jfl the acton free pkbss thursday february lth 1937 becojud record should bo kept always of what we loae or mln record of triumphant days and hours of pain and we must pay but utue heed darker entries there but how often we should read of joyous limes and fair por sjl the failures may make we never need despair bub wr csn seek in each mistake to ond the reason there then on dark days what joy to turn to some glad hour ajraln and from its memories to learn how little power has pain matixss untks uy iietty jiarcuiy the urtl day of 1m lit are more of lon ha muy iiiwmivc believe uiublc to servi routine meal dlimeri tlu ruler of the klttkrii must uxpcrl tiu ill lili other nuln courm tostles uid in doing uuudtl corcj of uellent rxciin to lur ar round hie rrjfe ftu miti silons for luil und later on cream of spaghetti soup mucwonl spaghetti ar ltu ntwwlu food with liltfli proportion of carbo hydrate orv particularly adaptable to tlu cluing hu spring ueather tb lpughri medium carrot sliced thin tablespoons butur teaspoon jcltry null cup strained tomatoes tcomwoit tall small onion minced tablespoon hour li cups top mlllc tablespoon parsley minced pepper people will not pay their taxes tho city is thousands smaller than it was years ago thousands on relief who have been on relief for years and who do not want to work any more the wuo men at the university say next year will bo very bod owing to grasshoppers cut worms and other things old man of tire pilaulieh now tlunk liad better imuh up my reveries of the old school so many memories cluster around me of those good old days that find it hard to leave the deorpld place fw schoou there are whlh huve hud afi fcw prin cipals in stretch of eighty yearn of history think thin comprised uio link john mclhce robert little john row thomas moore if stewart und miss bennett the puplls who attended have always had gnat regard for their old teachers tipecially uft jrim of lukr uxperii ncc they have rmlijd the value of the found itioni for un education uhlch laid in tlulr youthful minds tin jollification and renewing of oldtime friendships with citizens jt was on saturday that tom kennedy made his famous stump speech from the big mump of the willow tree which stood on tht slui of the mcrchanut bank and which guvo willow street its name arter the apcech tu fan ess pre sented ruch of the old pupils with souvenir cutting irerm the old willow ulth suitable inscription in black and red my how that souvenir was ap preciated have mine yet und often take it out of the uld chlst to look at it whtjl sunday cuinc iiv wu easy ik eeii tlmt these old boys und girbi were church on tluy crowded tin ihurchc rev dr charles cook riv dr 1iirmcr and ltev dr albert moon all old pupils occupied the pulpitj and luch preached vlfectlve gojil sermons that day 111 iiko tu remi iiihen uluuyi by mr little pupil 11 guels nou ill iy goodbye to the old school wi re uld in tlulr youthful minds hie puplk of the lute robert little howevf thr have given fuller di monstratlon of theli cljsc fzi appreciation of the days spent under ij 1i1 11114 11 hi tuition in july liuk the ih rt union or old pupil uu lield ut the fchool tueutjtuo jisir after the re enti old te icher liul paud uu about ilf hundred of the boy and uirk of mr littles prlnclpakhlp 11 mbled and the occasion uui memor able and inter sting iroup photo graph voh tuken in ulilch the folloulnc rlsldltw in acton and at vnrlou oulslde wlnbi iujumbledr jumcu matthcwi hattie speurht john iarmer jennie 1iatkd history after lopg talk on tlio value of peace goodwill and disarmament teacher asked his class if they objected to war yes sir do one boy cjoodl nouitcujiji why because slrv said the boy svars make history and hate history hvmies wmi ful pat and mike were on voyage pat died leaving mike to finish the journry alone while the crew were tying bag of cool to pats body for sinking mike looked on und exclaimed poor iut knew you would go some day but did not know you would liavo to tjkc your own cool with you lelhbridge preparing or airway opening fiks or lloom aul ointko out in re lire wo dancer uhlch ue shoulyl watch in the corning jear the canadian banker say editorially in the januar inue there is the danger that the stock tnarlci should get licyond rontrol prosperity does not lie in symon ida kicklln clmrlle cook emma rl aq market but in rling em matthews john hutchlion usujc cum plovmenl and 1l frentcr real liiconu bkttkr than gold darling come nnd jlt by me iu jour hand in mine pra while tell ou the dusk what could not in the day haie ntrhen dear to gain something