the acton free press thursday jdhb isth ism hr alton 3tor flrebb published every thursday at actoa ontario surscsuption bates oo per year la united state joe addltioasl single copies and new addreisea abould be given when addcesa la requested cancellation sw find that nioi of our tab atrlber prefer not to have their ubscriptlon interrupted in caae tley cal to remit belore expiration while crtptlons will not carried in arrear over an period yet unlcft vc are not lied to canocl the subscriber wlahea the service continued advance both old change ol ub tcbded ume advertising rates on npplicatlui various column heading bod as biven avoid columns lor any although every precaution will be taken cyrur the free treas accepts advertising in iti on the understanding that it will not lidhl error any advertisement published hereunder unlets proof of suab advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the ri ess business or ice duly signed by the plainly noted writi if any error so notci its liability shall not ec in coat of such advertlaeu ed error bears to the th by th such atlvertiaenn telephones editorial and kesulence scr and with such error thereon and in that corrected by the free such proportion of it aa the apace occupied hule space occupied by aulof dills editor brakes compensate for brains the chaps wjio cutin on traffic and seem in such desperate effort to get sortie place ahead of every one else are one of the most serious menaces tq the safety of others on the highways we had an ex perience coming from toronto on monday evening that we have no desire to repeat car ahead of us wa travelling at moderate speed and traffic was approaching from the opposite direction suddenly car came from behind and passed us and endeavor ed to squeeze into the narrow space when the driver met the approaching car brakes screeched and cloud of dust flew from the tires on the car of the cutin driver we had to tramp on our own brakes to avoid hitting the rear of his car bumpers did not even click but this was due tothe good mechanism of all the cars involved motor car builders have to put lot into their product to compensate for the downright recklessness of some drivers the sunday school legson kor sunday june 18th ascension during which time heehowed himself alive on many occaatona toy many indubluble proofia apeaklne the things pertln lug to the kingdom one morning when bhey were all assembled an galilean hillside he laid upon them again life commission for evangelisation charging them solemnly to wait first for the baptism of the holy ghost then he left them ills hands extended in benediction hie ascended to his father the sheklnah glory received him out of their sight he ascended to appear in the presence of god in our behalf to prepare place for uu heb 24 john 14 his presence there makes us eternally oecuru and guarantees our presence there hereafter romans john 14 how to makk milk oessebts mmkl may it continue perhaps we harp bit two much on this com munity effort but that radio broadcast on monday was just another example of what mayfcu accom plished it couldnt have been done in any other way soraooould sing others play some could tiike loads to the studio and others could arrange other details out of whole developed the product presented but without every part of it the event would not have been possible its perhaps fortunate that all are not talented alike its more fortunate when all are able to cooperate and by uniting of all the tiilents produce community event there have been many things accomplished in acton by this uniting of all forces there are many more things that the future holds that will build acton better place if the same spirft continues all cannot play fcfhjgttavt ti only in community way several actonians on monday evening had new experience when they broadcast an hour program jrom radio station cfrb in toronto since mr jlocksicyv thgmusica director of the in his announcement rather gave uhdue credit for the part the editor played in the arrangements it seems only right that with our own microphone these editorial columns through which we speak to you each week we should correct an erroneous impression true we may have written few letters and been chairman at acoupieoffunctionsand possiblyappcnrcutobt arranging the broadcast but such wasnt th case li was really community event in every sense of the word sponsored by the ymca it couldnt have been currie on in any ot way and when we say community we mean not only acton but the country side within five miles for werent our neighbors from limehouse and ospring assisting too it takes large group of individuals to put on sucli ai event it was our happy experience to hove been one of that group and we feel sure that if those who listened to the broadcast had as much enjoy ment from it as the happy community group who shared in not only the broadcast program but also the preliminaries