efllflffr paok six the acton free press thursday may 28th 10m jutted much wish novr had met thee much wish could forget thee par my heart well nigh broken by the words tha thou but opoken pool wa to dare to loo thee thou who iltm above me but tho aptchdor of thy beauty lured me from jny humble duty yet will not let thy scorning darken all my youths bflghtr morning thou wouldst crush me if id lot uiee but think can forget thee menu hints nay 1et me bee by betty birclay how often have you praised your anger to your lips and id to yourself now jet mo see as ou contemplated tho next meal what ahall brrvo for main dsh or far dessert want wjmethlng difler cntoroethine that dees not coat too mucivamethnjr that wul be relished something out of the ordinary well here is one suggestion for souffle that will surely please and an other for dainty dessert that will dis appear like magic tuna and oftkry souwljs 4v4 tablespoons quickcooklnff tapioca 1v teaspoon salt v4 txuopoon pepper cup finely cut celery cupa milk cup flaked tuna llsh egg yollo beaten until thick and vfttiir colored egg whites stiffly beaten had to be about four feet slats diabt by oliver warren tilly stick long all public functions were hold on ihi common it waa here company no sunday took apln in tho ford ma wcre drilled by captain allan and lieut at tho ancle ac uhe kolldcd with jim crclchlon capt allan wui brltlsi nohtcr car when she cod abo turn soldier of tho atrl test djiclpllnc every as alio slgneled uio ether man scd ou cupid man in tlie ranks luwl to too tin did 8c thus rnolt mr ucrntch nmomb oner dave lijfll monday jane mul ix ntexed in the heart wiunt giving tho atuntlon to tho dummest dunu kontcst her fokai captains instructions he should cnpl ilu out suler on rhlp did they clou three times brides maid continued from pace three allan came up to him took hu rifle from the port holes when the tide comes in pepper celery and milk to top of double boiler riaoe over rapidly bolt lng water bring to scalding point allow to minutes and cook minutes stirring frequently add fish remove from boiling water let cool slightly while beating eggs add egg yolks and ml well jptold into egg whites turn into greased baking dish place to pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven 350 degrees 60 to minutes nr until souffle is arm serves bafff ana tapioca cream cup quickcooking tapioca cup sugar teaspoon salt egg yolk cups milk egg white stiffly beaten teaspoon vanilla bananas combine quickbooking tapioca sugar wit egg yolk and milk in top of double boiler and stir enough to break egg yolk place over rapidly boiling water bring to welding point allow to minutes and cook minuted stirring frequently remove from boiling water fold mall amount into egg wilte add to remain ing tapioca mixture and blend cool mixture thickens ax it cook when slightly cool add vanilla chill jusb before serving crush banana with uver fork and dice uie other then fold into topics cream terves 1jk3bthouse otf the kill so many of our men folk choose sla of gelatine for deaert when uie lunch at their favorite club or restaurant that it behoove us to think of this dessert ui connection with their meals ab home but why not go step farther and terve more elaborate gelatine dishe instead of serving simple gelatlne tnokj or one containing few pieces fruit prepire ome thing so attractive that even guests ulll regard it as culi nary masterpiece sugarplum mold nuy be served as lighthouse on the hill by inserting tiny candle in uie top of uie mold lighting it just before bringing in thr deaert the mold or gelatine garnished alt around the base with ghuged fruit and topped with uie llghuiouse will be wermlyreoetwd heratwwcipa package clierry flavored gelatin pint warm wafer glased apricots prunes and pineapple duolve geutln in warm wattr turn into mold chill until firm unmold garnish wwi glared fruit rve wltiv whipped cream dcrvc por glazed fruit prepare tlilck sugar syrup of cup sugar tableepoon light corn syrup boll minutes blmmer huir rings of conned pineapple tluil soaked dried apprlcolrt and aooded prune in syrup 20 mlmiuxi or until glased coal gute enly faug 1cat1 question after axin biddy dear and here he paused awhile to fringe his words the merest mite with something of smile smile that found its image in face of beautlous mould whose liquid eye were deeping prom boldery of gold vt come to axe ye rddy dtrar if then he stopped again as if hi heart had bubbled ocr and overflowed his brain ills lips were twitching ncrvousl otr wtiat they had to tell and timed uu quivers with the eyas that gently rose and fell him and afu mtnutt instructions bang td dave ovtr tho ah tildt rs with thu uu and ejaculated now will you mind younlf ojid do it as 11 you the twtnt fourth may okki quten vlctorll birthday nlwuy great day in acton