Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 May 1936, p. 2

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the acton free press thubsday may 38th 18j8 fiimi tiliifadny tit acton ontario unitidsui umrllunal inil ui ami new ulrlicixr hoild be given when thanuo ol aildrea requested cancellationswe find tliat rniit our aub rlbivvtr not to have their uberouon interrupted cxptrion wjille arrears orcf an exletiacrl tided to caiicrl we aaaum crvice continued ulven preler not to have their aubcnt ilia laulorcnjltbctarccxpirat crlntlopa will not bo oarried period yet uliea we the bubacriber wlaliea tb advertising uateson appllcatl in various column heading although wr precaution will he errur the free irea acccpta advertiaic the underjlandin that it will but he liable tor an error in any advertiemeit pimlhed hereunder uxde pool uch advert emeil euted in tin the advertiei and returned to the pre le buinea office duly aned bv the advertlef and with uch error or correction plainly noted in writ thereon and in that rae il any error noted not corrected by the free it ilahiliiy hail not exceed audi proportion ol the entire cot ol url detieet the pace occupe by the noted hear to the whole pace occupied uch a4vertii whole apace occupied by awof dills editor trleihones editorial and uuinei office ateidence 174 i3 an amusing side rather intimate connection of couple of years with police court proceedings has given us some rather shall we say amusing experiences of course the most of these are not amusing but even police court has side that has its amusement wo think the most amusing thing is to trcar that time worn parting shot of the motorist who has been found guilty of an infraction of the highway traffic act say thats the last time iii ever go through acton one would think to hear him or her that the municipality was dependent entirely on his pass ing through it and needful for the beaming of his countenance to provide it with light we said time worn saying we find it is used so frequently in all courts that it is joke amusing the thing that makes it the more amusing is the type of motorist who uses it its not the chap who has offended once who is the one to usually take this patronizing atti tude but the big shot the fellow who would havs one believe that the amount of the fine is trivial its the principle of the thing yes theres the dull side in prcponderence in police court but theres the amusing side as well some day we may write moie fully on it weve taken settlement of fines and then been solicited for magazine subscriptions and been offered poetry there are experiences in connection with the work that make it pretty dull and drab but its great place to meet and study human nature let sonuioms eke have the benefit of the doubt red ryan murderer hypocrite and betrayer of those who trusted him and endeavored to help him ii rlrbti mid with him com of similar calibre in their passing they took the life of young con stable widow and two little ones are left that is the tragedy of the case glance at the record of the two dead criminals shows lives that disclose tirtrimtr cehlnrmr nml trnilq nf thff lowest tvnp dogs wouldnt use those who befriended them as these two men did the pity of the whole case is that public sympathy is too often played up for these worthless wretches and those loyal men who are every day protecting the public and society are made the target for ridicule and suffering the police and courts arc not anxious to make criminals but if lot pf the busy bodies who advocate so much leniency toward law breakers would make as close study oi criminal records as they do sensational headline canada and other countries wpuld be kept lot safer prison reforms may be necessary but consideration who endeavor to protect society agnes mcphail and the globe need not be given the whole ear be cause after all those who conduct prisons very often get in office for their behaviour just as the prisoner land in their positions through their behaviour we favor more sympathetic ear for the police in the carrying out of their duties and their advice expedi ence and the records should be better guidance for the safety of society than that of busy bodies in other wulks of life and red ryans record will generally convince thftaverage man of this fact john lewis widow and children and law abiding citizens have paid dearly for red ryans trial lets try for while giving the police undcourts the benefit of tli doubt an able editor passes georgo mitchell editor of the hanover post has passed on at the age of 55 years he had filled this position for thirty years he made hanovers paper power not only in the community he served but in wider held his death is not only severe lost to hanover but through the province and be yond he served well his day and generation but all regret that his days of set vice wero terminated so early when there has been no intimation thus fur that the stretch of rond between acton mid milton would bccomcaconncctinprfinkberweentwohiyhwayr it has however been intimated that the middle road would come in for some of the expenditure toronto und hamilton again getting the consideration it would seem the rest of the trallic can eat the dtibt in other sections wehope we have to take tluit statement back but were willing to do it canadians are great travellers canadians are great travellers and