thursday february 25th 1037 ihh acton ruial kkss page seven the test if you can ilsc iarli morn ltli mind nlcrt and heart aglow your conscience clear and spirit free aa forth you go to meet the newborn day if you can hear the talcs of brokn vowa and shattered drcama of cluttered hvs and trtuit ixitrayetl and still malnuiln your poise and faith in man if when you feel the slnii and strain too great alonu to bear in patient nllrnce you reiolve those conflict that youd yivr so milch to haxc and lr in crowded pae tjr quiet etnii thro stormy srim alike as times serene you choose calmly to face the facta of life youll find its quality of mind uell as hi art that counts and wins the victory hi the strife llody twknty years ago rvom lh luue of the tre kreju of thursday march 1st 1017 smi theres kmk1 deigning weve now had ten wciks of it it bs estimate that potatoes will won command higher prices than orungc4 auctioneer kerr has sold his lino farm lot 10 conclusion erin to alox mcmillan of erin mr kerr will prob ably settle in acton und devote his whole unit to auctioneering ilev draper of milton occupied the method 1u pulpit on sunday with highly interesting and lm primitive sar monri mr morris saxe who hay been in btishu hi acton for number of years hiu dfipoci of his mercantile buslnct to mcun krclger its co of mount porcst tlie icith battalion has been recom mended along ulth three other bat tollonj as ready for oven or and will probably ko within the next few wcck the minister of labile works has ap polntcd motor licence uiuer for cacn ontario county whp will be remuner ated by tec of 25 cent for each licence issued maluejhi mcklinkinsman at the ptcby tcrlan church exeter on lbruary 21st 1017 by rev lr sharp harold storey nicklln ba be of acton to mu anlnu kinsman daughter of the late dr kjnsman dxed kelly on connecticut street buf falo ny on thursday ivbruary 22nd 1017 putrlclc kelly sr former ly of acton used 03 years masales at the family residence main street acton on saturday february 24th 1017 hannah ram uiaw wife of peter morales in her 53nd jem chronicles of ginger farml written specially for thet acton free pre gwendoline claukk thk sunday school lesson tou kuniiay fulituaitv 2h lh jh oil did ot uuw lllm to waver well wo itad our qulltpalchhig bu lust tuesday and wo did lob of worc and had plenty of fun in doinig lb and my enthusiasm hasnt worn off bit thurbday time of ui met at the homr of neighbor and worked together fri day night one of my neighbors came down und worked with me before the quilt is done we hhall hv quite well ac quainted monday we meet again and then wlum the ludiei ore ready ttio quilt is going to be set up in the framed and tlie quilting done right here ut gin ger sirm by tluit time xhull feel have qilallflcd to rallk us regular can adian quilteel in between wwlng and visiting have munaged to get started at housecleun ing preliminariei and what grand lime have been having owing to my long ulncs und trjps back und forth to the hospital hi 1035 there has been very little housccuunlng done around hi re for the last two years except the room which we were actually using cupboard and draweni were not touch id but things were still being put away in thoe umio cupbonrdi and drawers uu partition between jew and gre in ni commakomen cuildun ti xt new coinmandnienu givi unto ou lliat yc love one another rvin iu havi lovt you that ye also love one anothi john 13 34 ifxt john 12 30jj 1j 35 lime jo aft place jerumlem expoitlon we would see jt iil 202j then was probably more than mere curiosity in the rcqutit of them greeks but it is not llkily that they rralued 1u alll slgnlllcuncc on our really lng jiitu diiends our loilvation curnd life gladmsr and our llkeni to him john 14 40 20 20 cor ib we cull iee him hi tile word oj the teaching of the holy sphlt und in tin lords supper john 30 10 cor 11 2u 291 ala that there arc so limiiy quite unlike tliese awakened greeks tlay cannot iy we would jesus tin se greeks canie to philip seemingly ibecause he uiu not so strict jew as june otlier members of the ipostolh company or ierlup because he was of bftluaiida and hud grce name tlillr reque suugetted to jeiui the time whn the gentiles would come ij him the jcwk havlnif rejected lllm but before this wiu postibk the middle in inoiiii ut from ill purpoff the pain uf ill heart might jirompt him to cry uthi iv me from liu hour hi will