paob six the acton free pkbss thursday march 18th 1937 moti1tb to iieb son do you know tliat you are of my soul such purt tliat younccm both the fibre and core of my heart here no other can pain mo ai you ve power to do ihcres no othi can please ffw or pralj iiil oil you ho remember tin uorld will item in tin blame if jitulii or ii lmdow darken yo lr nanit menu hint iteclpe tot new and novel uuhn ijousebou id u4 till voul ot ckllv iiy uirriv iimtci ay to reli ve tin monotony of incatu iluyn of nat mue ironl li in irtnultiuly ri idiiiiiu ndrti by cii ntuu and dl titlm lor youmc kwiwlnif bodies and for mullilulnbuf tn nth and vli or hi udull macaroni utlifyhuf lr dn food combhu it uith delicious tuna iksh and ii for irln cakes and paddy phieo uh those jit into the pitrlck ly tut nu in uumnir tht ulll warm the cotkh of your heart macaroni willi 1uua plsh lb luirou lontr or tliort can tn mi tlih can toniutoer cnion chopped line tahltnpooiw butur suit and pepper to tail cook macaroni hi boiling united waur drain mid pluce on hot platter in thu meantime melt hutter in frylnjf pan cook onion till golden brown add to mutocj und other neoionhur cook about minutes make und add tuna iuh und allow to cook till thoroughly heated mix with macaroni and kurnlili wltn cjiopped puridey or uralid eheesc or both fcjun cakks lj uilipoont doubleactinic baking pow dcr cup butur or othtr rhortcninif cup nutfar tlu unbeaten cup milk ten noon lemon or vanilla extract sift hour once iiiclur add bukin powder nnd lift together three time cream uutie thoroiu hlj add rugir rndually nnd cream together until light und ilully add one nt tlm bentlnp well after each add hour il tl mutely ulth milk amount nt time 1m itlnc nftcr inch ndditlo mooth add llavorlnc turn into rcn cd cup cuke pun mmnr thlin full duke in modi ruto on 375 tltiirue jo minute or until done rait ulth boiled fro tine tinted pik run prlnkli with chopped pi tnchlt ir other nut mcil if desired mike dozen im11 cup cakes neighborly or family disputes were under his wise counsel and suggestion settled without tho undesirable publicity of court trlul ho was one of tho first of luls of the mrthodlat church when il was orgunlzfd in 1845 with his own haiult hi helped to build tlie old while frmu church on church street lie and hit luridly win among ttu must regula in niu nduiu nt all tin rvlces por thi vi im und ijn ad for tlw quarterly ninny 1urr hi and mn hull upplii uiiuunloii1 of tl of till up hi ai toil mr hill in hurh mr hall krr councillor iluud rpuratiim hi hwj paddys pinlo delightful upptier or durini thinking today as tat by tlie road hen are itrlpus 011 the tiger upd pol on the toad lr tw there are thorn on the brier nnd lire aos on the vine there are crny ur amany in your head and mine nou ui re into the clxtli our younjf day have fled and time traveli on ulth quickening trend he has toucl ed in peeing uith rhidou nnd thine le iwnt rniy inlr nmuny in your he id ind mine so nou they cnll ns the old folks thee children of ourc they tay vie re the uhllc they are the flouer hi but uell inuih it tlulr jin ie uh unui should ue repine tor youth has not perl bed in your heart nnd mint wo nn ju jivmr lonner and not grou inr old may your filth dnily ripen till tlu uhole tnle told and though storm clouds siiouhl ithir and tnr clne to hlni ly truth jtill bl the treasure of your hmrt ind mine tile li tlviti drink innul pint apple in tme eirly iy scene street was th ls paddy pineq on tli jrouklu ire of that ue terly ub julce colored run divl iun of acteui lnoun cl011 ulth feu drop of vegetable colorlm and jerved ice old ulth or ultlmut jrten mar ihlno clierry float thi beverige an excellent source of vjtimln and real ilunce to erw 1th cake ind undu lche iugsy jyiouihjt of wilt at ij tiu would survey only luo or three houc ui tlu re ilf century if one of thine lloilsid the stcuart nnlly nnd later rricmnn wordcn and mr worden and their ilfdoen on