Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 May 1936, p. 7

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umtsk3hiltjmmaja is ivsijidiiia the acton free press may muj ims the gardener oh wish were gardener sighs the nun in the shop oh wish were garener groals the burly traffic oopl it nice amongst the sowers in too ahade of spreading trees still the gardenqr thinks of pcispn for the cutworms in hta peasl ptar the emell of honeysuckle the per fume of mignonette longs the lawyer in his office and the lardrnan skimming fatf thorns of the roses sees the gardener scratches on his toilworn hand while the ladleu gush admiring oil the ruses they are grand panslcs always do remind roc of child mischievous face softly saya the tender mother but the tired gardener sav they remind me or ha of back nigh broke in tot who would care to look at pansier once he plants mile or two kcrcun twenty kails ago rata the issue of the vec mrcss of thursday iwe 1st 191 oet ready to get up art hour earlier under the new daylight saving scheme for acton mr thomas workman and family have removed to berlin mr lrank kerr toronto has loosed fturview place from ure smith bis mother sisters and soldier brother invalided from france will join him sirs smith intends removing to toronto during the heavy storm on saturday morning the born cf mr peter gibbons near speyslde was btruck by lightning the elecrtlc quid ran down one of the rafters along the plate and down the corner post and thence to an apple tree splinters showed the course of the light ning the farmers got high rices for cattle shipped from acton last week one fa in ftrtn nrf for received 500 for five head mr and mrs ftobte reed of huls buxr celebrated their aftleth wedding anniversary last saturday in very pleasant and manner tjf feature was the attendance jf an unbroken family circle of one isoo and she daughtera james hill railroad builder and widely known figure of the canadian and american northwest died at his resi dence at st paul mln on monday mr hih was bom jji sramosa township hear hockwood on september 36 th 1838 he chronicles of ginger farm wrutem it tm aetan free rres owentouke cr before forget it want to do hat promised last week that tell you about the robin and tin vuirrels first you must understand on the luaest brunch ci our big poplar tret on the lawn robin nest there mrs robin alts day after day quite undis turbed by our comlngc and goings so lost vrek whrn ao buy working ir the garden uas quite surprised to hear the robins making terrible fuss know ing couldn be uic cause sat down quietly to watch development presently around one of the biggest branches of the tree came small red squirrel and alter him to rny amaze ment came si cock robins in hot pur suit so there was sole onlooker at this moet intercutlng game of hldeand goscck for that is what it really amounted to the robins new all around and right at the poor little squirrel chat tering and scolding and making such noise whether they really pecked at him or not couldn be sure because they moved too fact for me to tee but they certainly cliased him and all the time the little squirrel watched his op portunity and when lie could move with safety he ran round and hid on the other side of the tree there he would stay until the robins found him again then off he would run to hide once again the game was kept up for abojt twenty minutes until the robins finally get the tquirrel where they wanted him up to the top of the tree far away from where mrs hobln was sitting all this teporfecptie slesrxbtofis occasionally knmg beady eye but otherwise showing little interest in what wa going on around her why should she what cause had ahe to worry when she stalwart knight of the feathered world were so ready and willing to safe guard her interests when everything was quiet resumed my work in the garden but about an hour later happened to look up just in time to see the utile red squirrel come running down the tree again tjp to that time there bad not been robin in flghfr except the one on out educated at roexwood academy and youll believe toe as soon ad that small went west when about twenty red squirrel hove in lgm the robins born 80u4anoii wednesday moy 34 th ltle at 34 snrauren ave toronto to mr and mm ekl solman sen died bate in toronto on thursday may 18th 191b bessie stevens widow of the late joseph bate of the scotch block ksocusing aged 70 years use honev in home cooking honey may be used in home cocking as substitute for sugar or moiataes with delightful results provided the following rules are observed measure honey always in liquid form if granulated heat it over warm water until liquid for every cup of honey ubed reduce the liquid called for in the recipe by onefifth one cup of honey it as great hi sweetening power as one cup of sugar 4i use to teaspoon of soda to each cup of honey increase the amount of salt by cneelghui to 14 teaspoon when substituting honey for migar in cake reduce the liquid of the recipe by onefifth and use half honey and half sugar priui cake is an exception to this rule and all honey may be used in milk puddings and pi fillings add the honey with thickening agent such