and the other multitude impinge ments it can be quite truthfully said that good time was had by all competed for place on the broadcast only ten of the numbers were chosen and yet those thirtysi who lost were an important part of the event we might go on but you get the drift the examples of the success of the plan are all about us may this community cooperative spirit continue and acton and the district will be the better of it jesus exalted golden text wherefore also god highly exalted him and gave unto him the name which is above every namcj phil xeason text juke 24 3663 time sunday pm april 0th and tuesday may lath ajr 30 place jerusalem and the mount of ouves exposition the risen chrfat in ulc mldstf of ills disciples 3443 jesus having appeared to individuals vu 1331 john 20 u17 mark matt 2a now appcun to tho disciples collectively it was immedi ately after the return of the two from emmaus vs 1335 the disciples wlt in cur of the jews john 20 lo matt 14 25 while they were talking of uic lord and his ressurecuon 3te himself came and stood in their midst how often is it true that while wo tulle of him he comes and manifests himself umong ut mntt 18 20 it is good to hear testimonies about the risen christ but it is lmmeuiurubly better to meet jufu1 himself ills tuilutullon vus full of comfort peace bo unto you ati he told this he was standing in their midst the doors were thut to keep the jewit out but no closed door will keep jeiuk away from hifl disciples strangely ft tlie year enough the presence and word of christ milk desserts fat the title used by un did not ab tlnt bring peace they were talry und cold storage hranch for uu terrified and affrighted it was their household bulletin no issued by the insufficient faith that lay at the bottom publicity and extension brunch of tlw of theh terror they supposed they tomlnlon department of agriculture had keen spirit and the heart of milk dearu is rclf suggestive term man nhrlnks back from the supcrrutur emphasizing the nutritive value of these al but jesus having sternly rcbukad dishes since it implicit thaimilk is the rj neiib modern sctenlisos who have devoted their energies to tlio study of food and nutrition ugrea that mult contributes more to human needs than any other single food and recommended that child should coiuutiiu dally about quoit of milk and an adult about pint however that nuy be the thrifty home maker takes into consideration the vorlouu ways arid means of serving this valuable domestic standby in ihli mtipect she calculate tlut high food value of milk pudding for instance in relation to its low cost and she appre ciated the facthat mosu milk ie crt may be easily and quickly breour bd from materials available at all bcasons marie 16 14 banishes thetr feaxs byt hastecnroverfdymodern bclence fuller and more dcflnlte revelation of tho most indispensable food for the no letting down these editorial columns may seem to have an overdose of actons radio program but it seems to have had so much local interest that possibly it is as good subject as any to discuss even editorially it was real pleasure to meet so many former actonians at the studios in toronto who had come there to enjoy the broadcast many of them have been residents of the city for years but their in terest in acton and its activities was still so keen that they arranged to be at the studio that evening how many more were listening in on their radios in toronto and elsewhere we do not know and never will but there isjpjenty of evidence that those who go away remember very kindly their home town some had lived here many years and others had enjoyed only short residence in acton and continu ed to be keenly interested in our activities as we came out of the studio that evening one of the boys who had appeared on the program asked question we wpuld like to repeat to all he said we didnt let you down arlof did we we assured him that he and everyone had certainly not let us down to you who listened and cull acton your home town we would repeat that question und if you during the event had that feeling that you wanted to say to your neighbor thats program from my home town and you were proud of your home town just drop line and well be very happy to let the home town folks know all about it through tin fin pin columns were not soliciting bouquets for in dividuak perhaps however note to the nulic station of your appreciation of iny particular mini hers or of the plan of program from the various towns would be 11 guidance in the selection of the progrums as listener in the studio we think tin artists certainly did not let the town down whut do you think about it smaller hornet every day the hammers arc pounding making racket over our backyard fence but its an unusual work that the hammers are doing this time instead obujidjngupand improvingbcvcrly house is being being demolished across the road from tiil fun press