ind daughterj john and illrim the uellknoun barbers uvho have since pnssed nuny uere ons of thelro nc irly nventy yi in npo mr wordm dletl thin very suddenly ii had bein viorllnp in no ujaueyu uu talin ill thin nnd inflammation ct in death came very hortly after his nr rh il liome member iclnr the accordhij to the intimation il inti mtc of arlruuure tin ro uorld iklioru of wheat for thi 10 year jw rlod 102g35 reaohid their nuximum in the mnn belnr conveyed by kind hearted yiarb 1027 192ti nnd 1031 when 7to nin farmer to his home in 153 8j0 bu hil 701 002 mo bu lu md bed in the bottom of tin ungan mr 710170751 buihils re pectivelv uen wordui di ervid much credit lor brin exported tirly dtillnis an shoun in hi up ire unily which had lot uheit epirts for the yt irs 1932 to 103 fuller cm and ollcltudl tin othe ihe re lilt in of imp irtini loimtru v1us occuphd for my iar by iklnr tepj to bi come elf ultlclint in curd to uluat produrtlni canad is the larpe exporter vlieatln thi uorld iccordiiu to th live yt ir uitrm 1921 i93n cuf id ve ju for tin live years 1102 hhl lm in eompind ulth tin itntini iviru fur tlu mu ri ui h7flii ijusluls hi unit iit it ua third lth lid 1030 bu hi durhu tin tin yi irs ilul 19 mtlulvii in mrt fr tn uui iu ntid 1u9 11 ii bu lu is unuj ills uln pi it liu hindu tlu it itlm ulu at mr mm eountrv or tlu lit nu yi ind ilju uuuiil iii it rt rum ri iitum 1111 mi 111 till hilstul pliuln 11 una tin i11 pi uhll ti ill ii pi tl ind st third win it rti with bu ih tli piiu rdi mni nvt pi ii uua hi 11 in 111 ullllim trottir and lies fumih they win teemed indu trlou unlly tlu elilldren uere icatiinil and the pinnl tin illy paed uwuy lint tilt scene striet ctlon es nn iitt yt irs mr thomas prmit built hunt tlu ood many ir usu uitu is have bun built mi cuiunt line oren ci ull ml thirs tit only in il vl to the omttiunltyfroni mm tt rlul ttantlpolnt but uu ul airt uiiinuur physic lull und nll hue hold rtnndli ri ofti pn crllx foi tin ikiniuoii family nlluiiiiti ami iu uuh tin only di ntl or rluipj inon corn etly toothpullir uilhln mil of aet in di ntl forti uai unknown in thu diyi ila elum enn turnkiyi win hi only lie trutiii nt fni xtruetlni itehing niol tr in ect thi proft lonal tloetnn of thut early da nl id tumkiyv il wmu of ui old chip can te tlfy to our xrrouful iminorl and fructun juus win ti tin turnkt upiilli to tlu tooth h01111 thlnf inul to eotne from the putkntt mouth it mifht the troubluome tooth it uoh ju le likely to be two teeth one und tlu tulfcri uu fortunau indiwi it 11 piece of the juu did not tome out with tlie tooth an an lnlrununl of torture from which older ru idenb ulfered idxty or seventy yearts ago the turnkeys took thu bun lu ard mr hall relate en incident in lib lxpirlence of teeth pulling three bcore yeun ago uhlch he had hi tlu curly days of hl young manhood vi omit uho llitd down town went to him in the inate dlrtrezs after nuf ferlnr from jumping toothache for day und night and demanded that he pull the tooth he uai out in the field be hind the barn plowing ulth yoke of oxen und could not well lenve them to go to the houre with her for tlie opera tion which it ua hoped uould give re lief he tent her to the house for the turnkeyr uhlch he told the uomnn vtrr hull uould plve her she came bact ulth the instrument lie et her on tump held her lu id ulth am arm and applied the tooth puller the ex tra tion wa uccev fill and the pain ccircd and the thank of the patient en prof of coure con ld trite nel hbo thank uas nil this good simaritnn tvir looked for iu re compence for hl merciful ncl mr hall uho mnldcn name uu ibra centir uu motherly oul mil ua belivid by tlu community her home uv thi hoint ot every pre tclur and circuit rider uho tier came tin uay tlure un iluny place of ret nnd hiarty uilconu in the prophet hnmber moe thnn thi the unmnr rled youil pnaclurs uho were iltonod lure iluay found mr and mr hall nn idial iwnrdjng pi ici