pao six the acton fee press thursday february 11th 17 the smaijusb joys olve me the simple joys the wild birds son rose or two to cherish as my own dwelling small where constant love is known and vu not murmur that life nay is long owe me sheltering tree patch of lawn few good friends to shard my merry hours to wait with mo and bend above my bowers and 111 rejoice to greet the coming dawn olve me some tusltn to do not leader ship nor brilliant effort with 1u larger gain but tattles which serve ncod and soften pain and can face the world ulth milling up gilo me this small nucccii to play the friend to hold my post with couruge and to be rtx from tin ihulu of pomp and luxury and cun uulk gludhcarti to the end edgar ouct menu hints eelpe for new and nevel dlshee goosehow wai buggwuotk gutss wiio ihnnlrs uy hetty liauclay st vulenuiu luy day of magic and delight for lovers both young unl old urel nothing can be more ex citing than thow crypuc card the post man brings ulth their mysterious sig nature of guea who concealing an identity tculoved or rxrhapi tlirllllngly umusiwcud ouc who day dinners arc fun too for they oifer more opportunity for umulng game und muiual dishes uian any other holiday meitl of the year dainty croquette ft lurcloua ialad cuke or smau cup calces to irve with the holiday punch all are uclcome tidbit that can be ttrved ulth tiny candy hturti or decorations carrying out the motif of sweethearts day lima cnoqufcrrrks tups cooked dried ldmas cup cream teaipoon alt teaspoon poultry rcasoninr tablespoon tomato cauup qtcaipoon pepper teaspoon poudered ange cg lightly ixalcn cup fln dry bread crumb hub uiruu through coarse strainer add crumb cream salt pepper saac and egg sliapc in the form of rmall cylinders holl in crumbs dip in tyg beaten 1th tablespoons cold uaur and again roll in crumb pry in deep hot fat 300 degree until brown then drain on oft piper pine on serving plate and garnish ulth ring of fried apple tovtato and white ailape salad package salad gi latin cups tomato juice cup seedle3 white grapes heat cup of tomato juice to boiling iourovertalud gelatin and stir until dissolved add cup cold tomato juice chill until mixture begin to thicken then add hltc grapes pour into large heart shaped mould or mould in shallow pan and uhen hrm cut into small hearts with cutters avail ible serve ulth lettuce and mayon nalc serves ginger spear top over cake cup butter cup brouii uigur 14 cups pa flour teaspoon baking nowdir tclpoon oda texipoon kimtr teaspoon clnniunon cup butter cu unr etk vt cup mobile cup sour or butur milk or 10 pint apph pi ir cup iiliivj cream table poon poudired ul ir milt cup butur in 10 inch lri trying pan or un inch quire deep tike pm add brun mil ir uid tlr until nulud silt ft nir iking pouur cxla tumor and cinnamon cn tin butter and uuur tlr in nit mol milk and dry lm ridluils arruui pine ipple opt ir in meltid uulut and broun mmar lieu pour in etit mluiil iuu in niwlt rutt j7 ree for iboui nilnuw wh hu loain il from tin sidis th pm ulth spituli invirt on laru ini plati st uuh uhtpptd im nlnii magic nui cui cauls cup und in hi mill cup uttutud udm id milk uk tparatpd tl up will ll ill ittdl hill mut it mow briwn uns mil forte through wui etuppir lt mnd unut add ni ih njed milk yolk und iumiil pov uleiul thoroughly old in ullfk beaten trgg wlilto drop by ipoonfuu into miiuii hli iirousl cup cuki lini uuvt in mtkii rutf ovu jo minute mukm lj mtiuli cup cijkis getting the toint of course it was sin var him to stick pin in the chair where his parent often wit but dldnt think for that dldn care on the cushion soft and fat lay his fathers sunday hat and lie knew that bed never top to look for the tiny pointed hook sticking through so behind tlie lounge lie got far he thought hed rather not be around when the parent raised the hat and upon tlie pin point sat judgment sound then he heard his fathers top and another but lie kept like moiuc the neu parron sure as fate moved into the place of late souls to rouse host from clialr removed his hat bade him seat himself in that and he did rrom inspired lips there fell earnest uords and curdling yell all unkind now that boy liar lot hi vim and scat tint just suits him must be soft and he ucars ueary froun but you 11 note he don sit doun very oft prom the old scrap book had commenced to tell about jack allan end sandy cummings chool day lait ueek uhen found the editors blue pencil uas shortening up my allouance of space so quit don like the blue pencil any better than the otlier co rre pan den is to these column but uppac