it tftss sixtyfirst year no 45 acton ontario thuhsday may 7th 1136 eight homeprint pages five cents halton county grant to fair increased this year to 150 value of fairs to towns and county recognized by council in increasing appropriation county road rate is also in creased tenthof mill payment to hig school board passed municipalities to deal with arrangements between clerks for old age pension work liability insurance is awarded by council tj mjy ttg mal oouilty council met in the court house milton on tuesday the warden ln the chal and all tnemben present at tho morning session the clerk read tho minutes and correspondence following which council adjourned at 200 pjn council resumed and gentlemen representing acton milton and georgetown agricultural fair boards addressed council roqueutlng not only the cuatomairy grunt but asked that the grant be increased to 4300 mr li mcnab explained to the council bo urgently tho grant was needed this year tlie fair boards would have additional expense in pro viding safe accommodation for tested cattle mr hewson while ex pressing himsel in fav of fau pairs said he would hke7l6 ncftrthe opinion of some of the farmer members of the council mr hall one thing is certain fall fairs make good advertising for tlie farmers and think should be encour aged mr finney have sometimes thought that without the arena and horse rac ing fall paim would sometimes tall pretty flat at the same time am personally in favor of boosting any tiling which benefits the farmer mr byers fall fairs arc certainly responsible for producing spirit of cooperation between town and countay and would like to see them carry on it may nob be particularly good buil nco proportion but we need to consid er its social importance mr gilbert outside of day out think fall fair competition an in centive to young men und think it li up to the county to osislst them us far as p0isible mr harriou personally feel that anything tliat benefit tlie farmer wilt benefit the towns in the long run so am in favor or grant being given to tlie respective fair boards mr robinson think it would be great mltake ii fall fairs uere to droj out tliluk the calf club ltcir wonderful tiling mr hswson as clialrman of the finance committed would uuggest tliat the fair grant be increased 50 making it 125 it was mcved by mr finney seconded by mr lsiulr that tills council increase tlui grant to the milton georgetown and acton vain from 75 to 150 00 tlie warden ajcd if any member wished to make an amendment an amendment was moved by mr hewson seconded by mr byerw tliat grant of 125 be ghen to the fair boards of acton mjltcn and george town the amendment was lost and the motion carried following an application from the peel and halton ityuse or refuge it was moved by mr finney seconded by mr roblrvcfti tliat tlis council endorse the plan of the re presenta uvea an tlie board of tlie house of refuge in establlsliing at the home pure bred herd and the choice of breed be left to their dlscru tlon carried council uciit into coiiiliutcr whole to consider the reports of the standing committees with irfeve allen burlington in the chair mr hall clialrman or tlie good road committee brought in recommenda tion that rate of 810 or mill oe struck for county road purport this being an increase of 110 of mill over that of 1035 mr hull went on to ex plain tliat the prudent equipment uas not luavy enough and tliat the heavy snows lost winter had added consider ably to road expenses ak the work dan to bllouulers an the road from bronte to tlie dundas highway had been re paired mr muniven cbjeclid to the increase in the road rate cannot se said mr mcnlven why we should pay 800 per mile per year on county roudri und only 100 per mile on township roaos think we might well cut down on county road expenditure and spend little mow on township reads mr hoy smith county engineer pointed out to tlie council that fir bevcfid years the roud rate was mill and at that was barely uiiflclert county roods cwimot be compared wlh town ship road the public dem id some thing better bl fid when ii road takni owr as county road pcopl think it sliould become super hlgrwuy over night it cant be done we spent sssooo on county roadii ust year 5oo0 of tlut was for krepbig the roads elef of sihw in winter mr hall nald lie would like to corrwit mr mcnl veils slatemnt as to the coat concluded on page kjght lot done for petes sake in the three act local play pre sented by sl albaivs por petes soke lot of complica tions were involved when thkt tlirce act comedy was presented hi the town hall last night by st albaas aypa there wad goad attendance and tin presentation wad