Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Feb 1937, p. 2

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pju3b two the acton eree press thuitsday pebruauv 25th 1037 hip acton 3ffn flnrfib publiebe4 every nwwuy at acton ontario sursouption fcatesu jf uniled sum ermiueal siile cejue jc both old ddree ebould cn when ch arulree la reoueerel canceiaationswo find oat eesibera prefer tot to ka their eubecriphon inmrnipud in cue they fail to result before eaplraliare while euh aerlprjoaa wiu eot be carried fat arrr oeer mm dw period yel utile we are tiaiilied unctt we urn the eubecrlber wlehca the eerelc ceaudacd adveut1sing fcates on application end ae ien in various columa heading although ever precaution will be to eeold nor tle free freee accept adrtiaui in it in undrtndu that it will not he liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unlet proof ol auch advertlacmmt requested in writinrf by the advertiaer and returned to the free pre buainee office duly lined by the advertirer and with uch error or correction plainly noled in writing thereon and in that ca any error an noted not corrected by the free 1re it liability hall not eced aucb proportion ol the entire eot ol uch adverlicmcnt the pace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole pace occupied by uch advertisement aklol dills editor telewiomes eilitorial and iluinrs office ucidenc youitjf workers out of favor youni people have heard so much about the preference of business concerns for the younger workers that they may have thought that matter settled for good mid all something happened in new york city recentlythat throws new light on the situation last winter was snowy one irlhat locality and number of times emergency workers were hired from the ranks the unemployed to clear away the snow along in february the word went out that thereafter no one under thirty would be hired for the younger men loafed good many reasons why such jobs ns there are have been going to young people for the last few years have been udvanced but none of those jobs carry the guarantee that it is theirs for life it employers discover as the new york sanitation deportment did that the younger workers loaf while the older toil then youth will have throwri away its temporary advantage nothing can make up for this fundamental and allimportant difference that one set of workers are industrious while the others loaf bijojer game the address of king clancy at the supper meet ing of acton mens club was splendid inspira tion for young and old the veteran hockeyist with sixteen years in the professional game to his credit assured the group he addressed that plenty of rest was required and that cigarettes and intoxicating beverages were things to leave strictly alone if one was to give the best in the game and be in prime condition it was no sermon but just thepersonal experience of man who has come through the game and was willing to tell of the things which he felt kept him in the game on the ice king clancy was effective for the toronto maple leafs and other teams as goodwill ambassador he is doing equal ly splendid work in promoting clean sport and clean living and is establishing better conception of professional sport throughout the countryside king clancys usefulness in sport did not cease when he retired from the game and the work he is doing now might be considered by many to be greater in its farreaching effects than his play in the game building up town an exchange offers the following advice on how to build up town talk about it write about it speak well of it help to improve it beautify the streets patronize its merchants advertise in its newspaper elect good men to all offices speak well of its enterprising publicspirited citizens if you arc rich invest in something employ somebody be hustler remember every dollar you invest in perman ent improvement is that much on interest be courteous to strangers that come amongst you so that they go away with good impressions always cheer up the men who go in for improve ments your portion of the cost will only be what is just dont kick about any necessity public improve lent because it is at your own door or for fear that your taxes may be raised fifteen cents above all never spend dollar out of town that you can use for the same purpose in town nel for drastic action mr church has introduced bill into the house of commons that iras many commendible features he would have the criminal code amend ed to double the penalties prescribed for drivers who under the influence of liquor instead of while intoxicated as the law stands now are found guilty of serious traffic offenses that is for first offense from two to six months imprisonment and for each subsequent offense from six months to two years imprisonment speeding on the highways or inciting another driver to excessive speed by striving to pass him would be made an indictable offense with liability to years imprisonment and200 fine anil any person who in culpably negligent manner butnot