Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 7 May 1936, p. 3

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thursday may 7th 1036 1hk ac on fke pr muxtf patrick grabs netv heavyweight honors murray mu2t patrick aco heavyweight hope of canada and perhaps before long of the entire boxing world remains murray muxx patrick 30ycarold eon of hockey maestro lester patrick muzz who is canadian amateur champion won tho catholic youth association championship of new york with five straight knockouts reports have it that he may soon join professional company mo adds track basketball and lacrosse to his boxing octivities and is captain and ace dcfcnccman of now york rovers tux amateur hockey aggregation in fact he kcepj busy sporl beaks enth child in derby race her 17th child in 18 years has bii born to mrs hollls tlmlcck of toronto one at tho loading contenders in tho raco for the millar fortune tho child healthy iflrl wclthlnk four pounds thrco ounces is the tent chilllbom tomritmleck since october 31 j020 the date on which mr millar died wuf who had jilvcn birth to tho urealcst number of children between his death and its lenlli anniversary mrs tlmlcck claims this inst birth places her in first posi tion for the nrlze she is shown above with six members of her fi kaisers lost brief case discovered in winnipeg army officer won when exemperor fled by central press canadian winnipeg april high in winnipeg office building reposes handsomely tooled leather brief caie described by ifct present owner fcflthoforraer property othnjnt perlnl highness wilhelm em peror of germany king of prussia uho now resides in lonely exile at doom holland grenvllle howard known to his associates as the major now the proud possciior of the brief caic related one of tho iniide torie3 of the kaisers flight to hol land in 1010 was american army representative on the french army staff when word came that the kulser wan nolnu to flee to holland howard said ah ulntt officer pretty well wrote my own order and travelling instruction ro immediately enm mantkd mytlf to travel with nil dispatch to spa and to impact the toval fuimtiven train reached the itution jut bt fore he train and when it drtw up ti map rlimlkd on hoard and bepnn to look thinrn over dunni couri mv invi il ilion potted thh hrur trc and drculed that needed it and the pimr it con tained cuesi youd hitter iv won it the old soil will uwler ttiind tbit uiv of amuirin thini ml tapt wlmlo also won whole full oj iron cronies and while thev la let wiy friendi were fn elv tov ed fcitl thia decoration th it nip pore you could iuiv thev tarmd them ui much an ome of the otnc keciplentn the ton crof mut the orur ruie were about all of the ouyenlrr managed to lm iwnv with picked up all sorti of thiiui hut it the hl command didnt lu th some of my pan won them from in ciii hix hoh about tlie onlv other wnir that brouuht back is mmiin cf viilnl tin iln np coupw of llntlh iiabi vvudlunk fl ff both nlaff cuptn who uil it midi fh car hd broken down near llouen vu llii on curim uroktruuw ranch nul now evrbml wan inlrodufed to one ot tiu as vim viti vm copt wlnwr ttuver uw him kln tuwatd vui tun ranch id up uf lllu sjp jffrer llrtaa ijiirt inrg the little house on vine street by maikel mokke indent ale wafi setting ready for mothers day luxurious blalno avchuo wua preparing for great florista boxes containing orchids talisman roses and other rare llowcrs to bo delivered at its wealthy doors vine street with its modest oozy htuo liomes looked forward as on every year to the sight of young fathers with children clustering jojously uround them as tlicy carried carnations wrapped in tuuuo paper or pob of daisied and cr anlunu to their own homes lantern hollow waa turnhi 1u atuu tdon toward the goodwill xndustrlec wltcro an clubornto mothers hay cele bration was to bo held jtho children of tho ooodwlll sunday bcliool had planted geranium blips in tin card painted beautiful blade or green and were now watching them bud und blonom for mothcrb day even mamie deaace wlio was now skipping toward the utile green and wlilto house on vino street to wait for iter beloved 2ju patricia wcutworth was wildly excited although jhe was motherless xutrlcla wcntworth hcnclf at uw uuno moment sjatnlo left tlie hovel of tlio ifollow was conilng om of the gorgeous wcntworth apartments on blalno avenufl carrying plain little cracker bo it waei tucked very closo under ier left arm so that her mother could not so atwhen she pulled back the net