Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Mar 1937, p. 4

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ir tlfmllminilwiliiffiuft paob roira the acton free press thursdav march 11th 1037 neighborhood news intenstini items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interest erin mr scot has sold his residency to mrs salmon the deal was nego tiated by mr mcmillan mr and mrs arscott and mr steel and miss wlnnlfrcd steel pent sunday with relatives in bromp lon mr ale binnle has purchased the farm lot concession erin from uie ontario loan board and will get poccsslon april 1st tliu younx people of the xjnlted church held skating party at the agriculture arena last thursday even ing oiler which all enjoyed lunch the uoxy 3airytea room hoot of friends throughout this entire district learned with sense of dwjp shock of the passing in toronto of jonathan gibson who died in his 70 tn year at tlie home of his daughter mrs it ftundlc 15 granvlew avenue toronto on february 26th advocate ospringe messrs hill webb and lurnporson mmoogian spent the weekend in tor onto with the formers uncle mv albert applcyard tlie funeral of the late james llrydon of montreal was held on wednesday afternoon from trie residence of ids brother prank to the presbyterian church rcvj grant conducted the service large number icuthtrod to pay their rcpuebi to one bo favor ably knoun he leaves to mourn one daughter mrs alton of india und on francis of montreal two sister mrs austin mcculclveon second hue oakyjlle alfred hlllmcr oakvlllcs velern fire chief was honored by his men last evening when they presented him wlttl an illuminated address and wallet of gold mrs blakclock was among those present on friday lust at lunch eon at which mrs harry johnson enter tained at the university womens club toronto in honor of mrs mitchell hepburn wives of cabinet ministers and members of the legislative assembly the oakvlllc customs office will be pcr mantly closed on and after april 1st official no tin cat ion to this effect wai received last thursday by mccal lum collector 5f customs or oakville from ballanilnc collector of customs and excise at hamilton lu whose dls trlctthe local oftico located oakvlllc is to liave new j30000 post office this year husmigu to til li elfect was received in tlio municipal office yvsurday afternoon from ottawa tlie hiesiaae which curnu in the form of ti wire from hughes clcuvcr hal ton stated that tlie sum of 30000 to provide for the construction of the new building had been placed in the do minion governments supplementary es timates record star burlington mrs it emory of aldcrshot wlshrs to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter edith jean to mr william burrows son of mrs joseph burrows the wedding to take place on march 20th tlie tip top canncrs at freeman are having material placed on the ground to build aii addition to their new fac tory the now building will be one storey utructtire and will be lboxco feet the office in tlio now building will face the highway on tlio middle hood burlingtons taxpayers will pay the same rate of tuxcs again this year as uicy did lost year tlio town council are through going over the estimates and lust night agreed that the rate would be 40 mills with tlie first of five instalments fulling duo on april 1st while motoring to toronto lasl thursday ilecve arthur allen hud th misfortune to liavc his car skid on the slippery pavement and slide into the rear of huge transport which hod suddenly stopped in front of him for tunately neither thr reeve nor his wjfo was hurl but the car was somewhat dumumd lynien of the various charges the halton presbytery tismmblcd hi trinity auditorium on wednesday evening lust to reorganiku their association thero was large rep regulative gathering for the banquet which was followed by most stirring message from dr cockmne secretory of the board of home missions for uie united church gaioctte to purge montreal milt on mrs richard white who lias been confined to her bed through linns is lire happy tb say quite bit better today mr mid mm saunders of hornby left on saturday for fort laud erdale florida where they will spend of erin and mrs campbell uf the balance of the winter his father guelph and two brothers william of geo saunders will return home with erin and frank of ospringe ttw them floral tributes were very numerous and some collectors of old iron and other beautiful und were curried by messrs mentals arc becoming as much menace bert anderson david stewart earl to uie farmer of trafalgar township as vannarmam juhies vannorman janier chicken thieves every piece of iron brydon and earl brvdon the pall that can be lifted is being removed by bearers were messrs webb auken this class of thieves mayor raynault elected thlu year to the chief maals aralvs chair lu montreal mayor huymtuu of the quebec metropolis hnf unnounced drive on vice gumblln und rackets in the dominions largest city und