it is necessary evil well jack allan and sandy cummlngs were tuo of the liveliest cholars uhocc names ever 8l on the register of the old school they didn go to school to tudy they uent for fun and they found it they tt eed the girls they played trick on the boyi they toi mtnttd tht mattr both of them dc hoped into ladle men eventually sandy cummin married woman ou in dikoti ulth ilx children mr lttti undertook to ive them both trounc ini one ly uhen tlulr prank haj been more than usu illy dirint and hi did it ulth lengcunce ou old boy and kirl renumber hou uhlte lit went about tin 111 when lit ol uorked up jacl mil sandy hid it laid on bmj uid pi nty liny renumbered it an did tin hool don think jac evtr uent bitl to school iii tern old father hit ciptaln uuo iavc him pitti of hu mind uhen lit barmd tlu chool it ui the fashion tlfty ymr ai for mi of tht chilus in the ujnhr tlm jutlilly to take tlu ir dinners ulti tl mi ii hi livtd in tlu country hit ir dinner all llu ytar round am mi tht utn sun und alon worth ii in chtrty tiuu tin tad iurt prlnw fivirllt llnlr him old moth not mi pii tlu in up mmi substau ll il und duty irm lunch but tin himti pill ul contalutd day oftei iy ni tl upply ol rljk rid cln rlt with roil hi irttd indue tin thirrhs utn doli out nil ant undry bos ind girls allkt ihty utn ilu ujoved llu dlunir li mr at hxl tllordihl tint opptrtuiity fun mil fn he und of tjour ut to ulvant igt or it on old nut tormy iy in di um un liulitluid in out idi ami muiii il din in iur and in prl uity bui ptinptr iiul tritk tht uhlp vie uuuy nj mil mit tlmi tin bivi uoulti brim tin ir hind ul mil ulvi tin irl ridis tin it iigth of tht ehool round invarubly aiming to upit tlu ulth hirp ulng doun at mr mlth it ft nt in the mfcluv lit the snou ua uone and tin stluwil gtoiuida une dry again mr little generally organised tl cleanup day lie would mamhall the boys and girls across bhe wldti of the school grounds instruct each scholar to pick up the sticks or atones or ink stands or paper or any other rubbish immediately in front of them as they marched in military line acroos to the opposite fence reaching the fence all the rubbish collected was dropped over this cleared the school grounds beau tifully but mr smiths property was eight after the march during mr little regime as teaclicr many trees were planted on the school grounds hi fact nearly every one if tlie stately maples how beautifying the groundd was planted under his super vision over futy ieart ago this wan before arbor day wan tliought of thu levered old teacher had vision if future days worthy of tht most enthusi astic rbor day advocate on friday afternoons in may after about threw clock scholars were appointed to to tlie wooda mjcure young mapus und plullt them 111 the placet he indicated by this im ail about llfty tret ut planted tiich out uas iutmed for scholar und that holur wus uppost to water and attend his or her trve good many of them through neglect or rough uugc dltd but about dnjun still remain out charlie jlill now resident or munro mich miotlier belong to aiu tin tubby toronto dan mann dl becailu he would iiter take the troubli to uutcr it but john douglas which uo next to it is worthy the inon who name it bears forijot to tell you of another game which uas popular with the hoyi that was harts and hounds wlien that was entered into in tamcit it made great sport but it uaj difficult un dertaking to play tlie game and get back to school before tlie ma tcr rattat tat with his pointer on the school door announced that the tchool liour had ar rived one day charlie hyds brick top the boyij dubbed him led the liarcs and george yemen the bounds cliarllc and hl chosen followers ran through smltlis fields and matthews meadow and acrosd butlicrford creek through davidson rwomp and aimer lighted swuckhamcra hill before they turned then they made beeline for school hut the run was so long that both hares and hountl were betueen flic and ten minute late for school every liarc and every hound rot vigorous thump from mr littles pointer as they entered the door every one but air baird alf uasnt seen ut school aaain that ueek poor alt he dldnt like schoo his mother eued totiring him from home lo school ulth leather clrap about him one mornlnr as he entered the school door and the strap as removed alf bolted auay over the fence across th track and through the fields he scudded for tlie fields mr utile saw the esca pade and to dick thurtell and ed me gorin he said richard and roger bo after alfred and bring him hack to school dick and ed scooted