Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Jun 1936, p. 7

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frmrwumy jcotb aoth mm the acton free pjrjtsb two or xnnc la the tennhoum porch the farmer sat with his daughter having coay chat sfc waa his only child and ho thought her fair aa girl could be wee hit jealoua the old man grew if he fancied any might come to woe bu one pet lamb and her loving care he wished with nobody elso to share there ahould bo two of you child aald he there ahould be two to welcome me when come home from the field at night two would make oil old homestead bright therelb neighbor orry with his chlldrrn four to be glad together had one more proud old father id bi my door with two good children to groet nm here down by tho gate ncuth the old lm trco donald waited ulnnc nnd she for whom he waited his lovo call in iirrl and on each chetlc tin bluhei yllrr palhrr fill uid and knelt hi duun and khstd the nd that va old and brow father ih re mu bo two if you mill and your only dimghur ui1 two to wi lcome ou home at nittht two to makr th old homtu id bright and somebody btf jue said the farmer and whom limy jim body tli be oh the dimples in hcudu ehitw that playid ih blilihe it hldi ml sick auay from hi ii he turiud lw hi id qnp of ntluhbor orty ehlldr ih said ii said thi furim male it plain is it susan allct or mary jjnu another iclsi on the titfud hand to help uic firmer to undmund ttm suld tho former yc it it is two for yourself ami oik for nit but bessie said hart call im but om ijr me ut id lit art till life li doiu chronicles of ginger farm writtea bpwrfattt car acton free fftaa gwendoline ciammm twfstv ytaktt ago two weeks ago when daughter and went for our chickens on tliat mimor able day when we had the blow out wc were travelling ulotuc the highway who ahead of us we huw car parked on hi ido of tin road youngish mil was tlnkcrliuf with uu ltiglnc and ulrl stood lookhiy pasted on the back of tin cur wo hugi mkii just mar rled to day whili in town he iri it commotion lioriki blouting and tin can uiuirluu and down the mrtit mm tar uith ountf bridal jwiir in cjils utrt tied to thi back of tlir rar and follpudng uiijn ure ouur cam thu tujnr of uhlch mere rcpouhlblt for th horn blowing rhuu wiin uho rend thl may laugh at tnj dc srrly lloit of tin iuid ni olf of tin two young cotiult yt ncrh ou wul 1u but itt hii not urltlut tlil uiti nnv inuntlon of hi big funnv hit fact lnvi uti ub oluu horror sdmmek time means extensive night anrn policy at matlk leaf stadium toronto of prjctlt a1 joli of my kind lay iwr to me little hort of nllmtl jl1 eru itv ind omtthtii not jo try rt rinwl ut that but do thinl tlu president clifford oakley and general manager arthur leman have decided to confine all weekday oontesta to night baseball games thus meeting the dc munds of all ontario baseball fana saturday and holiday games will hx played aa day games anfl also tlie odd conttso during the week days will bo played in tho daytime whin it is hicci tary for both teams to catch early train for zichi dultd gatm wwhin in lrt of thi big night batb ill rtimini program nl the maplo ij if butdlum in mt in lorodto niuli rw in rlday ivnlng jum ltxli uith tlu popiiwr motitrial uojuli oppojlt lm for tlu ijafi lnglt itti ill pi id iuurdiiy iftirtumiti jum otli with trt jniu tlub hould tlu rldav niuit if hut bt tiild out it pa ibl that two mi mill bt iti oil iturdii nf rnor il fiiiui oiil hu done con idtribu ii anlitluu uiil in tin pltrhlni pirtimnt lilubt now tl jiif jmv of tin lx jlt lour htirlini nf hi thr int rnut on il la iuut lhr luirr of major littu lpi rlcnc ixro hi triii in jl joint tn and mini nt on lw tin ht ifi that met uj pilchlni conlld net mnct our in kttir juki mott lin cllnclud tht fourtll po 111 on th lliu pltllihif iu jtmt if with ill tlw conliddici of in ex pi ranted tjor itapinr ulun on th explosxos magnate siu hi nlty mowam sinn nlficiiiti lit itlnd to ii itto in id of sir hi no infill lin of tt it jjtil mi uttlcl liift iiuif ictuu of plo ivi foi both iti nnd dnnr hi in loionlo lu it hid ii fin im mil ii of li ilion il ni its sweeping the country iii whong ltnc jiotuml for lot of hurfirtu to stn ltlv ptojilt and following lrrlayi liordtr clo1 oji acrlli te it may bt th it am oldfa hlonod jimmi pitll on have proved their effi quite poi bly imbut the fa of two lkt pinjlnr lh nni pcroiu ttlnc marrld luu ntvtr ap of clir ft ont ir rootlnr for th peal to au an occajjon for common nilk old lid tilt uihk bu conductor in mound llu martini hirleri nre icke rib uith umbrdln that tht limit up th four tine relit hurktt md ich of lm land my gooil man one can tike hi pluei aiturter uh nductoc no ml im it