the acton free ffless thursday jucod ssuk wtt uibv acton jffrr rpfie ul liil ej ecry tin uy hl1 ui1tion jlluc stale sfc cw trcitc vatbs jj illltl al 111 lun ontario in ixdvj ul canch ratlonswc fi 1u tc avc tl tit il ii trrr ir llulill ill w1 icrlotion will not bo carried arrears over extended lerol rll er will vdvulllslnl ii ii vice ivtrlu ly cl lverlli lv rl in llr ilc ly it 111 dlvr ram allll will slvirlli 11 iui rl id xe ii idly loin tr err tl err al rrrcle lie cl at rooort ul le ore le ahioi dhls llitor tl li hon bl rial ii tel leiicc another type of reunion acton has hud muny clllbrationb and homr comings kuiu days and ivhat hot with usunly quite bit of success the four sunday anniversary of the united church has been quite out or the usual order ot re unions mid we with you have watched with great deal of interest it is worthy to note that jubilees do not have to benltof the one typ to bring folks back to the home surroundings it is interebting that these services are giving pleasure equal or surpassing that of the more hilarious sort it is unique jubilee that is being observed like home comings and reunion of the folk of former days we have seen and written of many of them in other ways but this one is different from any that have come under our observation wonder if its type that been neglected some way or other we feel that the rcsultnnt good will of higher better kind tmomrirmmrjdr r4rwn mr gi uttli hitfnri nr ndfcmttir purpr imd make il re hi of nun oiv vi ji livttl ul own doc trine or rlphteou nt mnd ekmund that iil di cipuj follow illr exumple in thi word ire nothlnc unlet supported ov deedr lc jin vii je aluaj rcidy help itn lionet doubter lc on viii and ix in he com iia ion for iunvrlny humanity juil turned iil on divine ulory the background the other night two men pummelled each other ind won the right tomeetthe champion boxer lot of folks watched the battle between these two the radios carried the story of tile encounter tile newspapers headlined the event before and after the other day group of lads were returning from school mid two of them were fighting for the championship of something to them it was just as big thing as tvorlds championship there was only one differ ence between the two fights the one had all the background and the other had none one had been made to appegr interesting to lot of folks the other was staged impromptu there lot depend ing on the background we could write quite lesson for advertising on the subject but that is not our intent but we often wonder if the background wcnttcirroved from ionic of these ohumnionbhijt events just what would be left we often wond if the background isn even greater than the feature timnlulioii removed it is noted by the burlington gazette last week that among the recent legislation to pass the ontario lefislature was an act which prevents ctilinty coun cils from guaranteeing bonds of any town or town elnp in the county it is also noted that burlington had rare stroke of good fortune when million county council guaranteed the bonds of that town thereby saving the town about 20 000 it was an issue upon which we took quite strong stand at the time it is but another instance of the useless ness of county councils the legislature has seen the folly of the practice of county guarantees on municipalities whoe borrowings needed backing up and has curtailed the powers of the county bodies jgain the credit of the county would soon be in precarious condition if the practise were continued every municipality ought to give thanks to the legislature that the county councils have again had their powers limited and tljat hereafter each muni eipality will have to stand oh its own finances it will now be quite in order for county councils make resolution to forward to the government concerning the matter burlington was fortunate in securing the backing of the county on its deben ture issue we commend tho uho engineered it through in two sessions less than week apart bui on ijiunksgiving buy we are going to count anion our blessings the ait thuf cm tinted turthei the powers of the county council and on some other thanksgiving day we will also count umong these blessings the aet thut gently removes the county council road courtesy mptonsta should dim their lights in passing other cars at night drivers know how they feel them selves about glaring dazzling light suddenly blinding them to everything else around them and leaving them the reaction with momentarily para lyzed sight and tho victim at that moment of any thing that might bo ahead of them in the road many collisions have occurred through strong headlights and fatalities one magistrate sitting on the bench of one of the larger cities of ontario makes special mark of offenders in this respect and the police of that city have instructions to use particular vigilance for them on the highwiy when the on coming car signals it is not only courtesy of the road but an act ol ifety in thti interests of the other dnver ii well is yourself for you to respond by clutiigiiif for the moment from