theactomfree press tznmanac afiul soui issa artnn jffrw flrees pubtuhej every thurday at acton ontario united stt se addlttoaal sn copies both old nd new addrsiiici hould be given when changa address requested cance1xat10nswe find that mjiat ol our ub crber prefer not to have their ubcriptlon jupted in case they fall to remit before capiratton while aub aczipllona will not bo carried in arreara over an extended period yet unlei wo are notified to cancel we omaume the subscriber wishes the service continued advertising rates on application and iven in various column headings although every precaution will bo taken to avoid error the free fress accepts advertlsinir in its column on the understand that it will not he liable fo any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement ureouestedjn wrl ft drool ol such auveriibcmem the advertiser and returned to the ijree ires buane office duly signed by the advertiser and with hca duly aiuncd by in blveriier nu wu much error ii any error nnlcd nut correpled til free pre luult hall nut exceed ucl proportion the enllre cot ol ueh dverilcment the pc occupied ed bear llic whole upled by afclol dills editor telethon es editoual ami llul iteildence speed early sunday morning four young lives were snuffed out in the twinkling of an eye when motor car struck trolley car headon it is said the motor car was going at the rate of 65 miles per hour hundreds of cases of speeding are tried every week inthl police courts and penalties imposed thou sands more could be prosecuted for infractions of the law but why all the speed what was the hurry of four young men that required speed of over mile minute to reach their destination there is no suggestion that any of them were ill or were being rushed to the hospital there was no emergency motor car builders have attained very high standards in building the car of the present day the machines are capable of remarkable ac complishments but many drivers are putting them to tests beyond all reason what is being accom plished by all this rush lives are being lost daily nerves are being wrecked and sorrow and suffering caused all to no purpose it is time for checkup and the observance of safe driving speeds sugilcd the suggestion was made to us the other day that the present was an opportune time for the con duct of rather extensive repair plan of the mun icipality it was further suggested that the work be financed under debenture plan rather than paid for in current taxes in supporting this suggestion it was pointed out that the money could be secured at low interest rutcs actons debentures would sell at par locally bearing four per cent interest ths cost of materials has not advanced to any extent and plenty of labor is available in the program of im provement suggested was complete repair or re building of all the sections of sidewalks that required such attention the extension of the water mains to north main street improvement of the lighting system on mill street in the business section and few other items that we have forgotten we pass on the suggestion for the consideration of council and ratepayers we think it has much of merit in it nspcctaiiy liitfuda tion of improvements under high interest rates and high prices for materials and labor meeting the public demand there has been considerable outcry against the rather conflicting reports and raising of fahe hopes that emanated from moose river during the rescue of dr robertson and mr scadding from their entombment in the mine there we arc ready to admit along with the general public that the rescue work was rather too vividly played up in headlines and in the dispatches from the mines but who after all is to blame with general public clam oring for news every live minutes when hours and days were really required to give reports with content of new developments it was soarcely to he wondered that the story at times got rather in ad vance ofthe actual facts of the case the newspaper rivalry of beihg hrst undoubtedly overstepped tilt bodnds if the public really desires less sensa tional presentation of the news they can rectify the matter birtjustsolorrgasextrnsrwillrsciireheudsr creute the demand and provide the sale that was shown in this instance just that long will there always be found publishers who are willing to go to fur ends to ftjed the sensational minds the public seemed to want excitement they got it and if they paid too dearly we have yet to read of the regrets of iho sensational sheets which supplied the beyondthe minute yes twelve hours beyond thominute news publip affair down in bowmanvillc thcro has been quite furoro over the discharging of the principal of the high school the whole episode bore such re scjnblancc to ono of which we have intimate recol lections that we havo watched thp proceedings with great deal of interest an attempt was made to exclude two reporters from the meetings but they held their ground and reported the meetings when the public business cannot bo transacted with the full knowledge of the public there is usually something amiss most reporters do not desire to make scene or causo local disturbance and the task of telling the public tho story is usually not pleasant situa tion the bowmanvillc statesman fulfilled its duties inthetangloandkcpttheptiblicinformedrf tfic proceedings many people who are elected to public office carry with them the idea of private conduct of affairs it simply cannot be vjpjic these disturb ances are distasteful and not in the best interests of any community but realization must always bo maintained by those in public affico that they must so conduct the affairs that they will bear public scrutiny too often petty little affairs are injected and are usually the cause of the disturbance the bowmanvillo rumpus was apparently true to the usual run they are regrettable and to be avoided whenever possible