for ralnj da cool sphcul and carrot in quart vcauuic hmt boilinc suited uater until tender crust to pulp with masdier melt butter in wuce pun add onion and saute minute add hour and stir until jmooth add alt ptprnr celerj ih tomatooi milk and parriei pour auce into pot containing cooked ipog htittl carrot pulp and bring to boiling jmlnt sc plplnii hot ulth hipped criam servej filet of fish with pineapple sauce nleti oftole or other unite ilsln uibleipoons butter finely chopped shallot teaspoon finely clioppod parslej salt and ptpper cup puuapplo juice cup of stock teaspoon mixed herbs sauce tablespoon butter tablcipoons hour egg oik broth lrom fbili butter baking pan or dbli placi luliots in it and the flleli of uslt or homes not iun left to us could bear it nil in tie but to think of ymi oh god if onh could hive known crept the true wife clo er still kissed him on hi llpiind brou darling were not begun jet for we liae each other now eron znlmnn hall marlha cummlngs john moore annie grunt jolin sncord jennie hynda lewis mattlieui bella gordon gcorrc ilynds maggie moore edward cook samuel warden allien mooie janle speight 1m mcgarvln nellie jiui john hill uui cameron ulcliard thurtell maggie kennedy bjlj milne mugcle hemstreet ii mooe george worden samuel clark mary vincent alony worden john douglas saruli johnston austin tubby lizzie kennedy al nlcklln jennie cameron ccl matthew jolm worden ch irles daldsou and george wild urge number of thee ha jor our people the tock market re volves about runiov and perhaps the best antidote to markets uhlcli are toj tuberant is full and complete informa tion published companies uhoi ihares nrc llsted on the exchanges evere netbiri to an overextendi rtock market muj have an importimt ilfect on the volume of invtslmeiu an or the neu commitments for 1937 the iecond infer which need to be uatrhett is that of rising vvre there is no more desirable event th an lnrreae wages uhirh ri prefer an inere ise in the prluctlveni ss ol ince paked lour labor and there re of course mm tradi uhen wauti hive en ubnorm business directory uedfeoal dr mcniven ffcyatetan aad rjirpwi octlca and realdanoe oarner avenue and elfin street dr nelson pbylcte and suimo heatro therapy dr wm cullen kiydcljui hud bottan offlco houm nd t9 klltulay by appointment wilbur atr juat north of mil street tvjophano is jjqal ii farmkr kollrlbti notary lublle convejaiiecr nie acton on tario houri 30 to 12 00 noon oo to oo line day und saturday 30 12 noon only llmlttd amount and clu of uork underliken llentr cinnot bo ten or uork done afur hour xceot hj previous arrangt ment kenneth langdon llarrutr solicitor notary ahbb off tees acton georfcetowti over seynucks caf main street for appouitments phono acton aeorgetowrt bfl ofilce hours acton tuesday mac thursday lis to so tr lngri an request dental the editor handed mc letter from western friend the other day und since it contains so much oldtime in formation im just including it in column this week dear editor how do enjoy the letters from the old man of the big clock touer remember ransom adams uell uhen an boj his face got quite dark oulng to the drug he had to use to help lik cancer lib uas not an easy life he utus left an orphan bo and uas raised bj his uncle uho paid him 25c when lie uas 21 he used to chop cord wood in daytime and boll maple sap at night lie uas regarded as fine man how uell remember the farewell sermon of lachlan cameron when he left acton the churrh was crouded top of the shallots sprinkle ulth pars an hou beautifully william gordon led ley silt and peppejj and add the pine the singing he uas fine looking man pple juice and stock place the misted precentors bo under the pulpit herbs uied in piece of cheesecloth uhlch uas auny up in those old days in uie liquid cover with buttered to preach one hour or an hour and ft paper and put on top of stove nrinff quarter uas quite common the auaj so greitl pleased were all uho pn dl depie ed during the past few jeara tlcipiud in this reunlon that it uas wh rea ijustment niccir uiiarlmouslj di elded to hold second jut there is liduever dangei one in live jeiri it wa sl jear th ttf int reast in wagei in however before this seond gatllerlng certain trades while jugf number of uxs held friday 13th july 1900 uius people are still left sinemplojtd in the date jvted for this ovent much 1qt tt ikcesarv in canada to larger number of old pupils attended on ive concerted rffmtt bring abou thu occasion and the one day extended tlu reemployment of the unemployed into tuo and then three das but every attention must be given