Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 2 Apr 1936, p. 6

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paob six the acton free press thursday apkjl ft 3iid 10m bokekaking bach dmy brings back its dimple task the name aa yesterday and like tho one came and went on days before yean thought on this with sudden and now my lht fa clearer and how much how much the worldy has need of roe that may make quiet calm retreat where those lovo may com and alt and cat the bread of klndneas drink the ready cup of hope and faith and going may look up some whit tl higher for the moment spent where have tolled to make home content with cleanliness and order warm and bright with all that speaks tlio tired hearts delight the simple task ngrows greater so llvo within my walls and think how may give seme good to any soul who enters here and fall not notice in friendliness and cheer menu hints kaetpe cor nw ul navel duw tlwiham uesa uam till kasteh food arat hy llctty barclay easter ifi the time of year for show ing off the birds arc proudly display ing their new southern plumage the trees and flowers arc winaome in now colorful gowns and very maid and inac rispundcnt in the howcst and best tile liprhigtlme has to offer one final glance in tha mirror tiien its off go to the eastcjf paradcl the inner mail deserves spring treat tco that why eiuitcr sliould bring new tkol of dilntlcd to your home tlitre arc lo many novel and dfllclou1 menu jmuslbilltut ulat it stems thame to icrve the nutuc old thbius day after day ilomcmber tills when you pun jour iprlniitune mtuk and show oif lltue at hmc lth these nc dluuti pehviicton sponge cake lj cuui lfted cake flour lj uojnoonji doublcactlnk baking pouder teaspoon suit cgff polk1 unbeaten cui cold uater lj teajpoonj grated lemon rind cup1 sugar ckk uliltxo unbeaten teaipocn lemon juice sift flour once mcauro add baking jwuder and wait and sift together throe timet to eg yolk add uater and lemon rind and beat uith rotary cgrf beater until very light and foamy increase to quart or more in volume add sugar gradually beating well after each ad dition thcn beat in flour contlnulna uith rotary ogff beater beat egg whites until foamy throughout add lemon juice and beat until uutt enough to hold up in pinks fold into flour mixture turn into ungreased tube pan bake in mod erate oen 350 dcrreci otoe hour or luitil done invert pan one hour or until cold 3paino health drink warmer ueather calk for lighter diet unlets ou wish lsit from jour od friend spring fecr heaiy footl mua balanc nndl beverage green egetables frcdn frultl and plenty of fruit juices can ned jilauallan pineapple juice alone or with the addition or other fruit julcea nutkci an ideal drink at this reoaon ol uie ear and la natural enemy of spring feer ltua souttle cup ecoked dried llmas tablcfioona butter tablttnoans flour cup milk egg uhltui jbiaten itllf teoipoon ijfjt teaspoon onion juice teaspoon pepper egg jolia beaten hub llnuui tluough coarjy strainer melt butter add flour stir until month udd milk cook stirring constant until creamy add salt pepper action juice llmoji and jolki of egg mix well then fold in beaten egg uhlte5 pour into buttertd dlji and bake in moderate oven c350 digrtia about u0 minuter serve with tomato sauce iiamdunocr spaghetti pound jpighittl pound hamburger cup umatou cup onloii cut fine pound grutfd cliee tabic npoon butter salt pepper ijoll spaghetti in salted uater drain lel luunburger toinatoii und onions almnuir togetlier over slow fire for 30 jiiliiuud add gruted cheese meltej butter salt and pepper tate pour mlxturd ovir uw hot ouaghettl the farmer family frugal wife maie one lndustrlouii band worn ear to year they toll und save little to keep on hand no puffed up pride can them emaiar new fashions jield no charm their rule is live within your mean and mortgage not the farm economy with care and tact their chief ct dally rule in pindlnir uwng or in dress dotfri to tlii farming tool the boy tlont put on iiirs nor in their broadcloths ttrut about nor daughter in their silks trade they feel content without no liar without care li spent by either man or wife no not one costly luxury but heedful things of life auhlle krtd and sis young dick and kate each bend willing arm to add unto their wealth and kiep the mortgage off the farm and not feu have lurdshlpo uiared when adverse fortune frowned they tolled and saved today they rest wealth has their labor crowned ask their experience they will tell words uc should not forget wed sooner ride in the old ox cart tlian sink uie farm in debt yea farmen train your sons to work if not to hold the plow to earn an honest jlvcliliood though sweat rolls from their brow teach them to