Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Mar 1937, p. 6

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ffiffip the acton tki prrss tinjiksday march litll 10j7 making liffc wortllwiiix if it werent for the whiter we shoul never love thu spring if it wcront for tho strugglr vctory songa wod novcr sing if ltu taaka wrrc always easy and their outcome plain to see and if failure never thrcnunrd lift would very tedious be if we novcr faced problem if wo never had debt if tnerytujg wo wanted without worlt ink wo could net if itur made blunder nrvt uif fi from fall wcrj cmir disappointed hf would hold nt joy ati all if distinctions were abollihed wo there neither poor nor rich were the wise and foolish equal and no tolling which was which were there no such things as duties needinjr patience strength and oilll we should llvu like gardtil cabbage but wed never know thrill it because we lmvr to struggle uri bo cause wo often fail tis because our can are rugged and our pleasures nil frail it because there good to cherish and thoros evil to rovlle and perfection li donled us that make every joy wortli while wt klfls to till itfcscuj by premier william abelhurts threat to license the newspapers which has been hanging over the head of the weekly and daily prcs of alberta for about six montlis hoi now passed lnul blow to thu prop sal caino at the provincial social credit convention leoently when resolution calling for enforcement of licensing lu order to encourage accurate and unbiased re ports cf government activities was tabled thu table being in tliui cose tuphemism for the waste basket lie rtcent caucus of social credit private members it known also re fused to approve pre licencing one report indlcite that pre licejuilntf wit defeated the soclnl cr dil convention because of lcinl edltoni of veelly nmi papen ulio ucre prcenl as delebotfi the uceldj neur pipera it should be recorded have prov tn one of the main buluark in alberta if ahut the irrou ing threatj of demo cratic liberties which hiue marked the continuance of the aberhart rvglmo power of the courli have been norl omly curbed in social credit enact ments ultli the result that the attcmot to create hlu toclnl order in no far uch attempt cxirtr in the alberta credlt uouj acl and undred aberhart legulutlon lias been accompanied with the denial of recourse to the courts tor instance tho c1ujmii li denied ac cess to court rctircis ahould iil mtfer dajiuge through circulation of alhcra credit lurlher members of the government have been placed largely above tha law by means of legislation requiring per mission of the cabinet to sue minis ter mot notable attempt to bind hil private life of the individual to govern ment policy wa by meani of the aber hart covenants these covenants ex acted an undemocratic pledge of sup port for the existing government there wnjg only th persuasion of the govern ment not its powers of farce behind the campaign to mgn up the covenants thousands of citizens signed oven in circles given more or jess to intellection the alberta intelligentsia may be dls counted as bulwark against paclsm anouicr aberhart policy containing itcrious threat to individual liberty is that which pursues the objective of an autarchic economy selfsufficient alberta little of tangible nature has been done in this direction yet bull such policy implies the surrender of individual liberty to conduct private business as one sees fit this policy is embodied in the recent proposal for export and import boards controlled by the government amid these numerous cerlous perils to democratic llbertle3 the olees of the weekly neuspapcro in alberta have been for the most part unafraid and crlucii so have the voices cf the urban protestant churches taken to tether thpt represent two of the main instruments of protest analnnt paictst encroachment which neccjtt hoi brought to tho front in alberta tin meiiifl to the hbertj of tho prcj has uh id for the time being ut lea but equal perils remain to confront him who cart to light for llbertj prom tin editorial pugl of tin wlnnljieg ire prel january jgth id