wilfully or wantonly brings about fatality may be liable to three months imprisonment and fine not exceeding 100 and mr church would have this apply to the driver of any conveyance on land in the air or under or through the water which makes it allinclusive another important point in the bill is thin the question of culpable negligence by driver shall he question of fact for the jury and shall not de pend upon the rate of speed lixvkl by law for oper ating such vehicle thus being within ihe speed limits would not be an extenuating circumstance these proposals may seem drastic but there is plenty of evidence in the highway toll that some such provisions are very necessary even tighten ing up of the present regulations would have splendid effect on making safer driving conditions there is space on every drivers permit issued for convictions under the act it provides for up to three on each permit we wonder how many per mits are returned each year with these convictions shown and what action is taken when permit of last year goes into the department with the whole three spaces filled in shouldnt the record ot lasr year be fair guide as to the advisability of using 1037 permit perhaps period without license would be as effective as anything in curbing the constant offender and putting him off the high way before serious damage is done when improvements dont improve how to keep buildings warm in this part of the country during the winter months is problem that has had great deal of study by householders and those in charge of office and factory buildings heat ing engineers have come to the rescue in many ways and devised improved methods of heating and methods of using materials that were otherwise waste and obtainable at low prices the first few years have usually given improved economies in heating cost but it seems the rule that so many of ihese gadgets get to work and then the supply of the waste material is in greater demand and the price rises and the economy is lost writer to the editor of one of the daily papers the other day tells of his experience in securing welsh blower coal and claims that even at an ad vanced price he is not able to secure uniform supply of the original welsh blower coal naturally he is very disappointed with the results now being obtained from what he thought was improved equip ment he claims in his letter that importers are selling blower coal which is mixture of welch coal and coal from other countries improvements fail to be improvements when the materials for which they are fitted are not procurable it would seem that manufacturers of the improved equip ment would need also to give some oversight to the sources of supply if their business is to have con tinued growth editorial notks there isnt really any place that is immune from the lloid danger when winter or spring rains come in unprecedented quantities marriages solemnized in the urban centres ol canada during iuti totalled uihol compared with is 0511 in the preceding year bingo operated for private gain is receiving thj attention of the toronio police slot machines seem on the decline as folks realize the gain is all for tlie operator it was worthy ofnote that the tax sale in acton had no properties with buildings lo include that were three years in arrears of taxes the properties offered were in outlying districts and those whose owners could not be located the home improvement plan offers wide oppor tunities for all owners to bring their homes upto date the banks are ready to give full information and the money can be secured at the best terms ever offered back to the town by it deuehman wj am puttrhiit with luv problem of 111 ir in piny nirnl wu urn ll faliitf fundament irrelt let id tlo in can not tontlnuu relief cost uro extremely liltfii there in no ureut chance of im mcdluti linjirovtinriil tim relief nttuu tlon ha changed only filiniuy during the iwul year tin total coitjfor direct relief uim union it jyiviu by 1vderul provincial and munkiiil authorities december 103 wart 7j33070 in usm thu total wiui 7t0613 expen diture increase with general better ment of biiilnenf january 1037 ihowi liomu innovfiiiuit but lirokrefci li iilow thcm ilyure by no mcum cover ull um cost 1heri are nubile work ntpcndl turt motivated by the dealrc to tjlvn employment rather than la moot pur tuular need tho toul outlay con tttltute kluaii tic bill for thtr people of cumuli the ccnu of relief constitute only fraction of the laia the following iltfiireji for the month of december 103h nlve nome idea of the total number of adult on relief head of fumllic 071u7 cured for by farm placement chume 30030 head of famuici dried out areas 304113 you have in thcc item alone aim out 375000 but if we cut this to 17i000 we have nn army capable if efficiently employed of tremendous volume of production in 1020 normal year production in canadian manufacturing per worker amounted to sg000 production would probably be hlffher loday if price were at the came level if we allow for production of