save wliateer they make twill never do them harm dut keep the slierlff from the door the mortgage off the farm from an old scrap book well here goes further on mill street in the block betueen elgin und frederick streets many incidents croud upon me an octcgenlarlan citizen said to friend of mine the other evening when dls uinmyrcminiscenes7 renumber as far back as the old man the clock tower can recall quite distinctly when uie place where barr store is uhlch was formerly john hill stand until his death and all along ui etreet and paut where uie otit tracks are now was hay field of coure there was no railway there then saw john and lucius adams hauling in hay to uie barn uhlch stcod behind where john kenniy house now standi on bower aenue john left for california year or io after to prospect fox gold he died on the way from cholera lucius tnlered the methodist ministry and died nr mllrhfll hi fliit nnrvntnunt he kept ft blood near and entered year rfter year in the races held on tho otralghtaway coarse which was popular on uie acton crossroad from the village to the fourth line this course won maintained in condition for racing and wkte enough for three or four horses abreast for many years mrs hul was remarkable woman the mc trier of three daughters and nhc or peven sons and she was helpmate to her husband for many years she made famous brand of molasses taffy which the chlldrcki of two or three generations delighted in above any of tho confec tuns of today tho hill family have nearly all passed on with only four of uicm remaining and none in tho old home town the photograph gallery in the hill touildlngttau fruitful means of foster ing the life work of number of actons young men mr james hill was on of uie first to become all artist thcr tlie place is now occuplpd by kc gardiner as watch repair shop having been remodelled some four or five yearn aao unu1 anyone familiar wlui uie old photo gallery would not know uie prem ises the other store on this lot was built for john hill thirtyeight years agi by ell snyder here tho business of stewart si hill was moved mr john hill having become proprietor the halj above was for years tho oddfellows jlall and tho iloyal templars orcstcr hbmr circle womens insututo and other oragnixatloiai used it it was used io ycard as band hull for acton citizens bond about five years ago lojui brook purchased uie building and modcllcd uie store and converted the second storey into comfortable apart ment on uie mxt lot remember uiat kaijuicl llghuuart hod cooper snop and number of coopers were employed xfany flour and apple barrels were turn ed out it was most interesting place fcr us bovs to congregate watch the busy coopers assemble uio stavai cn circle uicm wlui rlvod ash lioops and uien thtm ovejr fire in slice iron holder wlui open top to dry theu the lutut w4rc put in and uie lioopu driven down tight when uie llghuiearts moved to london uiki property was bought by the latsj robert swan the citizen who clianged the name of the plicc from adntrbvlllf to acton under mr suan ha the name acton adopted because acto near lndon cnylund wu lili blth place he the flrt postmartrt to be appointed when regular matte wen re ilvcd hire he wai an uncle of thi late jame mattheui and appointed him to be his arwltant mr swan built the prcnt twoitorey front to the smaller hotue occupied bj the llghtheart family after mr swans death mrs swan and her ulster mn thurlcll lived uiere lor man ears the cocper diop was enlargwl dn utilized for livery stable tklward matthews warden bros joseph allan and ii hutlldge all operated livery there ovr forty jeurs ago john wj hams canie from erlrt and bought u12 property he ran flrutcloiis livery improved the property made himself gord citbten generally and was elected flrit to the council and then to the rteeveshlp aftor several jears of 111 nes mr wllllims died about twenty tuo jears ago when the neat rcsldenc on the property was in counc of erec uon mr mcconn bought uie older residence and livery business and after car or tuo traded it to mr atkinson uho built the present brick bio and garage on the site of the old hiveryrtshle theframe rcsidencohiuv had numutrur unanui during uie past ear and is now owned by john wil llamson itoj arnold purchased the brick rtsdence sliortly after its com pletion and has made his home hero since his ret idence in acton and tns storey alove co has been owned by mcsrs ii arnold and his sons let this ruffice for ulk week in next usuo therell be recollections of the next property which was the home of mor doctaa than any ouicr place in town from uie days or mr shook sixty years ago dr mcqarvin dr lowry dr uren dr auld dr springer dr macdonam und rwripfl npn nr