hrev chri toplur co km 111 bo irdtd there ulun hi uui tlie younj pnuchir on tin acton and georjetoiwi circuit in lflfi7 nnd lu mared tlu econd daii liter surilijuu tiny livid happily tot ither for my yuir in method par onute throtn limit uitern out irlo mr cook mm dud nt wi tin in 1911 and his uife predeceaed him year ji droley uho taught chool here in 1055 land entered the methodist ministry in 1057 boirded at mr hall and married mirli mattheu duightir of abr im mutluws uhoa hue te id is acne the roul ulurc mr swltzer nou she uu si tir of tlu late po tinieter ji matthew nev mr broley pn iclu foi thirty threi ju und diportid uil lift in siptemlr 11100 lftyllve ye ir or uii mrs broli livid for many years uftii with htr fimlly nt llorn tl liti itonrt little uho iuht in acto from it until hls upiolntment is in pictir of public hools for htilton lij 1r71 boirded at this ho pit ibh horn until lu fill in ulthsiruh john ii nit if hi pupils und was unit in ii wdlcl and it up thi lr homo on hope hill as capt tom burns uud to coll it at the head of frederic strrct llir livn children of mr and mrs as hall uirr popular young people of till oiiununlly rile rutin family wltii tin ir nut id purcmilr huvt passed ovi tin rlvi 11 uy un lr jann drown mn tltiv mikniuii horuec win ft ait 11 ind built up bit plunlti null husliii in k1u lu iu 1rutlus whu unit with tlu artmi pusty uf ten youiik in lht2 to tlu curlbiki kld tlelili und wu uirldintly hnl eu louti und ulin ui whu uu fir yi it ut roiintunt for lu iirdmori co und who lut 1m 11111 nniuhrof ih firm of jin ithullpt hill icltih ner md in laiuul hi aftir mr ii rc nturrli mk monuuth thi iu family rti ldi for nuiubi of yi ir in th tottai which wui built on th old hum stiad for tlu in which till unth tine uu lain fnmi tin 41m home mr antl jojph coli mm itltd there for nuiubt of jmr when hull ritinxi from farmini intunn foity llv mil liftyilvi yi ir 1110 ht old tlw pine to tlu itt win lynd in furm wi pitrchti by mr hugh mccutcheon uho uli nn eiier ctlc in rlculturlkl andhe ulretty won lie in hi vewration und till nildi thin hi duughti and soninluw mr and mn stew irt alo re id then ulth mr and mr mccutcheon sr ax mil uolofxalaav knuustlty lopping all prevloiu record an aver age value of nearly million ilollurs ixr duy for every day during 1030 uai placed on the production of canadian mine and quarrle including metali fuel nonmelii other than lucln and rtructural materials the yenrr output hid the record value or 3g0 340 000 an lncreuse of 15 jnr cent over 1035 increojes in output of many mineral product nndniproved prlcei for several metal combined to make 1030 it record yenr in the mint nil production of car ado production of the mculi group reach ed nn nlltlme hlph of j25b 335 000 this woi an incriae of lfl per cent over 1935 and re pre ented 71 per cent of tlu due of the total mineral pro duction ruels including 00 il natural gat nnd crudi iietrokum had value of sgi 002000 nn lucre ivf 11 jier cult over 1935 nun metallic mineral other than fuel roo 32 per cent to 10 533 000 and tru ttiral mnterlnl lined 15 per cent to mcli 20 f70 000 gold production at 720 105 fine ounci exceeded the privlou record output of 1935 by 13 jier cent nickel output at 1g7 713 000 pound un record uhtle the production of lead nnd 7inc it 377 9fi 000 nnd 320 915 000 pounds ptcttvely reaclutl neu peak lu output of co iniountini to 15 02 000 ton the rre itt incc 1929 atlc to production it 307 591 toiei ex ceedwl th it of 1111 former year pro duction of til us it new high pain with 334 119 toies gyjisum output tot il ii ttlu 07 tons lmproviment over iyj lit mhii uouk it ri ic hillake to suppose tint the lu uors of the uorld tlom by piople of nut slrenjth and tnat op iiortuntt it iinqui tionnbly nil nd mt ie to inn both tin thlni but iu ithir of tin iu ci ity to th mm who hi tlu pirlt md the phi to blew frt it re tilt sonic of the tn itpst work of our tlini hi been