pwphpg ijsciiawiu the acton free press thursday jowb 13 uitfc arton jflrr flneas iubluhcd every thurmday acton ontario kltscurrnon rates co pr yer id lvn united state 50c additional single copies 5c lloth old and new ddrcaca ttiould bo given when change cf address la requested canceiijtionswe find that moat our sub kcrtbcrs prefer nut to have their subacriptiun interrupted in cam they ail to remit before expiration while sub acrjptiatib will not be carried in arrears over aa extended period yt unlet we arc untitled to catitel we assume the ubacriber wishes the service continued alwkutiswg ra1 ks on amplication and as given in vartou column headings although every precaution will be tali en to avoid error the tree ireaa accepts titlvcf tiaiug in its columns on the undrrstandini that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof such advertisement is rciumied in writing by the advrrtiaer and returned lo the vrre irc business ofiite duly mined by the advertiser and with audi crr or itirrectiotis plainly noted in writing thereon ami in that rase any error so noted is tint corrected by the lree lir lis liability shall not exceed ucli proportion theentire cuat of such ad vertineuirut afl the space occupied by tlio noted error bear to the whole npce occupied by such advertisement aulol dius kditor tklevhones kditorlal and uuiiirh office 174 itfwi what is there in id favor any illusions that ratepayers may have had that the municipalitys share of the fee from authorities of the liquof control licenses avouldassist in meet ing the taxes to any great extent hnve been disap pointed for period of five months acton received little ovr g0 as their share there might be probability cf 150 for twelvemonth period the trial will quash any argument of the backers of the liquor control act that the plan is financial bon anza to the taxpayers it is quite probable that the amount will lower than last year that is the one encouraging note of the whole venture after th drought of several years it seemedly only natural that thirsts or habits would take lot of quenching it is douhtful however if the decrease will be for long brewers are aggressive business peopleso aggressive thatthcyoften stoopto businessptacticti that circumvent the law when business goes down they will use every attempt to secure new business the product will be backed up to secure its popular ity with the young folks to make more business at any costs in the meantime the young people suffer its harder for the drinkers to secure the best jobs it gets difficult for them to keep them if they do secure them its an old old story and always the same put any sort of name to the outlet bar room beverage room tap room etc the product is always the same reciprocity newspaper reports say that over the decoration day holiday toronto stores were crowded witu american tourists who were taking advantage of the regulations that allow them to take back 100 worth of goods duty free china crystal english leather goods imported pipes woollens tweeds and blankets were the purchases there is doubt that there are those who will take advantage of the privilege but in the majority of cases it will not be abused and will prove splendid means of creating better feeling othrr man tv recotlcd ttcm dcuth ai he did fcut it wan the welht of between the two cpuntres almost everyone who mm lhat crlklh him goes visiting like to purchase few trinkets as the absolutely tinier one with keen souvenirs of the visit or to brinp home to friends of coauncemich no other man htey dothtswhcrtvtstttnwtthtnltedomintonranl like to do the same when visiting inanother country in the ma tori ty of cases it is not any better value than obtainable anywhere else now they can be truthful when they cross the border and take back yearly tussle x0tle the rain poureituiid the wind howledon monday night we sat in at the annual tussle of the council as they struggled with the tax rate we sometimes think if citizens more generally heard the deliberations of this anarticrnneefingsby there would be tittle criticism of the tax rate and general feeling of confidence that the council was not to be envied in trying to make ends meet and at the same time satisfy demands for improvements we might even get historical on the subject be cause it is almostlwcn ty years since council meet ings have been part of our regular assignment of news gathering our lirsrilttthgtrrtrhi was when the late george hynds was reeve and the late mackinnon clerk it was held in mr mckinnons office on midsummer night and it was no dream it was an entirely different task from that of monday night pavements were