aciond finances auditors reports are now available on applies tion to clerk farmer if you want to know of actons financial condition that little booklet of about thirty pages gives you tho best insight of anything we know of it contains three schedules four exhibits and five statements and it practically answers every detail that ratepayers want to know it is most encouraging report in ipany ways for instance the net debenture debt of the town was 14876829 at the end of the year about 10000 per year is being paid off on the principle of the indebtedness the interest paid last year was an amount almost equal to the amount retired three issues will be retired in 1037 it seems hardly possible but yet the figures give tho information that the waterworks debentures havo run half their term and are now total of under the 100000 mark 30000 has been paid on the prin cipal of this issue in the schedule which follows statement of the debtors of the municipalitys given it is list of the arrears of taxes owing at the end of 1035 those owing the cemetery board account and for watir services are also given in full there is nothing hidden in this tnnunl statement of public affairs in acton some question the wisdom of this procedure but surely the public has right to full knowfedgc of its own business we will not comment further if you want to know of actons financial affairs the information is avuilable on application to the municipal clerk for copy of the auditors report editorial notes registrations of motor vehicles in canada during 1035 totalled 1176120 compared with 1123532 in ffl34r smith falls has inaugurated system of free service for electric appliances with charge only for parts used new lower rates are announced by the railways with more privileges to passengers than formerly to take effect in june the sunday school lesson for sunday may 3rd 1038 if there is feverish activity in spading the garden tonight it is no sign of an early planting tomor row is the first day of may mill street still continues to be far from an ideal roadway but the summer time is supposed totectifj all its shortcomings but summer seems so slow in coming the globes heading of last thursday morning rather pointed and those two wordi of really rescued had significance in view of the many re forts previously published according to the debunker in the mail and empire daylight saving time is not recent idea it was uced in ireland in c00 ad and advocated in america in 1884 and we might add that the qjies tion is still far from settled dr shields is crashing the limelight again at one of ins recent meetings woman heckler was struck in the fuce by man and had her scarf ripped off her neck oh no dr slnems wasnt the man who was guilty of such behaviour the woman had called dr shields hypocrite foreign sales by the canadian uutaarrobilc indus try increased by nearly six million dollars during elevenmoiilhoi hie liscul year justciosed with exports to the value of 23710017 compared willi l7r7ljl5 the corresponding period of the fiscal year lji35 passenger automobiles exported dur ing the period from april 1st ius to february 20th kuli numbered 13 015 with total value of 15380 078 in the same period of the preceding fiscal year 20418 passenger curs were exported valued at si 1000621 jesus thacmes toroivenebb humiutv and oratrtttoe ooldcn text bo yo kind ono to niv otticr under forgiving each other even as god rufio in christ for gave you edu 32 lesson text luke 17 110 time march ax 30 places on the yay to jerusalem near tho borders of samaria and gfcullee reposition tho inevitability of ocayiaiaraf tho literal jnoantng of tho word in tho drkrlnal translated occasions of fltum bting la snares or traps these are set for believers by satan but ood tnfces them into hlb plan and makes them as iosts cor 13 but this does nob lessen the giult of the one through whom they come christs little ones arc very dear to 3ilm to cause ono of them to stumble fe very serious thing those are solemn words of jesus better millstone hanged about his neck and bo cost into tho seat it is so easy to offend discouraging word hasty and unblhllcal expressions of opinion wrong personal habltn so great is the evil of causing temptation to others that it is better to give up the exercise of even an lnnoccntr habit mthor than let it become on occasion of stum bling to one who is weaker 01 cur 13 uomans 1331 15 13 el how often to ttorgjvo 34 there should be no limit to our for giveness seventy timed noven said jesus signifying that we should never cctisa rorglvlng matt ib 3123 this saying of our lord may seem bard command but we should rejoice over it ror if itc demands ncvcrfaulng for glvenecri of us in our dealings with others we may confldcnuy expect that he will act in the same way in ills dealings with us alow many of us are harboring lnsecrot grudgo over sonic potty slight or offense our concern should be over our debts to othew not theirs to us tun 1c once wc vision uc magnitude of aods forgive ness to us wc rjiall never find it hard to forgive others how liiilnltaslraal the wrongs done ik in comparison with our offenses towards him 1x1 lord increase our faith 510 the disciples were staggered at the thought tliat they must forgive so much conscious of their own inability to do so they cried out lord incrcabo our faith jcsui took the occasion to set forth the mighty power of fulth jooth inff li impassible to it heal faith can do anything that ood can do bei cause it links us to omnipotence in the parable that follous uic thins which jesut stresses li the spirit in which ve should serve god not wliat ood thinks of our work but how wc ourselves should regard it we have no right to expect or claim anything from ood wc luuc no merit or worthiness of our own at bett vc do our duty and tliit only tlie result of his grace freely bertoucd cor 15 10 tim 15 oal it is only giving