writ dining room at the buildings with mr officers elected of baptist yps meeting meld at the home of mias laura rcid had many interesting features the regular weekly meeting of the bypu was held on tuesday evening ut the hame of miss laura reld young street the meeting opened with hymn fallowed by prayer by the pre videiit mr stanley crlpps after the scripture ictson uie annual business wxislon was held and encouraging re port were given the fallowing officers were elected for the ensuing year honorary president rev baxter president mrs chariest lundsborough vicepresident muu jessie coles secretarytreasurer mlsrt laura ileld organist mr chiu lajidsborough assistant oraanub miu war den christian pelloutililp commbslan mr wumcr pryer tewardsilp commission mrs veldhuli devotional commbslon xtr stanley cr ipqti service commission mlw laura mc mullcn photo gueijlng contest wati lleld hen first photo of members were on display and humorous new factory in operation ajax kngineerh have ecuipment installed and now filling orders from iocal plant during the pojt few ueeks ajax enulneen ltd have been getting machinery installed in tliu acton plant vult to the factory this week rvvcau thut already much of the machinery li installed iitid in ojkrutlon tho plant is now in production on some ruiji ordem for wocden tanks that are required for immediate delivery plans are being made for putting cither cement oriuphalt flooring over two section of tho building that arc not ut present floored the fuctory equipment including sawn pluinir etc iiecejdiry for all typed of wood working equipment for ateol rork prehsci power hack iawa drill tc arj tihm required and inulalled for tteel work in the product illustrated recently in tlve patt phcwj the lumber used ui matly cedar cyprei nnd red wood and ijivcral cur loadii are now unloaded lrwdc and out ide uround the duildlnij machinery ued in milking wire wound wood pipe iult been acquired within the pwt few ucckjt and will be moved from tho plant at alexandria and installed in the factory at acton itepaln to the building are contem plated and arc being arranged th weather permit mct of uie employees urc local men and it is not the intention of the company to have many of uie families remove from toronto if capable employees can be found in acton the rodgersalgie wedding at brampton quiet wedding took place in grace mdlcrlntuni hampton on saturday hen mjjj maryphoobealgle daughter rtnai county knglneer smith and aijc for his advice on needed repairs the main street pavement at uie bridge was badly in nied of attenuwii april first cleaver tlien tlw next day an article in uie prcf told how all the mtmberr were being crowded out cf uie dining room and being forced to wait owing to so many ouiers bchig deslroiki of eating here whll the placti was com fortably filled weve been in plenty of uv of an aprl jihowor mnrcm eating place where the elbow room waa ottlllorm dcw on uila part of the icob but few where uie service was provlnm gut in albcruli uie better jmetit defaulted 200000 ot provincial in uie evening ue filled the inner man bondii aprl foot leavc wmculln at downtown restaurant and found to bci rcmcm here being served number of mem bert of the ilou dr blair and oloditone of neighboring ridings halton ana others on uie uay back to tho parliament bulldlnc dr niur gae some enllghtment on hu propouil to find more humane way of pifahini held blrudjty hriuue and murderers from this world into the new kl tta ejm al ulc nn uian by the pmnt approved way ol tll bt lhl blrth hanging by the neck until tile are dead lny ulut or we agreed that urcly ulcre is better prlzw brldf0 ttl uon by mr in mllil nnrl generation and ii rir tl eichtejenth birthday orseuved sk trouii of the lakelde chapter cellent time was had mr coles con ue ducted contest on the south african walker hodgcrs iin of mr and mra tlie meeting concluded with prayer uie pastor followed by delightful re oklctatlne the bride freshmenl provide by the lunch com ven ta tt tlmple navy blue spring suit and car tried bouquet of butterfly roses she vf aorr cimrrki ended by her sister mkji dorli bruce pearce simcoe