almo invariably tliero were big olkbratlons which brougnt look was milt tlio folks from nil the untrysuk and all tht mm frotn tlw famlthn und the saint helena mills there wut alwu big program gmt rully njrunged by charlie symon and of course scot tlsh contents predominate callthum plons wtro invariably popular and they were exceedingly 11 planned ca tumcl and instructed general fakldwmadlnk boruddlcbumjumb their doughty com mandcr inchief was always on deck tj the amusement of the average tunall boy and the terror of tlio little glrle thj old commons has seen some great doinjc the first ilroworks over seen hi acton were let off here thd orange paradeii used tho commons as the rallying centre on uio 12th of july it was here that rev mr jeifrlts grund master iavo lindsay and other ijo big guns rt iworsed all about uio ingit of king wu1u the rattle of thu sloync und tho walkt of derry it was to tills point that the late john kciuiey uio chaplain always carried uic lodge bible and it wasvto tills gathering point uxe latl and losses assembled vlth their orangt roscttca and blue ribbons eventually uio lots of the commons were sjid mr utile built his mansion nrj jj1c tfi elevation jam brown and lisy scales alex smith built hbu house and machine wareroom tnd anybody sliould ought to no they liavi la ktnp tho walter eut rucduy we wot tulttn about ap rourlteti wedin at dinner ma ist ia wluit color did lit lllct fer may bride md ttutmo hut wuddctit wont 1m green tride that onct ma fen rc oh yob vc dime well for your nelf my phild arace flcw into happy anuwer guess crnxy about him too he said sliyly but don think well what niran is mr black ton poor ana errnt catch flnanclilly llct just itartlug his tiun bu inrss you know anne utiswtol brlghuy well slit raid at about tuu dollars second can afford urgut with oul lc jll tarttd hk own bu iihsb and he ut tlu botutin thr luddi professionally krant that hut uiat dcan alter tlu fact hi canir into legacy of cool million dollorti only lat year pcr wedneodiiy llu teccher sod they fornet of tuxr direct in direct at bhauw to namia of tho wpogjm anne voire was jiat mildly ux sed rllsurs erniy ways uio dot jt ojolir ou 11 letmfrridcinyourrolla dont pay it rhursday june got in to argy ment in lho claw tho teechcr scd otto give jantj credit for noclng few tliliigs sed do give her crdelt for noclng us fw thtngt any damn ever wen prlday at brekfaxt ma sod she was goen to do some dhopprn if lho weather permits ast pa what is uio fore cast pa red the paper rain snow hole alect thunder uuiicn offel hob but xpect lie made up sum of it tho siturdiy wtll skool will scon be grand hollowday jl tle tecclicr scd wo kltfc diud feci tile uthcr can be borrow if they wanna but hot lloyce mjmc day ituru miui uie click of receiver and grace woj ulone goln save for her tlumghtr and hrr memories slus wat astoiikhf to realize tliat aimos iwwfi did not overjoy lu aw much as it imve pleased more modern girl some liow uh hod led on meeting slo at uin dotf or the oneroom apartment each night in pink apron hy desiring little poor man make himself rich its here and ce die refrjgef ator tcttmiion of the year he nw golden jubilee wst ngftouac tin eed depesul ability plu new beauty and convenience business directory medical dr mcniven rhjmieiaji and bvrgeea office and residence corner avenue and elgin street dk nelson pfay and sotgeaa electro therapy phooa du wm gculixn phyvicuui and bargees ortlro irour 14 and 79 to comer wederlck and mill ttvlrphono 12s ttlt ijkishman aclon ontario aut0rift iltoler tor westinhouse refrigerators clunlsr tamjly svstlm lltolus china together living and industrial ccndltlons in china wlui her millions of people pre sent ratllcr bcullderlng spectacle to weatcrn eyes china is very oltl and her haua ggqg mn ftthffc her the tve come and uien he took hands and held ulem in his own to axe and uien jie watclicd buds tliat on her click had blowh my purty dear and then he heard the thrcbblng of her heart tiuit told liow lovo had entered in and claimed its every part och dont be toxin me safd wlui juat the foinust slgli slrise enough to see you ve came but wliats the reason why to and once again uie tongue porcbode its sweets to tell to axe if mvs mulligan has any plgi to sell fr uie old scrap book last week we travelled along mu1 street on uie north side up to ouelph street beside uie grand trunk railway scventyrtve years ago yi sixty and perhaps not much mare uian fifty years ago uie block bounded by mill wilbur church and guelph streets was uio commons it was uie only pork or recreauon ground that acton had on gudpu street yes right on the stxee ransom adams piled wood oil winter and on down westward over pellowj strt and on to uie prctient lawn tennis and bowling grounds ttiousands of cords he bought and piled uiere and when spring