as flour and cornstarch jtr thh xlvrv hp for th honey in making bread and tolkt caked pies and pudding candy and confect ions and ice cream are given in the re vised bulletin honey and some or tho way it may me uaed issued by the publicity and tebttenslon branch of tlie dominion department of agriculture ottawa all the recipe jixve been thoroughly tested ahd proved in tile central experimental rural kitchen ut ottawa oneftherwrfpeerglvcir for honey lemon pie is as follows ilokkv lfeion ill lemon juloe and rind cup cold water cup boiling water cup honey teaspoon taut tablespoon butter or tablespoons of cornstarch es mix cornstarch and salt with cold water add honey stir well add boil ing water and cook hi double boiler until taste of raw starch lias disappeared remove and add lemon julc and rind add part of cooked mixture to tlie egg yolks then combine boui lie turn to the uble boiler for three or four min uted to cook egg remove from fire and add butter place in baked pie uwll cover with nierlngue mode by oddini slowly cup thve granulaud mimr two itlttly beaten egg whitoi coot in slow oven 2j0 275 degrees puhr euhe until golden boni kskjltasc stlxing is ciiija insurunce has bccotiu practically rd utile und compunuti arc ojwraung in nearly every country it muy romt as tturprh to muny to learn uutt four cauudun roiiuuuilet dominate the lift insurance buiiilcej chbui vhcl th tl uould upiwir to be yrat futuie far life liuurunce tuuoiig thd chintz jwipu lation all four compnll4 report aaiiiioctory yer during 1u35 two re porting the bet yrac iiue being eotub lulied in ch iui appeared as if by magic and the same little drama was enacted all over again until the squirrel was once more chased away to tiie top of the tree roow to change the subject wonder hew many of you good ladtr who hap pen to read this have tried riding on stoneboat either tuitaig or standing you have then you will appreciate my expedience is you haven then take my advice and dontl partner has been working in the back field all the arek and borne afternoons would take him drink of tea thiu it happened spied several piles of rocks and stcnes under tree where they had been placed after having been picked off the field at tome time or other ah the very thing for my rockery thought that rockery is still hi the making but it isnt finished yet towards uw end of the ueek partner said tn going up to the back field with the stone boat thlt oftxanoon if you like to come with me and pick out your rocki can brlngthcm down lar you of coure agreed and away went partner stepped on the btoneboat going to ride lie inquired nothing loath stepped on too and th horses stepped up ye gods at the first lurch ttiicarly pitched forward altthe second grabbed pamber and only jutt in time to fcave myself from falling off bacx wardtfl wliats uia matter with you aaked partner jutt hang on to me and youll be all right flo hung on like grim death bub was far from being all right was almost petrified with fright partner was njoytng my discomfort arid wouldnt ateproit if you wmnt to lie said sup orf was scared enough trying to tay should have been still more scared trying to step off and never realised before wliat long hack lane ue liave at last we come to the rocks iiow many do yu want inquired my ehpoifee oh about doxen gueic answered don is umt all well inaibe twenty dont have to place them cloe together you know so we collected score or more of rocks and stones of oil shapes and biicd nd loaded them on the stoneboat ready for the trip home want to ride asked partner with grin no never want to stand on thn tiling again but you don have to you can all on top of the rocks so tat on the rocks and ue bumped cur way down tht lone again but ncer again never will ride on lop of rocks again at least not until someoiw invents come kind of natural shock obsorbtrs for thr humin anatomy of course you muy uond why dldn and that is what urn wondiruiji too oipp rod mart with un idta of trying thlngr out and when wc unloadltt uw rocks litre not nrurly inough and iartntr likkcd at me and of course hc had to ay told wl jtl suing in quebec name pultfc aix that litmalns ok canada eiitst xocomottve trrasurcd in the museum of the iemlnary at jollctte quebec small copper name plate an which is engravod in bold relief the single word dorches ter thb modcot plaque is all that remains of the first suiim locomotive to run in canada it is just one hun dred years ago that oie merchants of montreal saw the practical fulfillment of their hopes and dreams ahen the engine orchcsur which had been built by stephensona bvt newcabtleontyne eng imd carried uie earl of gosford then governorgeneral and lady gosford and distinguished company over stretch of about fifteen miles from xotprairic to st johns the utmost secrecy shrouded the ar rival of the dorchester and her trials and the first runs were made at night before only few privileged guests the ensineer who was sent out from eng land with the engine seems to have angling activities got under way in th province of quebec on the first of may aith the opening of thc season for salmon and tr ut two of the gumest and most vigorous numlxr of the finny tribe tlu