suiroiy suppose my little ladj vou doll should break her head could you mrl it uhole by crying till jour oer nnd nee are red jnd wouldn it be pletuiantcr to treat it as jkr and niy you re rlad tuas dolly and not jour head that broke suppo that joure drcv ing for wnlk inp and the rain comes pouring dowp will it clear off nn ooner bcciue jou rcold and frown and wouldn it be nicer lor jou to oinlle than pout and make sunshine in the houo when there ir none without suppose jour tak little man very hard to get will it make it an cirlcr for jou to it ind fret and wouldn it be wiser than waltlng like dunce to go to work in earnest and lenm the thing at once suppose that some bay june horre and coach and pair will it tire jou ler unlit ualking to ray it lsn fair and uouldnt it be nobler to keep jour temper owect and in your heart be thankful you can wall upon jour fecf and lupposc the world don plcise jou nor the uay some people do do jou think the whale creation will be altered just for you and lsn it my boy or girl the wisest bravest plan whatever comci or dotsnt come to do the beat jou can rrom the old scrap book that old cooper shop on the street where the rqod ran into moore bros shingle mill had quite history at one time eight or ten coopers worked there they turned out flour and apple barrels by the thousand tight work uas also done there oak barrels for vinegar elder and the pork barrel which every home in the village and country was expected to have in those days occasionally cutem was built there in course of time the cooper wor was all done down at llghtheart or bcals or coates shops in the vlltare part of the cooper shop became resid ence george forbes batched there while he bull perambulutlng photo graph car in which the same george uaj going to tour the countrj take th pictures of all the families along th road george was engineer and fireman in the factory he drenmed drtami cf photographic uccesi nnd consequent fortune while he worked durlne the daj und spent hu kliurc hours morn ing and night in constructing his car tin car uai fin illy computed but it mvir took trip on photogruphln eciulon oeorgl wui ha lnilnet but lu uai not ucci is in the photo car line think tin car wo eventually old to ransom adam for pig pen unl luuiltd diwn to hi in tin re ir of tin barn uhleh about win ri my ki rrs gjjdge no uuh tntirpri liu fillow undtrliiul tin ir in was in art ib nit 11171 nt nly to run the him mill ni liu unci wd il cur but act li 11 uu and llct tin tuxt th v1 hid fliii hid th leliiu mill lu di child ipivi ml lili in lb thnu up ld his ir iml urt tin imiiu th taxi nd in idwnrd mn an ti arm ti nit ii ii lu mv ill fuel tw philmtlu hut lid th ir tin ton idiritl thin tin mi nian ul chrlitiphr ma iiu his family livid in tin pirt of tin coper shop which hud bun timurtid into dwll ing seural ji us hi wiu an im pljn the hliutlc mill and whlli iikigid tin it nut with the unfortunate acldtnt which upoke of last week ulehurd burrows noiiu what lm ltunloiu cabinet mukvr oeeunm uui raldfiict for sonid um und niuuv and motiiht iul all beiutj ami hi line of the world is wrapt up in mother love leii in bow our heul in nn nt in mi ti tin mother of tin world ih ii rani dltlnctluti just th it ii heir th it wondir um ith hi hind ich hen in th me ndi furnlturi in tlie remaining rclluu of uie cixuxrf rdiop some who ad uili column wlu remember rich are hjgn which waii nallcxl to tcli graph kr on main itn ct near the entrant to tin facury he hu1 piuuiabl rabhu mak lilt xhort nhlllng und orthogrhy his home painted and lettered olgti read furnl tun for uill hear ijoj wlio ui mpiojind at tin ihingli furtorj found wajh of improving their financial landing ouulde working hour jim wilds jm lrd burk off tin pliu lout id io1d many loud of it about town for stimtiu ilrlug lu family eook lovi he nrj philip moon told uu one time that hi aved and wild pine bark und native red in addition burflcient turpentine from the ends of tlie phu logs in uu tprlng to make enough coj to pay for winter jipent at itcickwood academy sam mooney jim sujeril und jack rotter auo made and kuii money