Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 18 Jun 1936, p. 7

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thursday junk wth 19m the acton free press bobo mils last ridfe rlduc en fcn feut bcrtmd freight train sptodinc thru the night hobo bui the railroad bum wm fighting for his we the memoes of his eye reveal the torture of hla aoul he ratted weak end weary hand to oruah away the cola kb warm llghu flickered around him no blanket there to told nothing but the howling wind and the driving rain ao cold when he heard whistle blowing dreamy kind of way the hoboeemed contented tor be emlled there he lay outride the rain waa railing on that lonely box car door but the grimy farm of hobo bid lay etill upon the floor while he train sped thru the darkness and the raging storm outelde no one knew that hobo bin was taking his hut ride it was early in the morning when they raised the hobos head the smile still lingered on his face but hobo bui was dead there woe no mothers presenct to ioothe his weary eoul for be was just railroad bum wlio ed out in the cold chronicles of ginger farm owsofpomnm cxawct twenty years ago from the issue of the free ptrm of thursday june 22nd 1916 knox church young peoples guild held very enjoyable picnic at camp bell orove mr alfred marshall who had been member of the office staff of storey ac son for the past six years has taken position in detroit and mr martin moffat has been engaged to fill the vacancy 160 excurslonisty from acton attended the halton parmera institute excursion to the ontario agricultural college at qucldh 1u me the me church on sunday evening in honor of lord kitchener was largely attended rev mr avlson gave an interesting biography and eloquent tributes wer paid to his memory mr matthews of denver col son of postmaster matthew is spend ing week or two ab the old home among the soldiers honored with special mention by sir dcxigbu halg was robert hynds of the 20th bat talion aoit of reeve hynds thfa is in recognition of stretcher bearer hynds rescue of comrade under german fire born rxoby at skcrton lancaster ng land on tu4eday may dth 1016 to mr and mrs harry rigby son thomas richard maltluki holmes secoltd at sunderland villa the home of storey brother of uu bride on wednetdtty june 21st loltf by rev ttw avtoji ma bjd henry sutton holmes ufcent otr to mrs ltoor tnlcard acton warren at toronto on thursday june 15th loltf jessie ucklnnon wife of john warn atd 3fl ycara jit arming in canada the sunuher season creeping on or should say rushing on certainly the work la piling up in front of us partner expects to start haying on monday the wheat has been out in head for nearly week and the spring crops are looking better for the glorious showers wo have had just lately how grand it is to wake up at night and hear the rain pattering on the roof and then in tho morning to go out and find the grass and crops the flowers and the growing vegetables looking uo much frener for the rain while of couro theru is always robin in tree singing lus cheery song and sounding as happy as can be like to go out in the garden flrct thing in the morning sometimes to see how the recently transplanted flowers arc weathering or perhaps to see what changes have taken place since the day before mowers are such surprising tilings plants where ones last inapec uqii nvealed only budtf come uddeiuy to tlie glory of full bloom over night what queer thing is tho wind have been hitting in tho garden for over an hour and in all that time have felt only gentle broeza blowing and thn suddenly down the road comes whirl wind picks up the dust on the road by the gate twlsu it round and round mice corkscrew and as suddenly as uv wnlrlwlnd started it atops and the dust slowly octtlcs again it looks vry much like quick illustration ofhic threads of life pur farming playing an increzwlnblv important part in tin fur trodo ol canada and the industry has made greatf niridct during the lout fifteen eors the number of fur farms increasing from less than thousand in 11 jo to 010 at the end of iqzi tim total valiu of the fur bearing imhmib on tiie farms uas 427 57 un incrtare of marly mill on dollaro over 1033 and the revenue received by uu fur furnu from the sale of pelts and live unimuls wait 54 539 0a1 compared with ogfl 005 in 1033 sale of pelut txprunud t6fl 010 or which the silver fox accounted far 600 43 next in importance came the mink with pelt sakd to the value or th5 gfio tiie principal source of fur farmlnz revenue now the bale of pelts but in the early days of fox farming when there were comparatively few farms and the supply of ranchbred animals was limited fabulous priced were paid for he live animals that were required as breeding stock for new farms both at