thursday january 2ut 1037 the acton free presb page seven the gobblers advice carried shoe to uie cobbler on dav though aorry its plight could sec he looked it well over and sh ok his old head tls not worth me labor he quite frankly said if shoe is post mcndln muntn thruw it away he smiled and he nodded and whisper ed to mc do the same with you throublcs said he ida itcixliimlth twenty yeaus ago from the issue of jtbe twe ires tborsday january zstfa 1917 the members of knx yourttf ieoplej oulkl paid friendly visit to the ep worth juragua of the iaethodut church miss lien wick had chuxfeo of the program the kings orderlies ulblr clos members were entertained at tlie iur sonagr by llcv and mvs avteon on monday evening acton all lair had prosperous year all claims were paid and iur pills of s80276 is in the bank mr geo havlll was reelected president the funeral of the lute jobeph allison unji held at moul mr alllsontus on of kassagaweyas early residents pte geo laliu of uio sslh sjat tollon arrived horne from the war on monday modiiug line reception wait accorcuxi him wednesday nig hi und he was presented wlul gold wutcll mr thonuui marshall of erin town ship lurchaed 100 ucrea from mr robert tie id of esqucnlug township being on the ninth canektslon 6f erin township ttvc prcixntatlorr of the eclorr sicured foriluikuth xluttallon was quite an important ceremony two thousand perons were in ut tendance any jay wsii day mruae from the verifier of nova krotli how often we hear the remarl health is the first ccnsuieruthon ws iwm unanimously to agree that this precept should guide us in nil the or dinary affairs of hfc yet in one im portant ruirtizulor the selection of our diet do we conilstently observe that rule take for example the matter of sea foods it has been proven conclusively thai ttujui foods properly prepared have un usual healthgiving power palatable and easily digested they help the human body to resist disease and they promot tlie growth of children they poaseji great deal more protein than either chicken or beef and provide the bent balanced flesh foods available as to cat they are relatively inexpensive nevertheless it is said that tlie aver age canadian family is content with perhaps one meal or fish week our leading dietitians deplore this apparent blindness to the intrinsic value of ilsh foods por this reason ue heartily uel come the present press campaign to en courage the consumption cf ilsh in augurated by hon micnaud in his capacity as minister of fisheries nt ot tawa deep sea fishing is hazardous call ing our canadian fishermen imperil uielr lives day after day in order to moke available constant supply of wliolcuuue and delicious sea foods these liardy and courageour men farm highly important element in our population for their sake for your own sake for the sake of your family patronise their products serve mor tea fish and remember that every day may be fish day chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the acton free press vendolink claukk ontario lias adopted traffic slogan which exhorts us stop look listen uuch signs make us tralllc conscious wo realize tliat if we do not stop jook and listen then wliut happens after wards may be ulmoflt imurcly our ow fault wb huw it in our power to in sure our own safety to very ereil extent just by being careful of course them are exceptions wo may makx carvfuliicjn habit and yet come to grief there is always the odd chance like see those slop look listen nltfiys but da yog know what other lgu would like to tc wherever there are trees would like to see big sign sup look and think and would like to ask every man who is slaughter ing acres of bush is there no way of saving thcmv standing timber is valuable in time of stress it represents juiit to many dollars and cents to man when matt nerds it one cun underutund how natural it is for unyonc feeling the pinch during the liut fuw years to turn hb hush land into hurd cash man can hardly be expected to do otherwise he wants money he got good offer on tlfty acres of standing timber what more natural than that he should dis pose of it can quite understand situation like that jbut what about bush that needlessly sacrificed what about the wanton waste of ycuni trees when timber land is sold is such waste necessary remember wonderful buh with fine stand of timber as one could wish to see there were splendid maples hickory elm and pine with young trcs everywhere growing up straight and strong and silver stream winding rs way in and out through the low 1iuds in the spring one had to walk warih frr there were many swampy places in the bush one year we went back for fljuvrs and ferns uhlch had always grown therj in great profusion we reached the place where tho bush uied to be and what did we find nothing but acres nnd acres of bare land with hundred tree stumpi dotting the landscape like tombstones for the trees which hid fallen here and there were huge brush piles what else but funeral pyres gone uerc the flowers and fern completely dry were the erstwhile swampy places the silver stream hud lest its sparkle there were no trees left ghe it undulation of light nnd shade more wholesale destruction never saw but lis ha seen many like it flnce then dont know