over their regular uage by till kind of xtra work hack of tin hltuii dli wiu lot house and or ird tlie houro was built and the orehard planted by tdwaij smith gtorue ityder ucccedod mr smith there and wa tenant ulixn the orchurd wa in full bearing in the autumn when the astrakhan and snows were getting mellow the boji ind men lu tlu mill would chip in for dutch treat on apple and one of them uould be deputed to go over to ujders to get pailful tor york shilling big patent pall full of apple would be secured then the boyi would eat no moiij apple they would have to go and roll themiclvcs over tlie logn while the khwjer was filing up ut midafternoon so that their capnetity for more apple might bo increased bejoijrf the orchard war rplend beech nnd maple grove it was noted for jeir for beechnut maple run bee treea und wa famous for jciirs as the hioh attractive picnic pround within walking dl tance of the town for pic nicker old and jounr tills proic whlch now well niph annihilated ini the record for tlie biipct sunday school picnic ever held in thin community tlil war fortjfour jeirs ago when rev tlie then pastor of icnoic church uu preiident of hal ton sun daj hool aoclatlon and ii moore wa sccretnrj the two arranged rrett union picnic for the sunday school of acton and nth hborhood the choob and the parents of the scholars assembled on willow street and bower avenue at the town hall with acton cornet band in the lead and flags ard bannerr fljing eleven hundred cholar teachen pa tors and parents marched in um uaj of main street to this beautiful grove rev john potts dd of toroi to who war at the time can ada representative on the international lewon committee was secured to glii an addrc the large companj as sembled in the hady grove nnd listened with interne interest to mnsterly addrc from this great man the sunday school doe it pay dr potl hawed that the sunday school cost much of energy lelfdenlal and cash out it paid in results far more than it cos during the afternoo there were baseball football racej and othlr contests and then came the great rprcad of culinary products for which the folks of acton and vlcinltj have alwajs been famous at these social func tour beyond the grove runs the brook which for at least eighty jcars has been famous as trout stream many and many mess of speckled beauties has been caught in this brook there are still trout in it though they are get ting scarce because of the constant drain by actons successive generations of isak waltons tlie trout ponds owned for many years by plrstbrook brothers of toronto but later by wm near who died year or so ago or located on the next farm above this tlie rear part of this farm beyond the creek for many jearo afforded pas ture lor the village cows anj summer morning at six clock or earlier you could lc the villapc lads barefoot plcz lnr their way between the thistlct and stone tlu jcarched for the family bivlne to drive her home for the morn hit mlllynj often they would go over here dlrett from xhool lu the after noon to tet them for night this was tin thin when the lad had too much time on their hind and sometime tot into mi chief in thl bick pa lure tlu tl wu ibundunee of drj roiu ilm rl unci brinchi he ij had uip pllid tin in ive with mucin and the dij twit er is when lighted woul htirn fmij uui tin lad aped their lhr bj in hum je elf ir could iiaini uu tin inuuriu uu till iwn ii dij who did tin ir fir th uk in tin ul lie lid hi ri hcrrj we re iluuyi rlghborhkd 4xj around to help on the enterprise whium walker the indigent old nsloite itli big family lived die xt lot hi amult hoiik thli nit ji nt the way of three or four at th thr wulke rit hud te iil tiled and went up in moke one november night it lispixmd that victoria colicgu oil club of or cj to had given concert in tin low hall that evening anxloilt to 5i tin in thu country marly every one of the half hundred of thr meiiibcis plowed through thu tnud unci 11 an to tin ni of the conflagration now that we liavi eomi to the nowned scene strttl 111 top for thl tliye tl actt allotit uoitxl iva1uv irodiick tin breeding or iijilm