vrr thursday april mb 1930 the acton free press paoa ann snow fxowejls whirling and dancing in mazes dizzy all eight long che snowflakcs were busy busy aa beta arc busy in cloves and bees are busy the wide world over tired little snowllakes in shy 00ft masses resting on twigs and branches and wee dorothy watching it in surprise babyhoods wonder in her eyes toung out on the world so white wise wlbh wisdom out of our eight babyaettlea it all in minute itjr winters garden wlf anowflowera in ltl annie itamllton donncll twenty teaks ago syocn the issue of the free of thorsday april 13 1016 it snowed on the 12th of april last year and on the 0th this year mr robert qrundy of osprlngc lost hta residence by fire on monday major robert john mutrle 0031 of col john mutrle postmaster of rock wood was killed in the front in franco last week postmaster matthews celebrated his eightyfirst birthday last friday hto recovery from his tractured thigh year ago was remarkable and ho is quit smart at getting about again the biticlal badge of the luth haj been approved and the men will be sup plied with uvcm at an early date tho design has two maple leaved reprcsnunr the counties of ilalton and duflcrlii mr crltcher mkwuoiuury from chlngtu weit china delivered 11 tn addrenfi in the methodist church on sunday mrs john mcklnuon luu kated hor farm and intciub to return to her resi dence at acton fcoun bliacktmn noiwaguwryii on thurtdny marcli 30tli 1016 to mr and mu john blapk daughter married cookjones on tuesday march 28th 1916 at the home of the bride grand rapids mich by rev puffer harris coolc formerly acton to myrtle janes itlkd hornbyat cheney man on mon day march 13th loin william horn by lat of acton ui his 65th year hemstreet at the home of hu boh university ave toronto on monday april 10th llfl william llcmstircct ui hla bath year waller at the home of her son wuliom waller agneif street acton ion thursday april gtli 1013 caroline llolden widow of the lute waller in her 74th year chronicles of ginger farm written specially for acton free press gwendoline ciarkk well we breathe againl tho muulc festival over for another year so there will bo no more need far partner to como tho heavy father with our won when instead of go big to choir practice lie wants to go to the bush and watch the tractorman saw lumber or go to the dentist have tooth out or one filled anything rather uian practise is such an attitude typical of boyu in gen eral wonder or just of our son in particular it nee ml like very lazy attitude to want results without the trouble of working for them generally speaking think it is great thlntf for children to learn music either vocal or instrumental but at wmes liavo been tempted to wonder and wonder serlounly whether in re gard to musical festivals tile game worth the candle it mean tremen dous amount of uork for the teacher lot of coercion from the parmlrc unci create marked digree of nervous ten nit in the children and jo yet thn piumt tviry ho often riidit up to tin time of each flstlvtil und iut myself lu 10 nil worthwiilier ahd then conw the tvjtlvul go fencr ully ur often can listen to the chlldrn nlnulng und pluying with vary ing dt ures of prailclency watch thi iily irruce with which omc of them face the audience nnd remember from year to year the individual performance or tood many of the children and not alw their yearly improvement by the time the festival over tun absolutely in fuvor of its continuance junipers have many uses the wood of the juniper is employed in making pencils cigar boxes and tor cablnrt work of pcrliapo even greater interest is tho fact that juniper seeds yield an oil which is used to flavor gin it is for landscape purpocs however that the gruui junlperus is moat valu able there are ovrf tucnty diutlnct species of juniper from which many horticul tural variotlen liavo been derived in fact there arc so many types juniper that there is form suitublo for every situation in the landscupe urden ex perience in the ornamental grounds at the unueraiul experimental station indicates that th following varieties aro especially well adapted for home bcauti llcation trailing form fcf the native junl perus bcopulorum found in the lake windermere district of british columbia excellent for planting in rockeries or covering unsightly bank individual plants of thll species are uliicxual