confined to the sidewalks tlicc weie no waterworks debentures and none for th continuation school everybody paid their taxes on time it used to be contest in those das to see who would hove taxes paid first there wasnt any penalties or need of them there vnrs no relief problem and the county rate wasnt nearly so scri levy if we keep on we will be historical hie rate was lot lower than today and with present day requirements or standards return to similar late as of twenty years ago will not soon be seen again even with all the data at the fingcctips of the council and presented in excellent shape by clerk farmer it was two and half hour tussle on monday night and at the und return to the rate of two years ago of 17 mills acton has always taken the stand of meeting situations as they preseirt themselves and so levy to meet the needs is the only course to pursue canadian livestock in demand livestock raising is carried on in all the nrovihecs of the dominion and the high quality of canadian livestock is indicated by the constant demand in other countries for prize canadian breeding stock for the improvement of existing herds and flocks in the fiscal year 103536 exports of registered stock with total value ot 782t07 included 8860 head prize cattle 2218 sheep 107 swine and 6763 poultry in the month of marchtalonc 471 head of prize cattle were shipped to the united states australia and japan and ten thoroughbred sheep to the united states the demand for canadian poultry for the improvement of stock is more general and during march the united states took 135 prize canadian birds hawaii ook 24 newfoundland 14 hongkong and the united kingdom at the same time canada is consantly importing animals from other countries to maintain or improve the high quality of canadian livestock during the past fiscal year such imports of thoroughbred animals included 150 head of cattle 227 horses 08 sheep goats hog 1105 fowl and 214 baby chicks 100 dogs and 18 rabbits the sunday school lesson fob slndav june 7u ituytiitf ui jesus in oexhkemake golden text nut my will but thine bo done luke 22 42 lcson text lukr 23 3951 time very early wednesday mont hly april ui at 30th placr oclhiuiiuuic on mount or oljvrtl jerusalem kxpoltlon jeu duclpuvi tilitpltyr 3940 it from lallai uloilu thut wr icirn that gethrnunc wtui plac whtrn jktiiu wail hi the mblt of folntf for pry or there ls today harden orchard on th mount of olives that ls clahilwl to be the very upot jttwl tticro veiy iitronjf probability that thli claim tru jcsu ruorud there not merely on rurs nccarlofi tuch an thl it wiu hls luihlt to no there for luilltiule und prayer 30 he prvpnrvd for all reat crwii hh life by prayer thb wiu the kreat tt crbl all und felt that not only he mtilkl prayer but that lib dkclpl needed it lou unfortunately thu dls clplui did not heed his exhortation pray that ye enter not into tempta tion and 10 when the trial came while he triumphed because or tlibi ntuht of prayer they fulled because they jlept when they uiould have been praylnj it ii alo from luke alone that wo learn of the detnlbi of the interna ntony of that hour the sorrow that ww criiiihliuf him uan not merely the recoil from death though belntf the prince of life iclence buttair nor been dulled by tln ir maderln in our belnjf cor 21 uith all the weight or the worlds bin upon him furthermore he loved the father ill whole beuifr woji knit to editottlal notes four lost their lives in ontario waters during the weekend the highway toll being augmented bv another list of summer rims casualties value of fwnctualrrir there is no more dcfllatjlo bualruaw quollficauon than punctuality and no other so lndktpcnablc man of affulra or to any one who would save hlo own time and that of oilier vtopoleon once invited hln miimluilk to dine with jlun but oa tjiey did not nrrlvo nt the moment appointed hu beuitn ui eat without them iliey cuiun in jimt na ho wiu rbjiua from the table gentle men siid he dinner now owr und will immediately proceed to biu lnau what oijntk leferue ym jaiulikl pllte blow tn the champ arrogiuiee victor yeah but it wiu de rock in dc jaw dat knoeked him out who cum to are we must of luid urc cltiy in the uj tnanny statu tea llrtk wd mliter lie ecu theyre it wiu neoewiiiry hrlnrf an iuimi mob to umtlj him mi if ho dangeroui outlaw it urn indeed their hour and the imiwer of flarkiics ono of tho twlve hud ijld filt lrjd and betrayed him with klw now wc another of the twelve denyinu hu lord on the preceding evening ivter had been told that lui could not follow the lord at thii time though he thould laur john 13 3u and jejiui when arrested had given iilii