only hajf that amount for each laborer we would have produc tive capacity of over five hundred mil lion dollars from our unemployed tht rough estimate but it hives ome niexnure of ihe economic lov from un employment but it docanot cover the entire lcr there are others not mentioned in this list whose productive capacity under present conditions is extremely limited there are nearly million dependents of those on relief many of these would ibe afj work if conditions were favorable and employment cosily ob tainable bcsldci in many case we have reduced the hours of work and retired many persons long before the northal period of retirement merely to provide work for others the national income of the dominion of canada in 193g was si 520000000 if this nation were employed as it ought to be employ ed the savings in costs of relief plus the volume of added production would bring the national income to level of 5000000000 the difference between these two items measures the economic loss due to unemployment the loss every year is more than the direct ex penditures of the federal government yet we sit still talk and do htuc we write and speak in terms of relief and of making work and of spending money as if that constituted the remedy we have to probe deeper what are the cause where is the way of escape the real trouble lies in the fact that the cost of production of manufactured product is too hljjh prices must come down in order to increase purchasing power prices of manufactured goods are too high in relation to the price of farm products the result is that men are driven oir the farms into the cities cost of living in the cities is excessive the cost is passed back in the price of goods to the men who work on the farms or engage in the baslc industries of the country the tactory must move back to the town in order to bring about lower casts of goods and services the burden of relief today is so great that the cities art striving with might and main to shift the burden from themsehe back to the iyderal government if it is placed upon the 1vderal government it will find its way into the tax bill thus adding fur ther to the almost impassible burdens of agriculture huron county is one of the finest counties in the province of ontario in soil in capacity lo produce there is nothing in the province of ontario which surpasses it the decline in the population of huron county typical of the other count its of ontario reveals the pirnlyl of agriculture in 1001 the rural population of huron was 14 1177 thirty years later in 1021 it stood at 3140411 decline or 13413 huron county in these years from its auiiculluial population alone last whit would constitute the population of fairslued city meanwhile the urban population decllnu from 10043 ti 13710 decline uf 3327 the story of huron county represent the tragedy whl has happened in every rural cihintv of the irovinre of ontario are to sit still and me tilts iu mi for ever or are vv to fare thitrioouin and seek solution ihee men left the farm because the fn ceased to he profitable the farm ceased tu ik profitable because the rate of exchange between rural products and urban products became adverse that is the fanner hud to ue more of the products he produced for the things he had to buy than he formerly guve the standard or living in the city went up the standard of llvlim in the country emaned stationary light there tu the fuiulumeiuul ad justment whlh must bo made hie produerr of munufuctured uivkl miiht rind turn of lowering priced tim mm who provide bervlce muat ludp to kdjuat to iiuuufrd condition which will penult higher standard if living at lower cost casts of production in the city tun loo high becuuse of hlih hmd value id hlfth luxe 13 cailly imilumis of distribution high wag in every on of thcm fuetori tlir town oilers advantage over the city vviierl in the city are mk imtulm the eo of living is high the cl of living in the town is decidedly lower and the worker hi the town can have much higher stundard of living and greuter comfort in every way on lower nom inal wage levvl the towiu hi the post have suffered certain dbuul vantages from inability to compete with the cltlis for the estah llslnmnit of lndmtiies 1llel und power costs lire high but there is no reason why in public jrvlcn such us the on tario hydro there hhould not he un eiuallwitlon of power rates in the old day transportation serviced guvc un ad vantage tlui city but with the modern truck thu need no longer be the case tlie building up of the towns would provide market and wive cosh of trans portation there is hew life for the nation in this iollcy if it can only lie brought ubout it wilt not be dam by tlie methods we are following today we must turn our faces in another dir ection there must be new outlook toward business new outlook on the part of business men to their own tiuk they must now realize that there has to be determined effort to lower cosl of pro duction and distribution governmcnu on their part must cease to interfere with