headlight to dim when out on the stieteh of hijhw with no ap prouchmg cars in sight the longei reach oi the he id light lmpoitant to youi vision but when meeting oncoming ears or driving within theprccmcts of town village or inhabited distuct which his it streets lighted the dimmer is still more impoitint amherstbuij tcho the sunday school lesson fob sunsay june zstb review jesus meetbso human needs our studies for tho nret half year navt7bceii bused on ule ooepcl orxwfcc who presents to us the human ospcctr of our lord life wo su jesus too son of man itidcemlr ktnbiruui of the who hutniui fumlly who poslim through ull thi uiki of human life from ji fulley to tllimhood lalletlled uiul diin all jtid left for our imltatliui modil ihrfictlon in uach lalki pie urn human pi ndenci on god lu prayer and rtcordri his human ym pithb and nlineiloies toward slatbdtast b7 ouva wabhk2 id iritihl ul at tin bukfof fa ml ir iiil tlw thou ht or chri ul lml irt hi urj of iwliit lift uut iur uvul individ ir uh th th mtli ijim lo ii li ld th iii1iic monies plihnps our readers noted last week that in the count council report md on otliei weeks tl the largest expenditure of the bodyis for public helpful nebb out ol tot il amount of 171 3h paired io lyment lti08 was for thesl lunds of isbistir unfortunates look at those figures igain for and june 17 12 00 wis for mothers allowincjn hnlton old afie pensions cost 317 bg for twl col id ii iivt jt il of nivinui vtnl ihoiit clolm ood 10 jh on nul iiil ill pro pht ud in the old mn rt conu ui tin unrld midl tlu lutnu in ful 11 li il hi tlurul all on tptrenc md touclud ulth plrlt of ur lnllrniltu on iii jt il uu il ny timptid hi ill iwiinl uu uv ire ilihoit coaloii li ink it tin ib din tn iifth of hl follouer in tlnir hour of km put ion md uciiciil on iv nul jl camt to th wirld to nuc ind redeem iui lie cjil il to lcnt nil and follov him when vw sunday seen in nooaepaper whalr ncelner pren roseyvelt nor ouv enel iuidcn aint solns to pack rooroi status corden to pdnunasurr parley st red hedded ghti from kan whoc namo fcrsit jte also whalr both se ncclhcr will get the oftls of ptcs dont ucc huw all of that can bo tho facts monday as fur mr ac jano blnvr can bimtlc for licr lavcrslockur townscnt his plan wc jigger i0o in mo will cum in imndu for ut wihji hi to 60 yir of old ajt ruiday out to juirili with mt tin lait nltc and uil in tl uitl olfil heil aki ma ud jn wood ihnki it olf whut hi hunt il jnt praziitly no bb hi mltu wiu hid nmhuv dn ii till mlul gjlh iik mlttc ouktn ivic pi ly jnl ur iiiunm ml tir glib lw tti plid no but thi ui pi ij ill blm dw tl for iih to hi wr in trh lu th ihrtr ilu pi lot on on mi tin und lnul lu an lid untl in town uhi do ii nn nun to hi pi iipiuil id iibb ul tin unit to htn in till turn il in in ul in tid of hi it rid it hot viiij du ty out ui tk tin tr ill ilr lid pi iy at uhni cum in to upper tonlti unit ii met ui mymclv ir id cud pill ini itt look ill il unit ill 11 rulhl ir nm thin si urtl will ti morro ill bi sun ilaj njm tin ulnum ick iy but ilut ilo care thri ilnt no kool nov iv cund iu it in the uut bj ipt sundai after the smash hospital accounts passed amounted to 120 you ask why taxes arc high and some point to the figures of other days this is hnlton share fo two month period it rocs in to make up the county rate that comes on the tty bill every year the provincial and dominion governments make up their amounts by other means of taxation there is no magic pocketbook from which it comes there is likewise no question that most of it is well ptnt and jj wisely administered but there is one thing it would ond mo cdmputeiy erwuved by rln lnflnluu prlclou to him and the objlct pa every taxpayer to remember and that is that he is footing the bill in cases in which he or she ins knowledge tint tlil provisions are being evaded and the case of assistance is not deserving it will be to his advantage to divulge his knowledge rather thin wink at the instance the governing bodies ire nor fooled the average man or woman the tnpnycr is the one who is fooled la factories leiving congested cities that the rightful location for mdustr aii in of trm the small towns and not in the large eities was th opinion expressed last week by henty indus trial commissioner for the eity of bellville he jrulj urged that the small towns maker an organized etfort lun sv to slcutl indistnes which oirlii theindhial rdvantage of both the industries and the town to day in great britain and in thtunited states indus try is moving from the congested cities to the towrib where labor is of higher intelligence more loyil and attached to then homes mr henty said overhead costs in the towns are lower the speaker suggested that small towns go out afte jndustnes each should have three or four suitable plants to attract industries to the town most town have some of these small plants available it worthy to note that industries are being intti ested in these plants outside the city there is much to be said in favor qf the smaller town as the ideal centre for industries and once folks break