alble wh3 uorc nnd bro rll heads weekly newspapers suit ensemble and carried bouquet of johanna jl roses mr charles hill james johnson as he appeared in the parade in acton last august wltjl his gxeli hepansed awriy last week bl nassagawcyu musical festival heldjhis week actn scholars will participate in nearly all eventa open to school fc today tomorrow and on saturday halton county mtalcul 1vuval in be lnu held at burlington in trinity united church the adjudicator li mr camp bell mclnneii for today the event opined this mcmlng with liearing solos of rural schook and ther was splendid entry from uiroughout the county tlie girls rural solo luid 2g entries for the under 10 cuuxi and 25 entries for the class under 12 the boys class under 10 years had 20 entrlei tills afternoon uie 25volcc mixed choir of uiree and four room uchools will be held the urban tolo for girls unde tfl yeure is also on the program it lias live entries with two of tliem from acton tile 5volce boys choir wul also contttt tiie rural solo class for boys under 12 years has 17 entries from llmehauc and from dublin in tills district rural duett liave ii entries with one frcm dublin and one from kv minstrel flashes was good show rijt canl good costumerf and scenery make ica1 event unique bruce pearcc slmcoe was elected toronto uas grooiruimun mn president of uie canadian weekly fultn brampton preilded at the organ newspapers association ontario quebec the church uas cliarmlnnly decorated dlvmon at the annual convention in with spring flouera palms and fern montreal on friday he will succeed foltoulng the service wedding rocep walter legge granby pi rice of tlon wai held at the home of uie bride huntsvlue wrut elected vicepresident parenti on lome avenue after motor and doble smluis tails secretary trip to rochester and other new york treaeurer directors elected included state cities mr and mrs rodgers will larhbrook rodney mclean make their home nt stratford plcton hugh templln ivrgus john marsh amhenuurg mctavisli cornuall treslder klrkland lake prlnieau huntingdon que and gllea lachute que the presidentelect mr pearco road brief iybmltted by the ascioclation to uie government opposing proposals under uie industrial standards act of ontario government interference in buslncic rubscrlptlona and advertising ucre dis cussed by the auujclatlon festival transportation dr kannawin to visit norway in hls duil capacity secrtuiry of rcllclouit education council of canada and ius secretiry of the boirj of sabbath schools of the prebjterlan church rev dr kannuwln ill attind tin 12ih worlds sunday school at speunal meeting of uie sciiddi board on monday evening arrmiflcmenti uerc made for transporting the children of uie public school to the annual halton musical pvttlvaj being held at burlliirton on thursday friday and saturday cf this week pupils rom rc ulul contcctanta in notsogaweya from uils vlcbilty this evening at seven oclock the adjudicator will be mr atkinson in the girls duett for urban school acton has entry and also in the boys duett docs in tlie high school girls claims there are 11 entries and acton is not represented the threepart chair and piano solo arc also on the program but acton has no entries in uiese classes mr atkinson will be thp adjudicator for friday morning uhen uie piano solo be heard uiui entries undr yean tlie class upder 12 yearu has 13 entries with tuo from acton there are 20 entries for the glrja under 10 urban solo and acton is represented by fuur contestanli urban boys jalo under 10 years class hoc 19 entries and from acton will contest the piano solo under 10 years hai 15 cntrlos with no 10 equeslng dublin and no nassagawcyn having entries from uie dtitrlct at one oclock tomorrow the girls under 12 years will comjiete in uie urban solo class with 21 entries acton school has four entries glru under years urban solo clavi has 19 entries and acton school has four contestant the boys clasi of the ime ape has entries and acton lc acton illch school ulll also take part in an orchestra to play in toronto dur ini the eiuster ueek do not miss the easter drama commended dr blair on his introduc