are estimated to have spent 7039pooo while visiting foreign countries during 1035 this is an increase of 25 000000 over the expenditures of canadian tourists during 1034 and may be attributed in some measure to improved economic conditions canadian tourists to overseas countries spent 10503000 canadians visiting the united states by automobile spent 30 060000 and those travelling by rail or steamer spent 22030000 which brings the expenditures of can adian tourists in the united states up to 82806000 canadian automobiles exported to the united states for touring purposes numbered 050250 compared withata8s2iiwl434yiuid cxrfcdpatthcfiia5x2 viiictl visited the united states during the peak tourist travel year of 1029 the sunjuay school lesson sunday may 311 1036 tin iav supieit gold ii text nli do in rcl braiicv of nw luku 22 lo luron ttxl luki 2j tlmtr iuijduy cvciilntf april iio imiir an upim room in jini ii in kxuoj itlmj with dlr hav dtlitd to ill lhl pumwfr ilh you 7hi oarlrdjuikiljarwardtxthllilt uupih with itrvil cxpccutlon mid lonjj intf on the whole it wui nil ocliuijoii of joy thoutrh tlie joy twit muircd by the iiiim mly urlfo of dkclplct tor ptemllmco vu l47 by tfui pru mcttpffrortter of judm and by the meelinjj with approval the test for tuberculosis in cattle has been car ried on in this neighborhood within the past few weeks as in other sections of the county sonic herds have been found exceptionally clean and some in very serious condition but the farmers all seem now to fully realize the seriousness of the situation and are determined to clear it up and give halton clean bill treatment seems to be generally recognized as fair and while losses may seem heavy the cost is seemingly considered well worth while we havelieard of those who have complained and we have read lurid stories of ruination in the daily press we meet andconverse with farmers quite frequently and of course nearly every farmer in the county has now had visits from the inspectors we luwe yet to meet the complaining and critical type referred to in these daily paper stories we find rather degree of satisfaction and pride in accomplishment among the farmers in the cleanup replacement prices are of course high the movement is spreading and we forecast an adoption of the test in neighboring counties farmers generally realize its necessity and are anxious to clear up thesituationand house holders who use the product in milk and other forms are delighted to be situated in an urea that will soon be free of tuberculosis in cattle kditorwa notes the race for the conservative leadership comes to finish today many liavc been called but al could notbe chosen anticipation of tho croji and the dtit uruon of our lord by all tho duclples tho tpcctul reiaion why our lord pcmui dcslrud bafc this iwovcr with thrm wili because it would bo ills last oppor tunity to tmtt of tlic iaviover unwl tho whole irfcaiiuitf of it hould bo fumlkd in tho khiudom of gad from study and comparnon of all account lfc la plain that the lord und tho duclplca uuj the ihuwovtr tlio nltfht before it wa miten rttrularly that he lmself wu luuinlntf upon the cross as tho fulfilment cf the type tho pufiiovcr limb when the puiover lamb wag slain to be uftw ward eaten the word in ib will not drink henceforth of tile fruit of thu vine until tlie kingdom of god rlull come clearly imply uiiit in our resur rection glory while wo have spiritual bodies we shall ittlll eat and drink this do in remembrance of me 10 20 before pakslnk to tus dlsclpks tho ryr ij7wifltan rj7ceu3gavc thunlca kio wo thanking god for hu own suffering and dentil how wonder ful hulnyo to us that it should lead him to thank god for the agony shame and deatli through which he was to pass soe our sake tho breaking of the bread waa not significant of tho break inf of christs body on the cross not bone of him was broken jho 10 mj cor 11 24 cf it was mlmpiv significant of the distribution of hfa body among those wlio should feed on him there hud been endless discussion to the force of th word is in the statement this lsniy body does it mean that as jesus blessed the bread it become the actual physical body of chrfat cr docs it mean this bread represents my body and just as you eab this bread and it becomes port of you to you are to eat me and will become part of you one will findthanswer to the question in ez cotr 101 io 11 25 st 37 11 luke 13 jno 1q ilcv 20 and gal 25 where the word is to used over and over again la the flense of represents or stands for kevertheless while there is no teaching here that the bread become the actual physical body of jesus cluut the doctrine of transsub btantlawon taught in the church of rome there is real presence of christ in the service when we partake of ths elcmentu discerning the lords body on tho otlier liand if we paruike in on unwerthy manner as mere form not thinking of what we are doing not discerning tlie lords body we are guilty of the body and blood of the lord cor ill 27 und we tati und drink judgment to ourselves cor 11 27 20 thow great blessing or there is great judgment when we par take of the lords supper this how ever ought not to make us timid coming there but to be careful when waeometrbosu re uiai do it as mere form the thought that stands out prominently in lukes ac thtnrwyirrpathy6tt snttnayirwnlnhirhtihsttf season only the home team was long was oft