has chosen punveniu montreal lawyer to head the drive hli worship has announced tlmt he intend to clean up montreal in the manner uutl by uie dewey investigations in new york uttbb box tnougiits or ani tok the ficek press eden mills the nile hawk euchre club met on monday evening in the home of mr und mrs james gllbertson ladys first prize went to mrs lowrle and the fiualntance of nftyfour yean with bunf to mr jelf burrow collation ln ontario communities cndlrtff tip with denr fhec pueu one of the pleasing things after an prices ucrc awarded to mra jeff bur muny yoars in acton in the american mclrcrmon vannorman albei mccutchcon and mclean intenneir was made in leicrton cemetery the bell telephone company of canada limited and the hydro electric commission have been contemplating mv stewart mrs davidson of ther pole lines in milton guelph und mr alex patterson of tlic west were visitors on sunday with mr and mrs stewart mus jean iclrkness guelph spent the weekend with mr and mrs brydon fiends of mr bapue will be pleas ed to know he is able to be up again after his recent illness the monthly literary meeting uas held last wednesday evening at the school good program was enjoyed and large crowd was present mr mccutclieon very capably acted an chairman dialogue friday for luck was well given by group from greenock school under uie leadership of miss jean barbour mrs uobcrtson everton pent day recently at tha home of her son and family mr and mrs hobert son rockwood the telephone co proposes to remove all their pole find lines from main street between bronte street and the second line the hydro commission proposes to remove nil poles from majn street between bell street and tin bridge over the sixteenmile creek the total cost of this work to the bell tele phone company and the hydro com mission wll be approximately 200000 oliampion georgetown tlie hockuood young peoples union held their ueckly meeting on sunday evening in the choir chancel of the united church this is uie first in series of meetings entitled helping other young people to be christian edward pasmore in meditations flarlce gordon read the scripture lesson and elsie gordon led the meeting in silent prajer the topic for the evening your actions speak louder than words was taken by ben hosilng the hope that each one ill make it his and her duty to be present it every meeting mr young or knox college conduct ed services at the presbyterian church truck sunday morning under the uusplces of church in the hamilton conference the congregation here enjojed the tlrt of erlei of broadcasts this month spon sored by tajmen of tin conference when llev plhen ut bluor street unit ed chin ott toronto iuve an uddre the subject of uhtch uas the cluil lrnr of the spiritual mr john it smith returned to hikl m1 last aeek ufler siwiiilliw om numlhi hi iv trnl mrs charles lvurnu nf tor nl wni tiii been staving ullh in aunt mi mtlttle the past lime ucik iu turned lioine lut ueeu for brief str ini ndlng to return here in the coure of ueek or few uho uere here tlurlni the weekend mis evelyn peuren toronto mr uoy day university of turmtn mr wm uoyre ttironjo mr ffed day hamilton mr oeorge totrmice hamilton mus itutli peal guelph spent sun duy ut tier home litre spring mtiat bv jiut around uir corner by the upiiearalice of crowg the puit few days mr mllroy is movbig this week lo the house across the street vutatrd jy satinxlay april ird wm mr and mrs oordoo more last week aeuin houjhuld ertetu raws and mr mino lone hands mld ln montreal and the can prliis went to mrs wilk wilson and adian west is the knowledge of the fact mr will gllbertson that it follows ro many acton people the young peoples league were the so many divergent destinations in the guests of arke last night and last about year and half there have were in charge of the program mr it bcen ln various ways the knowledge of richard starkey on behalf of arkcll jts rolng to various places in the three welcomed the visitors and the arkcll western provinces fernle bc and the members served delightful lunch at american soo just recently local the close of the program mr bridle was chairman for the program nnd introduced the various numbers which were greatly enjoyed and encored vocal duetts by eileen and evelyn daylight saving bylaw rescinded for rockwood school itoundarkw arc changed account of 79908 are paused the council for the township of erumosu met lu the town hall roci wood on monday march qh at 130 with ull the members present ahd ileovu it storey in tile chair deputation from wo 10 pro uented petition to change ulo boun daries of their section by adding thereto 100 acres from no and 200 ucrcs from no us the children from thise farms attend no 10 hjott being jjnlon section with guelph township and no with krlii township the clerk was instructed to notify ull interested parties and the inspector that the matter will be con sidered ill meeting of council on april stli bylaw no providing