il for milk mu runk om of tin world oldc lndu trie und for the world us whole milk prob iblj till the main imrce of farming income state tho iry produce report of the imperial lconomlc commlttco in the unit st ite thu production of cow milk exceed lu value that of wheat and even in canada worth little le than the wheat crop in the united kingdom milk production by value easily exceed that of any other farm commodity stat li tics of the world production oi butter are incomplete but sufficient in formation cxlita for the countries in terested in intertrade to indicate that the increase apparent for many jeam interrupted only by the great war continued between 1029 and 1035 in lmplre countrle gencrallj nnd in most importing countries lmplre countries do not figure large consumer of dice tlie united kingdom comes on tap wlui consump tion equal to njout pound per held of population or time that of cinadu or au tralia european coun trlc show larter per capita consump tion equal to about 12 to 13 pound in germanj pound in rrance and nearlj 11 pound in switzerland the few estimates ivallablc with re rird to tlie world corlumptlon of cpy rurjie saj the report that con umpllon has declined in some countries since 1029 however the consumption of ec in conada is lileli avcrnfing about 70 egg per head of population evetj jcar the united states con runies about 250 egg per head early and the united klnpdom 150 eggs per he id and germany about 100 in the world trade in liquid eggs and in albumen nnd jolks of egg prepared and pre erved in various wajs china is the source of about 05 per cent of the total world exports this trade in cgjr products ha grow in pottwnr earn from verj small dimensions to an im portant trade armi ks hi turns high one of the most encouraging features of the recovcrj witnessed in canada during i03g was the nnrrowlng of the spread between prices of farm produce and prices of the things tlie farmers buy at tlie low point of tlie depres ilon in 1032 it is estimated tliat farmers were receiving only 35 per cent of tho 1020 level of prices for their produce while prices of things farmers buy had fallen only to 82 per cent of the 1020 average by the end of 103q form prices had risen to g5 per cent of the 1031 level while prices for goods pur chased iiy the farmers have not yet risen above 1932 lcvols the market for canadian farm pro duce nt home depends to very large extent on the activity in other indus tries material recovery was recorded by mo of these industries during 103c preliminary estimates how that the average level of production in 1930 woj nt least per cent above 1035 tlie manufacturing lnduntrie showed an improvement of 11 per cent for the first ten in out lis of 1930 while newsplnt production and the output of electrical power ti ached new all time high levels con truction ha in ged behind other indil trli but the lncreu in private bulldini ither hum public ontcrprlse an encour lng sltn inployment wn muurlal advancement in the number actually emplojed four per ci nt rl in retail alei uui lnrrlli in merchaudl car load inj indie ite that couiuniptl during 1j3i was higher than in lj3o tlie hu nie uiclvcd bj farmers wiu above th it of th pre riding je ir and liullci hon iri that for tlu ilrst months h7 furthir incn villi be rl rdi it li inj hi hi him el the in ho pi tin in wh ai ui hi hi linn 1ui1 hi we in it think it hn wi when ih pr it in life lui fil iiiut frit ml ithi wi think whl 111 in ith mil the it tin tin door of humbli coltugc th our mil uuimn wh liuu it mi unfurl the flag of in pin tlu dltnnl part of tlu irlli we hu pi tu re of the in our mind in eirj heart mot hem may row old but th iow leivdy growing old heir luvv und iacrllice imithii tlu in to khiitly told because about them ifath rs mime thing of tliu ujtery and lovwl liatph cuack nli 111 uu now main strt ir in th ii mill pi putj wm in th the ithlitl euiid hi mu 111 in tin uui it mi rui li ml with rift ion lid li in ii tl the lu ii rs win th li 1l ohm ul si ii 111 11 it ill wli it iitr lit ulmllll is 11 iii true child ii ii lei till mu il jd and uu ihl ti of cto on