well given with tho sceiw laid in an eastern college town in june and vacation tlma ahead pete planned rather claborato summer for hlmoclf during vaactlon xt entirely tu rangod by his majdoonunthls bright ideas required lot of management to make them work many amusing pre dicaments followed tho fulfillment of these cross purposed through tlio story of the play there was of course the little roman tic love theme and tho presentation called for cast of twelve pete ar ranged lilmsclf into tho predicament his friends of oourso did all for petes sake and pete prevaricated himself out or tlie muddle tlie play ends happily when all is forgiven or explain and the path of true love is smoothed out tlie coal was as follows miss sarah peppcrdhie barbara taylor pctr pepperdlne cliarles klrkncfis jasmine olive rookcs bill bradsliaw jack alger dean murglcuiorp jimmy case thomdyke murglethorpe jack gmnll man mnhipa rmrh kstjier tjiylnr relief work estimate 7500 by nassagaweya council korward ed to department wages for year set at 21fc per hour accountable re passed bynassagaweya council at tlio mecthig on monday no folio wo fvir relief 335v0 ttie treasurer expeijij re nalir of ferrlcr property 815 dick law costs 83i granb to plowing association 1000 expenditures on roads 26882 the clerk was instructed to forward to tho department of highwayo an crv umato of unemployed relief work amounting to s750000 bylaw was passed revising tile salary of 11 to comply with tlie recent amendments to uic public heulth act resolution was passed fixing tile wages for the tcuim at 21c per hour laborers to find tlielr own transporta tion council adjourned to meet on june 1st at one oclock us court of re vision and ordinary business public school honor roll mm clarkeston mlos hunt peggy clarkeston anne holmes kadlne clarkeston leona waller dupnt darby herb woods banker bolivar eddie footltt tlie play was introduced by rev briltlnger who expressed appreciation to nil who hod ossted in the production an orchestra under the direction of mr cliarles mwm provided music prior to the presentatkn and between acts misses muriel and mabel westmoreland of gait appeared in costume elocution ary numbers and singing and dancing numbers between the acta and their numberu were appreciated items the play ii again being pretcntcd tonlghc literary society meeting group two had charge of the literary soeiety meeting at acton high school bst thursday afternoon routine busi ness was hnt linllied and martin hos sard wx group chairman for the pro gram the opening choria was by 10 girls led by si ha marrow isabel drlmms gnc reading and sketch de stoic pipe hole was presented by helen lamb myrnu rauson la verne smith and jean hans triple duett number uas given bi young ilralda simpson pupils who won honor standing at april examinations senior touhh mbia orlpps 351 beverky arnold 344 annie molozzle 344 tom watson 343 dorothy glrard 334 owen mosaics 328 total 450 bennett principal junior fourth polly party 403 frances chlsholm 448 dorothy bayllss 43g jenn fraser 435 mabel harrki 429 ruth hubble 421 total coo folster teacher senior third margaret latby 424 dora wood 400 inea mclcllaii 391 olga dyrlv 300 rerui ttralda ssoaustin gibbons 385r total 500 orr teacher senior third charles arnold 473 emcla marczac 439 bob jackson 307 mary marzo 367 douglas price 358 muriel darby 340 tctal g50 junior third evelecn bralda 530 mary ritchie 507 george halltnger 489 peter tur kosz 443 wannettu smith 442 bobby pearen 427 total g50 anderson teacher seiuar seeoul lois fryer 450 eleanor allen 44g lamb 423 betty warner 421 howard killlck 414 jack mainprise 412 john turkosz 412 edward arnold 412 total 500 macmulan teacher senior first thelma lnppln 307 jack stewar 303 dorothy pallant 297 joan par glter 2d4 anetta evjn 209 audrey mcklnnon 287 total 350 young teacher junior second norma krnnmz 278 george johnson 273 margaret ryan 270 annie lolijv 2g9 btllle vincent 255 joe massey 252 total 350 inwur sag oiuir ann jrphpmhranrp zrz unbau fflau llltli 1u3g balance on hand ramosa by ei shown in auditorn statement presented at meelink bylawii are beink prepared tic council or the towmlllp or era mosa met on monday evening mny ith in the town jlnllnocliwood mt lccit ih halton league ball schedule acton meets milton in first home game on may 23rd night games in june tti following baseball schedule for tlie halton county league 1ms been ftoihi officials tho teams making up the league are acton giorguuwn muton and bramp ton muy 23rd milton at acton bramp ton at georgetown may 30th acton ut georgetown milton at brumpton junu gth brumpton at acton georgetown ut milton june loth acum