for proper tiafeguardi against injury to pencils or animals from barbed wire fences ulong the highways wus piujied on motion of messrs hludley mid lush at the request of the trustees of the police village of rockwood bylaw no 1031 was rescinded this bylaw provided for daylight saving tjmo hi uie village during uie montlu of july and august tlie lrualees uhut request ed the council to take control of tha fumiunt shed which was agreed to with the village paying their usual share of expense various matters pertaining to the ilnanclol relations between the township and police village were discussed and it was mutually agreed that the existing basis of adjustment continue george day was awarded the con tract of supplying the voters llsta for 1037 250 copies nt 54 00 delivered the auditors report of rockwood hydro of tax verification nnd of hantc balance and loan verification was ac cepted 01 motion of messrs aray and lush lady called to say she had letter from friend in saskatchewan whence she had recently come asking about any know ledge of fuirr pjikss contributor from here as found in reading the fhec thlmt it when oldtime and marie gllbertson violin solos by mr jos dyer and reading trouble in the amen corner by mrs bridle were given mr marshall was the connections arc maintained that itis through such an excellent medium to ogaln quote rev dr knnnawin that was always wellconducted paper west speaker for the ovenlmt and chose and as his subject oovemmcnt in the 0ne qf thf marvcl qf uju proylnc promess of the human race mr lh uork qf th 5udd0o marshall pointed out that jcthro advked hroath from 0ou whcn moses away back ln the old testament vanlsh almqot yqu ooic at them today 4th in one of tiicne tlie new heating system ante room and lomitfe room at the canadian legion club rooms have added materially to uie splendid quarters of uie legion mr fred anguish of brampton is georgetowns new stall onm aster at uio to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of mv hill last month mr and mrs maclaren entertained number of men at uielr home on tuesday evening when uie first of scries of broadcasts sponsored by uio lay association of the united church took place at the midwinter examinations held in guelph last week miss betty speight pupil of mm jean price of guelph passed her grade nlne examination in piano mr itobt mckay of toronto former ly of georgetown who underwent severe operation at the private patients pavilion toronto oenerul hospital was able to return to his home tuesday at the meeting of the council tlie resignation of chief wm long deputychief henry shepherd and ii brown as members of th georgetown fire brigade the same to unite take effoct march 15 were read by muyor gibbons council accepted tin resignations at banquet held ln hcj commodi ous lnlfin hull lust friday evening rt whlrli over one hundred mil twentyfive men representing the churchei profes sional huliii trial business educational athletir soelil mid fruteriuil interest if the eonuminity were present it wls deckled to celebrate georgelofcnfi cen tennial vein during 1037 herald times to choose leaders who fear god love truth and hate covetousness and stated that the same advice could nnd should be applied to our system of modern government vote of uianki to mr marshall and to all taking part on the program brought an enjoyable evening to close tlie march meeting or the of the united church was held on tues day afternoon at the home of mrs geo thomas wlui good attendance mrs clark was in the chair and led in the opening worship service mrs henry leslie gave splendid watch tower report on africa and mrs thomas read an interesting item on moslem learns that god is love on motion of messrs gray and hind ley the ctcrk was instructed to take up the matter of tlie public rights on the river on the fourth line with the min ister of lands and forests with the request that the department do every thing possible to give the public free access to the river nt all times accounts passed amounted to 70008 and council adjourned to april 5th at 30 the meeting lasted untq 100 pm and us the hall was being occupied at that time by the rockwood women institute the council carried away the lunch that had been provided and ru freihed themselves nt tile clerks office erin bakn burned fire of unknown origin destroyed uio burn of robert barbour on the sixth roncensloh the flames were noticed by mr barbour while ho was working in thr bush rushing to neighbors spread the alarm and with their as slslancc rescued 14 head of cattle con siderable grain was lost partly covered by insurance on which the hillsides again are belntf revealed in their former picturesque showing of course more snow is quite liable there have been some immense drifts especially ln the southern part yester days herald had photo of mount rt snow and soil drift about 35 feci high in angel food style another shows drift of five with girl on top able to touch the