thursday may lath 1938 theactotf free press mother and son to rescue uujp ihrpp fltpaa bnrt tnru three times bridesmaid ny maiioaiurr banosteh with tha skipper her husband and her daughter lying seasick in their sodden bunks mrs benolt nnd her 15ycaroid son jullcn fought terrlfio storm in their 38foot pleasure yacht nnd succeeded in bringing the crippled craft into yarmouth tho llonla in charge of brigadier benolt retired had sot out last year for cruise to the bahamas on their way home they rnn into storm just out of bouon moier and son took turns nt tho wheel ond the pumps when the motor failed thoy had to rig up makeshift sail above picture shows mr and mrs benolt son jullcn and daughter jeanno holds solution to deaths of hornby and companions al greathouse bushscarred veteran of the north says they starved to death reviews sensational story mysterious vandals have wrecked cemotcrlcd at kamsack saak and many nearby towns and village causing damage in excess or 97000 above photo shows workmen repairing tombstones at kamsaek toy wrigirr central pres catutdutt writer kamark sakatchowau may while reward posters still flutter from billboard and police remain baffled citizens supervised by kiibitem undertaker nnd monumentmaker work in the cemetery here to restore it to some semblance of what it was beforo unknown vandals desecrated graves smashing scores at tombstones by sledgehammerlike blows early last march snow more uian two feet in nd fhp depth payrnolnglrnlly usuu mm uic numbing ttect of this unprc cedented act of destruction which clthtcnfelt after their wove of aurprl5canjcicahdliacjitmenrhad subsided is the reason why work of rehabilitation has only just begun the tombstones knocked from their pedestals loy cracked and split where they hud fallen in the snow for weeks after discovery wus made by cnarlle parkinson who vrnt tothe dig and there became indistinguishable in tho til el gh runner ruts of the rood it seemed to police as it two individuals had wrapped their feet in yards of burlap to frustrate identification while police chief lazenby of kamsack together with rcjucp officem puzzled over the case word came from the village watson 175 miles to the west that the cemetery there had been found in like condition then the village of pelly reported similar destruc tion this strange sequence led to rumors of phantom vandals who roovlhroirgtplhsmrtcrtitthtrr horc adth hoofs wrapped in burlap andnowltusprlug with tha tnystery llnunsol vetfchobinssin in budding poplar trees as citizens work over graves to repair damage estimated at 7000 some of the relatives of those burled moved from here years ugo and we do not knbw where to get in touch with them but the town sday grave early tuei march muffled footkliiu amazed at the sight he saw vie dropped his shovel and pick to notify police who came to find muffled footprints in the snow the tracks led on to the roadway of knmsack will def cos of re mornlrig of placing atone wkere fcthtlveit cannot be located mayor 1l jackett told me at night in the dim light of the moon the cemetery with its scattered tombstones looks like the marble ruin of an ancient pagan city laid low by barbarian hands scotts 5crapbook bv scon 7uumbiu 14 iml aul mkmovh txckulur ami 1m ihpoculkx vll clol5 afe chfcxkcp mfekor4 hugboaftt yh qamt xrfiallv plavtc oh ck1all roxks amd 1m glrvl dupllcml lcrimto show ulrdnt at uctftrf imohicimj ctuc 0iiace mjuen looked lib horwilf in tho lung mirror and sly hod slio might will have smiled for uvc xifleclioii in tho mirror wtu pretty mo all tho way down from lier orclikl orki her orchid crepe flcu chine slippers alio was vision of cool oarly uummcr churm all thuu ijie need ed to complete the unumblo wua tho utue round bouquet of orchid aweot pom that she would carry on tho morrow whim she with live other eirlj hj paotef tinted track would be bridesmaid oraoo however who should have been happy won not in the least glad it was the third time that fihe liad been bridesmaid worse it wat the third time in tho apacu of year jho tliought of tlic line ui ccrtuln mora or leas pop ular advertisement three times bridesmaid but never bride the line read it had itemed amuahig to ixad it hi cold type in magazine but it was not funny really when grace stop ped to consider bhe wa the sort of flrl who seemed cut out to be pcren nall bridesmaid somehow she scemej to lack uiat somothmg that led to actlvp romance love and homo the