fc thdbsday jim 1mb 1m0 the acton free press fflljp 3ffn jlrpfia ljnrt tnnj interrupted plans mary diclkerson donahey oikrbflc do plant pausing un aeen now uie cook house win dow tfkti few ijlrltt could look as pretty under the circunxjuuipea ss lynda did it wan hot july day apd she was bending over big range giving uio flnlahlng touchca to dinner for thirty lumberjacks hcr chocks named her dark hair flew up in little curls and her brown cycu glowed yoa real minute mrs kevin ho heard nor say you arent able to stand tho heat today and most tho workvi ovc anyhow its awfully good of you lynda answered mrs lovtnfc kind voice dont see why im so falnfa like but tesslo ought to help tcaeriol oh ma im busy pierre would not have recognized that voice when hj was about tabbsio spoke both carefully and gaily know busy painting your face you ought to be ashamed mice giru dont do it as much as you think you just ask lynda sure rd be apb to ask the cooks helper in secondrate lumbw camp about points of eujuettel lynda may think sheta going to college and she may havctbeen ha marquette and duluth and everywhere but she doesnt know any tnoren do so there say hear ths tlftty pierre who had wanted word with kynda decided to slip away to jali uie other men as they came crowding into the long low room down which ran rough board tables and benches lusty rough goodnatured crew they had little to nay they quickly fell to eating the mighty meal before them after their greetings to ncvln wife of tho camps boss lynda and pretty red haired little tessle now hying about like the personification of cheerfulness til tend to thee lads she sold with flirt of her hand waving lynda away irom the table where the younger men sat pierre grandson of one of the owners of the lumber company hr get some practical experience hi the woods during vacation big blond young lars larson son of old lars and sturdy newton ecclcd from neighboring farm thanks said lynda with delicate scorn only pierre and teaid understood the latter flushed angrily ils thy uj him wiille what you glrlil btsm doing today called mr lilin pierre glancing at tho bouls of toup the platteri of stcil the dlsliii of jiotutocj nnd corn the biz berry pics that marched down the centre of each table and remembering the mighty breakfast mondered if tlity had done anything but cook and uash dihec jiicc they luul nrten at half put lour tessle however aiiluered quickly oh luul lot of fun we ucnt after bluebcrrki and made tracks ulth hiy knuckled lynda believed it really wut btarl you should have teen her runt elled and nlio fell doun ana rolled into the river and hot sopping uott mv the uos funny the men laughed tliey uere usd to rough jokes old lore however witi tlic freedom of family friend said fanny for you not far lynda you make much laugh of lyndal jim is tvsle too old for bpanklng 111 say slies not growled tier father wlio no more uion his wife would liave given their adored daughter hard scolding ttie laughur wad on her this time however and she was furlouu tesli hod been brought up in lumber camju where she was pampered by the men showered with gifu on pay days and where uhe ruled regally she had been angry when lier mother had told he tliat she had employed as helper the an old uinomnu funny but pierre scowled lars said anxlouuly hope she doesnt go over to tho other camp again she should keep away from that gtrl there theyre bad lot over there agreed newton oh dear and know thaws where shes sonol tesslce shrieked mrs novln but to no avail tcslu was al ready out of bight mrs novln worried about her all tho time iho autf lynda washed the white enamel cups and plates and started uork on uie supper that hiuot be ready for half past five oclock there was tunc however for lynda to hivo couple of hours by herself in tho healing quiet of tho woodu she sat in nlclio she had found above tiny stream where wild things came to drink and watched mother porcupine with her thorny baby threw out grain for squirrels nd waited breathlessly while doc snorting and pawing her indigna tion at this human invasion hustled lier young win away from threatened danger to the city girl all this was entranc ing were it not iai tooele hiwj know she would thoroughly enjoy this neces sary interruption to thplarurahe had laid out for heraclf every doe else was nice specially she th with nell and uere friends for yean mrs nevin had explained noa here her girl alone in the uorld if it hid been jou nett uould hair hclptd jou lynda