king of either of lhuu spccuu brines real uirlll to all llsli trmtn und tlu lukcu and rtvi rs of tlir ijrovlnci ulford jjwrlmui umple oppor tunlty to try their jjcui with rod and rl rrnut which thirt in liuralx of vurutlt jnay tx found in practlcoi all rn ion of qulim 11k prtftrrtd ixcu for uiikii art sjm ckld trout rrd trout brmik trout uid rainbow trout und ur prim ipally to found in tlu uuur of the nmntliui plau uu thfc imiiii ne plutciiti whleh covi ri hi than thriuuru of tlu or the it ft bank of the jt latwreilo interacted by lnnumerjbh lokis and riven tlie mujority of whch lire wt 11 btocked with llsli in tlu webtt ru part of the province from imbcamlngu up to the tuiurt nlldcj rfglon north of montreal in addition to hvut bass and moskinongl pike and one or two other hpltej found the northeast from the saint maur ice valley to tin tiurcntidct national iark and hit tqgucnay itiver only trout may bo found in the lak andrlvcrs and in tlio vcglon north of lake st jean ue ouanonlchf species of freshwater wilmon which reuchf gnat suc is mught by anglers both for lu vigour and fighting spirit salmon lnlublt tlie riven hi guspe those of the north liore of tile st lawrence and few tributaries of the saguenay river number of salmon rivers arc leaded but there still remain many where fishing cnthusjts may moi fine cutchcci particularly in gaspo miloon acre incueabe it was some time before an engineer of experience was obtained lie was zlba pangbom native of vermont who was chief engineer of the mokson steamboat line in montreal the dorchester was woodburner and weighed five and half tons she carried one cord of wood and one pun cheon 84 gallons of water in special truck behind the engine xt is said to have coot the xmrpany of proprietors of the champsain and bt lawrence as they were called in the charter granted by the imperial parliament in xs3 the sum of a1500 while consruction of the line cost 33500 the first equipment of the railway in addition to the engine cons fated of four passenger coaches only one of which hud doors and windows although the others had roof the company had twelve freight cars after doing valiant service between laprairie and st johrta the dorchester wa purchased by bartholemew jollette founder of tlie town that assumed his name ufter being known for some years ar industrie lb was worked on sliort line between lauoraie and jolictte up to 1864 when tradition says it caught are one day and all fcat was left after the fire was deposed of as scrap iron tlie name plate wliich is now in uie possession of les clerc de st vioteur jollette was picked up twentyfour years later by farmer in field adjoining the railway tha cliamplaln and st lawrence hall way afterwards became the montreal and cliamplaln and tills in turn lost fu identity through absorption with tha grand trunk which on amalgamatlou of the railways in 1033 became in turn an integral part of the canadian na tional railway the trackage has grown from fifteen miles to nearly 34000 and the five and half ton dorchester lms been replaced by engines of the hudson tv ftrtrrvlny 1ltvwi haw rr water and twenty tons of coal and developing speed more than four times that of tlie pioneer engine the dorchester proved somewhat re fractory during her early trials and so won the nickname of kitten on account of her rjlayfulncas owing to the klttenv peculiarities it was deem ed advlsablato haul only two card dur ing the trial trip the other cars being liuldby two horsed apiece although it seems to jiave taken nearly two limm to complete tlie initial trip tlie engine made tlie fifteen in lies on tlie following day in fortyfive minutes as originally constructed tlie track con sisted of wooden rails to wliich were spiked nut iron bars about two and half inches wide and throeeight of an lech thick tlie spikes driven tuo feet apart tile re was constant ten dency for tlie uplkes to pull upwards and frtti thtu circumstance uie rail ohtaiiied the nlcknume of snake rail before going to jollette tlie dorciies xf tlie intentions of furmcru ut may are carried outj the will be art in aweu in tlrtr canadian grain crop according to tlie first crop report ct 1036 issued by thr dominion bureau of statistics the intended area of spring wheat is 34 354 000 acres compared with 23 6oq00 acrea in 1935 and 34 044100 acres in tlu peak year 1033 the intended increaue compared with the previous year amounts to 793 400 acres or about per cent and is practically confined to the prov inces of saskatchewan and alberta in tended acreages oats and spring rye show little change from the 1035 figures but barley promke an increase of 168 5o0acres or per cent while nakseed will be up 23400 acres or 10 per cent if farmers plans are rcatlxed the in tended acreage of mixed grain is 1145 500 acres which is about per bent below tha 1s35 level eafcxy retiring week end guufct tve mode up my mind not to retire until im seventy hostr whose hints regarding the late ness of the hour have been ignored in that case old man hope you don mind if turn in now ter was rebuilt and fitted with cab bogle truck and pilot on the day of her first run on july 31st 1834 great banquet was served at st johns and