to im uc had good time together it does proving their emplojnbllity and iracreas old heart good again just to think their ability to move back into jobs of those wonderful day togcuier there if ide pre id increases in uages shoul uns set program real souvenir rnil about while there tlll remained solid core of unemployment in the sessions morning afternpon and even country ue might well go through booklet for friday the flrst day ulth bolllra point then place in moder ate oven 3s0 decrees and let sim mer until flsh is cooked remove fish to uarm platter to prepare sauce melt butter add hour and stir uell until cooked add the broth irom the fish adding enough extra broth or uater ut make cupsi and let cook at leojt five minutes then add the slightly beaten egg jolk and cook more minute pour sauc over filets sprinkle ulth parmey and girntsh ulth triangles or hot pineapple and slices of lemon serves cup cup nut dressing sweetened condensed milk vinegar or lemon juice 11 or meueti butter cup salad egg yolk teaspoon ill ivw grains cayenne teaspoon dry majard up iihid nut mi au 11m lv hop ped ptice all ttufridlnu except nut mi it milting bowl lhit with rntarv in alt until mlxuire thlekens ii thln ei tnltency desired place in re lkrator to chill imfort irvlng just in lore el mg blind in nut me it mi ciiis till l1n vt it il op lmini is untii lirjiiioti lu iltti and pn mwlnaturol man uio there minshliu in and le troys dniihl and diourii uu ir mm the ml uthter is inrii ituliigrm nptlmll dlllil and conlldt tut glad to odiils uu uurld in lp you can give uav opiimlstlr inspiring ihmight and pr sud fxuniptc avail your if of two lppojtunlty to say kind word give ui curing siiliu er extend piatltial lp that ulll kitukti kevmeone juuvful un happy xnuluijent opuinum one thj construilv pu ri for liiaplrhi mil to gret und noble pur lok greuvlll klelsri the old tolton grist mill uus com mon place for the formers to gather to spin their yarns wnat on excite ment it made uhen the first steam thrisher came to acton how hocked lol of the oldtimers were uhen storey started hts glove factory jn aton sheep skin glove would wear no time at all they said it uas not style but wear hey uinted what very large pile of wood if ed li niar the station at acton before th started to burn coal when the train uere corning into toun if they wanted vvod they luid certain uhlstle lhe made antl the uood hamller would run out und fill up the tender with uooel he smoke from the coal burning en gines was so bl lck the people knew quhe well the luel they usid may the old live long to urlle more inteiestlug jlitttr for tin actov iitu piuss our ontario rlt nds will wondct uhal we an doing uhtn we have to get so my earlo uls of prov ions hlrh thf ple ot old ontario st ml to thel in edv frh rids in tlu wist uhiehi thank thtm for from the bottom uur heart how are lliini now lit not good in large part of manl lli and isale in the rripivgri vt wr wa ui of hekitoon 10 mill crop un alliiii on at ount if lie dou hi oni in had filli it ii tu and lul nut ihnsh btl lu ip id head tf ittlt lor 5u tuh clu liln li ild lo 511 uli tlil tin hi llfi tin imlli iii ir in th it put on tli uk ikih mill tin ulll uilni tin it mlnil tin lint 1111 old mill ld 1itllli iiiiniiiiiii ilm toll mint sill inilii in lcul goimi liilin ml tin mono ill foi in iiiiln 1111 liiuli mob iiilt ii onitiliii tlirn sti in ml ill iillll ml oil iii liiiki11 it luipl lour ilium lo uu tniiin itiiiou on 111 ikl upiio orin is ot ot fnnni alio ml nil un ue iili vti nl foit tliiitjvmd lit iluvrtiil doll ki ir mo tndii nr not lng in the morning the old school males strolled about the haunts of the old school days the old home nooks the liaunts of all allectlonr pure in the afternoon the large company as sembled at the school at the call of lo the old school bell words of greeting were extended by ii moore and nlcklln the members of the local executive and their greeting was genuine expression of cordial uelcome by the tuo local pupils uho uere most largely responsible for the success of tills historical event austin tubby uas chairman impromptu speeche of num bers of the old puplls followed and then an hour uas spent in playing old school games at 30 there uas drive about the old town ulth ralrvlau cemetery as the objective here the interesting cere mony of unveiling memorial monument to the old musut uas held this splen tld memento stands at the head of th grave of the revered teacher high up on monument hill in rain leu it was eructed by the pupils the result of popular subscription among them of some j0o 00 the company