curtains ulr the corner window to wave lingering farouell patricia luul packed it while uho cooked breakfast that morning it lield thin cheez sandwich plain uttdo cup cake wad an apple tills was not much of it lunch for any girl especially one who lived on blaine avenue but the two worn dollar bills in patrlciavi purse had to buy frejh fruit and vegetables for breakfast and dinner for herself and her mother until satur day her choice for lunch the rest of tho week lay betuueu carrying tuind wich from home or doing without any thing her lovely mother however who now spent her days in wheel clialr in the units of all the luxurious apart ments in the big wentworth building must liave the gorgeous roses patricia luul always given her on mothers day doing without tilings to have money to buy luxuries for mother was positive joy to pairlcla glance at her wrist watch made tlio girl quicken her steps toward tho hollow site wanted to have time tills morning to utop at the little green and white house mamie tould be there to meet her but tlie little girl could finish laying the shells around the bed of oldfashion ed pinks in tho yard whllo patricia had few moments alone in the houc wluti she flrct glimpsed the little house thkj morning she saw mamie idtung on tlie front veranda steps be fnifl wnrhfri jt mamtp rolling to her one of tlie peonies is almost in bloom and the clematis vine lias growed to anotlier mark on the trellis tlie two of them the tall tuender girl with the glorious autumn hair and lovely rlcy blue eye and the liule waif from lantern hollow examined the clematis together they then turned to the peonies and ajmot sang over the burst ing buds they found there tlie older girl then said to the lounger one atomic while you finish laying the shell around the pink bed ill fus around inside minute or so in the little house patricia did not stop to look at the pretty gay papej on tlie walls the wide window seat in tho diningroom bay window or the won derful blue and white kitchen she juit crept into the little room at the side and knelt cloae to the window from which flliocouldaeethe green roofoftheujw industries building god she prajed softly make it passible for me to keep my work down at tlie industries and ctlll have enough money to care for mother darling as ahe has always been cared for please send some one to me to live in tlie little house tho rent will hilp so much amen few minutes later die was out of uio little house walking down vourla strccb touurd lantern hollow mamie beside her chattering gaily about lh wondcru of tho mothers day observ ance they were to liavo at tho goodwill chapel it had not ben easy for patricia to maintain tho apartment before the big store had cloued part of 1u advertising department which paid her salary almoub double urn one jjie now rtcelvsd as secretary and general assutkntr to tlu superintendent of tho goodwill indus tries the little houio on vine btreeb had been rented then however and shu had saved all uio returns from it fo wliat uho urincd still rainier day tlioiu returns were gone now and the little house hod lost its tenant the rent from it would pay half of that of tliflr upurtwhir in tho wentworth build ing which mother still thought belonged to them if mother had not been go tragically hurt in the same automobile crash tliat luul taken latlier patricia could have told her that the bank crash few weeks later had taken tlie wentworth bulldlntr their stock in tho warren utore every thing except urn little house nn viw street and one of fathers few insurance tf aainutes ev hours tiu iirenufusl vourfuniily liken lirsl mlluimsiest mtc kc logos urn riiili rwp untl ulinlisoini are fully looknl und tnusltul iiidv ti ciil in in instant saic luuirs of toil willi this templing ononik il rfiv fluid at all reucrw mujc hy kelio in ldiulon onlarui nothing lakes iho plate of corn flakes fu liars affalri luul wiltli think your fatlier bought this houie to help ib owner along uo bought it jut lx montlis ago from man ulio liod lost hii jo and wmted to go back to his little farm braiely patricia ro like her father who had risen from janitor boy in ft bank to president of the some institution had taken tho insurance money paid mothers expensive hotplul bills hunted herself position in the warren store and moved their beloved furniture and treasures from tho largest apartment in the wentworth building to tlie amallcat one wanted it because its to cosy she had told her mother when they hod brought licr from