who owned the bush and of course dont know why the timber was sold all do know is that sktt the voluntary question could this have been necessary was there no othe quit logical with nil due deference my hoy rally thllk our eiikllsh custom the telepluno is bvlut uuui iaylng hell you do what do you say in kngland we say are you there then of course if yu ure not there tiiore in no lur in going on with the conversation why does one cftyjtuifeb lautlkh turnip to another wl iy dcxl one turnip while with the law we didnt know what to do ubjut piute vie said uio crimson gulch citizen he wju real good feller but he would bo carulcfd about whootln up the populace did you straighten out tho matter some extent wo elected him sheriff thereby makln it look lltlle mrr leul tiioses old mastehm mltren to new maid lie careful when you dust these pictures mary they are all old masters mold good gracious whod ever think youd been married all those himv muni still in this world patient recovering from operation why are all the blinds drawn doctor doc well theres lire ucrofji um alley and didnt wont you ta wake up and think the operation was failure tiler prefers them suiuliit robably ciutom han lob to do with it in uio united iitaus niw york and pittsburgh ure partial to ttiriti lurgi four six inches in dlnmntci ilotlon likes her turnips medium thre live inches and philadelphia cleve land and llalllinore smaller still three to four inches cunadlan turnips from prince edwutd ldand and oniurlo the preferred choice us compared with the dojiwjtlc arucle becuum of their flue flavor and uppeamtice according to th agricultural dpartmcnt of uio canadi an nauonul rullways canadian turnhu ure purciaied by hotels and restaurant und by the averaito housewife while ihi doinesllc turnip bi t4d for uie mast part on local rami markets or to fuctxrlei now york and lioston uro the main con suming centred for canadian turnip tho from prince edward island coin nuuulnf the highest price in tliose mar kets the market for ontario turnips li chlcauo pltlburg und ether interior milnu biing more acceilblo the most useful man killed hy iaijl pat and mike were hunting it saw wild duck far overhead and gave it both barrels to his delight he saw the bird fall to the ground ye wasted the powder pat said mike pat turned to mike and sulci didnt get the bird sure yu did pat but the fall woulj have killed him anyway look right mike was crosseyed nnd was hand ling the axe pat was to place ths rooster arcoss the block while waiting for mike to get ready to let drive pat houled mike are you going to hit where you are looking should say says mike then pat said ilegrrah hold the rooster yourself pat mel hls friend casey an tli street and not having seen him fn some time stopped to hae talk noticing large diamond tic pin on casey pat said thai ls fine dia mond jou have where did yu get it well said casey my brother died and leit me 450000 to buy stone mid this am the stone who are the most ueful men in your town thls ls an interesting question and not loo easy to unswer in trie opinion of the efficiency magazine however the most useful man is the rue who brings in the mos nmriey from outside the town the most useful man at seaside is the one who has the largest hotel and bring in the most vltftors in an industrial town the most useful man is the one who sells most goods outside customers prom the point of view of prosperity no man is more useful than he who brings in the most money fr outside certainly he adds the most to the wealth of the town in the second place the efficiency magazine places tlie employer who gives the most work to most people he does much to help the rank and file in his town in third place cmi the man rich or not who is the most interested and ac tive in promoting the welfare of his town ns whole he is the best citizen he suggests improvements belter light ing cleaner streets public parks and cenrril improvement it is the ulc town that knows and appreciates its mast useful man elmlr signet the hairy face sleep walker minister why did your husband rise and walk ut during uie sermon jester day mrs thompson mrs thompson dlnna mind john minlsicr he aw fu given to walking in his hep lost ad poind molly cassldj shure pat had certificate of character but lost it coming over phwat shall do1if pat murphy said to molly never mind molly ill write wanx so pat urate this this certify uiat molly civldy had giuwl ehara ter before she left the old country but lost it on shipboard coming over sales talk jewellers assistant an absent minded fellow vias bilng marriitl he was presenting the bride with thelng when he linltntvd with thb ring prompted tui min ister with hls ring said the bridegroom we give written guirantec remlmlini the customer that the price will be re funded if it represented way canadas crying need today is trcs more trees but still the wholesale slaughter goes on and we have less trees pnd less trees all the time and partly as result we hav terrible floods ilk tlinv in many districts during th past week because there are no swamp land to hold the water in flood time the government has done much in re forestation but what can we individ ually what can we do collective through our organizations what ran