urltes she strained her lyi htudylng und earning money caachluir to uct ready for college she thought slu could nuiybe rest her trt and earn money too helping me and tald yes spaed youd like unolhrr girl around anyuuy sjiej coming theres no futtslng now au mrs nevln liad the ntubbarnncr of all wcak piople even her spoils daughur knea it would do lur no good to pro teat shphad mofle thi tjimp it unpleasant as imuuiit for the tall quiet girl houever ujio uas so eager for trleiullinaiui io willing to help so in sumtly upproved by uie nun tvsilo wau jealous for many reason but mainly becauiu pierre du plant showed his jikipg for the lieu comer plainly tkuiuj did not feel easy ultn s4crre iihe really had more fun ulth lars and kfewton but pierre represented world uie langnl to know the fuct that lynda could chatur to lilm of colleges football und city wah gilled her now to be laughed at sn his pjt noel im off luiuh your uork yourwlfl ahe biased and dallied out ulmoct up setting pot of cldiiig ua over lynda iapa law you shouldnt make tessie mad said mrs ncvln plaintively mostr of tiie hieti were used to the girls rages and thought them rather though he had come at hex call he stood there before her ah ha thought knew my ladys lalrl lie said ob its all rlghtr im supposed to be looking up extra big trees nice clootie job for greenhorn lynda why do you let that badtempered tesale nevin talk to you the way she docs why dontyoh talk backor leave because cant ive got to look ahead plan my own life theres no one to do it for hie and dont mind much anyway wcll would yourd good sport if can help any you cant exoopt by noticing mo much she doenoiko that oh say and wanted you to go out in the cor tonight tiianlui id love to lots but muat not you dont know what this job means to me and must be getting back to it tills minute im awfully sorry goodbye pierre muttered something uncoinpll iiuntnt to tiide und called after lnda well llitcn urltten bjf riltcr abouli ou and uant jou to under land shes fixer if she not you another better job jou could do hou about if you mustnt bother 111 be all right ansu ered ljnda an she rped home to help much uorrled mrs nevin tftie had not yetrppenred she did not come either until ht father drove the long roundabout way the trucks had to take and brought her and ma shes not to go there any more he ordered dont like that girl and blds theyve gob tuo men doun with measles oh uhat shame neednt worry about tessie shes had em but ought to go and help worried mrs nevin she uas not uell mough to do that however site luul alow fever that made her almost uieless so that tesau uas forced to itay at liomc to help care for lier and to do part of the uork too on sunday then newton bccles who had gone home to dinner burst in as the men were all at cupper with the news say that wasnt mcasleii the these people seventy miles from hos pital twenty from town it was woma how much you boys been visiting bacx and forth demanded mr kevin it developed however that there had been little islenduness between the two crews nobody had been there since tessles vfcut teuslel she was off somewhere with young lars now and old lars said decisively we ban not be going to tell her we might yuat scare her into ltl now boys mind she must not hear this nor her mother mustnt neither they did not when ten dayn after her runaway trip to the other camp however teasi turned feverish and ill tlio overworked doctor pronounced the verdict all frared shos got bad mrs ncvln is in no shape to take care of her cither what you going to do dont know mr ncvln wa pltirul in his bewilderment but know tlio whole frightened crew turned at sound of tlie calm younif voice ill take care of tcale im rood nurse declared lynda and that boastful merrc always telling about his camp cooking will be cook ufth newton to help him you men just hurry id liic up the old bunk house for us and ttralr and ill move right in the camp was fortunate considering only mri nevin caught the disease and slrn had it hildly lynda had her moved into wliat slie called her private lios pltal at last came day when the doctor pronounced all safe trembling bur happy woman and weak but grateful girl wore carried out into the warm sun shine to he greeted by checni from ha wliolo crew for the flrst time in her life tesslo was anxious to shake the attention hir little hand drew lynda forward her shaky little voice cried the per son you really ought to cheer tho most wonderful girl boyul and when thlnkn