in ni 11 unci iimhit fun mil jit eldc tje llvi ir tin in ixiinup uinlimtm luc rltj uli li illti in ii iiiuptl bj id uioie th in it picture plitl mil cl ir ition of tin pn ndi ion with th 11 ti it itumnt 1th ti me lc vote who re ldom of ulthlll un th mm ijus tin viutv je ami mr uiolhr of htnrj william mnrri thi tf tlu in hied thtr wh mini mi lud thin iuwi to maki mirbl out of bhn cjuy und bake then ui hu motile nvu of tourim there milk boosts community income in koutandf of commuml mlllt th btggtt ilnnu louie of incomt for armmrt trod opetialaf in tht commundt largely on milk rnony 1k lolol milk mony going lo datfy faimmtt in canajo annually il nekjily 200 000 000 milt necfkt many oull selling mtlt in lotll pfovljet ma of only v4 of ik milt produced lc creom butur cnaste dry and vapoald mtllt and many by producli mutt manufacthircd and told daily to tkol milt mony may flow back lo irtu dairy communilil wk auf wk without lnlrruption since gall bordant invention of condemtng mil it in vacuum 60 yar ago borden hat pioneered in reeearcri worlt that ha mant hew ulet for milk and kiw markets for milk producer retarch and ihcnt mrchandnlng of milk in all uti form are fir raaiont why canada il bacewnind one of the world gralit producart ai well contumerf of dairy pfoauch associatkb comaniis kubchachs oi miv mawufactublits or wiik mooucts dljiomuioll ihrouchour ttllwobld eprandi in alberta now up lor sale the famed ep ranch at high river alta owned by the duke of windsor 111 be told it beemme known when the former klnif eduard advised tlie alberta government or his plan in connection with oil 1lss of the ranch no purchaser lias been named for uie ranch which tlie duke bouffht in 10ft while prince of wales an orderin council has been passed by tlie government ntlpulatlnij that mineral rights on tlie ranch uould not be sold by the province for 10 sears after the disposal tlie ranch after coming under ontrol of the former prince beaan specializing in purebred cattle and hla livestock has taken prizes all over the continent the upper photograph above shown view of the ranch refldence while the louer photograph is an interior view of the comfortable uvlnr room son launches sopwiths new yacht uttu lummy iopwlth jeurolel um of sopwlth laucluj hu tlwrii iww mouir yacht phllantn ut southampton hu phlutnu hi tlie urucdj luobar yuxht ever built hi th unite ej kingdom und will uct uu patent tihlp tu the aiiicrleu cup chullnumr tauwvor ii on 1u voyuti to the united ijtutel uilfl hummer mr und mv etfouwith ar behind ivimniy business directory medical ok mcniven phjxtelui u4 oftlcs uid reesldenos ootobi avenue and elfin strect dr nelson ttiysicfui ud birpiw bectro thirrapy ptuxw set dr wm cullen thjwuua kftnd soikii oftlco houra 14 mad smulayt by appointment wilbur lire just north of mill sen telephone 128 legal ii rarmer solicitor notary tubll cooreyaueer etus acton ontaio hours 3o to 00 noon oo to oo vedne djy and saturday 30 to 13 noon only limited amount and class of work undertlken clients caimot be teen or work done after hourj exoejt by prcvlou arrangement kenneth langdon tuntwut solicit nouxy rbob office acton oesorfebiown over etrnucjc caie ixietn stzet for atpolntmenbj mvojic acton oeoreetcnni b8 ofttce lldxirn acton tittedaor nc thursday is to to 430 kn kveaa mgs on request dental buchanan tsnial rimwn office in irishman block iieum dam until kxenhup by amwlnttnent gas for kxiravctlons closed wedneiday afternoon photo lo pearen ilvenlmj sarxef moved to our new quarters ln the symon block plume 30 utll sbroot aetna tttuniauy young veterinary surcoa office compbcllvllle ontario phone milton hcr4 general wi grecullzit in life fire health uui accident automohoe winoatorm plato glaaa boiler pkleuly bomb farm insurance annuities and all general lines of intturance also ocean steamship tickeul lkadino comtanie kxceixknt racilrrutt kcpromwln rnuln ill fredl wright ottlc cmper block ottfee 85 uoim kw iftsjf want to sell something sold wei wksh ijuiull ad tlio qultjeottt clieeeepeast wy to nnei buyer only cknt wokdl

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