not do it indnd for thk very iiu hu me to lhl hour phil iih what itjon for ui hi ltli plth prjj 1ulh inl that nt lust it had become almost impoilble to find anything at all and then started and before lont unr driven to the conclusion that am the worlds worst hoarder began on box uhih contained even thing from an empty cream cheque envelope to copy of my grandfathers will som people ditroy letters are answered dont must be removed by hli atoning dent luph 13101 their coming fore shadowed iii awn coming glorification through dlulii ivv 23 24 ch 17 10 13 31 32 the cmsr lt vn mauifestutton of christ rlorj for ther ls nothing ele lo divine iui love john 710 john 1g but ji siu refer oon an they red here primarily to the glory bevond sometimes death the glor that in coming to draw bark from und calvury that lie in our lush id of iliive mui tin that atindi from jtsus lip glmlfy thy namiri he tot 111 own dellviruiu from iilfirlurf but the imtlurs glory though thai mi uis hi own eru inxlmi have wt al sui siipii me disire for gods glory that we wish him to glorify hli nam though that involvu erucl ilxlon foi us ihlj pruyi of jesus wn liu tuntly lu ard and thi tomis thti audible unswi liavu both glorlfh it and will glorify it again on three corded hutanei hi ji mis life gcd spike audibly from heaven ut hifl 3aptlini matt 13110 ut hli choice of death insli ad of transfigura tion luke 21131 3i and here at thl rupri me crisis god had already glorllli hli naine in ji ills incarna tion und miruh john 14 11 401 he would glorify it analn by jesus death resurnctlon and exultu ition the audible voice woj not for jtsus itkc but for the sakei of those who were about him order 6hit they might be nd to faith and ufe lliey did not all underslind the voice but the trouble was not with the voice it win rathe with their dull ears and hcirls not ry one toda hears the voice of god in the bible john 47 when p8f groves rssr vsm brdmd quinine god siuks it is tit of all who hear he li tilt of juus death would bo the judgiiu nt of the world and bho cast ing out of its prince the devil cf rom heb 14 col is john ji 11 not only wui satan overcome by his crucifixion hut all men grt us well iui jw wold by it he drawn to him 32 the cross of chrlst the worlds mlghtu it magnet it drawif the mwt abandoned it conquers when law and penalty and all else fulls it draws all but ulos some will not come jim 40 hi the new commandment 13 j5 jeus knows that his stay with the disciples is fastdruwhig to close he leave them law of life that law is the law of love moses had said that we should love our neighbor or our telf jesus goe beyond that and inyy we miit love one another even as he loved us we mutt not merely put our neighbor on level with ourelves but put lllm 1m fore ourselvr ready to he itlei our llvis for lib hat is the christian law of life cf john 14 lolf ft our lord nual und all inclusive commandment the one un failing pioof wheriby all men bhall know that we are indeed disciple of jt sus ji was too sick visitor so youve been in every apltal lu town betchu avent bli in the wfimnens pit il octogi narlan boy was born there jlis iik1 now my boy said the scots minis ter vou know the parables which do ou like best the boy hesitated then replied llki that ant whnur loafs and msius time tables naoian nationafrhaitways at acton goin eut oiily oaily dally stinda pt sunday exypt sunduy except iunday only gol wel 05 1007am fi 13 pm 710 dilly dally dally dally sunda exr jit sunday xcet sunday xc pt sunday xei pt sunday only 50 am 33pjqo oipnt 13 40 tn 33 standard teue find letters far more interesting years nim through death cf 13 phil after they are written than they were g11 heb 12 ftt first looked them all over good the power of the crass 2433 slats diary ouv1sr warrkn sunday was over to jakes house for the jake an wanton to quit skool he told liin pa the tcecher ume sed it is 12 dr nother time sed it is 12 wliat can you lern from dum leeclur like that monday now ive got quarl with ant emmy liaft to look for sum way to get even she ind to up say at brekfart this it is wunderful at how erly age kid will lern to use charge acct ut groccrlo store tuesday unkel hen wont ever lein moddern ways it lookit like he was up to the citty night recently when the hotel clerk tut him did he want inside or outside rm he ted inside he bleeved us it lookt stormy can you beet that wednesday as nod