women do we can do lot by beginning at home for instance last year saw man prtting up new wire fence along side the road sturdy utile elm wi growing just where the fence was be naturallj it was in the way so the man took hls axf and felled it if that man realized in any way the values of tee to hls farm and to his country th it sturdy jming elm would have been spared women can help lot by encouraging their men la to use the axe sparingly to save joung trees plant new ones whenever and wherever possible to make use of the free distribution of trees and evergreens by the government we can even help bv being economical with the wood we burn and not grumble unduly at the quality and quantity of what llnd in the woodshed if ue belong an organisation we can suggest that resolution be sent through the proper ehailnrls petitionli the covernment place more land under lefoivstatlon and how would it be if we also petitlor pat tin barber shop will ye shave hull my face for half price my friend barber replying certainly sir pu answering fine sir ils th tulside that needs it from grafting perclval daddy do they raise politic al iplurns from seed daddy no son political plums are more often the result of bit of clever grafting money hack and you say these lifebelt an teed by the company absolutely madam but supposing wore one and wen down for the third time in that case madam the bell iul cjiu your own property guar skilleo workers neehed we hue nad and heard much of late that there ls no plae fii the business life cf the country for the youth of to dav that colleges are turning them out wlh no future ahead or them with this in mind it was quite revelation to read this week that skilled workers ae needed and many more will hi needed as the economic upturn con tnues already the scarcity of junior craftsmen and apprentices in skilled fades ls causing concern to employers the chlcag association of commere his recently completed study which reveiis wonderful opportunities for the youth of the republic executives of over 2000 of chicagos leading firms ad vle young men to go into building and moderiznlion air conditioning capital good manufacturing development of steamlined transportation steel avia tion and automobile production if this li the need in the united states it will certainly apply to the youth of canada just as strongly it ls certainly enccur agilng to know that the future of our jouth is considerably brighter lis towel banner ever shot fired from one of the 1g inch guns costs the united states gov ininent approximately 2000 to give it ti rebate farmers for evey acre of laud fenced otr and set aside for reforestation on their own propertv unless we as individuals realbe th seriousness of the situation and as in dividuals take steps to combat it ther ls golnj to be very little iniproveiuetu we cant leave these tilings altogether to the government oik tree takes long time to grov hut aiy acre of standing timber can ue felled in very little while cnlv god cm make tree but man by swing of the ae can destroy it isnt it time ue bet in to stop look and uie government think no bad habits when voting man has no bad haoit is sod to be good but that ls only hguive after all the important ques tion ls what good habits does he possess what hue qualities are so es tablisliltl in jour character that you cm count on them to have any bad habits any good ones either means lad of personality what he heard an aberdonian was taken to spltal with wireless oudsealer jammed over his head when the encumbrance was removed the hiirgeon asked the mini how he had managed to get into such an extra ordinary hualion well said the patient was slt iilg rt home listening to religious mrvice and suddenly heard one or the sidcointii drop ilicllon plate lake ihii1 iuliltly aitl lc ty ljt in ii ukr at llu lil ti ywr ixikciu iluy imtrh mqe qhovhs iluoo qulntnf tiw im wlmit it lakr la wvx tlii rold lldit out your vyvtrin uo fiial the free press says time tables nadian nationalhailways iolnc eut ijjtly xmnl 706 oully uxcept sunduy 1007 dally except sunday fl13 iiunday only 718 oojnt west dully except unduy 859 dally exeep sunday 233 dally rxoept sunday 70s dully except sunday 1340 sunday only 1132 stjutoalld time pjn pm aj0 pja pan think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful 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au renewals wm be extended offer no one magazine from group and one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance whats the news newa is changing con utanuy events happen fast and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many loenl fronts the aclon free press offers its readers complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the actonfreepress acton ontario subscript tnkevat ptions for all maeazlnem the free press ouit muggs and skeeter sav vmjggs ot swell icca kactoiiualiis apprnumilrh li mills vt tli tnli ml ll iri mritl in ilrilu th miii iriilirl il ironi prrin bkunl 111 li llclnijs cimrr xlrtlnut puliiilin the ill ui ho ltiu the llr ivpni cir ili 11 hi th ljm nr ihi jht tialn ii ir lmcl jimn iili1 mulkv ll it iiiiblli iurloi 111 pit xlwc hi uiv by wally bishop v4aaw stlmciv tcwate vou if vou wege halp mam mduo taich me tvie circus jfesiva