bride in this especial cose was dear friend in fact aho had been grace roommate at boarding school they had been together constantly dur ing the boarding school vacations for they lived in tho same town jurlri3 tfagye giadmtfc they had kept up tho intimacy it was only natural that druce should iiave been chouen as one of the attendants at the wedding yet in way the girl resented her friends obvious favor she had been chose so often of label you know anno bhe noid to the bride to be as they sat together just few days before the wedding talking plant over cant help feeling little jealous of you and your happiness anne was flushed radiant and dim pling she looked like all the picture of all the worlds brides to be rolled into one joyous personage darling she tuld youve no reason to be jealous of me youre prettier than am much any timel ejaculated grace laugh ingly with the laughter dead on her lips then she went back to her original theme oh fm really not homely know tliatl she admitted but tome how my looks never help at all far as men as concerned perliapd considered anne its be eauue youre to serlousmlnded grace dear ycutako so many things hard your sunday school class for instance ive known you to give up good parties becauie of it and you dont go in for necking anne laughed apologetically for making liormlefl whoopee tho way rome of the girls do youre to old fasliioned grace why ive heard tho boys say that you ought to be drejd in crinoline grace answered very soberly there was no question of laughter in her heart now cant help it uhc caid if have oldfashioned ideals love my sunday school clacs like to go to church and dislike wild parties and road houses and things like that no wonder cant join in the way the other ttlrls do unfortunately said anne many of the ycung men ol the prvcnt generation efem to be interested ma hopr jou dont live to regret thli choice he unher did not laugh all through tin ueddlng he wdd seriously woi matching you you were wv riparkllng and ytt bo jabur too tho regt uf the glrlitioiiid toftako nil nt iiiiothir joke another party ij tliem it was lurk not ctrcmony liut could you inrtcning to tho mlnlnterd word1 and taking them in so was ajiswcred grace li jjovcr go to weddhia tliat tllu beauty and tile jierloujjicli of the occasion doejuit come over mo in rujih just like that rhuy mean mo much iho mlntutcra words the young mail waa looking at her didnt think there were girls llko you he murmured thought tliey were all uell sort of jazzy nowodays btlleve youd stick to man if ho wtre pretty close to starving wouldnt you for wmio reason grace felt her long lililux lowering over her iluidied clieeks why she argued with herself ahe scarcely knew this usher ho was only friend cf tho groom he liad come es pecially for the wedding from faroff city he was going away again out of her life she lud not known of his exis tence cvon day ago something in his voice however moved her oddly why yen slw answered at last would stick to man if cared for lum in any circumstances marriage to me pledge ainly in cxcltc ment at least cant help thinking that they are oh why dont you pre tendr grace tkatyou arealittletwore modern juat pretend and see what happens it was the truth as grace stood looking at hcnjclf hi the long mirror he realised that it wau absolutely an in escapable face slie liked sweet oldfash ionel udngs sweci bldfoihlonod virtues ufe fcr her did not revolve to the music of jajus band it was turned to the umple melody of parlor organ that was why presentday young men the brothers and tle cousins of hei friends so often looked at her and aald sliej nice girl but she hasnt any pep bjiovj too dead never mind he told herself as she met her mirrored ees know that im right even though im not popular know the things love are the hest things after tlie way af glrlt then oracc carefully took off her orchid ensemble hung hei her nn rik solved in tean tlicre were no tears the next day how ever wllen grace stood with the other bridesmaids in front of the altar and heard the minister spenk the words that made anne and the man of her choice husband and wire indeed grace wu fhwluml and radiant by far the prettiest of the bridesmaids in fact prettier al most ulan the bride one of the ushers thought no us he looked ut her lie was ttwngcr in the town imported aime had said for the occasion he had arrived only an lu ur before the fmrvlce with scarcely time to nutt the