office we gaze out on once beautiful home that hasnt hnd an occupant in the past five years weve listened to innumerable suggestions to what should be done with these extra large resid ences but none of the suggestions were practical and hence did not receive general support theres some thing pathetic about these large old homes that are so large that no one desires to maintain them the demand now is for smaller homes few seem to wnnt spacious grounds with the upkeep cost were getting too practical motor cars provide easy access to visit beautiful kept gardens maintained as show places yes were getting practical but will it make for any more happiness the pride in beautifying ones own grounds the entertaining of many friends in hotels rather than in the homes may be more practical and perhaps easier not only in acton but in every other centre tlje trend is in the same direc tion but we may tire too of oar present fancies and what is today quite the thing may be under the hammer shortly at present it seems big houses ar the victims editorial notes the forest area in canada is estimated to be 1254082 square miles 36 per cent ol the total land uvea canadian factories manufacture about 65 million pflirsofslqckingsayoar w6orrsiknnd artificial silk wellington county paid out 105385 for two day general sessions of the peace of this amount the petif jurors received 71105 london has adopted daylight saving time this year for seventeen years the forest city has not adopted the fast time its popularity seems he increasing rather than decreasing du wellington county jail to to huve changes made that will prevent further breaks it would seem very necessary form of improvemenjt uring april there were 357 persons receiv ing iclief in canada 1his only deerenso ot 100000 from last apiil its some improvement but still 11 lot of loom for further improvement ladiu column in city daily snys roy locks changed ins mind instead of going to new york he decided in fivor ol acton and well lut that he picked the most enoahlc tins time of year spot especially the ontario government is trying out schenu of erecting bouses costing 1500 to 000 we cduld do with several of that type of house in acton hey are to be built of brick with hardwood mooring furnace uud threepiece plumbing himself when jto stands in the midst there fci always peace no matter ho treat th turmoil without his coming is the ureat cure for all fear and sorrow isa 25 matt 14 2027 ills salu tation peace be unto you wai the ordinary salutation of fcetintf but jcsiu put new meaning into it he not merely tayti peace be unto you but he actu ally impartr puice jno 14 27 lfl 33 jeius asked his terruled disciples bwo iearchlng questions the uime qucsstlonr uwch he neks every troubled heart to day why arc ye troubled wherefore do reajnlnba arlio in your hoarb we atelwnyffrcosonlnir and up posing lnitcod of takintf tlic clear testimony of gods uord or our own experience to overoome their percls tent unbelief and to convince them be yond it question that it as indeed hli very self in uondcrful condccenslon jcsuti showed unto thijm li anlltcar rod hnndi and feet and hl spear pie reed iiuic the evidences of the uterul pliyiilcal resurrection of chrlit are ovcru helming their disbelief nou unr the disbelief 01 joy il seermd too uood to be true the doctrlni of the resurrection tlll twins too uood to be true but iv is true have them further proof by actually catlnc before them at last they uere convinced and kindness tool the place tear john 20 20 they ucrc bind uhen they uiw the lord there is im hladnesa to compare vlth that whlcn come ulth vlijon of tlic risen chrlit ii the disciple enlightened and commkjilaned 4449 having quieted the hearts or ills dls ciplet and convinced them that it was indeed himself jesus now tallcu with them and shows them thatall the events which had occurred were simply the fulfillment of his own words and of old testament scrlpturcti in the moat em phatic way he etc the stump of his nuthority upon the three recoffniiusi dlvliiorts of the old testament the law tho propliets and the psalnu if we accept tlie authority of jttius we must accept uie entire old testament as the inerrant word of ood we cannot flive up the authority of any one of itji books and retain an intelligent faith in jesus clirut it la either cltrlst and whole bible or ho bible and no christ jesus then proceeded to opeu lliilj mbid to understand tlui erlp tures he opened their understand ins here we learn one of the greatest secreu of profitable bible study it is to have jtius open our minds to understanding what we road no amount of linguistic learning and digging into uie text will enable us to understand the seripturvs unlins jcsiut opens our minds ps mo ib john 12 13 john 20 27 it was especially the testimony of the old testament to hfei death and resur rection that jesus brought out 40 on tin ground of the certainty of