tlon of uie matter before the jxasioii uus short period in uhich mr clearer fcund time to show us about it some yean since consolation we visited ottaua and uie parllawient coopjr buildings ucre not on our route tliat umo lucky prices from the outside uiey are of course pretentious the inside is quite in keep ing with the front view hallij of marble full of offices and member and nlati mn rder and mr ryder prlus for euchre uere uon by mr gamble and mr will chlsholm mr nellk and mr wm uon by ml young and mr biou ivilloulng uie cird dainty refresh ments uere served by uie groups in harge the birthday cake ulth llti officials quarteri lit to ulc senate hteen lighted candid uas cut by the chamber empty except for tendant at that hour beauuful room some day ue hope to see it actloi uc mean ulul the senator in uilr places in action units quite much to expect more hull of marble and behind the seenei to tne roonu at the mdca of tlie house of coniiuons uo4ruls on oiu cde the opp sillon on the other at the rear room uherc both muy mrt tluui the library ulth books lo uk right and leftubove and wlou thru the room uhere every paper in the dominion is mi illf und of ciure mr cleaver could place hu hand immedi ately on the file of tiix fmxic phxi and ouicr hultol county neupapcrib our vuu about uie building made aplcmidld background for vlut hi ihe membrrs gallery to hear uie drbae the ilu wls hi committee dcolllg wlui hem gardiners bill on ue wheat uimrd itkr malu of uie nieli btrrf were ubottt hlf rilled the gmunloi werntt crowded it wm apparent uut concluded an page ught risjent mlv vlda ranuhau there uius uood attendance and en ubu evening provld shoppers juide the folkvwtitf are the pje hi uhlrli udvrtlwiikrnlii apiiar in thu fcuv kre livw pate arrwhw groeery kaktrn slrl pruductm pati sauda tea kelloen ivcdutu kugn mid jtlo urll luay itk hjlchcry it it kuchlui ii llbrliwuy firtwrr aclii lriuly wdor kulunt irry thu la urubt coo wallue ka writ hi liuuitrwt klrwtory oi lroirlotud men crovoa kroduu ku krhy it ajbt ituiua fet if tlltott iwxmi kan ry kloymj tluaml illini jb son lu ktacmiii kiimti convention in oslo kciruay to be held from july cui to 12th he will respond for the dominion during the convention roll call of the nation mr kannnuln will accompany him word from tho olflct of the nellglocl icducuuon coun cil indicates that 17 othem lncludlnc en from the united states will sail from cunada for the convention dr kannauln is brother of mr aloj kunnuuuj actmi and frequent lltor iiere and has several occa sions occupied knox church ulptt the stirring easter drama resurrcc on which vas jrejnted in the united church uut eater ls being repeated oy ri on wudnesdjxy evtrnrnt aprtr ulh at oclck the cast lncludt th uornan helen cook the nameless one mrs steuart the young man jack reld gaji norman gibson figure in white tom nlcl and jaeph of arl nihlhii roy johniton the junior choir for 25 voices has tlx ichool entered and of course acton among them it ill be heard at jo at four oclock the girls double trlq will sing it has entries and acton is one of them the piano solo for ihuc tinder jears has entrki and under 10 jears entries in tlie evening the high school girls solo ulll be heard ulth entries th high scho bovs iujio ha but one entry nnlnr tl utnttii divorce case in halton court at the halton county spring ajlzes iilch ouued at mulon on monday afternoon mr justice iclnutone grant ed vernon rxitji iver fanner of nelson townhlp divorce from his ulfe sariii helen peer the action uus undefend ed while giving evidence in support of the uctlim mr peer fainted in the witness lx but uas 10011 revived by dr ii mccoll of milton una was touted in tlie court room car abandoned for two days 1030 bukk car wiu left itandlng on the lilgliway just wtt of acuill chief cf police mcpherwm wus notllled and inquiry revealod tliat the cur hud been alalen it was brought into acton and left ut local gurake awaiting claimant pltlcmiklt llklhuun who announced this week unit hi spilii 111 health he will retain the uberal ltuavrtthlp in ontario girt ha entries tenor foo for boyi under 21 liiu three entries baritone