fe male planbf bearing berries and male plants producing pollen tnly tlic fe male plant are especially dcolabjc us they carry crop of attractive buegreen berrlco throughout the year these ber ries take fcuo years to mature with the result unit one two and three year old berries are iuiiicthnt present on plant at the same time sprigs this juniper brought into the hcue in autumn make very artktlc bouquet and provld wl care ut taken to chance the water frequently cm be kept fresli throughout the inter for foundation planting tho pnlzcr nnd snvln juniper have been found very satisfactory they thrive in sun shade ijrtliermore tliey are hardy and drouirht reistunt of graceful spreading luiblt they lcldom reach height of more than four feet the peailng green color of the foliage jj retained throughout the winter where pyramidal fornix are required ancient frieze shows milking feature that lias pleased me jo for accent in the landscape plant big uie certified heed potatoes with th increasing prevalence and number of diseases of potatoes and tfiu greater rfcik hi purchasing seed about uhteh nothing known by tlw purchaser bai come uujtelzation uuiothpro ductlou of high cwri seed requbrca slieclal care very satisfactory system of seed potato certlucatdon hia been developed in canada by uie division of botany central experbneutul varrru much the last few yars ti uie inclusion of hgh uchoaly entrlei in uie fcntlvnl until music was vncournged in our hlgn sclicols could not see the sense of spend big much time or money on it in public uchools because just tu clfildren were getting tjamc benetlt from music being taught it was dropped rauier like kindling tire and after it was going nicely putting it out again but now thingi are much better in public school children are able to obtain at least rudimentary knowledge of music they ore encouraged in nolo james work they learn to overcome nnturnl timidity und tngo fright and by the time they reach high school their inter es hi music hclpa uiem over that dif ficult period in which gluing boy or girl lei 10 urgently in need of felf ex pression if may be permitted per onnl il lusion uould like to tell your some thlngnbcut myielf when iuu child jay from five to eight was despirntely fond of muilc so fond of it unit could hardly bear to hear it thst may sound like an exngueratlon until one takeii uito consideration that ur irish juniper can be ued to good ad vantage there is also columnar forms of junlperus vlrgmlanu sometimes cal led the red cedar mast junipers are green in color but there are ery beautiful blue farms of the socnued red cedar and ako bcopulorum the silver juniper which is native to british columbia the meyer variety another artistic bhie juniper of comparatively dwarf habit th andofrn juniper is unique in that the foliage li vivid green in summer out turns rich plum color lnnautumn branch and is based upon two iekl aho unusually reserved not for inspections of tlve trowing crop and uoliid nalc anycne me cry iq uhm of uie tuber afur liarvrst only bum my mouler nt the plftn3 and potato which meet the standard for broths and sbters and their fjiend ccruncatlan are eligible for sale ai ccr crottti rou ht nging hymru jled seed and owiruil tag are supplied the old favorite song1 it was gener fore if the government tag not on the package the potatoes are table stock only und seed prices sliould not be paid tiiere are two grades only of u1u tacn seed pouitoec certitled kxtra no and certified small sued ij3 ojj the room and hide and oh ho would crj but no one ever knew it then came the time uhen the piano attny it really belonged to my aunt nt remember how sh came to leave ii with but well if uie tags do net specify either of tjiese reniimbct it going away mid my mother crjlng and saving it uon like coirii going out or the hoiue it un an apt deirriptlnn for music which within our home had become liviiik thing uu gradej uie potatoes are not reed pota toes there is definite nevd of field inspect ions for seed pouitoei certain virus diseases are not obtrvalile in the tubvrr and can only identified in the grow ing plnill obviously only low ieldj an be expected fr 111 dtj rd plant it big mlstake to wmclude that go iwtatoei tan oe selected tupr ap iiearance alone theie are no regulations in efrert which pn vtnt anji ne from ini ii kind of potatoes for setd