his death and resurrection he commujoiu them to preach in hl name unto ah niitlon repent nice and remiwlon of ins af john 20 21 murk 10 15 tmr uiw to be the first uunejsui of thie lllurluiu truths doubtless they ucl kr to gin at once but jimls ilil no nut jil you are uol jet rt ad ilun aikithfr oialhicitlun tlnl tlmt joii must not ukv one tri ultlmul it tarry uterallj tumn in the ity uptll ji be indued ulothedi uith power from on hluh no until through the buptlsm of the hul spirit the lft of jplrltml dkcermmn had bid liken tin were they reach to undirtikf the unut rommblon of ut rid ivotigxl zitlon iii juti ascinds into heavln 515 the events of the remaining vines did not follow immediately us one mlgjit naturally iuppue if luke hud not given us fuller account uilhe aeu of th apofttlrj kirty days claused between tlie rraurrectlon of our lord and hl body in this bulletin there are cooking instructions plainly written and easily understood together with numerous rccipeu under the headings of starch desserts junket cereal desserts cusuirds moulded milk desserts souffles and cream and custard pies one minute pulpit the wny of an eagle in the air the way of serpent upon rock the way of sh tbeimid oflhe ffjitnnd the wny of man with mud proverbs 3010 where does your dollar go major portion of tax money pays off debts ixc tba bhut itohyriys jut wlai lutiipiis lo your tlolur after you pay it out lu umm lo tiiuuuijiu uovlheul au fejeal kovrnuirtil ui biyrld of wayi by w1lfsud eggleston central trcu catutduh writer ottawa jun if you ore mr average citizen you work two days week for tho government and the other four days for your self this is the finding of tax stalls trying to moke living otors cost the country leu thnn two it tfl etisy to trace some of the millions year mhlch in laid than big items in the billion dollar exvji halfcent out of every dollar spent penditure in federal taxation tolul of about 320000 000 year required to pay interest on cost of bovernjienl means investments of u10 pant capital ex man morc tllln it means fire ncndlture such as railways hydra protection forest patrol narks ad electric systems bridges harbors ministration of justice colonization licmus whoavebeenemb1ini nltals etc roads bnd agriculluro research he cost of government in canada cc of every dollar then police protection sidewalks pure fedcrul provincial und municipal canada cpeudi billion dollars year on government lervices of one ort or nnoltidrthu tatnlnet goei to pay for equipment which the country has bought on time 20 ceuu to kubllc welfare anfllueir5200ouo wmii6ciln the nter wifety inspections of various kinds border and cu patrol national defence lighthouses radio bearmr broadcnitinj ltrvlcetnlr tional tncoine of recent years has item public welfare this meana portiifish hatcheries and hundred burn nbout three billion dollars that nearly 20 cents out of every of other thlnjs our dnuur in every three hoc to dollar you nay in tuxes needed tin ltxcolheloi to look after the unemployed the where vourdallur cor lit idfii the taci we know we need and the sick and those other federal iovcrmnent la the bli piv tlure are iret many ve wie unable to care for them spender it disburses between 400 mht luir of butwhich we pay si and 500 million lnllars annually jifl the same you cannot drive twelve cents in ewry dollar ipent the municipalltie disburso between down the stieet buy nny article in bv cunmlhini lat year nn1 4q0 each year the store ire telephone ule in 11 tt into the educational system to rovmcinl governments ipend up mrett car smoke cicarelle or nlnrlth for school 200 mmona ycar lh vnr teeth without ineurin tffulvwe of every dollar pent in provln mniiun pari or winch yoei imd up of univariates and cial overnment in canada lut technical school year tho division went ulonif litur the other itemi break down about like this into much smaller totals when we ay that overnment in canada coian billion dollars 11 vear we dont mean that the actual lawmakeni the membern of par nto the coffer of the tdx man the cigarette tax nine article the taxci nre on much the larccit item when you pay 2i cedts for tho average pack aye of cigarettes over 10 cents of it bccordintf to 11 statenient yiven wido publicity recently koc hi tuxiu of one kind or iinolhcr liament and seruitora and members tlnn irii of tht leiiislalure and city und town councils cofct anything like tbul ijn lu hjlliou dollars year in are itlrxtlons bound to wni every citizen who is plumcin aluii modest tli mrmberrf get uiiu th federal members und sen sto pay debt charged 35 cehtfi u16 blilest aliikle lum for publit welfure unenipluymciil old ao pensiona etc ib cents for educa tion 14 cents for the administra te cents for transpor cents for admlnlstratloru clyil service salaries and supplies vtc cents for agriculture forest und the public domain etc 7i for ull other ums cent cents for lexulatlon ltt cents iid