wood do got even up with jane ngen oat her did cnejboddie tell her how wanderful she are when she sed hq then ted whoro do you get the ldear then thursday blisters were tellen me about it today he sed as he were es corting elsy homo from the partlo last nlte he kep on beglng her for kiss she kep on nayen no and etc dont you like klisep he cod he sed ihe replidc mebby but dont like beggcrii like cave men lrlday after supper tonite po sed to me come in to the living rm want to tawk about sum of the grater things uf life we went in fc shut the door as then sed okey pa what is 1c you want to no from me then the gathering ajurned broke up suterday use in thti nooacpaper uhulr brand of slggarct good for my dygeschen nother in eey on my throote my throte dont neeil being rzey on dont bleeve eaten slggarts wood be good for my indygischtn so can use none of nee the gooi iomus mvhl losi merchant in fanll town ran for olflci and was overwhelmingly di fiat id he polled so few votci that he ap peared ridiculous in thi tyen of his neighbor und both his social and buil ni imndlng wire in ingi its hard to bi laughid at and still hold join ground but thli merchant is sport what is more he kmw the prili of be coming the town juki so he beat the town to it the morning afttr the elec tion he put this sign in his window ji reward for the nimu of the man who cast that vote for me everybody saw it and everybody luiglud but they laughed with him and nit ut him people came into hu store to slmke haiuu und congratulate him on hlu sense of humor and sports manship the ktory of tlie lgn wmt the rounds of the county ami furmeia bfguli to drop into hlh store to trade lhu the ntcixtuint turnrtl defeat into pronal triumph by proving tlint lie wa the low ii bt lifr tedgilr guct hi tlie american malne many of them did destroy nnd good many went back in the box to be kept of long us live thorc won letter from my younger brother in which he described dinner he had uttended at which tlie guiitt of honor was the then prince of walei the present duke of windsor tlie letter wan written august 2nd 1d10 and the dinner wan given by the mercers company in london on the occasion of the prince of wales being made freeman of tlie company my brother saya very little about the prince of wales but ilia description of the old ceremonial custom in rather interesting but ull quote hiiletter to you there were all sorbi of oldtime cus toms the majordomo bawled out your royal highnosr worshipful mas ter my lords and gentlemen pray thee silence for grace then the lord bishop of bombay said grace and we fell to there wai different wine for every course and tlie first served was madeira 1815 when it came to speeches the majordnmo has great your royal hlghnes my lords anil gentlemen pray thee silence for the worshipful matir the worshipful master called the toast to the king and queen und the majordomo said your royal highness my lord and gentle men pray tlue charge your gtnsts and then the to ist is his mujtsty the king and her majesty the qui en und then the band struck up etc we had th strhiged orchestra of the grenadier guards there was also concert party who sanr between speeches tlie rest of the letter was descrip tion of some big procession in london bul what it was for couldnt qule make out what struck me so much about my want to ilt all the time ergs jn the brothers letter was that it was to typlc spring were selling at 18c per doen but ally english he was far more interested roasting chickens were 35 per pound in the pomp and ceremony of the occa quite difference there lalchc were slon than he was in the fact that the 45 per packet und sugar ten pounds prince of wales was the guest of honor for 05c the temperature during the oder to bear fruit we must die not grain of uheit shall bear fruit except it die we are not willing to de we shall abide by ourselves alonr but dying we shall bear much fruit if we set our hearts upon our own lives we shall looie them but if our live are nothing to us in comparlson with chrlt cf matt 10 24 then we sliau keep our lives unto life eternal any one who wlshcs to erve christ mufit be ready to follow wherever he leadj cf matt 10 24 the path to glory hi the crocs thli was the path jesus trod and it is the path everyone vise must tread if they would bear fruit and receive the glory that comes from god he went to gethsemane and calvary and all who follou