telegraph ulies they are very hard to get through at thin particular place impervious to snow plow and will have to be handled by man power at an estimated cast of 1000 for tesc live let alone many others todays news attractive prices sardines qm brunswick brand lc salmon redoyc blue cross taljs 40c chicken hiiddiu ooq lily brand la ljc corn flakes any kind ti hc the better kind 117c baking powder rose brand lb id pure lard qq wellington jjc emfo peas 997 lovely quality li lit real lnige size 319c grapefruit raisins seeds in ooq very choice li lioc peanuts 119 peekfrean english bbtcuith 15c 95c box coronation serviettes barrs it is interesting to note in ontario the first chapter of the study book the ran ot thc qrani men ami women ot par ilortons was and nlmchborlni where blven by mrs jan harden poem summ thc plalnu nublw jesus christ and we by ada clark dw ltrealm anxlou bu gesllons of conservation to provide against such now there li more than was then enjoyed after which three of tlie members led in short pragers tlie april meeting at the home of mrs jus harden will take thc form of the easter program dainty lunch was served by the hostess and social half hour was enjoyed mr young of knox college toron to occupied the pulpit in the presby terian church on sunday mr and mrs gllbertson and family spent sunday with toronto friends the trail riingern met on saturday evening in the home of master charles wilson plans for crnkinole social were discussed and other buslncv very successful play entitled wheres grandma was presented hi the town hull on friday evening under the auspices of the young peoples union the cust was asfollowsj grandma an old mini lady miss ada clurl gretchei blake young wife mij jean iwrienob lllake brand new hiit band mr neil mcphuil jark wurlev get hens brother mr hob kiev ens iiuy king jaet sweetluart mrs ilrldle arline trmsdile the girl cirelehen wmls for jack mlv melrose wllsoi enough and more than can be conserv ed aluthe rivers run to the sea yet the ten is never full how much is entailed in kind deed lu good cause little acton girl of muny ycur ago uhosc childish interest in missions led mrs thos eos ton to geuerously constitute her lifemember in the womens missionary society iiai gone from here toduy to calgary at consiilerible inconvenience to ijucnd conference bnuich and taking along couple of others who would probably be influential in organizing an auxiliary in their locality kind regards to northern ontario and ghikei iirm and of course the stall yours coleman tinner villey alta royal theatre guelph drivk ovkk folt the ti1h11x of tiiuiuls sat mon tues march 13th 15th lgth wings of the morning see motion wctuite kxikttiknce and its in technicolor the beautiful lakes of krllarheyi the ciianqino op the ciuaiid in londoni the dei1by and epsom downs au included in mot fxcltlnjr and iluttiali story starrini europ darlliu annabella with henry fonda and leslie banks featuitk satuuoay at 130 330 530 730 030 fatuickh iay 7marc11 111 to friday jessie matthews 111 head over heeis and community sing vvetidnll hall now playing stolen holiday icay francis iootiiirints uliple ills led li ill lure jiimt ko7il mi mlliiinplujil viorlin cent amileround trip bargain fares minimum farco adulli children 10c from acton riuoay makcii 19 whitby olmvva uowmanvllll porl hope cijou lyenton jrt ilelleville kapanee kln ttm ganunomic urockvllle prescoit morrlsbui cornuall uxbrldht lindsay ivterboro campbellford newmarket peurtunk collliurwood meaford barrie oillllu midland aruvenlmrst llracebi idije himifville callander north hay parry sound sudbury all towns in new ontario on line of temlskaniln norther onlnio railway nlplsslnu central railvinj kupilskaslnif lonulac geraldtou jellie hearilmorr ii klltlts mst ctr sams satuulay march iathw gerrle iulwoml reutstered shorthorns ox ford sheep clyde hores at one oclock march u3rd lrnesi unison mil eisl of guelph on no highway irm stock thursday march lftlh stanley nor rlah kden mui choice durham orudes leicester sheep hop horiujj ut one oclock tileaduy march ildth fcxtenjlvr auc tion sjii of harm stock implements ttc for ronji aruo kilm miiu ut 13 oclock ktclliull carol warley gretehens slster nt huvno ilolieina thief mbui helen srnlt mldlilcht butler lnj lm umu uieno and stou hoiiiman fir mr harold wilson the sliver in fruit dbh uniom hi dahlia wife of mlclnlaht mis annlr tml app hl ut tnl alton mr ilrldle vei eapuble liritr eted ore on the caniet that the imliee found th hicat moital vaiuk am uinw tin was ear cure and have kejit it ever since there hnt been another hmulary of liver in the neighbor hood kouiih who it ulliijetl hud iwen actinu iusic1ohs saturday maitch 20to toronto alsd in llriitrirl clliitliiuu chlky clinton duilluiu jrxetir lvrill aiulfrlch cuilph lliutilltmi iliuinvil hull luiu liiuiimill klliciirtlllie kudullnr londnii llstniii1 mltrhill nliiicuru full ouii souiul puluv pillllinitnn purls pun klllln hi cutluirlni