the free press thursday may utfa 1m be artan 3ffr ik ftihllihedvtry tburadar aetoo ontario united suies ker when chnngp of united uw ofcw ol our cancellations find that moil 01 our moo ftcrlbcr prefer not to luve their subscription interrupted in cam they all to remit before expiration while aob acriptiona will not be carried la arrears over aa extended period yet unlets we sc notified to cancel we kuuim the sqbscriwrwuhes the service continued advertising rates on sppucation ad as ben in various column bead lnss although every precaution will he taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understandinc that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement ts requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that jf my error so noted is oat corrected jy the free ise any error so ess its 11 aecd such bw press its liability shall not the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement aklof dills editor telephones editorial sod business office residence lj alike in nunc only in casting about for editorial material we picked up the acton england gazette the issue at hand we found contained just one editorial and when material is short and time is likewise that gave sort of feeling of envy that this department of tho newspaper must seemingly always occupy pvo columns and the subject of that one editorial was acton cannot spread out sktall it build up the concluding sentence in that editorial from acton england will be read with interest in acton canada where for miles about there is ample room for ex pansion on all sides at present tho view of the council seems to bo that acton should not encourage much greater addition to its population which is fairly dense at about 69500 to 2305 acres but is not over full comparedwith hammersmiths 131400 on slightly smaller acreage here in acton canada wt have an assessed population this year of li993 with an assessed acreage ot 394 acres ihc problem of not being ablo to spread out will not bo confronted for some years here they are limiting at present construc tion of hats to height of four storeys in acton england various parts of this world do have variety of widely divergent problems the sunday school lesson sunday may 11th ibm erieo sharing council and municipal authorities have been hav ing quite timo recently in tho collection of tax levies arrears of taxes have been question at every meeting for some time and have not yet been cleared away two sessions of police court have had numbers of young men paying poll tax and in addition the costs of the court taxes in any form arc irksome sometimes the question is asked what are they being paid for or what do we get for it the busines men and property owners do not like the levy the sales tay income tax radio tax or license and gasoline tax are all just as bothersome as any of them but they must be met acton ontario and canada are different places to live in than few years ago when many of these taxes were not known wo have conveniences and higher plane of living and it must be paid for if we would be truly democratic we must all meet our shore of the burden if wc were to enumerate what we re ceive for taxes it would make quite lengthy list some time let your mind wander back few years then compare what is at present expected of mun icipal provincial and dominion governments and possibly the tax levies will not seem so unjust or unreasonable theyre bothersome but it seems we must all share in meetingthem why not say so dealing with peddlers seems to be quite problem in many communities oriltia council has doubled the rates formerly charged the fee of local ped dlers remains at 125 but for nonresidents tho fee is now 250 there is however fee for those selling articles under 25 cents set at 25 recently in motoring in new york state it was noted that several communities had signs erected at the borders giving notification that hawking and peddling is forbiddenlwtiflre sev iinuia west also erect similar signs judging by the fees set it would seem that most municipalities do not expect peddlers to take out license it would seem therefore that the bpst way was to erect sign at the boundary prohibiting hawking and peddling or at least notifying all and sundry that license was required this would do away with lot of the nuisances to which housewives arc subjected and take away an alibi of the peddler that he was not aware of the provisions of course farmers and producers who grow their own produce are at liberty to sell it without license the bylaw is aimed at those who come in and do business without contri buting to the upkeep of the community and there seems to be multitude of them jesus inspntza honesty oolden text thou shalt not ate ev 30 16 imkmi heiv luks 10 lloi 5tb time uarch 30 placo jericho exposition zaccheuo seeking jesuit it jesus was on his lasb journey to jer usalem ills journey to the cross ilia mind wsa absorbed with the momentous eventsthat lay before him mark 10 32 uukela 60 but lie hevertflclcss stopped on that journey and in tho ex ecution of his ojlabsorblnir purposo to savo sinner jesus was always ready to stop bo usun to the cry of the dis tressed or to save sinner zaccheur was rich dishonest djssatlsfied but man of eamestnecs and dodelon in spite of his money ho woo jvkarded by his fellow cltiscns with good deal of contempt rich man must be pretty mean to be regarded as zaccheus waa his riches did not prevent his being saved however it is liard thing to savtyfa rich man ch 18 24 but oven this is