came he the sheds opposite uie bejl hoel ucrc removed from uie street to the rear be hind uie barn little over ueveutyflve years ago uie grand trunk come through and built their station and yards east of th commons canadian catttl exports to canada sold uie united states ap proximately 103 000 head of cattle during 1035 tho largest number in many year and in addition moved across the border approximately 31 000 head of calves uie lorgrst number of uiat class since 1030 iherowerc also approximately fi 000000 jolung 22 cents tobacco 21 cenu pounds of beef id to uie united sukxi in 1035 tu against approximately 330 000 pounds in 1034 qxport to the united states since the 1st of january 10m up to midmarch have been more moderate uian during the correa ponding period of 1035 and have been made at somewhat lower prlco loveki tills situation states the sixteen ui annual market review issued by the live stock branch bom in ion depart nient of agriculture is reflected in the domcsuc prices in canada late in pebriury orderbought cattle were going forward to great britain in moderate volume ului bookings to uie extent of between 500 and 000 head extending ti the middle of april the outcome of these shipments will not necessarily determine uie direction of export move ments during uie rest of the year an upuard reaction to prices is ex pected as the jear advances the eltu seittotherantfrtmxw rxbitcd duriri the il sary fuel for blielr woodburriing locomo tives ranaom uupplled tens of thou sands of cords of beech and maple to the railway people and made lots of monei cut of it too it was lull the summer job for uie grand trunk aood gang cub up this wood and it kept paddy kelly and luke re illy and 6am laird hurt 1ng in uielr day cording up tlie aood for the train englruxf but all wctt qt the uood pilar over uils block and doun as far as william kenney residence was commons in uvqm dayu here uie old country mui of lelaure played cricket and many fine game they hud then came baseball with uie old lively batballs and th runs they made big scorow were uie prde of uio plajers uiose times one time about fifty five or sixty years ago cup water and uc nu rxanerarulums of acton perauad cd oeorge slcihant big am of maple leafs cf ouelph to come down and have match tliey came uw saw jjiey conquered but uhat mat tv fcore was 137 to jfl in favor of the vult fruitd at lime and do not allow syrup ors qeoruc aleinan niuy flunley to boll hard this avoids breaking of of 0lifi ulkcd fof joars about giat irlut game bill smith was tile pltther and charlie middock catcher for the maple leafs it was tlie week after guelph had played tlw philadelphia yellow stoox lng and licked and in looking uimmj for home outuide club to even up on the nil desperandums uere hoin tlu maple leafs played uie big clubs in uiosa diyn und they often won out uio the sceuvrs work wui alitor primitive llu orflcjil dbputfd ftr tliut uork had no modem score book in which to record hits bases balls fcmls runs strike outs btc it would have taken tlu as big as uie hide of barn llu scorer canui to tha gaum with nicely plane or whlttl squur niece of char pine quarter of 103ff was therefore complex ind ratlier hard to analjsc undoubtcd ij some further lncreoe in cattle ntarketlngs in canada over uie very sub btantlal increase which occurred in 1035 is anticipated it la hoped states tin review uiat tlie united states will the market for nslderable volume of cattle to put on fevd from uprlng tlme onuard and should this mater bring ub7sutitrea iloli taibut price and very liberal tiohuyiwmt of suit nble claiien may be expected in hligian congo codiisli luxuity uyikhto in ontario tiu publlcjyoancd hydro klectrlc ytm of ontario uie uiird largest commercial institution in the dominion of canada being surpassed in amount of pweauneiit by only tlie canadian nat loiiai railways und tlie canadian ihiclric itallway rite capital investment in the combined coiiunlssloii and municipal pliuibi inventoried and ouir osmuu vrr 4o0 miuloil dollars it serves wlul power aikd light nie u7 tnuulcumluu jid coirtpauuut and supplies uie light nd power wants of approximately b3u 000 customers vat the year endd october 1935 uio total re veil ue of th experiences during theenlairiesherhab existed as country with uie devast ating floods uiat have occurred coupled with epidemics uiat rage from time to time along wtui upheavals in government one wonders how tlie people liave man aged to retain ony semblance of unity last year some 10 000 square mlica of country were inundated in central china millions of people were hornclcs and uiure was property damage including crops esumutcd at over 5oo imlilions of dollars the great ctrcngth of china seems to be in her family system which his endured through the centuries and tends to prevent that disintegration