it uas pie for them they ucre auay ion time but they came back ulthout alf ppor alf tlie last day he spent in acton the lasb day he spent on earth lie played hookey from school he played about the station jumped freight for uhlle and then with companion uent over to turnip field on the farm uhcre john waldie uas working eat of tlie track the farm which is nou fred coopers he came qui to the track near the sultcli ulth small turnip in each hand an engine uns shunting and alf tried to jump on ut the tnttlneer step tlie turnips interfered ulth his hold and alf fell under the uheel of the tender both legs uerc evered und poor alf uas carrltd home on shutter he died about mldnluhl thi uas one of the taddest event in the history of acton rchool and of acton annal one day ut chool punch rnrmer and charlie cook uere having an arnu ment at the back door of the school they clinched nnd charlie thrul ed he nlly to the ground ed hou led in pain by tin fall he had broken hi arm ed uiu hood tport over it though and think charlie felt tlu wor tlu tuo hou unit chants men later life iu thtm rtv chirks cool dd and the rtv irmir dd charllt iu by turned on mr uttl oiu iy and struc it him mr llttit floored cluirllt and javi him trounc ini lit alujy renumbered runny though mr little ift ruard jier uaded charlli to il unlurltj court hi did and raduattd with hi und itlist clit huinr in cla lcn at victoria unlvirsltv cobour nut charlli dltd slmrtlv ufttr tomplt thu his court in lau and uu hild to rt in jmrvliu cunt ttry oin day otorm hutm uho ntvt uppll him if vt rv rlou ly to iil it on ua unit mr little to do unethlni hi dldn uunl to aeornt thnu hi slitt at mr itth but mled kir ittlt iftir him got him doun bi luti tuo kj uitli hi head be ituttn hi knit und lild on ulth thi tuu in luulihy fi hlin on hit dum birtin mv ittlt dldnt ml lit new did uj utndtrful hou hi manuid tin ib in im ludt and ulth thit uitlnrtd lift arm in uluay car ued lnr gtordu iiuim after hi fainllv lift alton and ut nt it milton hl urindm tlur tin tin rn unlaln dltl and lift oioiii pr ipi rty ilutd it 10 000 uhleh uu ij iltt irtiiiii in thou dayn torn jw ut fnily unit wi and in hi lift uhllt out hooting one day had lot of jtudlous puplu in tho diyt vjthool ttueluru wm ing lnrnid out of acton school in laru numb is llu ut tin omuls ttw ti is lumi out fuuilly tlu hilu the spdghta the kenendya the loabys the mcdonalds the hemstreets the douglas and other oeography was favorite study especially during the franco fnisalan war in 1870 the map of europe as lb stood on the tripod few feel west of the masters platform uas aluays in demand every city or river or mountain in posses of either lrcnch or prussian was traced it used to be remarked in those days lliat you couldn go near that map ulthout flndtng hattlo jbpclght and muggie grant poring over it both of them became teachers rattle speight was member of tlu acton staffwlth ann jane ii1ii and mr john ltos4 until her marriage to hrr schoohnatr philip mtxirr as mr utile ulwayf culled him an exciting event occurred one fore noon which was vlslblu from the school llie rhliiffle tuvu and lujidltig mill of moorr brew north of the track was nt to im on lire mr xjttlu quietly sud to the tuo pupils present who were mo inti rcittd philip und homo albert you hud better uo your futhtr mill on tire liny uent but ut re twin folloaed by ull tin rt rhe lln uu pcctacular one not only uil the mill and content ulpcd nut but hun tlntl of thou und of lihuth tuv utitl in idlug ul remarked before there wui im trimut playing lu thou luy il uell oj to duy one of the mot determined and long continued cosei of hookey was undt rt iktn by jim burrut und morru layer llicy were determined thoy wouldn go to chool one winter iliey dldn for about rlx wecki and their rendezvous uas novel und hard to find tlie creek was frozen over in the culvert under the gtr near the old storey glove leather tannery and these lads built themselves camp about half uay through they lead fire place took the dinners mr malthcus and mrs sayer had put up for 0mm each to lake to school and deposited them in the larder or their camp ujth little foraging for erfc meat und vegetables they added to their dally repast cooking at the fireplace and ucre having high old time some or the boys tracked tlicm one day through the now vilted their larder and gave the thing auay jim and morris uent to school for hlle after that they got lively tannlnr for the hookey enterprise too fiidui iaid gucs hid better keep pretty clae to my quarters up here for hlle sanitary handling