purikw and same of the stort are filing iblt not nltii in hinr rl tt the piirchufrs privlhgr if he pijs dead now mjpp ing milic as it taugli in our school tod ij had been taugu in thl tlkkd that nttencitd it wiii tautht but iiil cluiru work sup po ltif tlilld had been encourag ed to sine or pi tiiei to do bti din not show it thmiuh in rvoium ptihaj throuh nni it might have bf 11 uurht to immune that dreulful unnitui tl tliullh it iru mil mght anj rmt rrm oo rttph rrrtti mt the man of one idea we hav grown acustomed in these dns to hearing uie man with one idea inuded as very practical person the lne uho hai but single purpose nnd holdt steadily and soaccoinp llshti the more the truth is that one idea ls iuualy of very little worth unlei it is accompanied by tuo or throe othei to give it ballast and direction in nearly every manufactory and cvey business uiat emphjs help the grca ma of uie emplavees are uiae lio are fully occupied with doing the om thnig they nre engugeel to do the lay wage li their limit and bejond that the place holds for them neither inter ft nor care but there nre the ft the one two who are interebd jn the whole tcheme in what becomes ul their uork after it leaves their hands how it fll in uith the parts that others nre doing hou the whole managed and carried on nnd the knowledge they gain enables them to do their own nrt bettir nnd be ready for another part when it comes their way they are no content uith knowing only traction tlu nre intelligently eager to under stand the whole and it ls these ft not the oneidea majority who rfce pnui ns of trtit and power among tile many uitcresung relics uhlch have been unparuied during uio excavations of ur of ulc chaldean tho birthplace of abralutm io mosaic frieze allowing procession of cows on one side of reedbull byre from umi door of which two calvs ur cvn issu ing men siated on sloolsare milk ing cwk tlie men ult under tho cows tull milking the animal from behind the lulvci duly nuitzled are roped the eows heaelitall so as to encourage aer to give milk on die ouicr side of tile byre two men clean sliaven and wearing ri eee petticoats the official dreso of prieiqfe are plurlng milk through itrainer into veasel et on tho ground while two others are col lecting tiie strained liquid into greut stone jurs ililsfrleze said by experts to reprnent scene at farm auaclicd to temple furm dating about 31u0 ii employing dairy mrthodj which have been employed wjtli proflti hi uie intervening ceuturlcj another find of biterest to ttudcziu cf agriculture was small statue repre senting the goddess ilau seated on throne supported by gcene ilau was th patronej of uie poultry farm and her figure tquur upd thickset hi nounce and pleated dress reaclung to the ankle has an appropriately domes tic look nnd wantko healk well my boy said uncle tom how are you getting on at schol iili nephew looked trifle despondent oli not fo bnd uncle he replied and in trying awfully hard to get ahead thats good aid the uncle absent mindedly 011 need one misquoted beo here sold uw angry editor to uie reporter what do ylai mean by in serting uio derisive cxpreceion appln euuco in parenuicslj in my speech apple saucr7 great scot man wrote applause when do we find uie wind moct b1 bi when we are in uie teeui ef uie gale factographs tho first professional artist hi america of whom there is any record was lvnron kheni drowno of boston me is df rlbed oa an artificer in metafs and in wood tarvirig ft ryebrovvn proieet the tissue nlmve hie eyes and have great rnnmetir duo in being an ncot for sofletum iird facial fiiturtfi and hv rhnlir iilnneing the tiuly of tho skin its smooth going now anytime now worn traveller wndtired whether she could board uie sleeping car in uie yards and reure abend of the nrrlval the trnln can get on no before it atarts una whnt she really said the information desk woo more worn than she youll hnve to madam thankful youth you must thlnk im ns nig fool or look mlis uiink that if you arent you have grent deal to be uiankful for itll be smoother sailing for june lang from now on june worked hard for more than five years paying small parts but studio executive were not impressed and uho was dropped but so insistent wag tho demand from fans for her picture movie nnd still that she wan signed up to new contract nnd will tako leading roles hcnrcrorth june shown