at milton george town at brumpton june 13th acton ut brumpton milton ut georgetown june 17th brampton at milton georgetown ut acton june 20th acton ut milton george town at brumpton june 24th brumpton ut milton june 25th acton ut georgetown june 27th acton av brampton milton at georgetown july ht milton at acton brampton at georgetown july 4th brumpton at acton george town at milton july bth milton at brampton georgetown at acton july hth brampton at georgetown uiearrlv the ree mv ansnan board offers reengagement to all members of staff kckret that granta and general conditionx not warrant itetum of salaries enjoyed in yearn previously reporta of inspectorh arc very complimentary of work of staff and general equipment other itoutinc business is transacted advisability of having school nurse discussed storey tlie minutes orthctatrtnccr lng were approved ttie council being all present tlie reeve took the chair the trustees or tile police village or rockwood were present requesting th council to submit program of relief stnc crushing for tlie approval of the department of highways and also ask ing for bylaw to prohibit dogs run ning at large in tho village in the summer months the clerk was in structed to prepare the nccciisary bylaw for the next meeting and to attend to the relief program as requested by the village moved by messrs pinkney and hind ley and carried tliat tho workmens collective accident policy as submitted by wllscn and co through barrio mutrle be not occepted and tlie question of thli insurance be jcft for further information to be secured by the clerk uovl by to htadley and pink jj rum this year ncyrandcftrrlcdr tliat the clerk bo instructed to insure the township far road liability as per resolution of last meeting and that insurance be carried without lupje through barrle mutrle july 15th milton ut brampton july lgth acton at georgetown july iflth brumpton at acton georgetown at milton july 22nd mlltcn at acton george town at brampton july 25th acton at brampton milton at georgetown july 20th brampton at milton georgetown at acton saturday game commence afc 300 pm daylight saving time games marked with an osterltk are evening games and commence at 0q oclock daylight saving time at the monthly meeting of acton scliool board or ji aday evening trui te dr ivarn dr buchan an graham frtlicr and st mcltary were pascnt and chair man mcdonald presided letter from norman bralda was read expressing ills appreciation or the efforts of the board in arrnnglng for him to take part in the orcxestra in toronto assembled from nchooia throughout tlie province letter from the deputy minister or education requested information to where oxamlnution results sliould be mulled the secretary was appointed to receive these resultu when they were available anotlier letter from clerk if farmer notified the board tliat then letter re garding tile dumping of refuse had been placed before the council and tlie matter was receiving tlie attention of tho the rprt of the insperin ofhl hockey club officers elected anuuul meetinp heut early tlie annual meeting of the acton on mctlon or meirs gray and lush hockey club was held lastf thursday the cleric was instructed to endeavor tokening in the council chamber at the secure approval or tlie department of town hili prcsident dr nelson izighwajs to the contract uuh john as in charge of the meeting there mclaren for crashed gravel failing such was fair attendance and much business approval tenders to be immediately uiis conducted in short order culled for the following offlcen were elected moved by mtuws gray and pinkney honorary preside nlmessrs coon harrison amos mason lolsh schools was received und reviewed by tlie board the staff was complimented on their efficiency some changes equipment were suggested th report of inspector dcnyes on the public school wan avi read by tlie secretary tlie inspector congratulated the board on the capable staff and the splendid standing tliat aetn school had taken at the muslcal pusuval xb was also pointed out that it would be advisable for tlie board to engage school nurae for acton the advisability of musical training in the school was also pointed out the need of liavlng school nurse in acton on whole or port time basis was dkcutiscd by the board tint cost or such benefit was pointed out as handicap to the new service which it wan felt would be great benefit to the children and the community as whole tlie rrespondence was by motion ordered fled and report were to and carried that the road superin tendent be instructed to remove the tree obstruction on road no opposite tlie property of john mcalplne moved bi messrs gray