two nuirn gave babies away mrs linda jones facing seemingly hopeless fight against poverty mrs linda jones of san francisco sent neighbor into public park to find volunteer foslcr parents for her two baby children tho neighbors mission was successful now mrs jonei husband ma taken the mutter to court tkkkoom and uestuainf ajclkam klkcoub it dotit not matter vu much after all wheuitr you nulke fortune or not but it dots matter very much wlieiher or riot you kep sweet have cloon record uid live balanced life some of uie greatest men lit ull iiiatory were total failures as mojiy imikum but tluy wv notable successea in nobtllty and balancw of character clean uimrt of life ineuul stability of purpose and wtwbess of disposition dr shook bought the corner lut and tvlral otlilr loti when the adims property was mirvejm into lotr he lullt cottage on the corner eighty ji agj mr chule hill of peru ught this property from dr sh ox he moved to acton from peru on apr jid 1856 with shlglis mr mil lived 111 the cottage for short time and con cucted furniture biluutj in one of the stors in the barracks on main stre during the summer the cottag uru nilel back to site in the nar of tile pr ulit hop of mr it lash brook and the present tore and dwelling were built wm graham 01yd vir hum phries of milton ere ute carpenters uho reeled this building shortly afur iu completion acton post office wu held ii one ide of thti store for time the silt cut in the door for drop ttem may still be seen mr james matthews father of postmaster matthews was in charge of uie orflc in at that remote lau charhv hul was merchant in acton for many yvars and his son john continued uidushiji so uiat for sixty or seventy years tlwt wud hills store it uas uie oldmit store hi town which luul been conunuously in the same family kcniiey brou come next wlui record of bomeuilng over fifty and perhaps nar sixty yr mr hill wa ine of the first members of acton mun icipal council li 1873 but lid luul no love for public life uid did not onyr himself for reelrcuon his soi jui wj aouiv tlroi olerfc and tvcu fcurrr sir hul whs ureut lover of huises rfk9a good itnason whj do jou always look so gloomy glooinj in avojds many harl luck tale eeriec sales books aire the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we are agents ord will be pleased to quote you on any ityle or quantity required your homt pilnur first two powerful and npparenuy contra dietary currenln of thought ure nt work hi the world today freedom und re stralnt pretdom in iu extreme form would permit eacli lndlvlduol to follow his own impulses and desires whlli restraint wuld phlce almost everybody and everything under governmental con trol when tv opposite currenli in vvaur meet the result is whirlpool ird uiat all ome people se in pre tnt nditloiv lonfrngn dr johrcairrald rhevury of government li restraint so far oj the mdhldual is concerned self control oiil of uie cardinal virtue ouierwl there no freedom needier uild acutely household government is to teach the child to take care of him self how to be free in goxl nclety every one li under restraint no ona speaks out all one thinks nor docs no he pleases in the good life uie good family the good society and state these two clemcnui counterbalance carh other in hippy equilibrium the form op beauty beauty depends more upon the move ment of uie face than upon the furn of the feature when at rest thus countenance habitually under uie an fluenoo of amiable feelings acquires beauty of uio highest order from the frequency with which such feellngo arc uie orlglnauntf causes of the movement or expression which stamp their char acter upon it mrs hall hitki vob punctfjalitv titory tomes from thr states of an cmployt who was compelled under uie ntw ul ui tahui tho wues of certain hs mployret slv lollars we ho oullcd his employj together and told thrm thut hi future lie would fine uieai dollar lviry tme they were minute iuuj and lie udded if youre not minute hiuy ilii tlnuit wtek youvo flredl cold buntl infctia co dlttmtim you tnt li aodi th la nothing btmr you can tmk tha gfo bro quua do ih four thcmmiy thlnj opu ih bowala cooibu cold bna mad fumw hdeh ud miippy ling tooit up tbo tm duy go at four druggut tbayro 1st whit business dectory dr mcniyen physlelaii and office and residence corner vrfrwm arenue and klfdn street dr nelson pbya4ean and sargeea e3ectro therapy phons dr wm cullen pfayslclan and bmrreeck office hours 14 and 70 tn corner frederick and mill streets trjephone 12 leqajl household hints by mrs mary morton menu bint fruit cup or iced tomato juice deviled oysters potato chips molded vegetable salad rhubarb turnovers coffee 2arva this menu to guests for sunday night supper