st mur sunlii soiitliiiniptdii strutfnnl stralliroy wultttiil willi toll wlnitlliilll wikwtntotlc ml upplccarc cimrum li not muculiir but ly ul mann nioml vlrtui urin of courai to ul lt pmci ol uw ltlutunliiiibllc opinion iwiuc uuruurj tlu loo kaujc tooth 1n lu ik inaltm urr ulwoy on tv tluy iillcd to niuuli mipopulur kid always lu uuiioiluon to lu ln cukuuy luipulur prejudlcii not from crolclum or iwrvmuy but uocnui they li bi yonil tlulr djiy or ilbiccrn tlaiurerii uul iu yrt iwrralvui or luivliilirrltl truth muiiutiy wliut boronir of of uhlch olhem iliiive bisju robbrd ulun it yrbi too old to run curdlnul muunliik boiiicbody wlbi it to your futlicfl atractiin inch society piteimter lroiciitntioii the st john passion llj srblllin ilurll ltiisail stk1vaiit conmjctoil toronto saturday march 20lt 810 pm eaton auditorium eminent soioimih chortt full orchedtra wrm llelurit umlu findu inlormjubi tklittl coiuult ncmi arctil hvv tfaniihills kilt comfluti list of les tin ationm tirai canadian national cvurd unilrb ouiurrl at qanaba actoh parsonace bower avanuo sunday mahoh utli 1ot7 1100 tlio minister subject the supreme gift 1315 hi sunday school and bible cbusica 700 rn choir night an ovonlng of bong and atory tuesday b0o youxur people union eve31vbody welcome prrchiitprlan knox chdeoa actom rev ii bnnik mints uaruws wulo btreet sunday mahch uth 1037 11 wiiat bocomek of it 330 pm tha sabbath school prriy intf for hbf disclpleh 7oo christ amonjf the ivans krewori the yotinif pcoplch guild tuesday nittht at h00 pm imbvhitf plcturei ireland lund of beauty cunard whltt star line tlio queen mary in motion always welcome bautbsftfllurrii actof itev baxter fuur sunday mfaroh 14th 1037 1000 sunday school 1100 mornlnif worahip sub ject judos tile betrayer welcome to all unclassified small advertisements averticttient urtilcf thla heuhatf oit cent pr word minimum cbkrve sjc per invcrtlou five lncrtloo lor iroo if paid cah ioc lilltlool churned whef ittint have to uog hiilimg saturday phone 07r3 for priced koank holme3 wanted brllit reliable boy for dcllvcrlnfit also to learn grocery business must own bicycle apply stating atje and char acter to 32 box of frkfi fftess sa1lesmen wanted wantiid man to take over proflt nbleable hnuiciah route established cuutomem muct bo batlsfled with oarn inkd of 430 wcekto ntart write uawleiohs bopt ml1i1101 montreal cnrufda house folt kent tenroom houne for rent nil conven iences newly decorated good gulden and double caraac available aorll let apply mrs lane mill strijt acton auction sale mrs wm wliliart lot fourth lino eramoia miles went of rockwood will hold an extensive auction sale on tues day march 16th at one oclock clvolce norths grade shorthorru und an extra full line of implemcnli hay grain and household elfects roy hindley auctioneer unkeseilveo auclion sale and wilson wlu hold un auc tion sale of percheron horses slior horn grade cattle nnd oxford slieep on tliuriday march 18th at 130 oclock at the farm southeast half of lot 21 second concession nassaaaweya terms cash amos auctioneer auction sale mcclure lot 11 third lino went chlneuacousy township will hold an auction sale of horses on wednes day march 17th tliirty well broken to harness and 20 colts percherons belgians and clydes mcicinney auctioneer idc baby chicks 3e bredtolay bloodtested leghorn chicks april 10c orndually droppuh to 5c for july barred rock chi its lc more these prices are only flood ir paid in full before march 20th fcimd loi circular rockwood ciiicic hatchery 35tf rockwood out auction sale ov the kenneth moleob faiuil jn the sixth concession township of nassagaxveya in order to wind up thc estate of kiminoth mcuod lute of the town ship of nautiiaiiueya in thc county of halton und province of ontario fann er decca there will be ottered for mile by public auction on satuitlkay the twentieth day oi mauch 1037 at the hour of three oclock at the premles hereinafter mentioned by jom elliott auctioneer the farm property above rcfrned to being all ii ml singular that certain imrcel und true of lundft and prcmlseu situate lylnif and ijelng in the township of nils migavveyu in the county of hulton aud being rompoed of tin lcut half of lo number seventeen in the sixth con eejilon of the mild township of nus aiaweya contalninu by admeasurement cue hundred acred bo the same more or lew ther is jnid to 4k erwoted on tilt aid lundijo frame houmj and uframd barn qq stono foundutloii the property will bu orfumd subject to reaervid bid tellmii 10 of tluj purclms money to paid down ut the time of lc knd baliuvc to bti paid witliin twenty days ulcreafter for further particulars and conditions uf sale apply to shilton waixbiluxje ault 100 mcklnnon bldg toronto onterlo solid ton for dordan wilfred ucleod and charlea edward mcleod cxdcttton of the deceased executor of the tald kenneth mcleod dacemaott or to qxorok khjott aoucw 3fl3 muton ooiarlo

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