others after the cere mony iu the wedding party gatheed toguthor ut tlu iiuoptlon in amiis luimi iu hurrlwl over to graces side dont know whether were mipponed to be parbiern or not he said but choose yui onywuyt nice luiiglwd jiut ad though she hud liad this sort of thing lmppen beore my goodness wonderful girl said tho usher and now as spontaneous laughter burst out from ths otner side of tho room can see uiat tho wedding party is getting ready to go in for refrehhmentii how about you and making up our own little party grace could not believe her ears for this usher wjb the most attractive of all tlie men and she knew that the other bridesmaids were regarding her wih envious eyes all the other urdierw you see were local boys who had always flocked as inoths do to the brightest candles grace in her imaghiatiojj could hear tho girls commenting oithhla stran gers attitude and saying well or courte tho new man doesnt know grace he doesnt know how dull she la and how scrlcusmlndedl during tho tupper there foro grace taking her courage in her hands decided to tell tins interested young person just how dull and eorloubmlnded she was you know ijio began as an opening uedge didnt catch your name when we ere introduced before the cere mony cj itu an unimportant name the usher told her im rtoss blackton and as matter of fact didnt catch anytlung of your name except tho first part gracol grace suits you you know tlie last part of it grace told him is mlllen but you may call me grace if youd like she added ill say id like nald the yuher you know said grace and she uas aware as she spoke uiat even the bride and groom uere beginning tp notice their absorption in each other youre golnc to be sorry jou picked me out uils way im not good fun like the rent of the glrki dent play around the way ucy do im stupid at partlts and im not ucll gay have sunday school clas and belong to the girls friendly society and go to all the missionary ahoky and uiat her own voice broke as she answered hlrn oould this bo love at first alght she wondered theres jurt one thing said uio oung man earnestly uiat wont to ask you were talking about your inter pretation of tho marriage uervlce am you said ycai fun it tuwriod real set of vovji wonder how youd feel about giving all your youth and beauty ojj4 plftiiiiiuid dreams to mai who jart tibarling out hi his own bushics1 and who has lonff row to 1il before ho gets anywluro mtuit of these youn fvllown in town he hesitated jtuit trifle awkwardly are pretty comfortably llxed ilroiit tht grace choked over her luuwer dont thihlc that juuc matter ut all she said it is love that counts uiid hiring id like to lulp my husband during itw building mirl society meetings too suppose youll think regular bock number holh niafktrn rinh ro frnm lliat ort of fumhyl tnyietf ho said believe it or not im unmodem too im member of sunday school clau unfortunately dont teach one suppose said grace thata why we uo hive been drawn gether in uils wuy we undartitand the uame lan and perhaps ald the usher from out of town were both little lonely it uiu just then uiat the bride called out to them note of impauenco was mingled ului tho excitement of her voice oh grace she called this isnt your tttosome thk my ueddlngl grace laughing obeyed the tlkinilstax jble cumtnuui ira not going to be allowed to monopolize you any longer he taid to ross dlackton the brides part or the reception at last was over and the wedding bouque had been thrown much to her own nur prlse grace at wliuii it hud not been aimed wuj the one who caught it it denied to fall uiitomulcally into he urms call thnt good news breathed rtol in her ear she caught it then the bride and groom in their brand new travelling clothed hud dbi apiwurell lu cloud of confetti now aiace totd hcrelf mlerubl the glamor will be off because this man will see that nobody else wants to pay ony attention ui me and hell lase interest strangely enough however itoss ulickton did not lose inttrtst he wnved matten by miylng dimply im going to be jelrlih fr tnce in ty llfel tucking graces hand under hbi arm he piloted her out into the dewy moon lit gurden cant stay here very long he rnld in tub town mean thed other fellown will have to get along wltli uiit you for one evening weve lot rf talking to do grute dtoveretl that hb tone wa lovw und sliarlng breathed tho young man and hli lumd reilcluxl out tturough uio soft juno darkness and touched graces