lied upon in boot ntkola in daughter of alexander lawjoni ouelph formerly of acton of two lauilg ptople take ulwti they married yet it ij wo often the occjuion of undue hilarity among hit frleiwlj of tht brldt and groom wc peak of tht itrvicc holy matrimony but urely an aftermath of tin com and blowing horn murt of necessity detract froii tlie hollncu of tho ceremony of cour li un occasion for re jojeing or should be but there li uorld of difference between rejoicing lilch rcognicr an undercut rent of trloui thought and rejoicinir uhlch only an txcua for coarie jesting nnd loud laughter ptrhap in iome ciaes it no morethnn tlie young poople expect in wliich care tliey v111 know how to deal with it all but othtr iounp people may be more ftenitlve und it li for them rtrrct the unwelcome publicity and the lack of pert for one of the tncnt occitiioru in life but or said before uppose in oldfo hioned anyu thoui ht uould lntroluce the trom the issue of th vrx lrc of thurray juno 29th 1916 mr albert gibbons brought th pure lbksji from iqstmoster maubcws farm jstalk of rye in head measuring flvp ftct ten inched hi lengui there ut pleasant little gatliering at moorecrofti on sunday evening after bisliop warn mt powerful sermon oil india id the methodist church when tin bbmop mr warren and ii moore who were tudetits together at albert colleyc belleville nieti and had most enjoyable hour in ttidnuccnce of college da und friends of tlut time the epworth league proiljcd quite treat when thty ueurel rv albert moore of toronto to give ills travelogue beautiful bcrmudu nasiigawcyu sunday school workera held the annual convention ut camp be 11 villi and it proved very hiterutlng and lielpful ihe olfltri elected wre president jaitu moffat vict pre idcntr jahics simpson secretary mrs lp pall at fi largely itunded meet np of th congrxg itioru of najligjwey und campbcllvllle churchto rei straehun of toronto as ciiomii piutir to ill the vacine ciued by the retimunt of rev dr blair flit imperial ordtr of dam httr of the fejnplrt wiu orrjnlzed at the home of mrs xorrjince beardmotx on tuecdav ihlrty four intmbcrs were enrolled office wire elicud as follows ilonor ury iligtilt mrs torran btnrdmort utgetit mr rev ii smith vict utgent mr georyt ilavltl 2nd vice rient mrs want 3rd vleertent mrs charles hender son siicreury mr brown the 104th battalion expect to br camp at ornnevlue uils utek and go to the neu bonjtn camp at pint plaln ktoktn somervllui in halleybury on sun day june iflth 10ie to dr it und mrs somervllle daughter makutlkd hawke31 lawson at st paul presbyterian church ouelph on wtd ncday 21st june lolfl by bev mclntofth jnwij jjawja jljinnm vqungtrle trlm off pie marlon dolie lawson idefcrj7 lulkii iniik fcuete caraiangoimgcouplcitric iricovrryrnntthiy nmk of uioilghth prattltal jokts appear luc ha rt cow red oiii and acred that nppearjli luc ha rtcovrred hi vunky doo ball that made him famour two year ago while fcarl cook lntr conn throui it th icvtrnl fine rtllef perform ance ut ui sceiu an curlon train rombstovt uwfl actiov when maximo labrndn wife died he un only too clnd allow hi fithei in itw to mike nil tlie funeral arrange mint nnd ecurt burylngplnct nnd tinbtnit tj mi ape from ccbu philippine lland glad until he went tht cemetery lo lnrptct tlll rttuli what ht iii mndl him rush off to liujcr nnd institute criminal proceed intt ior defnmat on of mr cha racier agalns hli fatherin law ro tlie ii crlption on the tombtoni ia silc diid of maltreatment by her liu band sow liquolt colottd defendant hnled into pallet ubjectin the hope ut on clnri of aault and intoi that it might leid to open dl cue ion on kttl tlle judtt to txplili and plrhans be the reult of mnkinir dl of tht iic rfim folk think tu befon being hntnt much to iy yo ilono pirh to prictlcil joke con piracy tn the mum llkktr cvf and now to giti cr mnn iv tint llkkir uigji mean that uh you know ont often lit in the nmin pc cum thought wits run if you wont anything bid tnoiigh md wil muln down nil tht time you an urt to get it will for year have wnntfjj hummock but my concmci would ntvtr lit me ro fn my brain wave between the trt to buy ont hammock btintr ont if ani tllt ll were uith mort tlfan tlint yt out mother know ih dot but he had lot of trouble time tables anadjan nationalr at acton oeing east dolly exceptr sunday id ajn dally except sunday 10 07 ajn dally except sunday fl j3 pjjx sunday nly 10 pm oolnc west dally except sunday fl 53 ajn dally txeep sunduy 33 ptfl dally except suhduy pan sunday only 08am sunday only 1120 pm standard tevie wikic it orif untetl but tl ntve form of in inily cninti thu inn of iniulii all ieciqanisin in flvtrtartac no one now kunjij hta 