him must take the same road but if we follow him to getlisemane and calvary now we shall follow him also to glory hereafter where he there shall we also be 2g cf john 17 24 tim 12 rev 21 it is wortli suturing for and dying for to bi with him cor phil 23 cir 17 horn ins 18 not only 11 we be with him hereafter serve him now but furthermore th rather himself ill honor us it not wonderful thought that the great god ti ill honor us the ways in which the intlur will honor us are manifold and lor the most prt beyond our pre cut comprehension lef john 14 21 23 ix 22 ji john col up to 27 the glorious side of hl deith hud occupied the mind of jesus now far moment the horror of it sweejis over his consciousness and his scul is stlired to its depths with agony icf matt 2j 38 luke 22 44 but jliniiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiil ni mm hi iwipullrjmli clil mwiim wy bniijl iliijlliiiiiilli lil hijit uhlch perhaps explains the reason why british traditions die hard thought perhapsi come of you people might be interested in this little bit of british history in view of the fact that perhaps some of you may be going over to the old country for the coronation donc wish were going but alas there is no chance unlet go us stow aw ay other interesting tilings in my box of treasure were my mothers letters which had never dared to look it again since she died twelve years ago there won also an account diary which had kept when we lived in tliejirulrle some of the entries were vtry interest ing apparently my hens ued to to broody out there quite early ui march down lure cant persuade them to t4t much tarliir than may and then liny winter seemed to make habit of drop ping anywhere from tuenty to fortyfive degree below 7ero according to the diary cued to do quite lot of knt tinj ils means of making little more for iw to live on onhhc uhole ue seemed to have quit good time with neighbors dropping in every day or so another bundle of letters was my fan mall and was it interesting ye in deed just love gi tting letters from people who read ginger 1arm would like to hear from eviryone who reads would like to now as murh about you as you know about us and would like to hiar from the om who don like ginger tarm as well the ones who do bat must go or hull be tpreudlni my if into uuothi minimi bill of fare only the btoutest heart enters res taurant and proceeds to order filet of heel lobster thermidor or even ham andys without first consulting the menu card for here are suggestions to set the tastebuds aquiver and prices plainly marked shopping for merchandise can be pleasantly conducted in the same manner the advertising columns are in effect hilloffarc with prices that protect as hillofrights in tlie leisure of your home at the breakfast table you mav check and choose before starting to town vnd what varied hilloffare it is everything your heart may desire your home may require and yotir budget may permit presented in readable and in tereti tigfashion sponsored by mer chant whose name you knov whose ser vices you have come to relv upon get the advertisingreading habit it saves time temper and shoeleather to say nothing of your hardwon cash the advertisers word is as good as his bond on no other basis could lie hope to wjn and hold your custom as5 tm ii arrow bus effective sept 21th 1038 leave westbound dally 45 ujn dully except kuturduy 1145 dully 15 pm saturday only 15 dally 15 pill dally 15 dally 11 siturduj sundays am llolldaja only 05 leave eastbound dall txc ept sunday 700 dally 10 ajn diil 12 45 dallj 30 dally 45 pm dally 00 ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop representative gorv district mutul norwich unlofl cabahian pir xnsanuaetf company th alllabc aasnrmnc the cmijty of cid amnhc company the merehmbi culty co til tocuwuirrblri uutttal aim mn whats the news ncus is changing con iilnntly events happen fast and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep nbreait of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free press offers its readers complete service in neus reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with tlie times the actonfreepress acton ontario subscriptions for all magazines taken nt the free press office muggs and skeeter wen mow do vou like itv am bonlerlklsfeu wwv domv vthj go ol amd eatl xm coim to cilvc vou taooe op vtsups owm mcbjclme mov bo vcxj likxa vr ic by wally bishop