dllplei hint that they were to no away and keep out of unnecet miry tvmptatlon john 111 id but peter tumid deaf ear to ill thli and now tmdcrukcj to make kooi his iwant and to prove hti majterji mistake in hi estlmate of him we all have to learn lluit our lord knui ui far better thin ue know ourielvei peter followed the lord arir oif if he was to follow him at all lie should have followed him clcuc up slats maky bv oliver waiuien sunday hon to fore tn the post have that sunday sum thing but now dun no aa hkool in out now evry day ii sunday jh illtel tetur at dont luilf to go to monday iiraiibvr cllly in thb md lottu grute men in piuivcd aj they wan in the rort hnuse yd glllem the alnt jilatu wirkerb tuitiay went to we jane chee mrt auret on me uueit unlght at kbt her as ut her uttel brilther taxji me lub me what uiud give him keep still ijhe replied hb price ls tltheley of wediitiduy blkurett pa has what canl ibep uhrn you have it likcve they call it itmjney or sum thlntf he sayj it im bad he catlt veil ileep wllill ciuiiti thni bo get up thursday the tdltur ied in the noe phht thb in thut they aint no more dmger of the tld saloon never coming luck uecos it cunt cum back tvuu friday jake ui talklu to lady about hls fambly she icst him wus he the oldft in it no jake repllde pa mi are iwith old rn itie saturday pj got on ma thb hchiui on new neck tie ma ied uhere on erth did he get that horred thing and pa repllde from you uut xnuui in the futcher ma had no more to jay on that subjec good gardening iamu tocher example of tommy tommy can jou gue me an paradox ves lr man ualking mile and only moving tuo feet hd soil ueuei bulb fuulrto imche6 pef monet petr fis sllcl gladiulus gladiolus bulbs nre tiuallv rjantt uhotil three inchei det thu is uuu eel except lhit as flower spike irowi to full ic it he come topheavy and the hillou plnntini peimii the md in wmp the plan about often putiillj up lootinj the bulb or even an in ihe stalk to breilc unu it hi lin halted many inrdeneri object tn xipon row of tilp in jilidnlu plantind if one wishes to do ih out the protection of slakes tin the iihidiolui bulb rhould be planted borne nix inches deep ihown in via of the aboe gardengraph when plant itu it tlila depth jifady do not require utnklnif still nnolber prnctiral method is to plnnt the luilbt at depth of three inchev nnd then hill tip tho koll nbout the ntallci ihev crow just tii you would with corn till method ultistrnted in fie torontos customs nnd excise revenue last month showed gain of 180948 over may 1935 and was the highest for any month of 1036 to date and elsewhere the rain on monday night has had vuriety of esiimutcd values on its worth und all outdoor certainly looked refreshed the morning following the juthcr being by love nuch at no these small articles without the feeling of breaking other mnn ever knew and yet he wiu the law it is no doubt for this purpose that the fatiien in tnklnb the sinners pure reciprocal arrangement was made between canada tncri li depth of neony here that no and the united states it is to be hoped those wiu depth of imnslnntlon cm futhom mi attempt to capitalize on the arrangement by cnrry heart brcnkinrt under the uraln to it did finally break on the crarj 11u ing on trade will be severely dealt with so that very sw became an it were creat drons bona fide ounsts may have the privileges for some of ukod laiiinr doun upon the groundj tjme ant ni1 tnis bore ror uji iie was iounded for our trinjbrcrjiioni he was bruised for our iniquities the chaitlic ment of our peace wiui upon illm nisdl with hls stripe we arc healed isa s3 how enn ue ever complain aarainnt any weight of porwcutlon or nrrow tliat ue have to endure for illm how can we do anything but rojolco that wc arc counted uorthy to nharc hli rufferina rlsbig strenkthened and trlumphaot by prayer he came to ii in dlwiplcs and found them juceplnp in amazement he bays why sleep je iulsc and pny that enter not into temptation oh how cften mut he taiy tlwt to uji when ve arc slecplnff when ue oufih to be georgetown also adopted daylight saving time praym and when temptations overtake on saturday night and now practically all the towns ur that we can only overcome by prayer in this district operate on the advanced schedule fc ill not lo tho chu today why sleep ye oh that the church would hear lun question and red ryans career on parole cost the lives of five nnti pray fuller account of the octluuntiane experience of jtuxxs other men rather an expensive toll to exact for alvcn lu mutt 3fl the prayer another chance for man who had already had differently rtcrded by the throe evan scveral relists