back to ood part of uhat belongs to him thli is tremendous blow to selfrighteousness thonaturo hoaru rebeb against thtr teaching which moreover utterly an nihilates tho romish doctrine of the merits of the saints iv ten lepers cleansed hu jesus was on his last journey to jerusalem the most important journey of his lifo ho had to bo tiuro at certain time but rut aluays he took time to scatter blessings by tho way the ten lepero whom he healed ane striking type of sinners sin like l6proj denies shuts out from the society of the clean renders helpless hopclcsr consumes und kills samaritan was in tills woeful company sin and de filement level national dlitlncuorui there uaa nil other potjiible help for these llpen it is in jeus alone that tho sinner can find dellvorance from ms pollution and urctchtdncss tho lepers had heard of jtsu3 and had habtoned to meet him their leprosy proved blcss trtftrthttrbnouwitiinsr kome tlmej vhat we count our misfortunes prove to be our greatest bliiungs when they saw hun afar off they clcd out with all the feeble cllort of their ruined olcti the cry uas thort earnest and to the point jesus master hae mercy on us cry for help never fell un heeded on jesut tarsnor will it eer go unheeded romans 10 13 tho same compasln fllb ills heart today at the cry of the sinner as when he hujrd tlve poor weak voices of the lepers jcrus answered their prayer by giving thern command and obeying the com mand in fulth tlie cleansing panic whenever uc act on the simple word of jibuti we never fall to receive blesslnm from ills hand one leper returns thanks 1510 one of tram when he saw he wau heulid turned back glorifying ood ii ured his rctored voice to rlorlfj its re storer the lie were occupied ultn tile rift the one vtlth the olver how ofun ure ue so occupied ulth the gilt that ue forgot tlie giver the one who rvtunud to give thunloi uas the stranger the suniarltair jeus wot nkived by the insitluiae xf this htrjinger burteeply grluviuj bj tlie ingratitude of the others automobile tourist tkaftio gains backaches ttllmjkalrh tbtrt kir quick irowivn drusr store irumacapsl the neighborly invasion of foreign automobile tourist traffic which each year sweeps through canada custom ports oind out ports made largo gains luot year figures compiled by tho deport ment of national revenue show ufct tho total number of foreign cant entered in 1035 was 3605086 compared with 32ci 348 entered in 1034 on increase or 343238 automobiles entered far periods of over 48 houro and not exceeding 00 days numbered 071017 automobiles entered for pcrioda over 60 dayn and not exceeding jdx months numbered 1138 and 2632041 automobiles were entered for periods up to 48 hours foreign tautomlbllcs entering ontario il of ot9b3 cars compared with 134 but desplu thk drop ontario retained unchallenged lead among the provinces with total of 3374517 cars entered for touring pur poses gains were reported in all the other provinces tho three leading ports of entry in iho determined that the worst will come however it does not appear that he colled bade the blessing granted if ue took trom us everything for which are not duly thankful we should not have much left the three persona who in jesus lifetime received special com mcndatktn for their tolth were heathen centurion matfa 10 heathen woman matt 15 2428 and the sam aritan leper the saxnaritfcui left jesus the second time with larger blessing than when he left him ab first we got that larger blessing from christ when we return thanks tor that already received the ldcrs faith had saved him faith will tavc any one drawing by george shanks in the american legion monthly dominion were the ontario ports of windsor fort erie and niagara falls windsor issued 104532 sixtyday touring permits and 65 sixmonth permits whila ltn busy outport of wolkervlue issued 10168 sixtyday permits tmpg total of over 2o470o permits feisoed for periods up to or exceeding sixty days foreign cars entered through windsor and walkervllle for periods up to 48 hobrs numbered 595054 fort ie issued 133394 sixtyday permits and 160 six month permits and entered 623806 auto mobiles for periods up to 48 hour nbgara falls issued total of llooco slxtydoy permits and 124 aixrmcnth permits uhllc 512439 cars were entered for stays of 48 hours or less in 1935 the yearly exodus of canadian automobile tourists reached ltn highest mark since tho peak year ef 1930 with total of 65059 cars exported for touring purposes this is an increase of 145407 over the 513853 exported in 103a bound to know asslstopv toold lady who has hand cdlnatbadly spelled telegram can reud everything ko rat but what is this word old lady never mind that miss itfs none of your business theyll know at the other end in the march of life dont heed ths order of right about when ou know you are about right holmm raaaancanes crowd fuln sardines 27c white corn yl 10c llkby pork and beans no sh tim jo s1wlrl or fir cocoanut po j5 jelly desserts 14c anil otic4 tomatoes wo sh tik j9 hovo scby salmon iib tu 31 hvm tsmtlo ketchup 35c cuuau or vih cheese jslb pi jjjlg ckiuiui mill ckcceul fig bars lb 21c bridge dainty biscuits milk chocolate pound lo lowney attorted mallows 6w ciio picgt 25 deliciou cindy siring corn brooms sava tha coiiponil comfort soap lu toilet soap ivory soap flakes 20c fl mi five ro lb baj 28 our baking powder cold hd 16e agic ctrry tin wagiuk red plum jam wilk pecih 21 kraft miacu whip 8h jar fo red river tt 22c allbran by kllo rvqi 20c corn starch br 9c spaghetti cultrwlu coup sj tu 29c carrolls limited cabbage firm gieen htaik 2lbs9c grapefruit good sine for 25c spinach green curly and crisp idc lettuce fisihsws 5c carrots itx jtw fresh and crisd jdtllil0 bunchi lc celery lufsc oranges navels swoet arujtjuicy mrdidm cattge docu nice fi golden aa ss 15c ea bananas 23c acton free delivery phone 158 stork ctroski wkdnesday atteknoon 12j0