home and abroad the price of pair of silver foxea at that time went as high as 3s 000 thte highest price received for dve fox hi 1034 woo i535 now enprrleni established witli large numbers of farms hi all the provinces the demand for live animals has diminished and the fur farmers have turned their attention to the rakilng of animals primarily for the sake of tlie pelts in 1020 the value of pelts sold from fur farms represented only s4 per cent of the total fur farm revenue whereas in un4 the value of pelt sales wcb7 per cent of tlie whole while canada lias alwayu been an im portant source of furs the fur trade having lwen dominating influence hi the dlhcovery and development of th country the rubdng of ulld animals captiv ty for their fur bi of com pur tlvtly cent origin he practlri of truppers in tin cirly duyji of keep it foxei cuiiuht in the uuni uenllur ylki until uu fur aa pritm iivi birth the modtrn induslr of fur fanning in arl et autluntlc ncord of tht ucc fill breeding of uu irm cipilwtj uu in prince ldwurd inlmd in 10711 afur 1b00 canil riod of rblng prlre furs jnd uu fur furmlni industry rapidly pr id ng to tin otln pnntnciii and lnterht ul dvlopd in raljjm of othrr kliulti of animals tor uu ir turn to day the fur furtiu account for ulm one tlilrd of th total unnuul valiu the raw fur production of cunadu soo mny qwtte contently or it may toe apathetically when along comes whirlwind picks us up and away we go it is not always the tame kind of whirlwind it may be one of pleasure social acuvltiei over work financial dhtlcultied or illhealth but whatever it be it seems to hold us powerless for awhile and then just we ore dlzly wondering how much longer can stand the strain we lind ourselves released and allowed to drlt genuy back to earth until we find our selves again as it were have just beui thinking when mentioned going out in the garden fint uiing in the morning you might ad tlie impression from that that have nothing eke to do but uandtr ulmlcwly among tht howtrc or where hope uie flowers will be so pirhapi had better tell you alo go bug hunting on the potato patch our early potatoes wtrt not planted until lau to as yd there is only plant fihowlng here and then but uie brown trlped bugr art alnaxly then patiently walung for the potatoes to come through and uandlrlng ovr the rround march ing for each under lear as it bivaks through the earth crurt did not know until thir itar uhtn found tlitm tlut the bugs cime ahead of the potatoc but now do know well the potato patch will be happy hunting ground for both or ui anouyr momlng chore bi looking after my ntw chicken about hundreh and thirty or uitm pifty ve bought and tlie ouars uie 1m ns hutched and hen hoping tliere will atill be around hun dred in five monuu time my flrt lot thu year was disappointing to start uith the egfi did not hatch well and uen when the chlckcrii were not more than uiree daya old the bam cats took notion uiey would like chicken dinner after that ume more died natural death leaving me wlui final count of thirteen chickens my new chickens are where uu cats cant get uie incidentally one or the cata is uhere it isn likely to meet any chickens hope nothing happens to uiooe little chicks they are to cute baby chicks like real babies are jmt so sweet one is tempted to wish they would never grow up and now let me uu you uiu these uec chlckerw so bmall and helpless wee the innocent cause of my having on urhstchery where wa ordered tho chickens is about twenty miles from here just nice htue motor drive it was lovely day daughter and started ut direcuy afto dlnner to go afttr tlwm we did little atglue ng on the way and then cot lee ud uu chickens and started for home rwo mllts from uie hatchtry blng und uuire was my new experience blow out evr rlnce uarnt to drive car liave uorwlered what should do if such thing ever itfpcned should ablt to kep tht car on the road its odd man thinks his own wul guides his own life but the world is full of human lives man is bound to blunder into socae of them weave his own with them vlndbolubly or touch and drift away ontw touch again or narrowly miss touching and maybe never know the pattern is on the loom and sometimes looking back you see part of lb thread weaves in and out an1 disappears it is not broken but still weaving somewhere is it incidence when appears again unknown or unconscious forces recipe pqk iced tra por cool refreshing drink with flavor that is dellclously different try iced tea it is very easily made inusc nix heaping teaspoons of saluda qlak tea hi pint of frcidi boiling water afur six tnlnulcs utraln lquld into two quart containtr while hot add is cups of granulated sugar and uu juice of lemony sili well until sugar is dissolved fill container