putting on the right finish to tire event col drew is again advocating investigation of bonds and taxes there are those who wonder what he accomplished during his days of opportunity foi nvcstigation the intimation of debt reduction by millions by the ontario government is indeed welcome news the question ib how many more millions reduction will be necessary to have it presentable john lewis young sarnia policeman gave his life in protecting society against criminals who had had hiituaisobtrmrfendsyiiputr opportunities to reform he leuvesiniiffer ent record from the two criminals who met death at the same time fortyeight per cent of the population of ontario is engaged in agriculture yet member of parlia ment points out that only 17 per cent of the total relief funds huve been spent in aiding farmers the proportion would be greater if it was as easy to secure relief in the country us it is in the city hanover post colhngwood hub reduced the tux rute by ii mills but the assessment has been raised keplucin ol hydro deficits by surpluses is greet ed with enthusiasm und is nice change from the former record under the henry regime the out look is grudually improving but it has taken some uction to bring about the change und premier hepbuin und his colleagues ure to be cougiutuluted for theft courage railways not obsolete eng land finos tho royal commkifilon appointed in great ilrltuln to inquire into tho ques tl tif triuirkiruliyii luu submitted lis nniil report liealing with the nuestlor of rullwuy1 the report ruiiim up we are proudly emuclous of the importance of maintaining nn elllrli nl und pruperou mil way yuiu jltnuauy tire far from having bii rttidered obojuta by newer fornu of iriuiitprt id itingo couches untl to coiulde ruble extent caiuib were when railway ru introduced por many puriwtj in at for tin main bilslih of trim port they ire lndlii imiiiuble llvrii tlioinli linwvr form of trumport hive in imnc wuyt modified the patticn they previously held jooil tlii child of rich puvnli imw luilfu dnjw infanta streaming across th street iiifroritt tiler cur loor llttlo children slui reflected potw theyve irot no jiurwj only mothers jfc must und then it uus with gneaj heartuclio judiui ttuirrlcd to hiswojrdly umbitlon dbiappclnted in thc cumal hopm that had ilrhtf drawn him to jctius ills faith und rjicliish loyalty turned into greed and imte conscience stifled spum ed the love tluit wiuifht to savo und tho apostle bocumo thief and murderer und so may we if we love the world ratlier than christ jos is it not often true today as wo ult at tlie lords table that the hand of him uiat betrayed jesus is with him on the tabic good start ttfashvllla tennesson acton stpres can fulfill your needs give them first chance counu4s our lords wishing tozec re membered by his dkclplea after he was gone it was because he so loved them that he wished to be remembered especially as tlie one who jiad offered oils body and shed his blood for them wliat ingratitude it is on our part if wc negleet tn remmhr ttlm in thft way in which he luui bidden us to remember him how well tlie lord knew list how weu he knew how prone we were to forget him and even to drop out of our mind tlie wondrous thought of his aton ing death in our place as subsltute sacrifice on tlie cross of caivary how deeply he must be pained at the words out aw bpoken by certain class of theologians today in which they go to far us even to apeak lightly and con temptuously of the doctrine of substi tution as theology of the shambles our lord wlshwl thvi eating of tlie bread and drinking of tlie wine to be con tinued by the disciples until he him self fihouw eewe bftek ukuih cor ll 24 21 tlie old covenant won scaled uith blood ex 24 jnii there can be no covenant between holy ood and sinful man except on the irround of khed blood heb 1023 tho blood lti tlie life und the life miut be poured out whetu there wi sin it there la to be forgiveneiis lev 17 11 the bl od of christ was shed unto re mission of ilna matt 30 2flfcf mat 20 211 iii the hand ofthe betrayer 2123 fult of which jesuit imd been aware for lung time vln the perfidy of jud jno 70 71 come before him sud denly at the time of the feast und filled iik soul uith anguish cf jno 13 21 and he excliilnied in derp sorrow hold the hand tf him that betrraeth me ls with mi on the table judiu pi tidy was one of tine bitterest parts of the cup thutjejuii drank cf ph 41 65 12u jeam lovod juda iio gave him thipirtunlty ufu opportunity for uiknunee he only let him go when unusual mvetheys jams wu alalll to 10c red rose tea chocolate shortcake fingers drb ckocouu coald ib 16c kings plate kipper snacks ruuv fix eum tin 4c ayhner golden bantam corn fancy quality 21c heinz ovenbaked beans with pom 29c assrs iib 16c cvv ita fcrs 19c hellmanns real mayonnaise laprovrt any salad 21c 861 it jmoi 10 ran flaked dllcally totals pks 10c crossed fish norweglan sardi ines dllcal tiny flh 27c surprise golden oa dpndatl quality bar 23c baal to kd m4c at to kd fcf wattr 2se ivorv flakes plf 25c tvet t3e carrolls limits tomatoes lbs ock lettuce mftm jc pi crlk head ut oranges 37c large pineapple cuban nice size full flavor lemons lurce slie qj with juice lovely olden yellow 23c doz cabbage 9c potatoes cookss 33c acton free delivery phone 158 stoke closed saturday night 1030 pjn

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