possible with cod ch ib 26 37 the reason why zaccheus was saved in spite of his riches waa that ho was willing to let go of them tho rich man of idark 10 1731 was lost be cause he was unwilling to give hlsrlchcs up ho chogc earthly wealth instead of heavenly wealth the rich young man was certainly by natural temperament and character tho more attractive and amiable man of tile two ho was also tho more moral and the more religious any one would have said ho was far thff rpjtler to save but it is often the t11e dwfxbknck wen jbaose said the cxmtraetjor to one of his men how goes it pair to mlddlin sah cuoao answer ed as he continued to minister to his mule me an dia yer mule bo went on uddenly has wokod foh youall six teen yeans well well said the contractor and suppose you are both pretty highly valued mose eh llm said mose the both of us was tooxc sick last week and they got doctah for the mule but tlicy just docked mah pay some weight master of the orient twauscr is man who alwtvjw weighs his wortblant ho yea but it takes deuce of lot oz cm to wcujb anything editorial notes the dust nuisance came with the earlier summer weather and like the mosquitoes seemed to follow the heat wave what to do with the garbage is still quite problem confronting the council and as yet quite an undisporcdof matter production of copper in canada during 1035 amounted tom 0051050 pounds anincrease of 149 per cent over the 1934 output not jfu3t on dollurrt wnd cents the reports that were gjven out last week that brampton fair might possibly cease to operate have according to the brampton conservator been pre mature this will be welcome word to many who pictured that peel county institution going the way of the oakville and burlington fairs that were quite an attraction in their respective communities few years ago the past few years have been difficult ones for fair boards as well as for other institutions the extra handicap under which the brampton fair has had to operate has been mortgage of g500 on the grounds and the paying of frontage tax for pb5lnl justjvhy the grounds should be held by the fair society and not by the municipal tylisu recreational centre would we suppose date back to the days when the fair treasury was in better state and quite independent of any need for municipal help fairs are institutions which help to cement the bond between urban and rural dwellers in their promotion of competition and tho opportunity for exhibiting und the incentive for improvement the fairs play an important part in the life of the com munity numbers of them have gone and they arc missed it is to be hoped that brampton fair will not join this list but will find some way of meeting the present difficulties and continue its good workof many years we are sometimes prone in these days of hustle and bustle to mitigate the value of fairs in dollars and cents valuation they may have questionable worth but after alu money is our sole sense of value we are narrowing our outlook of life to very small radius the mijton champion and georgetown herald arc now running sports columns the present season ought to at least not grow monotonous life begins at forty and so do fallen arches lumbago badeyesight falling hair and the tendency to tell story to the same person three or four times true friendship can take lot of punishment but when its smashed it cant be patched together again may 18th next monday is goodwill day on which vchooisinmanynbuntrrcsirvctuttciitr6ritt their pupils to the importance of the promotion of mutual goodwill among the nations of the world very necessary and worthy day we would say in the promotion of world at peace in some day and generation jhc freedom of the dogs in town ends tojnorrow the lowers and lawns will now get their innings and how the garbage cans will miss these prowlers maybe the italianethiopian tangle again comes in the headlines in the world news it scemsquite reliable standbywhen other events fail to be sensational enough for headlines the winchester press last week entered its fiftieth year of publication at the half century mark it maintains well its place in the newspaper field and serves its community and its environs ably to the summer of 1930 seems to be anxious maintain the standards of the winter of 1930 in establishing new records this 80 degrees in may is quite change from those subzero marks of few months ago we received recently photographs showing the atrocities committed by ethiopians in war and then we see the effects in other pictures of the italian war machines war by any nation is horrible atrocity and certainly doesnt belong in this age miss agnes mcphail comes into the limelight aguin notfor her selcctioitofbenchciullegisiatiotrutirjthrtt lcthlmrtumifce but rather for her selection of the best looking men in parliament she might also be nominated for the position of judge in newspaper contest and we sug gest her name to those in charge of the annual weekly newspaper contest cum that thoamlablc lnoralrcllklqui honored and apparently hopcrul man ts lost untl the repulsive immoral irrelig ious and hopeless mail fct aaved the very hopelessness of mans caao often drives him to chrkit and the very hope letisneiuj of majav cac otten leads him to rest content away from christ the first step toward zaccheus salvation was that he nought to see jesus thati fai tho best thing ajtiy tinner can do there is saving power in loolc at jesuit jno 14 is isa 45 22 while zaccheur was seeking jeuus jesus on his part was seeking zaccheus