tho hospital theres juit the two of us now and haltie who will come every day to clean mother had nodded her nuburn head zo much like patricias but her line did not move she was missing leather to much tliat she could not feel any other loss now not even tlie use of her trim little feet when tile citys most expefmlve physi cians had told her tliat mother would spend tho rout of her life in heel clialr patricia had wept stormlly she had almost scoffed however when young doctor worth benson had predicted some day when tho has grown stronger and gotten new interests so she will miwt your father less your mother will walk again atjlivt mothors old fri came to call on her but their own interests absorbed them they came less and leiw often mother knew many lonely hours liow many patricia hardly realised because of her other worries tlie de partment store luul been forced toreduco 1u advertising doportment laying off patricia and two other girls just as 1i10 had been ready to tramp tho street for job as she termed it patricia had met doctor worth benson who liod dropped in occasionally to ceo mother tlie tragio look in her beauti ful eyes had struck him he had led lier into the park and soon had coaxed from her tho utnry of her troubles tlie offer of the position at tho goodwill jjdushlcs or which he woo president of tlie board had come tlie next day it wan right then that wonderful life began for patricia lire devoted to he older glrli rise tord surroundings directing play hours for little glrlt like mamie dut mother must never know im not at the store patricia had told doctor bern on the day she went to the indus tries if ahe knew ue are so hard up she would worry and grieve mamie took all her attention as they hurried doun the street toward th industrial miss patsy oho began her utile voice troubled jennie ware uunui my geranium for her mother because it the nreltkst or all she aiji ecin hiwnt any mbther to bring to the pirtj but 5011 must htrroy one mamie imtrlcu hugged the little wulf clno lar you run git one at the old ludh home jtlt oir vine stnu maniu miime returm ill he hunt lug that home u1l1 ufurnimn ln suit jitm at lunch time patricia outlaid thi hi kij rlnjr nat ml ing al th unit moment doctor worth lknnn tliiil into tht olfile taking jou to hinrh he lnuglu old sllu warriii gaie me live hundrt iolian today for the iiulu trttt we hai to ci lebrae that firt ullh jurty lunch hi blui hone mi patricia climh into worth hanson trim roid id tlutikui4ii uioiuruui wlun uffei ha had stopped at the little iioum tc hunt fr the kly ring and round it in the wony lump he told hlin the plat lulniikut to mullilx you lueky glilt he irhd ili tmpty now and ymi tm mnvt into it while the yard imut wautuul 11 help ou mow the lawn and twlat tho vlhca on tho trellises it waa hard tor patrick who wanted no badly to live in the utue house and have doctor benson help her with tho recreant vines to bell him ihe could not move mother from the luxury or tho wentworth apartments to the utue hounc tliat wiu the reason lier volco was so cald tle reason tho luncheon became formal meal instead of ny party wortli bimuion who was hurt and puz rld by her attitude bade her very formal farewell at tho indurtrlca door patricia tit one tho most mlicrohl aftcnioonfi at her life only to go homo to find letter from tlui warren store inunuger in tho in all txx it said hi old position would be open for her the first day of june should be happy patricia whls iwrd but im hot the wtlary big nouirh to do uway with money worrlci llt thr people ut the industrlivi will all foigol inr forget tiny even lovo me uncbi can mjdto thorn remember tliat evening she made her plans she would give the children ijinu hol iaw the bot sunday school on mothers day they had ovr known mothers dawned perfect day in llndndlo patricia wheeled her mother to the nearest church for the morning an rvlces after lunch she had hattly take ivr out in her clialr for uio after noon while as patricia told lier mother shall go to the sunday school llko the butt today sho was wearing lar prettiest spring drvjj and hut when sho readied tho lltthi industries chapel she looked uround sit tlie people in dt tho mothers of tlie hollow their children the older board members of tho industries just ili patricia was ready to start tlie uftcrnoons program she heard commotion at the dcorway she had nlmost reached it when propelled into tho room ramn the iwautlful wheel chair in which her mother lived mamie pmhsd thoohulr uy iimt