liand guis wo understand ach other ho said at lust that won all except that until uio party broke up the two of tlvem just iiat on the gurden bench hi the ahodow of sbmo sweet blooming tree and talked and talked ejul talked about church ond sunday school classes and ideals finally oars begun to drive up to annes houfte und to go uway agubi uy all vblblo slgn the party was over it was then tliat grace rose with sigh ita time to go in she sold ex poct its goodby now but of coume im going to take you home said liowt and much to tlie open oyed surpsdso of tho enure group of guests lie did grace and ross black ton drove to her home in one cf the towns hired cars in ttilence somcliow they were tauod out uic two of uienf altliough not in the usual uensc all tlie other uilngs tluit were left to be said were too ad vanced for the naying just uien it wit uvtvvum hyjjttfticd oajraccs frontatepi uiat the uhcrfrom out of town spoke have to leave flrst uung in tho morning he totld wonbo you again just now but ill write you and guess you know whit ill write grace was old fashioned tlie modern girl would perhaps have made some clever answer and would have turned the young mans seriousness with light quip grace however was essentially honest yes think do know what youll write ehe said all jit once bhe folt the young mani arms about her and his lips upon her own then said the usher from out of town uuits all right too grace slipped quleuy into uio house and went to bed but she did not bleep httr dreams were wideeyed ones because she was reviewing all tliav uio young man had eaid slie had ussumed uiat he wni storting out in business uiat ho was probably very poor that life for hiu wife would be time of toll and sacrifice she fcund that the thought pleased rather than dismayed her it was almost dawn when grace finally fell asloop at eleven oclock hhc was awakened by uic telephone ringing sharp summons from the iltuo table beulde her bed sleepily she answered then all at once she woa excited and wide awake it was annes voice uiat sounded over the wire well began tho bride wluiout pre amble youre uic sly little thing you arc had to call you up onof tell you so even though its costing me million dollars minute because im prvtty far away by now grace forgot all the thlngti that slie wanted to say to the bride all uio good wishes for happiness that olio wanted to give what do you mean im sly she asked instead for making terribly serioik con is delicious romriinr im only telephone fcut with toe for company youre never lonely you know that at any time of iha day or night you coin chmt with friend or family far or near and whats equally comforting you know they always can reach you when tlie need arises ki do say to myself youll really enjoy my rreaymcc im there when you want jnc yet never oh rude ask me to come and stay with you ill gladly accept your invitation telephone costs only ekw cents day our local btulnsmm oiw umll gu supply information quest anne told herl you may not know it but that ioas blackton is confirmed bachelor and great catch healwaysholdmyhuaband thrilled over uie new word uiat hed nevev fcund girl ho was even allghuy interested in but last night juit as ue were leaving he took my husband affaln the faltering pride aside and told him hed at lawt tiuocumbed to continued on pugo sgt every boy and baseball fan will want thl uptodattf jbook baseball ncl ixow tctlmay ifvbyvranvttt shad shuughnessy mau adw of the nnuunt win nlnd montreal koyalv pitching battliid baw mutilngall the tine point o4 the dame are clearly explained and illustrated htwahow toflet it sim ply iid in to he uddread uiow crown brand lily white com kynin label with your name and address and tho worda baseball book plainly written on the bark and your copy will bo mailed to you rbihr away edwarosburc crown brand corn syrup the pamous energy food special notice bu eon noo buy the best brands of prepared house paiht or per qollon why take chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undcrnoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure insist upon one of these famous timetested br for your exterior painting any one of them will assure you job 01 ouiaiandliiit beauty long paint life and economy front first to last there is store in your vicinity that can supply you sherwinwilliams canada paint martinsenour acton agent for canada paint lashbrook mill street acton ont if you want to sell advertise