oysters will noon bo off the market bo am recommending uiem for use for perhaps the last time tho rhubarb turnovers may be apple turnovers instead it you prefer towavs uvcivm deviled oysteri two tablcspoonn butter ono qunrt celery cut fine one quart oysters cut in halves two ejiu yolkjt well beaten one qunrt coarse bread crumbi season inj salt red pepper black popper bit of curry powder paprika and worcestershire sauce melt bulter in snucep in ndd eel try and cook until tender at least 20 minuto add cut oysteri and cook until uicy are plump nnd bcjtn lo curl the cfii yolk and bread crumbs should next be added to the mixture cea on to your taste if mixture seems dry moisten with little criam spread in shallow baking dish nnd bake nt 400 degrees until lijhtly brown rhubarb turnover from sheet oi pastry rolled onefourth incli thick cut circular pi ocofou five inches in diameter smnll rnucer or cover or little low will tcrve on marker for the circle cut around this with the point of ihnrp paring knife spread on balcinfi sheet on onehalf put spoonful of thick rhubarb unuce moii ten cdc of tho circle with cold wafi fold pastry over filling nnd press dg firmly togouier that no juico may oap prick tho tops with fork bak at i50 degrees until delicately browned facts aktt fancies maple candies mnplo taffy ono can sweetened condensed milk anahalf cup mnplo syrup dujli of salt stir together over low heat lo tho hard ball stage cool on buttered pari pull until firm and cut into pice maple divinity three cups maplo syrup threefour um cup com iyrup thrcefourlhs cup water two egg whites one cup chopped nuts onehalf teaspoon vanilla boll the two eyrups and water till the mix turo threads from tho tip of the spoon 240 degrees pour slowly mwr stiffly beaten egg win tea add huts und vanilla and beat till very tiff pour into buttered pans and mark into tqunres stmstttute toft gttanulated shaved maple suiar max ke bud stltutcd for granulated sugar in cus ids blnnc bantfo und pudding tauces in making ice cream use two cupi maple iyrup in place of cue cup granulated iugar to one and onehalf quarts cream pour the hot syrup over two egg yolks nnd coole over hot water iboul eignt minutes add the cream and dash of nlt and freeze you may use half milk and half cream wife preservers phono no 33 boa us harold nash farmer barrfaler solicitor nom7 pabtte canvnyaaecr kte mi1a street actom or iloure 0jo to 13 00 noon 100 tn to 00 eaturds 13 oo oclock kenneth langdon barrm solicitor notary trnluu offices acton oeorfcetora over jseynucka cafe uatn btreei 0l tot appointment phone acton georgetown office hours acton tuesday mmt thursday lis to 420 tn mgri on request cental buchanan denial ftoryean oftlce in 3leuhman block ilouro tn until pm kvzunc by appointment as for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phone 14 pearen denlu stuxtxra moved to our new quirters in the symon niock phnnp 20 mu1 street jlctom vktkrinalty you ui while 01 pray rug in ftonl ol you acuwifl lible no one with uioit hap it will not iliow iraccj ol powder and kairt will liottlickiolfurioii lo il dr bruyns veterinary sureeczs phone 135 actonf ontaxuo office ulll street snsctlxaktotjh the free press offers you great subscription bargain ihat saves you money here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment dtt th wh iol through this is all you have to do select any of these famous magazines ytiir local sews paper and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low price current tjiougtit yr mkdaarat 14 iui yr chat jkme yr qcankclian yr nlioni homt monthly lyr pyori rviw lyr canadian horticultural and homa magazine lyr our guarantee to vou this wonderful offer la nvull able to old und now jubicrib era tothla newapaptt wo irunrantoo the fulfillment of ull mujiitzlne iubcriptiona und you have poaltivo uvitiruncu that thla tencroua offer la exactly represented ho newula will bu extended for full term aliown francis nunan ktookblndo account boolu of all idadi mid to order periodical of tovcry deacriijiini carerully bound kllntf ntauy uid promptly done wyndnam street ouelph oat general in wb srtciaoxb in lio fire health and accidenczrautiiinohilfl wiiidmlomi plato glass lioiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets lkading comfanikm excllulent facuutuat rfcprnexiliuy0 kvoeuvo axmocim tlon of cukoda fv lutuan only red wright acton ileaie clip itsf magazine alter checkinj publica tions desired fill out coupon carefully gentlemen enclose pleuae uend me uie three muuuxinea checked wlui yeura tiubiicripuon to your newapaper name street town and pitovlnce ales auu4 km mm jkak ttui by ooall the acton free pr ess uon 1m

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