lie the lovelicst luotlar you ever her proud little olce piped on jjiw her in the park uftcr tlie matron at the old ladle home snld tlie old lady was going to borrow won sick and when asked her she said shed be delighted to play my mother thu afternoon patricia utooped to kbia mother she is the loveliest mother in my orld mamie she nald sortly you sec she is mine after tliat every tiling went along ti in dream patricia directed tho pro gram the serving or refreshment and even the distribution or the geraniums think mothers voice was filled with pride when the party was over 11 take my adopted daughter home to eat dinner with us thfci evening oh maam oh maam mamio clasped her hands tightly together she turned to patricia and lets push hr past the little houje on vine street and pick tlie peonies for herl that wau how mother again saw tho little houw on vine street the little house pather had bought becaue it waa so like the one in which he and mother had lived in their honeymoon days had forgotten it mothers voice trilled he said we were going to llvo here when we grew old love it cant we live here pntay deir all at once patricia uaa sitting on the arm of the chair near the porny clump telling the whole of tho wecku nlnce mother had been hurt even of the misunderstanding with doctor worth henson didnt dream youd like the goodwill mother she ended didnt dream youd love this llttlo house well move tight away mother voice was brisk and youll stay right at the goodwill youll como homo noons and come day ill be coming to tho industries by tnyself im suro tliat if start on crutches in june ill bo walking by christmas whllo they were planning for delphin iums near the garage doctor worth benson came mothers hand went out to hln patricia beon telling me youre to help us move she began wisely we want to come the first of june wont you come up to the apartment tor dinner thfc eve so we ca make plans patricia saw the gleam orhapplncss flali into his cyea caught tlie smile he sent her felt his hand grasp hero that was the reaion she slipped back to the little hoiire to go into the room which had becomo her sanctuary sho liad to linger there minute not to moke requwit this time but to give thanks xunts hokxau ykar houtei with renta ni 16w aa dollar year are to be found ut aiigburg south bavaria thiy hive not been mpt since they uere built 400 eais ago rtconlad the eheapwt home in all germany they are among 53 hmui built the mum bunkei jiaob imgnir jn 11j0 is remailable mhiui eperimint liidoued by the nifgir famllj the rlelu st in the world in tin ir day the hnuit uire for re pi etable id touplt uho ly thus pi nd tin lr latt du in pi au and turlty tin nictr ttth nient iute heutt has irj ronh ntl population of 101 penoni yeirly rejit for siuill luiilc only uw mirks in prinnlnr inlwiilt lurim hoiuie costs tlca as much wiiiioii imitiomi ihc man vllhiut pur no like ship without ruddir 11 wulf nptli uig no niun hav vutuuo hfe and invlpg it throw miih itnngth of mind ami mullc into jiur work god has glvin you ciuiyle anttime telea time salam 04 special notice you eon now buy the best brands of prepared house paint or 575 per qallon wliy take chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernotcd top quality brands of white lead paint at tins popular figure insist of famous brands for ull your exterior puintmg any one of them will assure you job of outstanding beauty long paint life and economy jrorn first to last there is store in your vicinity tliat can supply youy sherwinwilliams canada paint martinsenour acton agent for canada taint lashbrook mill street acton ont daily cross word puzzle across tuft or hair above liornefl hoof cl reck irod of iho louir uorhl iymlnuid lironouii lcjiinuitlon nf piln loiirit iwix irohir cnfl 11 lcar 13 tlron 15 concludw 17 throwq about 11u in liicane 20 to iier 29 doniliicorlnff colloq 31 wrath s2 lltllg nprite 3s an irptian nlnrhut ilrl 8f lor cvniuplo fuhhr narrow inlet irtol 87 title of ra uprct 14 tiny convoy aj proporty iflnlckol uymhol 18 nllrhl taatt 21 iiaa 22 iniitlitates 23 dlprimtlon botuoon tuo niquntainn comruikit polat scrapo of lltfratur it letter of tho nngllah alphabet tff funirus on rye 30 mcaaur of lonyth 34 uoctlno id nowjpapor 31 tho lam tmrnrraph courw at uolp mnal down ornamental funtonliiku on coatti city on iako ontorlo mtor corroiponj hiif to vv hat too mllltaiy cup conicrlptlnt fl ulmli of the iuiiith ho as nulo cubld losalnt abbr

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