business tlie tax rate must be lowered we have come to regard the growth of expenditure as an indication of progress it is miitnken conception there must be no codes for industry but freedom of the competitive forces which are powerful factor in lowcrint prices bringing them within the range of buying power it may be contended that thir will lower the standards of living it will have preclscsly the opposite effect if prices can be brought down demand will increase there is far more powder in the force of competition to increase clemjind and improve working condi tions than all the power of regulation which governments can apply wc have insisted upon more and more regu lation of business regulation and re striction liave failed if we go oh the way we arc going relief carftr and the pressure of the unemployed will in the end lower the standard of jlvinb and compel reduction in real uaays not only in the city but throughout the whole country if we lower the other costs of production there will then be more available in the form of real wages for the men who work nominal wages might in some coses be lower real wages could not foil to increase it la no benefit to labor to raise wages and then take back from the worker by increiue in the cost of living far more than you have given htm we stand at the economic crossroads we must lower the cait of production or face still further reduction in purchas ing power with continuing pressure upon our basic industries we must move in ome direction we cunno stand still what other course is there to follow the way hic suggested offers hope can this be said of the other suggestions which appear from time to time how to combat clothes moth pest reminder that clothes moths ar found ui greatest numbers in the spring and summer is made by the timely re issue of the dominion department of agriculture circular on the methods of controlling these destructive pests clothes moths cause enormous damage annually in canada to materials such as woollens furs hair and feathers upholstered furniture carpets and many other tilings tlie damage is caused by the feeding activities of the larvae or caterpillars of the motlis not by the winged moths themselves whose prin cipal functloi hi life is to mate and deposit the eggs from which the larvae develop the prevention of damage requires the excuse of care forethought and vigilance articles of clothing and other materlab subject to attack should not be left undisturbed for lone periods particularly during the summer montlis in such place as cupboards attics and trunk unless adequate precautions have been taken to protect the articles from injury by moths the clothing and other articles after being thoroughly brushed preferably in strong sunllgh should be placed in wellnuwli trunks or chests with tightly fitting lids or en closed in cotton or paper bags or cardboard boxes sealed with iiaur trips kudosing clothing in two thick uesses or strong wrapping taper or several thicknesses of newspaper inking care that the edges are so turned that no mollis may gain entrance is also re eommeiulru as an alternative measure of precaution when carpets or ius are suspected of being infested with moth larvae tlu cip ts should 1m thoroughly cleaned on tnth sides with vacuum cleaner vacuum iruners may also be used ror removing the lint from floor crack be hlnc basebairds and air shafts of cen tral heating equipment when infesta tion frequently occur wletl nil hkm hear our wife lias walked out because you couldut utuiul her tulkin in hr fcleeji yrri shed gone home to mutttr does he sure you get alon mr brown and you could get along without lot of other things too your car for instance and that shiny tractor over there and lots of others but your idea isnt just to get along now is if mr ibrown you invested money in those other things because they give you good return either money comfort or enjoyment and so mr brown since you havent tele phone youre missing bet it will give you maximum return in money comfort and enjoyment drop into our nearest office theyll tell you more about it nothing yields so much for what it costs as the telephone scotts scrapbook ly scott alpjkhakq iuu built tot amd tulcfaxc munt5 cjxiv mtcrtutk fori ss dv wa5 iuaucuftxyt 11vas wot lccaliv polsldeut of rjr ufirrt 1affcs akllw wav ho qootjh1 bajjxtfs pctta uormtuit ov lumbuctbu wca wusvlfwiom uricl joliat completes 650 games itolllnu alontc im itvminly niisloppable as time luelf little aurui jrniut of montreal cunadleiu nl tits ttto national uauf vuliic when tlw mylnj venchmen opposed their intrtuity rivals tutontnul murooiu the pound cttuwa nallve acclaimed hy many critic iu thtf ttnesl leftwinger tlwume evrt hast known 1h pluylntf his 15th muwiii though taot of the veterans win started with him in the heakon of lultia luive cuwed their career the lulthty atom show no uiiui of crucklntc uoth he and mjuikger lart of cmudieiu expe him to urry on for unit betlsoiu ict joliat is uow 35

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