and lush and curried that the auditors report for period january 1st to april 30th 1930 bo accepted by fcouncil thb report iowcd total receipts of 12171 00 jnd cvnduuro or 9345 45 1th balance oipliund of s2025 55 man win arnold ritchie holmes kohl frankum lasby president rumicy ht vicepresident fraser 2nd vlccprealdenutl ii elliott treasurer gralmm secretary allddleton upon motion it was decided to have the executive committee consist of five members aa follows terry dr anns hat or not guilty wiu the title of rend lng by myrtle purnell and jean evans gave vocal solo an interview with prof watasnozzle was number by john drake gerge williams alex frank and gilbert romphf and pat harrop and paddy harrtm gave piano duett mark anthonys oration nt the funeral of ceasar was given by douglas smith the school paper won read in two sections tlie first by francej muuln and tlie lauti part by doris wilson tlie history cf our community wus the tiubject of speech by hawl wilson and tlie closing number uas chorui all through the night with solo part taken by darls wlkoh tlie criticism of tlie meeting was given by mls esther taylor may day tea may day was the occasion or very pleasant social function at tlie united church on friday it uas may day tea irved in the basement of the church taking jurt on the program wero mrs caldwell und 3olm agar und marjory bllton sang oh the centre table miyjiole wltli btrvamers of paul iliudm ttiul daifoduspustav wtllowi and ftrns were used hi the dec oratlv arrangements bouqueui or sueetucas adnitd the tables tya was poured by mn brown and mri atkhis tliere was splendid uttciidano who enjoyed tlie program and dainty ua bervd ttie cvcntwaj under uw group led by mr cleave and mrs bell rose arnold joe mlrharyu douglas she pjie rd bruce teacher junior primary betty master aldo braldn donald lamb joui somerville kenneth adam son lena lawson hunt tvacluv kings physician lord thomas horder abovb peruiniil physician to king edward is in nuw york guest of the medl cul society of new vcrlc ute the treasurer presented the 1035 tax nelson talbot mccutcheon roll and each item was considered by and mcdonald council by motion it uas decided to leave on motion of messr pinkney nnj lhe appointing of the manager trainer imii tuxco amounting to 520 co were anu awfctnnl trainer to the executu ordered to be struck olf the balance of uncollected account to be registered ngaiiiit the projierty as not collected moved by messrs pinkney and gray ncr cftrrletht atr tlip tiuuru structcdto collect the small balance cf 1033 taxcu oning and to take the neces sary ttcps tstcard collecting outstanding 1935 tnxs us soon us pauiible on motion or mcssrc gray and lusli accounts amounting to 00300 were paiced for payment and council ndjouni ed at midnight to meet as coiirti of revllon und for general business at 30 on june 1st shoppers guide thb follow in jf are tlie paeej in which advrtikkcniutij appear in uiu wku frra preij ige carroll griietry uunia cup4 linage alada ta kfllm cent flakes pabit mlanufasituww lag norrm griwsrty nortn nittow itachlhi iut teroii iug frj luuimoii lavogu ltd grvdry thilr lluud gnmc woium kugi keuuega iun krlnr uank or maiitrmu wright ui tjuroncej crfwrcorri and rjuniox kajvv klualnni lireury of lvo fradoutu mnl lvit wriuyy guniiikasi vii stcrl krudoeu kelly autcii xn hiubm te to si klure klmy cldck klmtehry kceuocw all kuilii uoyj tiimiri ic gitrtunei ann sothern one of hollywoods quectiif looka bit piqued ut hav ing to dlspluy her new hat in casa youre interested in the eha peuu it lihullow of crown und liuidd of creuliiyklruw 111 moop lines its sole trimming la great cluster of multicolored bloouu utop tlie charming bonnet be given to the principals for tlielr guidance tlie rather unfinished condition of the creek bank and the untidy condition of the creek were ducussed by tlie board the stream had been diverted by tlie council when the new bridge uas bcrna constructed the fifth report of the finance com mittee recommended payment of the following accounts acton fhce pbeks printing 00 acton machine shops repairs and conveyance 00 acton public utilities commls slon services 24 is moyer school supplies uipplles lflo symon hardware supplies 35 norton transportation 00 4030 the report was adopted it was felt that some definite arrangc menli sliould be made regarding meet ings and conveyances for the musical festival and the matters connected therewith the event liad grown con siderably since the original arrangements had been made letters were read from principal macuae and miss ii bell of the continuation school requesting lncreaio in salary tor next jear of 100 per year upon