11 above hi utk pti nn ir situ iti tt imi booth poiii oj hul hi pn tltd thr bttrr dili those thing uhlch one can quite earlly do without ptcinlly when there nre other thlni more urgently needed even as child anted hammock nnd remember had one at ont time mndc from piece of sackjiy not very strong and it wicnt long before the hummock and both came to grief this yeir tht longing returned again nnd ntain and uith it that little matter pertaining to my conscience during this us ucek young son nnd worked strenuovvly in shady nook which from lui appearance might also have quite suitably gone by the name of weedy corner we cut down weeds and super tfckttlllfcu koh toum gardfcv llie unply of etable manure for the city and town garden la now somewhat dlillult to get consequently suhstitutts muso be used pulvtalted iwit leaf mould or leave dug into ui gurdln in umj full will supply tho humus batlsfuc torlly and tile plant food inavtoddihl uithe fornj of commercial cmlluumf lair most fiurdens commercial fer tulxur containing about per cent of nlttogeii 10 per cent of available phosphoric acid and per cent of potujh soluble in water appl ai at the rate of about pounds pr iq0 aquaad fet of garden will gle good rejului there are many other fertllueem satlsfuotory for the puriwie in polut of uiinlyils uch as 587 10fl und 10 dried and pulverized shtip und iwultry manure ut uuo satisfactory wlien upplloil libcrilly say 10 lb pr 100 quart feet for th plant food corunt of thui li compira lively low le per cent of nltrogn per cent avnlluule phosphoric oe and pi ti nt of potash lat mould couiiuibt or any form if sol rn though of dark color ihouli not be ngunlidj as fertiliser but humu supplii rs to whlth the pliint foodrf nluui phosphoru arid and potash should uddcd for lust risulu tills sliould ih borne in mhid wlu vendors otf load of such oji fertllisttn in the towns vn queiitly compost or loam li sold to unsuapci mug huum holui rs with un claim ulut it fertillter llumiu ix not fertiliser and im ltlir is tlut bet of garden varth even though dark in color cases of fraud of this kind are frequently dealt with under the wrtlliwra act limbs of others and presto there was an ideal spot for hammock but no hammock to put there 2jmnntti1yt had un lus pi ration ijnyic son said to my young hope ful if make hammock will you drlvo in post to which we can tie one end tluit poplar tree will do for the other end of course he was quite willing so away wtnt into tlie house up the stairs and opening up wooden chest unearthed ubout four yards of real new awning which lud had given to me some time ago but for which had had no use until now down went to the kwlrig machine stitched tlie awn ing togethxr like roller tow el made wide htm each end fmd inserted wooden curtain pole through each end took it out to the garden tied trong romt round ui end of tht poie and hammock it list but then uppturtd fly in tht olnt mem hiving un ud to nuuh time fix lng up the hammock had no time lo tny and sit in it but had to go bick to the hou and uarh dishes the free press offers you great subscription bargain ihat saves you money otul pivbd ymc tyeotlonifs here is real offer thai will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do select any of these famous magazines arrow bus cljvl jrcl lojij lkavu westbound in 15 hi is ro 15 hi ii li it hi 15 in 11 j5 pill siandaud 11ml leave evsrbound in bvjo urn 1120 mil 10 111 4ul0 lm 00 ii 111 ii 00 li 111 irimicalul ilannpd to all loists in canada csirni siahs mlxico coiuiiilt local jvsent wiles restaurant cgnlialq iu kiiwm totaovio debts debts if ou haven nlrendy sent your list af account or note to kellt aiken tho collection speclnllsli ollangv viix1 ontauio it ould be ulc to do go now ntmtmbtr no collection no charto ksubllhr 1x90 to net her with your yeirn ptipci running household uses up lot oj energy if you find yourwh feeling fugged out by mid afternoon try howl of crisp kellogga corn flaked with mtll hey help to restore tirrgy and thcyve wholesome nisy to digest made by kcl logg in london ontario nothing fakes the place of corn jflakes and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combihat ioth low tprice fj maclen uutm yr qchatelune cnmdin yr qnatiotikl home montkly pictonl btwcw lyr canadian horticolttire and home magaune 1yr new business pitlntid naliotijiiilllp will ulracl hew buulueui uhe the pue ut the old thmt you lire toting grt our price oo tirlndnit stiuskt town and province subscriptions for all magazines token at tho free preaa office muggs and skeeter uaxc iforsawciiv alii tacim cuaslsic urrcrxwjpyh asortabue aomiker hamlet 11 ty wally bishop

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