that one might quite naturally expect the face of such happenings the worker are pakl extremely low wages in com parison wiui other countries in bhang lial for instance where uie highest rauis prevail the wages paid in uie leading industries for an average day of ten hours are shipbuilding 41 cents hosiery match making 17 cent paper making 16 centa flour milling 14 cents cotto spjining 13 cento silk reeling cents according to uie industrial department of the canadian national railways in some cases wogea as low as one cent day plus rice mc ney jdfach work is carried on by uic apprentice system in native handicraft industries the ap prentxe receiving no remurtcruuou ex cept focd and chelter seventy to eighty per cent of china population are de pendant upon agriculture for living bvidfnce father did you have the car out la night son yes dad took some of the yc for run around pauier well tell uiem found two of their llpstlcka will you dot ii in the belgian congo codfish luxury among the white population which numbers about 25 000 and they constitute the sole demand the market is supplied bj dry alted codrt imported in tins from noruay und orcut britain tlie codji is or twu kinds whole ilihj with fins und tails but without bonei or luud and bonclesj codfish cut in pkces on the other it cf the world la dominica uhirc cod tlsh had been genenil urtlle of dct for many yearn in earlier lrmit nov scotia and neu foundland tlslurnieii siilid their schoon ern to dominica and old their catch direct to the market according to the induj trial departments of uie canadian natl jial railways lo day liowever ctwlflrih from tht atlmtlc coast is sold through brokers in llallax an st johns nfld the codfish coiuumed in the dominican republic ti practically ull from canudit not more than 10 per cmt coming from otlnr countries constvxuatiov ntclssary young authnre am urjung vfhen run was nuule for one team it book on luiw bring up tlu tlmt buby uas ncauy ntclied on one side und lrlend oh and by the wuy wlwre when uw ouuj followii uccrvd it was your llitu pef hydro leotrtc iuwer oummusjoii notched oil uie otlr tw game ilk ve sent her auy for six montlu ontario mcented to u0 0oi 500 lhlb wllh uu mupu umu thrf wol urlte tlu uwk good gardening ihone no 33 box sm harold nash farmer fcerrfater soucuer neiwry raliba mux street ajtrrow ojtt hours 630 ta to l3no noon loo to soo baturdaya 13 00 dock kenneth langdon barrf soucuer notary tmui offices acton gearkeiowb overtbeynticklcsfe matomi uuf pot appointment phone acton georgetown 8g office hours acton tuesday mmd thutaday 15 to to 4j30 lnga on request dental buchanan to rfi bingini offlee in irishman atodk scl ou houa fctlstiu beule nuects may ba planmnj an ultuek on your favorite rubber plant ferns or any oliier uturdy unls you muy liuve in your home beule jtuects will be found yilong the brunches und on uie under side of thttluuvc ay uhowu in uie above curdeii gruph hey ure usually quite nouceuble along the veins of tlie leaf study the cardeiigruph cavefully and uien examine your hou plants to see if they are uv fetled scrub uuy infected ilant with mlxtute of one fourth ounce of whale oil wuip dissolved in quart of wu le scrub uie olluge and br mebtij uiitll uie kcale loojteos aiid fdlla off after thlu trattiunt give tht plant eold water bath to clean tlie ulule oil aoiuuon out of it by anpointnuni oaa for ertractlons closed wednesday afternoon ftwtm 14v pearen ikaial blums moved to bur new quarters in tb symon block phone ulll abet aoa ueres an ldrnl iiolwealker duk kendy to crve4nllt cooltnilk or cream delicious no cooling or fcotlher anj keliogg are oven crean waeu they reach your table the excluaive waxtitk inner hag protects thenl even in hotknuggy weather kemogga give you utmost value made fay kellogg in london ontario nothing labs place of tfjgjgpif corn flakes frances socialist premier vktkzinaky dr bruyns rtionb is5 aoroir otrramo ojw ulu bireai mtsaaiasmva francis nunan account books of 11 idndfl in order ferlodlcala of kn ju bmrfuuy bomul ruunc tiaajof wl tirompuy dona wjndhim bbntl owdnb oh general we sracuun ts life t1n heauh and accident auiomobue windstorm plate gfaaa bouer fidelity bond annuities and all general lines of insurance aubo qceajli3teslwjl1eketa ujuino cotaamu katcsixknt racama uoa cvwu im oalr fred wright acton ales sax aa um4 bmuu w4y aj aaloa fhats wy fertile hatiw tutwsifri ranees new premier wilt be leon blum millionaire jew and leader of the french socialist purty and jthe trout ivipululre which swept through to lefvtut victory ut the polls recently 131 urn fettormln cabinet from members of the socialist und ttadlcal social parur thr nw government will take ov in june ilia premier altown above vented at liu detk he eiikigu of the peopv party behind him make your shopping lists from the ads