above in her most recent ohoto actually it is her four hundredth spring and easter make fashions news re tluin rtiiultir table stod pilci dimiml uv 0ir1cl1i tiit nthituu miiy only table stock well mir million bushr hint bi vi had ilc it till 11 of till ret opportun atliiiial vutn tlun ujij hould not tin allowrt for mra priitlc clutrat the ho hou in prtptratlon the 111 111 il tlvnl altir all clulclnii ire ihlluiui mm ami tin do not lmv paitlnilar fonclllii fm anvthin to itlis hi hi in of iail facllltli our 1111 totti mil ihcuw of tl rirtl platform lnilnliii uli poj ible throw lleil vanxl potato lac bcen urouhout the llluv for the lni jenri the bulk vlnie til hlklr of toilnj vvhrn tin of the al product li evp ruxl the kr lo be mu and iinid will bet pouto ifrowen in other countrle n0 npivar to appreciate uie value of cood llulll bl tl dvanta of 11 etl nnd in pile of plentiful local sup nwver do thlnl if niielc in pllu will paj the additional frleulu anl clmk the lt curriculum ucure ain ullan cor nl be inrlucrd one of the li ih li tin in of tlur pi inline hi vi mo1 of thim inn iiatiiiil hould be tila lin not lo defiit tin diivlni tin chllilrcii lv tariff charue to tided scd ottltiw vlusil to iecure thefr ly avd stocks iirr orovve are ad en ar qualllliatl ns vi lor mu but bv mu li acln own nil hnd time tables nadian nationalrailways 7ml 1007 tm offl at aoton oolnc dally except sunday dally except sunday dally exceptunday sunday only the chicago flier that here at 31 caatbound stops georgetown at 40 gain wast dally except sunday 864 dally except sunday x33p daily except sunday j4 daily except sunday 1231 sunday only 80ft sunday only 1130 standa1ld tttn arrow bus leave westbound 94s til 1145 tn uept utlirliy 21s 315 tn saturday only s15 tax 715 hi 1115 105 hi saturday sundays and uolldayu leave eastbound 700 111 dally except sunday u10 hi 1315 to 4jt rii 645 000 kav ulnkllault ttanneu to aix points in canada unitfcd statlis mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines tobonto collections isnt it utile you made up your hat of nuy and accounts which nre toj slow send them alotlir before otllew luive listed come of tho tjunc debt om tirst in first paid olf kelly aiken the colbxuon bprclaliau oltanguviixl ontaeio ku 1890 tel 90 new business iippur1 immedlntc pb for eral ketilnk cvavhuwl hcms of rj low xivth iihlic ls ri eninlid for ivacliem ip work and if huhik an edit sciatica kumlcat4 cuunum vou ljitin at vrld acid roluvintf tuitumiuan alkd selauca orown8 orutf storo jd rumacaps1 ulchjlc ity sprini and because hister ii just around the corner miiieiis isliious become bin iicwn here ii whit our new york pho lujiripher muipjied on park ave jxft icntliuen fox papular itnier vet rneinber nnd mrs nolle good nre weiirlnh new easier fjshiotib mis fox wears irjy chef iced ihrcequarterlencth swafi cer roil from siduur over pjnin bln sheer wool tires fe dora hat li worn with 1iht blnrlc veil the mat from sihiipnelb mrs jood weais lirhl cray ttubbley mil ot tweed with velvet rollar clistiiirtive for the manner in which the buttons arc on tho inilde rtlgllt dorothy mackaill former screen star in the smart ensemble will wear for the faster parade she wcaro jreen tweed iltirt nnd checked ireen and yellow jacket under in suit she wore brown blousa mid cieen tie gloveu nnd liiocu were reddish brown pltlntud eauiaaiimbttj wvu attraei tlew buahia tako tba tbie of lh old tkat you turu loolilf get m1t pritx on riuung the acton free press suuscriptions for all moazinc taken at the fre prcas offlc ralth iixs btin ctutonuirll imirtruill ail one of the iientli jriice loel frinlnliir llmire wltli gentle face ilender tirucful phjolqiii elml in vjls tioulnit such ii iwrtriiyal not alllilelhir anaraprlatr riltli uukht lo be reprr iinunl an iimuune lluure strong uthttlc lurlnu uth eyi of lire with muulea of iuel vvllh will of linn wlti every family hi full control nut riulr eent but hi intense actl lhllth bi trtut but it la more it li uctlun on the bal of wliat believed it li darlnu it oomaneou ii full initiative to conceive of fulth aa pvjlve atti tude of mind la to mltuke its reil liulure wtiere tlicre real fultli the vliole mull proceeds by uet art in picturing faltll as fctnbllne had not been profoundly true to the new taauuiient imtil haa more hiaaculble ulan fembl ina iualulea muggs mcginnls hv wally bishop