with cold waur do not ullow tea to cool before adding uio cold waur otherwise quid will become cloudy serve wlui chipped lec rrtts will make quaru of iced tea or tall gljssc british malaya worlds biggest rubber country wondered or would th sudden uohc uturuc to uie extent of making hui lose control of oie car am glad to ay dldrl thiosc my head the blow out was on uie orf sido front tire afur iapptncd just sat still for mlnuu wondering wheuicr was capable of wrestling with rim bolte and apare ures while uiui still considering ulouii came knight of the rood driving bakcrri van and my troubles for the imrnt j5omc tlm or rthy nfraid the opthn 1st and are going to part company but the day being postponed as long as possible its an awkward situation uils being between the devil and the deep sea when one can afford to buy car nor tan one afford bo be without one crispisjess at its best thhifs crunchy rootlne in toadied flnkt1 of corn ihnt no oilier cercjil in give you and whui ou enjoy kciloggs tht original corn riukca you lime tlil addt quality of oven frtilnilth mntchlm flavor at nil grocers made by kcl logy in london ontario nothing fakes the place of corn flakes the great rubber producing country of the world fc british malaya which accounts for over half of the world production mo 000 tons of rubber it is estimated were consumed by the world in 1035 and this years consumption at the lowest figure is placed at around 050 000 tons of this quanuty british malaya is expected to account for 569 300 tons the total area pljnted with rubber in br tish malaya fe over 000 000 acres of which co per cent is on estates of over 100 acres during 1035 the united states took 303383 tons tin pinrf applet vegetable oils pepper rice sago tapioca rattans are other products the united states is british malaya best customer accounung for nearly half of the total exorts of all kinds great britain is next followed by britkih em pire countries uie continent of europe japan uie thitch ast indies canada in nosed htr purchases of british malaya products glti per cent over 1033 und 309 per cent ovtr 134 in im poru the dutch east indict tops die list wlui british empire countries sup plying about half thr quantity colscly rollowcd by great britain japan ranks third and is followed by uw continent of europe and uie united stated tho big item hi cunudas export to british malaya motor vehicles more than double the number of canadian passcn gtr cajv utrt imported in 1935 as com pared with uit previous year and com mercial vehicle by two and half timen uc ordlng to the industrial department of the canadian national ilallwayjf rankine will tfy olympic marathon 1mb clasmmcation younir vijn think of me wliat does your father lie utj he call read lot llht nctloji fiobort scolty hiinkinc of preston ont ono of the most duniblo and cournttoua distanci runrilra canndu has ever seiit onto thu pavt ments will devote his olympic trial tlforts toward the marathon jc cordlnif jo rcporlsjri dlti to scotty himsell itanluna lun ranuud up riwn ciirmftiriiiul llnltnh sinfm haadlaih nll wllt arcclh nblkamdhuthacoiifljioj most or nia workto 1u ouotnctrcsana icsn lli thinks nt ctii make kood at tho marathon diilance ho la shown with nn of onhiti reroof repair before it is too late now tk tlm rmir yeur sutultnm wblch kv bn ub ivllably usuetd during tryiam the free press offers you great subscription bargain that saves you money here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do time tables anadian natiohalrailways at acton going em dully except sunday 10 mjn dolly except sunday 1007 oon dolly except sunday cispjn sunday only 19 pm going west dally except sunday dally exeep sunday dolly except sunday sunday only suncjay only ajofcjn ajspjn 7jv4pun eoaonx lljjopjn standard time arrow bus schedule enbciive may 3rd 1038 leave westbound 4z urn t2 15 pm 215 km 15 bi 15 15 11 35 lun siandalid time leave eastbound 30 ajm 10 am 11js0 bubk 10 to km 00 tom 00 00 ltlntoalues hlanned to aix points in canada un1tki states ttxxtoo consult local agent wiles restaurant centralonlario bus line wmero debts debts it you lmen already ent your list of accounls or notes to kelly aiken the collection speclauai at orangvluub ontaiuo it would be wueto do so now remember no collection no ljdabuidicd 1890 nol no not thai imj ttrtat iujj uu uu uf your husband liut he luxd bcin dead live eur then you will loe your umbrrju vitta1prmabancfluullowuikap bj kv kuura si1 ivajkicu fittmt two krt vlu uim1 llaadtil hlbbu hl huui tvaitw wsblbsrushltiaad fcbj jfc btohcaluti tby do tua wm tthnak cvwk eurl or bu ahk lkb0utkst turmi tmuuby iki furauvt coattmeny uiilt lun ntaiiufaftiura ut muggs and skeeter iuimumtsjj se

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