motion the staff of tlie continu uo ttu looluai dallolf oriid ro ong ago ment ut increases in salary of 5q per jear the lncrcaujs were to dntt from the biginnlng of tlw school year for 103037 the scretary was instructed to offer thk proposal to princlul mac uae und miss bell and miss mortuner thin proposal uas made after tlie ques tion had been viewed from the stand point of ratepayers and tachers and the uelrare of the school it wat drawn to the attention of the board in arriving ut salaries that the fuel expenditure tills year was much more and that lust year grant had been decreased again and no lntlmatrlon had been made as to what tlie grants would be tills year anotlier motion instructed tlie secre tary to offer all tlio public school jeuch era re engagement for 103037 at th uamo salaries as they enjoyed during tlie past year he was aw instructed to explain in the letter to tile leucliers tlie position of the board in relation grants and the funds available and the appreciation of tlie servlcea of the teachers special hand night social evcillitiruudouierreaturej made the usual rehearsal of acton citizens band on monday oo uxtra ordluary occasion mr harrow of tor onto wad primnt and gave suwndld mutdcaj talk ttie boys 4rvud lunch at the cltse of tile veiling und discussed plans for band hiiprovcmciit and tlie activities of tlie boming beabon banquet closes the season for the united younp peoples ion moetin mr moore addressed gathcrin tlie closing meeting or the united church young peoples union on mon day evening was quite an event thcro was an attendance of about sixty who sat down to the banquet and enjoyed tlie bounteooi repast and then soma hearty singing pmldent masales expressed hb appreciation of tlie whole hearted co operation tliat had been given by officers and members during tlie year and wi comd all to this closing event jacx rcld gave very interesting report on th tvh ut waterdown fjliii rulfi cfibfn aiitt mr charles lunsborough contributed piano duett tlie speaker of tlie evening mr moore was introduced by dr morrow his talk was of ids mountain climbing experiences and he told how tlie young people cculd climb to tlie peak or suc cetis if they would plan and dream mr chan fotherglll piut president of halton presbytery briefly uddreiied tlie meeting concluding numbers on the program were vocal eolo by miss locker and comet tolo by mr chas landuirough following the singing of niest be the tic hint binds the bene diction by the pastor brought tlie splen did evening to conclusion farmers damage action against halton dismissed judge munro handed down judg on tuesday in the cose of george peacock farmer or trafalgar township halton county in wlilch the plaintiff sued the county forssoo damages aa the rult of an automobile accident on tlie second llntf equesing township which is countrcad pea cock suffered broken neck and otlier serious injuries in the accident wlilch occurred on the night of may 0th 1035 hfci honor dismissed the claim or tho plaintiff but directed that each party must pay their own costs highway improvement the dunging or tlie bridge on main street and the rilling hi or the gully along the bide of the rond will soon bo completed the structure now com pleted and tlie fill is being made tha course cf the stream has been diverted iome so that the two openings join and this will necessitate re construct ion of some of the sidewalk when completed it will take away rather dangerous spot on the highway that has been tlio scene or several mot mlshapt during the pant few years meeting tlie duke of devonshire chapter or tlvc held tlielr regular monthly meeting on tuesday evening at the om fmytr symon gave splcrulld report of the provincial meeting cf the recently held in hamilton mrs pearen gave tlie second in the series of talks on the edwards who have ruled great britain summary or the third cliaptet of the kings grace uas given by mm mcrue arrange me ui uere also made for the anjmal empire day con cert ithe regent mrs blow presided lunch cerved by the group hostesses uus tlie closing feature coming events announcements utlug cou crrlh or otlier kvcnti utitlcr tins licadinu are cuftrged io ceuta pr line with iiiiiiliiiuiu charge for any anitnuiicriucnt of jjc acton circus friday qnd satur day at u00 its new ilt novel see tlie program youll came euchre and dunce under auspices of acton fire brigade in tlie town hall on friday iauy ittrn an dy frun ks or clu ttra admission 25c tlw acton continuation school will hold cotiiimnoeiiietit exercues monday eveiihig may 11th ut 30 hi tie guest bkaker will be mku mary macxei tie ihrlnelptd of ttiiuws decrpark college toronto