sung mr littles ravo lte livnm god of bethel and brief adtliese were made bv thurtell ingersoll und rev dr allx rt mtri und the beautiful monuiut nt uils unveiled by the hair man the late george hynds at ft cloek refu slime uts uert erved by iltijlu in the school here was fisi of noson anil mow of oul and 71 hall was mastt of eremonles alton conn hand favored tin com pany ulth an open air tnnterl at 31 and at ii it lot tht ui an enter taliiment in the inwn hall tht program of width wt givii bv old pupils and llui oils and dan hti guvln pieldkl and fiituu wi itminlsiiutc bv the lidlnulnr old biis ink stnd din maun jul hthi lll ul cm oitt vt uu iri wlltl jim mittlnj charlie hill john dougla juk rituirool ti cooiv jim wild will kuiiity fllvit audi on inuv si in ti mm in ii ml am ink and sun wirdtn if timid plt git my old mo to tlllnt lli tin win that told that nlihl wh it fund of tor li hat tor hi tinun boom period and reich another depres sion without having reemployed those uho are now out of uork that uould indeed be national catastrophe from the canadian banker january by central press canadian uthbrldgi reb 17ih an impo uu point on tin trancanada in ill loute slns of activity in connec tion ulth the new service uhlth is ex ptcted to marl on july 1st of this year are already seen in lelhbridge on dominion day avi air service ulll be inaugurated between vancouver and winnipeg through lethbrldgc and secondary aeial link ulll sene edmon ton and calgary through lethbrldgc the domlnlon government radio beacon built in ills city five years ago is again stalled after several years of disuse three employees of the signals ir vincnivc isv ird over the to erf riki directionfinding equip ment on aerojilmcs south irot ltlinin on u1lialso be focus ed on thi thbrdfc station jui in nt is inst ubd and tested to machiru in anothe direction th oii greit fills montana gov ennii officials hive not yet announc ed hu mall service ulll ue operated between lethbrldgc and great falls but an eirly statement in this rugard is airlcjpiud similar international service is toda operated bclueen van cuve and seattle quartermastersergeant 11 hall depirtment are at present stationed at formerly of montreal is in charge of buchanan idenial barrwm office in lelshman block hour 0am until pm fcvtinlns by appolntmtnt gas for extractions closed wcdneday afternoon phone i4 pearen dentil bur icon moved to our new quirtcrs in the symon ni phone 39 mill street atftou lvdsclollaneoxjg francis nunan lloakblrlder account books of oil kinds mads to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling hestiy and promptly done wyndham street quelph ont while equipment weather reports the lethbrldgc plant is being tested and made gulden over rockleii when the ntr service springs into operation the beacon here ulll guide pilots from winnipeg westward and the lethbldge betcon under lilm are stationed stiff sergeant mcklnnon and sgnalmin date in the spring metcological office ulth 17 mpuy ees 111 be opened in tills city in connection with the air mall senlcc it was recently announced indian coronation durbar cancelled for this year vent til dollu on the juth of marth 11u1j lift town onttnio to inaky my ini tune urouliij wlual got hulli tl nut tiroiigbtid mil from out then got out uenl uel to mar suskultwin mm rvthlng wat humming but nou crop fulltms drought yur ufui yiiii ilm kutoon is ubout 1u 000000 in debt general wk hlcaozk in life fire health and accident automobile winautoinn plate glass boiler fidelity bond farm insurance annuities and all general ljnea of insurance also ocean steamship ticketa leabino comkanlefl exctuuknt jachilttiks ieurfntduvf proiellv akboela tlou of cniuu roc hun only fredl wright office coantr ulocv ohice os ilionci itrld 10 want to sell something tobacco for mild cool smoke until liter howevei ll when lib majfs of public dulle aetewdon to the it him leaving tlate in many blleved that tile dlliba rihi thioug ion li hmt wh dli itlonill ca iw uhmd it nehru boycott the durlj de mon mi majejtyi hardliige pepare but it li aw untlendtuut first hind on feeling tlu mi ulu kin citorgf owne kl glinpeioi pieturtl li in hli it tin lajliut hom have ti tin immaieh indu nehru an ih ilma indhi le tiers of tin hili iiti in mijui alix uiil cut tu ll iii iitinilljli ti ntl null pirt un 11111111 ut thi hlctllr nehru ii 11 lihirc lutiilidliill in iii ipiukltlnii tu it ltlli riilc lltiui tile mlll ltlll1 uluilll hi mluikllhl hi mljiml khm gfji vi lit the iviili liit sold wk phkiui lilull ad is tlwi qulckr tltoteirf wuy to rtiiil buyrl only cent wobdi