solo his me entry senior high school duett has entries and high school double trio entrlei the hltfh school choir of co voices continued on page five jjtekary society meets giiup two in leadiiur group tlie content morkn ut third group to le announced tomorrow group three uere in charge of the meeting of ac ion high school literary society uua 1yuiay aftemovii oiwl rod ujder prnided jean uennle read the minutes the orchestra of the group cave i4 vera selection on uie program ujl reading by frances dills pre sentation depleting scene in the girls cloakriuim at the school wiu given by the jroup the gr up paper the cs review uas read the first part by betty wutt and the second part by dnrbi blow monologue wui contrjjititwl by sheila breen impromptu speecliej uere given by kuy chapman john dennis and howurd norton on vurlety of subjects the laime judejl crluclwi uie pro gram and announced that group ii wad leading at present tlie marking secured by group iii in to be announc at the ineeung tnmormw nutlonul anthem brought the nioctlng to cioch for tliree nights last week minstrel fiosiua wo uie attraction in acton town hall presented by acton cltlzcna band vurloos minstrel sliowj have been prejjnted locally but uils year uie band staged john rogers production professional directress costumed aiu dollars freight train rolled to road over lie ilridge on no highway at ilrehlau no one was injured 22 cars were deuahjed twelve railway freight cars part of oh eutbouiid cnu train were heaved ovir uie side of subway bridge at brcslau to uie huchway feet below when tlie truln was derailed early tmcsday fciht of uie curs lying oa uielr bldei or standing on end were sirewn acrosa the highway three oil cars were piled one on top of uw other at caic end of the bridge highway traffic was blocked for iveral hours fortunately no automobiles linppcncrd to be pairing uirough the subway unmi the curs fell broken rull was bhdlevcd to hue caused uie wreck cue of uie most dis astrous in u1l1 dltr let lu years ajuiough there wm no loui of life on injury the wrecked train was tlie midnight merchandise freight which urt kitch ener at 12 so am utul consisted of 31 cars total of 22 cars jumped uie rulld and uie damage to the rolling stock and mcrclumdlse will run into uiousondii of scenery were used to make uio tiliow different tlie attendance was juat fair but the presentations made well bal anced program and an entertainment ulat wnj pleasingly dhtcrcnt toytown admiral was tho opening number presented by mrs gar diner and group of tchool children with betty glbron and billle vincent in duett missed darouiy dunn and atme holmes presented tap dance on uie radio was flush which had mli meryl grlndcll for uie radio girl mks ruui glbrjcn ac artist and mr charles klrkncss as announcer tlve hotel broadcast featured mr cliarlea kjrkness as hotel manager ljciiioyirtrcrc it is believed tlutt at least seven of the cars mubt have been lifted from uielr trucks and uirown clear over the seven foot railing of uie bridge without touching the top tlie landing of uiece cars on uie pavement below caused noise according to tlie villagers nearby tliat was terrific considerable damage watt done to tho huge concrete abutments of uie bridge and cracks two to three inches wide were visible on top of uie bridge when uie train approached the bridee over uie taibway which was completed in 1931 it is believed rail broke after the engine and uiree cars left tlie track followed by three or four ouiem but they lloyd liisterbrook norman gibson tom nlcol jolin nlcol blu hull jack mc mulleru blng ramsden sam simpson spellvogel george simpson porters were rlgby cross cliarlea wlfcon jack mcgeachle camiiy byrne gordon cook joe hurst mammy the sweeuieart ofthe kitch en ww played by mrs cameron lelsh man and manda by mus edna hlnton tlielr chorus and solo uork uerc snappy and well presented on uie radio program as heho folki by tlie minstrel company memory lane by mrs cameron lelshmon manda by uie minstrel company raiputln by charlie wll son eojt of uie sun by grenvllle mosaics lulus back in town by joe hurst chasing shadows by bill harrop tlie girl