mark 14 3fl doubtless he jiald all that is recorded and one cvan belirit elves one part of the prayer and lightsfail council ardotirrts ghiefgetsnewr anotivcc proicdthaltlie uniform runs headline in nearby paper we cup mlbhff pnji tmm hlm not prayer for deliverance from the crosi pass it on for the benefit of police officers in acton im that though jmiu dreaded it he never drew back john 12 27 2fl more ovcrwearedlstlnctutauflht lnuie diblc nct only tliat the father always heard jesus john 11 41 42 but that he was heard in the specific cauo hob and when prayer in heard the very thlnff asked is given john 14 15 jesus got what lie asked in this com the cup paiued on on aintil the appoint ed hour on the cravji he was dylruj of agony then and there 30 and god strengthened him 43 and lie went to lit ewmftjuulajioowpllaliodiiijunrk ii the arrest of jesus 4753 our uird hud ccarcely ceasrd aslclng the dlsclpleji why they slept vthen mob headed by judiu drew near to arrest him judas knew ucll that jesun wir wont to go to the garden with the disciples tar retirement and prayer hou calloused the heart of judm hot be come hi had often uit beneath the shadnwi of these old tllve trceji llntei luir to the uordt of loving counsel that fell from the lip of illm who ipoke us never manipike he had ofufrt lirard the voice of jejua raided in prajer lo ood in that place but iuw he is overmilbtered by greeoand the pouer of mirtfrnwhnirrliitncrtrt vitriii niwl fu pr that he leads the band oler kednm and up to that iecret spot to arrest jisii icach of the cangellstii duells upon the fact that he uils one of the twelve tins bu and tn creajed the saviours uorrf today it is often the oui who ijils cijjoyii the udvuntaim of our uirds teaching who betrajh illm ami bring uium jaus he greiter dbmonor and upon himself the more damning guilt tlie manner or hls betrayal um uecentuatei the hardnejei judas heart the sign that he appoint ed to betruy his ijirtl wiu klsi of frlemlship mut loyalty our ijird em forgiving love seen in thut he exei icsejt ht nilruruloiui iwouer to he il one who hud come out arrest hlm and do hiinhurm thbi was hu last recorded mbracle and jkrfornud upon one who was bltur eilnny jui lov ingly protib uuuljut tliuu thinking thut mcmulien has followed his companions in crime and is dead there is one feature about this gang they all died without putting the country to the expense of hangings it has been suggested to us that part of the quarter million expended on guelph post office might well have been ubed to put ii higher wall around the prison yard to keep wessenger in captiv ity another wceul newspaper publisher george hudson of the hepeler herald passed away la week ue served well his community and his death will be regretted by all newspaper men who knew und respected him and its now all settled that the new promiical conservative leader will be hon earl rowe the trrnershnntrtiie diry wetrtttnrnrvttr leadership hvideptly the conservatives believe the liberals made the right choree in selecting farmer imirrrrkirnyrnnyflo is 017 marriages were registeied in cities and towns oi cauda huving populations 10000 and over increases ofjj per cent in births ti per cent in deaths and per cent in marriages were shown over imi one way to he satisfied with life in small town is to walk along narrow street in downtown toronto at eleven oclock on night when the mercury has climbed to the eighties and seo the people sitting on their doorsteps panting for breath of cool air fergus newsrecord krft mlucl whip 19 fincy shrimps ri 17 wit flud tuna 25 bbbyl dll pickles no 21c wlev gpb juice tf 24 wagutits pure orng marmalade 32 20 aylmer choice tomatoes no aylmer pork and beans nst 10 mikweli house silver star paltry flour 55 kellogg corn flakes 323 table salt 10 dainty cream sandwich biscuits round shortbreads oil kc craam rilled lbs x9 lainf peppermint patties the molt delicious aqc pattievou can buy uw infcrioll malted cheese pis25 to mi wodul bikulb tea bisk 33 ck1ii ritt 29 mccormct oulntupld arrowroou 25 hlri rool beer 29c nw ayiarcutko pineapple ti 17 powdered ammonia silk hose will ll longer if wehed with lux flakes 2t economy in toilet soap fairy soap 11 carrolls own gleanseri for dish washing oxydol ul9 new for all white shoes 2h 15 pearl white naphtha soap carroll umiteb cabbage mit 5r potatoes4lk 2s 11 lettuce nick tomatoes lbs 97 firm criph jw fikm r1ee oranges 35c sweet juicy medium lahce ananas olden yellow 23 cooi hze doz lemons fuirce size 6loaikl willi juice jv pineapple ciiiiuh full skciul market llijlur nice size acto free delivery phone 58 stoke closed saturday nrht 1030 pjn ulrifth