tlie governorgeneral and several of the directors and officials cf the road bpoke mi that occasion reroof repair before it is too late now tim vpir yiir wuliiaf wblo kav bd uu favuilby uuct4l dutttts tryltis bmtajmlvdpm rttouirwfing mlihlutmnnbmimmktmllowupllmp kfod uv ktra bij ivdote fjirt two mt1 uum in uul leoaons lubktoll umi ttuluyl kabbzs mxeluslirtf fovtulm u1 tajng wotborelslitn bd 6tplicatw tb do ot rl bknkk erk curl bi bul ak hloalouitlletp tunis mdby um fnraolt cithyuullt iuxa takaufecuuw in ends urf wsy wj gmic w4 evi cw yttuid alo at tliwrnto aajmoutril just at bedtime cot bowl ful ofkelloggb rice krinpicft nourishing dc iciouh easy to digest they promote sound sleep ad ideal meal for the daytime too iso crisp you can actually hear them crackle in milk or cream argroccrtt everywh rr in the mothrr coohc htory parkagr made by hogg in london ontario quality guurunti td so grisp they actually crackle in minor cream mystery vandals destroy saskatchewan cemeteries time tables at acton gotng east daily exceptf sunday glflajn daily exc pt sunday jo 07 ajn dally except sunday fllspjn uncray only 19 pm going west dally excipt suniluy 865 ajn dally exeil iunduy 33 pjn daily txrpt sunday 04 pan iiijnduy only 08 am bunduy only 116 pan iiandajtl 1tmk uufre foolrvnla in snow only clue more than 7000 damage done wlldckter john keie llagbca left wlw udi for gnalaers in ike ktorihlated kbd ai crealloixse hicht goldaeeker vko has wkal elalms is the klbt answer la tke ttftelon kkver knytrry by central press canadian edmonton may out of the north has come the answer to the nlneycarold ttielon jllver mys tery classic drama of death that for years hns filled the wilder reaches of the upper narumnl land with gruesome legends in the spring of 102fl royal canadian mounted police patrol came to the shack of trapper and station platform in ills heavy hob nailed high boots now im on my way to wrestle another poke from few sinkings have up tlie re of the thclon river mystery greathause explains that as he sheltered from tlie arctic winter bliumrds only few score miles separated his iliack from that occu pied by hornby and the two eng lish boys but the intense cold kept prospector jack hornby and found tnem regular communication him and his two oxford educated nephews dead on the floor an authoritative story of the tragic mystery never did emerge broke his leg thy starved to death tald greathousc squinting through eyes irom tho nubarctic wilds and tor snowmind time the popular theory was that the trio were victims of homicidal violence early in tlie winter hornby broke his leg and couldnt move out to trail tlie cariboo scattered over tho newspaper during the months and two yo that followed advanced many sf ho tkertetwglstwrrsrtrapei ranged the bleak nahanni iandsand grcathouse veteran of the picked up camp fiw gossip on the hii vs5 mystery of thelon invert one gilrt ijblne first br0u in el clalm was that hornby and the boys had been killed by roving bonds of indians another that they hod been butchered in wilder ness trapper feud but thats all pure hokum to al greathouse bush scarred arctic to rrc dorado and put the northwest ter ritories in tlie news of tlie toronto mining exchange he wintered in the athabasca area before ever gold brought on rush of men from athona um bo skaportal consolidated mining veteran who came to edmonton smeluna otheif bi co ojlureakureandjs4ioadd4iack rv an ola ir tent to hunt gold starved death tug lies he has been to birch island and seen tlie oil seepage there which has at arrow bus schfidule effective iiay 3rd 1038 leave westbound is lua 1z is pj 21s is pjn 915 djn s1s kmn 11 33 pja standard ttmb leave eastbound 30 ajn jo ajn 1ij0 ajn 10 pui 00 dlbi itineuattles ptaxnkd to aix points in canada united btatkm ja mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bob lines toronto debts debts if you havent already sent yean list of accounts or notes to kelly aiken the collection batulahla at oranokvuxk orctajmo it would be wise to do so boor jftenrtember no illeciton ho charge neighbor of hornby and the traded organized capital for devel tvuo oxford grads during the fata opment headed by an edmonton wihter greathoue says they starv syndicate ed to death central press canadian contacted birch island oil possibilities were first commercially discovered by greathouse and his lifelong friend norwegian nelson von weyman in john peter hughes wildcat oil man when they boarded north ern alberta hallways train here for the nortlu 1b20 and for two years drilhng operations proceeded since that time uie well has been undevel oped hughes and greathouse hop greathousd is northbound to re to see come in tills year us uie cover lost fortune made it and lost it gfeat huuse told central press as he uni his bulky bedroll over his ihi drill is pounding on the top of the llmeslono dome which outcrops from tha jaland tarrlia buch lsland la 4atolla up the clear into river from fort mcmurrov new business pkintkd tamlifc untkd taiii ii will attract wuolaf the acton free eress subscripuong for all magazine taken at the lvee raa obo muggs and skeeter by wally bishop

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