awa from the city they enjoy the life of the smallc community the factories available are however limited and no doubt many industries will in the of iil ivlnl merc txon god loved ue ought alo to love one another winn the spirit or god dutll in the heirt man he look upon all men brothers lu on xi communion ulth iil tither uj the ource of jc fcnplh ind iil biautv of life no chrl tlan can afford to nefilcct hl praver life as he prnj he erou in rracc lc in nii and mil along wit tit outuard routh of the kingdom jois inward corruption we mut neve ullou mitirlil itfilrs to ilairp the plan pirltuil value of the klngdon li en xiv tin go pel ln ntlon in invlntlm to iut ast it for ill ji us ls willi tint in honli oh vtco lt camliioil statj vtosofolus iv jm1 in japin tobjcco rilt and cimph nr rtite monopolle in co of tobacco eviri proce of production up to ale comple td mijnoply uhlle rilt and camphor are ale monoplli only th tit monoply ui now carried on man for jiclal than financial rex onr although it ir larted in 1005 as meaiv increasing revenue dome tic conutp tlon of cimphor ha lncralcd enormous ly due to the preat development in thf celluloid indutrj at one me it was lari ely exported to kurope and north aincrl nccordlnr to the indu til rxpartment of the canadian natioml railw ijr profit ire praduall incr inr but nrc mall comp3red with the totneco monoply uim ciimmor ii rinp 14 irt nl oiiriliiim nt hi di oothi ftrln il lollh tin or en uu usv lo ri ik to th kt at mipjw or in thnm pronioti rthtfulhlrip at grocers rwlicrc tn ic mother gootu itor ackage math kt llni london ontario qu ihtv puarjntrd so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream canadas magnificent memorial at vimy ridge the urndtlon of the fi ir of dnth in been to hind from tin liver bcrui hill live nu ui vi jeil reveil to il go next few years become comfortably settled at low cost in theseccntrcs thosc howeverwrutfall take advantage of the opportunities now offered will continue to operate under the harujicaps of costly operation sksdltottkal notes and now the mishaps of the bathing beaches are being added to the toll of motor accidents week ends too often do not have happy ending look at the motor cars and crowds who attend sporting and other entertainment functions makes one feel that lot of fojk are oulof the depression flnyway helburne had community radio broadcast on monday evening the change of program from all city artists is being appreciated by those in parts ontario outside tonwlo and in the city as wtll gross revenues ot canadian railways during march amounted to over 2s million dollars thi was the ninth consecutive month to uiow an increa over the corresponding month of the previous yeitr ule kings birthday new king was observed luesday may his birthdas go endeiu him in the hearts ol his people and fill the pluco his futhci held his people wi him many happy leturns of ihe day nuii father long ng to welcome home the ui sinner who crle to him for help lcjui xvii owl no re pecter ol per on wi an otiwnrdr holding ou pussc ainn1 in tnest for him tlielr wroni uc maj lead to our everlatln lo jcu the sivlour of the uorld did not come to earth monarch but es humble carpenter lcwon xviii tlu son of man camt not to be minlilred unto but to mine ter hl dem ind that we forgive our enemle evenly time our best guarantee that god has limitless forglvcnuji for our tins leikon xix the sincere prayer of tho penitent for forglvenc never tnljj on jeius ear in vain he dellghtr prayer that will not take no for an leun xx our lord alway conulour of the keetuitf toul and adi tovreveal himself to such jcell in the ome mean changed life lefon xxi tlie promlx of talva ttan lfor all who in integrity of heart endure to the end watching for the re turn of our lord liwon xxh htcauj je iw lovu us ht ulhea iw in the lcrament of ule last supnr to recall his work of re deeming love on xxiii jcj ur enduwed the un peakable agony of separation from com munton ulth the iather that me might thereby be recoil lied to god lt on xxiv tlie kingdom and ii ulory could not conu by iy of the cro li jin xxv tin uun chrlt li mivociu luruiilli at ou right hand of god ultlil imlohys yvxuiy 75 000 tons mm rias ovir 000 tucs of drliil in an lm elf ypir into on at urltai at ovir jaqqoooo ivpcj lm an the ithu inn marrowfat muph tlu dun japan uiiplle pirtnl valued kirlid vhlt tin gr it tijumtltv prlnc pilly marrow fat ii illajul ronii xt followid by india niw uluul au trulla hungary moroero lulgiun uililu ihilund in eluding innlg cunuda and carman mual am hint aeeordlng tlu agrl they come and mliural ixpjrtuunt of tlu caiuwllan suounb hullwuyi would upnarthut canada eould tupply eotuldi rubly unuur quanuly aieluly tlu blu varltty whkh ici fur cunning htn an impreulvtv of cm da magntili nt uu murlal at vtm ul lu whuhwlll lm uikilli kihl kdwirj jaly gth rum to ihrpuunl til 50 000 houiandu of camulian caiudta war ad tin portal lm war rmii wtll lilmugo to vimy talt ujij complete and has cat in xt month to uleiua tlu uuvulliinr eh if you expect to seh you must advertise