oiciroxetnasob7hdrta down and kissed her my patlenb mustnt go and get silly now slips well she admonished oh alio thought if they would just take her where uhe could be quite still when she could get into clean comfortable bed and just sleep sleep for whole week instead they were tossing her up on the strong arrrki of young law and newton giving her cheer after cheer every one was smiling at her even stranger handsome welldressed woman who with pierre was standing beside car htm and newton were carrying her towardtihatcar whero they dumped her in upon its luxurious cushloiu startled she turned towards pierre for an explanation tiere she is paillette lie exchlmed to lynda he added shes uie bl liter told jou about she uiui in terested even before the beginning this hut thrilling cplsode in the life of our hurotnc but now say she says that any cirl who looks ahead the waj sou do worth having lout of help in reichlnu the goal shes ret henelf miss du plant laid her strong capiolc hand over lvndav weary finger with look that brought tears to the cirl ejeii aj usual my dear hu said pierre presses himself very illppantiy but lt true wiiu interetcd what pierre wrote me about ou but now weve met uhj really think well have to do jour looking ahead together so bad they called in doctor he sajn its smallpox smallpox the uords ore terrifying in city with every aid avallible to always looking hackward there are some people wlio ride all through the journey of life with their backs to the nortec they are oluaji looking into the past all the worth oi things is there they arc for ever talk ing about the good old times and hou different things were when they ui joung there is no romances in the world nou and no heroism the verv inters and wimmetw are nothing to uhat tliey used to be in fact 4lfe is al together on small commonplace scale now that 13 miserable sort of other camp so many got itck nnd were hlng it brings kind of paralysing chill over the life and petrlflea the natural spring of joy that should ha auer leaping up to meet the fresli new mercies that tho dnjs keep bringing wasnt majtlk sykut three ottawa residents were charged tn ottawa police court on april 3rd by the fruh branch pom baton depart ment of agriculture with offering for sale adulterated maple syrup contrary to the provisions of section of the maple sugar industry act they were found entity and each was fined 16 and costs or tn default four dasti tn jall an analysis of lbo syrup they offered for sale disclosed that it was merely flavored and colored cane sugar and ttac wo no maple in it at all 1iklp uequiukd it is btatod thatjlhe pastor of colored congregation tn the south so pcitered hui bishop with requests for help that it devolved upon the latter to write him litter stating thai in future ouch uppciil would be entirely disregarded xruty soon though unotht letter calnc from the minister the bishop opoiud it it rttd as follow dear bishop ttils lur aint no appeal it report iias no palitsl household mints by mrs maby morton hotjse fly ib rvbuo enemy with tho advent of spring cornea the menace of the house fly which may correcuy be termed public enemy no it is worldwide hi distribution and is notorious for the part it plays hi spread ing such serious dlseasss as typhoid fever tuberculosis cholera dystentcry infantile diarrhoea and other dangerous epidemics the fly breeds in fllth in fects lteclf with filth carries germs of firth and dlscaoe on its legs and body and in its intestines and with thco bcrm pollutes food especially milk one of uie principal nutritional items in the establishment of the human race itkt known that single fly can carry as many as ovc hundred million germs on and inside its body but until there is active cooperation on the port of entire communities including the municipal authorities and every single individual in the communlv to remove fllth the main ftourco of fly production the menace of the fly to human life will remain tlie mast effective and desirable mot hod of con trolling the house ily un doubtedly consist in eliminating oj reducing its breeding places to mini mum by properly treating or disposing of such materials ai manure and got bage tho liousc fly breeds in such decaying and fermenting matter kltclieil refuse and garbage garbage receptacles should bo kpt tightly cov ered and where liouslblo all refuse sliould be burned or burled at once or without undue delay if it cannot ho disposed with rerusc sliould never bo left exposed but