at uie ironliyr board by the inimitable cordon cook blue rosen by george simpson ill never say never again by rlgby cross tup dance by jack mogeachle the simple tilings of life by jack mc mullen the concluding numbers on this part hud uie enurc company in every boya smllln down in dixie sons of old black joe and old black joe with jim smith and uie company the numbers of coune uere intur spcruedhi ith good lively minstrel chatt and jots and the six porters doing full duty on the end mens chairs part tuo gave another variety of show in long distance please miss jooj phine mckeoun and jack reid and joe whittam gave telephone sketch ulat was amuiing and original say it ulth flouers had the led parui plaved by wm burton and mu icay chapman tlie chorus for uie numb uas marjorle gtbrjin annie dunn lillian liyrnc bessie itnulings may chlsholm apd laura hall with mki fannie hurst and jack reld is the principles questions was sketch that wan amusing and like other numbers well presented down on the purm uas just ai its name chorus of airls with paddy harrl iu miiry and jean bennio ai concluded on page eight remained upright on the ues tlve next five cure turned over after being pulled tuo hundred yurdi coit of tho bridge and these were followed by twelve moro curs which became detached from the heavy wheels and were heaved over uie high railing of tlve bridge to the pave ment below distance of 50 feet tlie train wai brought to standstill before 10 of tlve cars reached uie broken rail it uas one of uie most disastrous rall uay wrecks encountered by the auxiliary crew from stratford in many years it li nearly thirty cars idnce uiere has been similar wreck on tlie main hue in una trlct it was tajd tiie downeswood wed ding at guelph citizenship night the cltljuruhlp group under uie lendcnhlp of tom nitu had cliargc of the met ting or the united church young peoples union on tuesday even ing miss kitty savage and mb ruth oluon took parts in uie devotion ll exercise editor jack reld read the uplirter und may nlct4 contributed solo the topic am ciuireiuhip and was taken by tom nlcol the conclud ing iuin uas reading by mks tina kicol to meet in winnipeg the annual convention of uie can adian weekly newsjuiper asioclutioii will ihizi year lield in winnipeg dur ing the month of july tills was decided ut the meeting of uie directors in ottawa on friday last of tlie board of tweiity fur dlrvctors sevtnuujycre preaejlt ttirat uiu mcvtuig in uie ciiuictui laurler lrruldrnt iiarur of chllllwuck bc pwlded very pretty wedding uus solemnbred by rev gallagher on saturday afternoon when iiva gertrude daughter of mrs wod became uie bride of cecil owborne son of mr arid mrs downcs guelph tlie bride looked charming in tangerine crepe wlui silver lace collar and matching occessorieo she wore corsage of tunsmah roses mbyi grace newtead as brldesnuald was gowned in broun crepe ulth matctilng accessories and uorc corsage of goldengleam roses mr robert downed brother of the groom acted as best man later reception uas held at uie homo of mv and mrs dounes at uhich the bride and groom uere the recipient of many beautiful gifts after short mtor trip uie couple will reside guelph omtteveirts aniinutucnirnd ol meetlutlb can ccrla or otlicr evrnta uplcr tlnb itcaitinu arc tliarged ccula per line witli itiuiliiiutn charyc fur sny jiiiiouiicrmriit ot jjc lioikuood conunuauon school coiir cert 1mday evening april 3rd in the toun hall admlisloii 20c and 10c sale of lkmimadi baking and after noon tea at the toun hall by kli ladles aid on saturday nfjeriuuin april 25th woinenu iiitltute euchre and dance in uie town hall on friday april 3rd andy franks orchestra admljlon 25 cents lakeside chapter dane on thursday april lcui hi town hall hurnv ny orchestra couple 76c plus tax the churchill young peoples society are holding pancake social on thurs day evening april dth at uie lvome of mr aruiur swuckhmiur isincukc and maple syrup und good program all for 26c tlie easter jlranm reburrectkm under the auspice of uie young ladles friendly circle will be given hi uie united church on wdnoady mning april bui at do hi admuadon and loe