builds korijtiaence in milk sanitation lafeguardi talth motkcr know thu doctori poch it milk uli dpnd on it cuan milt miu mar milk eighty yar ago gail bordn wrots out ruli for pro duction of clan milk which bcam th bam of many of today rqulationi bordan line founding in 1857 hat taken up and hlpd along avry odvanc in wjnitatlon in ordr to promc tha lk product fomart ha douy producit art public health and to tall mora cooperated wholeheartedly at reiull of improved tamtalion being lold very year today conad and miu product and producel more milk than ever befi the dairy farmer it roa lining on thu public confdenca dairy product 73crdn associated comfanih fuochatog or mltk mahuraciuptu or miu fboduos olitpibuiow thhoughqur ihc wop id scotts scrapb0ok the kiw0 otamcs version op the uolv bible ha8 773746 w0ed5 31173 vewe4 1189 chaptcks 66 b0ok hz word and appear 46127 tlmt rtle word eevcpdnp but once au0 h6 word 10rd 18ss fllae ezc4 chapter vewe li cowtaiwi all che letters or the alphabet but the lonct verie 15 ih esther ciptek0 ver5e tlle shortest verse is im johw ciaptltllversejff by ccon we qiiiapfe rtlnte hobms out of wmcil tuibimemtirv im fportt two ilmft ubtuts aee ctweaeo wkfl 5k1w canadian pacific extends airconditioned service jx business directory mkdtcml dr mcniven offlc and raaldanoo oorner avenue anil klein btrmt dr nelson eheclro thermpy die wm cullen rbysicljun mad smrgmmn onlco hours 14 and suiidaya by appointment wlfcur strct jeut north of mill street trtephan 138 ygriair jarmer solicitor notary ptiujo conveycencer etc actov ontaltto hour jo to 1jo0 ootl 00 to 00 wdiie tlnj und suturduy 0j0 to li noon only it limlud ntiuiant and cliev of jork underuikeii cllint cmnot ho tin or uork dono after hour xcc it hv prtvlou arruniienit tit kenneth langdon ftajhsies solicitor notary rnblw offices acton oeortpetown over seynucktf cafe mala btntot for appointment thone acton of georgetown oftlce moun acton ta day tu thursday 15 to jo tt ulga on request dental buchanan denial office in lelahman bloek xloelnt hi until br fthuef by appointment qas for toriractlonj closed wednesday afternoon phocm 14f pearen dental gnrgvon moved to our new quartern ln the symon block phone 20 uiu 8trot aeioa uxsceixaneou francis nunan koolunjer account books of all kinds knade to order periodic ah of tovery deacrlxuon carefully bound nultn neatly and promptly done wyndhabt street ouelnij oat tha tiuuidlau tuclric itauwuy ajiuu sliotiu at montreal aro huramlnr with activity theno duyn tho ntnpiuiy continue conipr hi ii lv prom immi of air oiulitlnniii in tlu urn til ir tii ondn ionlntc quipim til 111 li id hit to it hit tin luilinj ind nd ill pi dlulnj mi it opt parlor ui und di mtliu ami th hi udili ut to th itr oiidlti in tu villi pttimlt mi idi ihh ii il of ulr on diiliuitd ivin tliroii hoilt tht munion 1iovl in id tin pmr ii tt lih nli in ii to il ilhilut il on all ii in ini iii indiilni id li pi or parlor irn luildi ad lltlonul ulooplm mid pnimi en usi ou truln butweeu moulrt il and quoboc montroul and ottawa or onto and ottav and rut mi ii mil 10 hetuiou montreal ami ilnl lohu ii air condlllou hit nf toitrl cari for il it on tht trunu imtuu ntal tr itn lit tw uniouvtr iiml montn il and im onto now und in itlni tc tnri of tlio t7 protiamim hit 11 iiuppli intuit li ir ii likh allov nidlti tandard li pi oinp irt mini mini ikiiiomii and pit loi ru tp ho id on ti uu jntiu il train in ti montu il nr mto and tuu nut tin mt it il loimtlo hamilton hi 110 and tin nit lit ui in tmin mutitieil and hojtoti eoiidill med uleeper and louim cin wcro nl in provldid for th mount afrtm ttor len bt twi likaf st paul and antotivii somt lilt of tlu wnrk onniit oil ulth aii onilltioniiik it bv tin pn tun ahot in an tt ippul at in lnw rl lit and ln ilid to lu out lit at ild uid du hi pl tun at tin it tl itboui nut or the hi rl il lu liif pi id lu tho art llu all hfuei loa rtttt all ui hi of llu ouiu in ihh pit tlu puhlii um towuid till nitt tn of mtru li omforl in tht nti in up of tht nit ul qui 1111 nt hu tint 11 row it tin liuliuluil tin iu ul ll ilumi ml din tiuii ol it of iir general we bfectiullzk tn life fire health and accident automobile windalorm plate glaaa bollef rtdellty honda farm itwuntncc annuities und all general linea of insurance juj30 ocean steamship tickets leading companies excuxenr nciunu llo ol cuuja for uwu only fredl wright otflco cooper block ofllce si timtua tuuui 1szjt if you expect to sell you must advertise want to sell something to sold vk xaw small ai tin quickest choant way to nnd buyer onlv cknt wokd1