it was partly curiosity that drw zaccheus out to eo jesus it won also partly heart dissatisfaction with himself thcro luul been oher oppor tunities for him to see jesis but he had been too much immersed in money getting now the heartache had become co intern that hemeft his money get ting and went out to eee jesus it was fortunate lie went this time for jesus never passed that way again doubtlls what he had heard of jesus treatment of publicans and nlnners drew him to ward him there wore great obstacles between himself and jesus but there uete none that could not bo overcome there never are almost any man in the crowd oecmed to have better chance of seeing jesua and getting blcusins from him than little zaccheus but he was in earnest climbing the syca more was very undignified proceeding and doubtless occasioned much merri ment but zorrheiisiaw jekuv oiuljhat is more than recompense for being laughed at ii jesus seeks zaccheus 510 jesus knew zucchcus wa3 there and knew his name how john 4b make haste there is no time for delay if one wuld nnd jeius today must abide at thy house because it was the last dny at jericho and zac cheus wan one of the sheep that musti be found his was the moit honored home in jericho that day jextw is wit ling to come in and abide with us too jno 423 ilcv 20 there was great joy in zaccheus heart an je wndrous words fell upon hlscars his obedience was prompt and joyous not all men are ready to receive jams tio promptly and joyously zaccheus was noli necustomed to such kindness and re spect they humbled him and converted him jyseyrlty an con had not if we would win men we must be kind them jesus was glad too but the people were not they began their cus tomary criticism of jesus treatment of sinners 30 34 30 15 the genuineness of ziiccheus conversion is shown by the way it fee tod his pockcl book he gave bountifully to the poor and lulrdcr still made restitution the lve and power of jesus transformed hard4teted extortioner into an lionejt largehearted and belfreapcctlng saint zaccheus lost nothing by parting with his earthly goods mark 10 30 30 salvation iwd come not only to him but to his house acts 1g 31k salva tion liod ono booauso jout imdcoiiw zaccheuii was son of abraham be cause he had proven his faith oal and faith had suved him as it did abraliam it is wonderful description of our lord jesus mission in verse 10 kot who 10 ws that came tho son or man clods pattern man he only true man that evermlved vor whom he came the loat no hope less oses then par what lie caineto seek in world of meaning in that an1 to nave great and meaningful word mun must take ills place ua lost before jesiw cun save and he tliut desires in blv proof of his being believer juiould walk in the titeps of zaccheus like thu sins like him ku him follow tho christian gructs which he has neglec ted believer must llv tluit all those about him know that lw belong clod thd man who prof to know clirlst und trust him yt chmvnj to sin and the world grcing down to hll with lie bx hjjt right hand ho that lias really tasted tbc graoo pf christ will instinctively hato kin and will have for tho cry of his heart what shall render to th lord for all hid bencntfl ii tho sacrcdncss of gods house 4548 wherever jfliua cornea in everything that is not true and tighb goes out worldllncss has no place in the house of ood it could bo said ha defense of those whom ho cast out that what they were doing had something to do with tcmplo services but none the leas it wad being carried on for personal pronb and so denied the temple jesus action exprcsied his mind and that of ood his mind is oat the saroe today when ha tecs thr house ostensibly con secrated to tho worship and honor of the fcather being used for social gatherings fairs barefoot donees vcn theatrical performances masquerading under the tiamc ilia touibwiiib courterjpunial hlo ikubt op it my fauiershouse isii houso of prayer isa 5g jesus pub all the traffic out of the temple it would be well if he were to coma and carry through similar housecleanlng for many of our modern churches woman from the city waa spending the summer in small town and one day wlillo doing lier marketing she asked the butcher how he happened to choose his business he hesitated moment and then well dont know ho answered dut always was uimi cf animals history finds no nation really worth while except when it builds ltd own monument adolf hitler won aul kugur old maid smuing lored and won other one how do you make that out old ma id oh he jilted me and had lot more fun with the 150000 ho would have had with him religion lbself is one of the knost striking possible examples of evolution robert mllllkan esslflrtt or ttomtstlc shortening 2i ib pkg crisco 22c lombard plums 9c bartlett pears 15c salmonjjl 31c lobster ea 29c tomatoes vi pepper ground bikl ib 25c soup 19c 19t 20c 19c 33c 11e 23c ml salted sodas red plum jam 3w maple syrup finest tea pastry flour pickles cornedbeef2l3 oallclowl cacoanut ng ers 25 lyons tea 32c sauce hw 9c dutch sets iu 13c del maiz tor ir 23c yeast trxu 4c ginger ale 48c old english no rubbing wax pt 49 qt g9 apricots aylm no 16c prunes new it 25 nx ash boards 32 clothes lines kil lu nj yoi infants oiunw soap jlonjrpn 1mt 14c obgt 21c oka 1qc pl3 19c 10 bars 35c roll 5c babbitt cleanser 18 carrolls 00 limite 00000000000001 cabbage firm green potatoes hoknc grown flwiry cookcra iieclc 35 bananas golden yellow jtjovenvtdavoklijlc cucumbers tomatoes etc at attractive pwces aixd oz acton free delivery phone 1s8