sprinkiod with powdered borax or chloride of lime windows and doors of hpuseu particularly those of the dining room and kltchen should bo screened and alt flies that gam entrance destroyed this may txydone by uio use of fly swatters by tanglefoot strips or by using fly spray milk and otlier food ym sttr ru to pod ripe fomstaes tcald mem with boding water then cool by rmm ryjh water fend the tkav wul comeojl easily holding ikcrts over me fume the jove for moment jw wul loom the ikin will gently kcraping witk the dull dc tne lniir before pecung mtnd hint luncheon creamed potatoes and peas maple muffins sliced bananas and oranges milk dinner broiled nor chops bakod nolalooc fresh vegetable salad greens cako with butterscotch frosling coffee maple muffins arc nice to servo for breakfast as for lunch you can mix the dry ingredient together the night before have the muffin tins ready nrensed and everything laid outo fmuh the batter light tho oven when ou first uct uprlilil your muffin pins finish mixing the batter and pop into the oven of cour muffins for breakfast are not for the foll yho like to stay in bed until tlu inst miputc and fct hasty brcn fast in which there no cooknif touays uecipej majile muffins two ctm one half cup buttermilk one cup iple syrup pnefourth cup melted but tcrtwq antlonchall up3 prtcj flour onehalf teaspoon soda two teaspoons baking powder onchala teaspoon salt onehalf cup rnimns beat egge add buttermilk maple syrup and melted butter beat to rethor sift flour measure and sift with soda baking nowder rind mix in raisins stir into liquid stirring juit enough to moisten well turn into wellcreased muf fin tins and bak 25 minutes in hot oven 400 degrees this makes jibout 10 muffinc quick butterscotch frosting two tablespoons sugar onefourth cup boiling wur two tablespoons butter two and onehalf cups con fectioners sugar onefourth cup milk place sugar in small iron skillet and cook over low flame stirring constantly until straw col ored llemovc from fire add boil ing water slowly sttr until sugar is dissolved work butter with cpoon until soft hub in half cup of the confectionors sugar add the sugar syrup ond beat well add re maining confectioners sugar grad ually thinning with milk until of right consistency to spread cottirtngntwitrrmusimanrtruitshoid also be covered on no account should flics be permitted sick room and the faces of sleeping babied or babies lying unattended in their cots ae car riages sliould be screened with muslin an effective poison bait but one which cannot bo used where children are ex ploring or romping about is made by exposing in uauccrs mixture of one teaspoonful of formalin in cupful sweetened milk or water my sprays of course operate txxt in closed spaces and the dead or paralyzed hies uhould be jucpt up and burned or tlurown into very liot water to prevent any from re covering amtime uteatinvz salada free gilson furnace amazing robot heat control with ever sihi ng in ie aitt spring in the air mr crochet ell said spring hi the air why should eh uhy uiould for immediate acceptance only wa will give free with vow order for gtlaou furnace robot automatic he ptiu 2qo tfae robot never forgets it regulates drafts better than you can do it yourself saves fuel lust set it to the heat you want no electricity needed no upkeep cost the robot works on any hanct operated furnace optional free gift automatic humidifier gilson furnaces keep you warmer win now for wirmcf houw gllion purnaca wfll we you mors baj fctui kvo fuel bill studlly built to cv crs of urviec warm houio af 73 bolow zero wih it is decree lxlow kefo ht xroquola plt 11 will trota vl ckifit our iioti quite comtatthly httcd with tins 43 gil ton wtnntoh vuriuctf tuucl jlouu sliould vl gatift oat easy 4o own g4lson otiwrgllioflhoducb air conditioning caul liowra klecwlc waabra klcctric refrigerators commercial ptfrjcrticul counter ice cream freer taw fflci smll down faymaat eaty yatmf amall down hiyment and monthly payment no aay win ch you will hevtf tntsa tin lluml vttfnac la mooney acton colden yellow bananas oranges medium lnrc it full of juice pur dozen jjc lemons ikm uiii good size large size loaded with juice mzsl beets 4c tomatoes zrtbr firm ripe zidc home grown fivili liire bunches euch 2scdoz lettuce ft home down large 3sv size firm heads oc fc potatoes lbs new no sio jc irt grapefruit for 25c tomaioes llothoaw cuclimlteits klhtiul iridirf canning needs certo jiiil ttl 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