don by men of physic il fieblinens rv tobacco for mild cool smoke arctic bihlioj iets new cabin aeroplane 17 oman catholic hlsliop of nortlicrn diocese uhlch extend from alaska to the north jpole ulhop pierre pnlaue ulll taion fly bnc to hl nortlum diocese in neu aeroplane the blihop now in un state fer eye treitnnnt uas reuued la vtar hy nn aeroplane ufc he had leer marooned some 100 miles eait of the mackenzie iilver he pi to carry food and medicine to parishloncn in distress during the starvation montlia uith the aid of the aeroplane blihop pulnle li nlw vuving from the caoln of hl neu machine at buffalo ny caiiadiaii premier greeted at washington arrivint it wushlnt ton to discuss nutters of mutual interest prinu hnistir miclini klin was ert by si en tnv of statt cordtll hull tlie prlim mlnlstir spun tlu ivminj ulth pn idnit rksevilt whin they hid inform lull the abovi phuogriph how mr mut ri sh 111 hind with mr hull is lu niclud wiu hint in business directory medfccajl dk mcniven flijrbiclan and sarceon oftico and itesldenco corner avenue and elgin street dk nelson phralclan and sarxeon hirtru tlierapy phone uu wm ti cullen khtxlclan and bnrrean ollltit hour 14 and tindiiy by appolntmrnt wilbur tn lust north of mil street ivvphone 128 ixqal ii parmck solirltor notary lulilld coivyalicr acton ontario hourit jo to 1j00 noon 00 to 00 widiu duy md saturday 30 to 12 niwiti only limited amount and cluji of work undlrtukiii curiili miict be jeii or work done utter hour utw by previou urrungcmrlit kenneth langdon klarrlsta sollclloc uoury pobjlt oftlce acton georgetown over seynuck cafe main stn4 ljr appointments phono actnn 6ft oeorgetown fl ofttcfl liours acton tuaaday xkc thursday 15 to 4250 ttl ingb an request dental buchanan denial oftlce in leishmau blodt iiouik dam until 0pm krmfei by appointment as for etctracuons clasfd wednesday atternoon phoo li pearen dental barreoa moved to our new quarteri in the synmn blrck piione 30 mill street aoiarj itlumvu oung veterinary surjrn otfice campbellvllle ontario phone milton wrr4 general wf llfcialirzk in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glaaa boiler fidelity bonds pami insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets jading companits tcillfcny facjutik8 ulkreseublmvd khrluv0 alaoela tion of canada fm maioiu only fredl wright office cooper itlwk office 95 phones kesul 102j itrililr ihluiuhia fonili lilook ciuium potato growers 111 fill and omfort tblt honu it in toritr if sn in nutin mrnis iwiid and cup ed for ye ir oy it 111 mi cms in pititdln tin lv tn fapuly mi and ii ullliuu fcru uii cbolci oltl couple in 11l of tlu itt mrs william in ll md mr bmith uu ui nt tn 11 ti 11 mrd in un diini hi tin 11 vh mil ici il 11 mini 11 ml in 11 pr kill 11 ii rt mr uu1111 hi ii ml iii hill lu 111 illl 11 ii mil hum lu iirti null tin 11 hi ui 11 ti in md ni 11 11 ii11 li 11 untiii 44s 14 li li th 4ji bu lu empire rxiwirl in bosltclb utiahut jtl foreign eountrli 1035 tin oppotflu in ti iiimm illkl til hi nu ni 111 tl ttti 111 1i11 lu 111 hrltl li ii utf j10 iu hi bu lu lr durini j4 1111 ituitlou lulltlltl ilppln mr tin hit jin th him tn ntuiy of ur in till ut iiuhn in tht bi ttt rmint ttli man tilway lntir tlu comniun although lite free xutiiri ik of usur md ir liilla inluiy uniictut arm it 14 11 uud ulu art cnrlitlun man in acton hi uiu appolnttd oiu of tlu mr justlcii of the ivace here and ulth ran uudom undkrsjnal can enn foi uould lllluuutu moot ciebtb of want to sell something iff whlli ftrnltrj inc intl ut nmunued uttu tlu iljuil columliiu mnrkt tliu ait umk tronj iiudlne to vuiuouvir hey jiull nnl pu uu trtltxs euiujinr alii util lhwitlnf potutiut potato ijiiu ol culm si potato mmirs uium actu 11 by pu tlnir all urldut tlulr 111 uto thty stopjkd till not lu irlni oiflelul tuui of th murktthiif hoard lu wui only out clah iwumr lu uhieh polau hoard iimiwilor wm uoiuidd ulth kuiit alutedly drawn by chinese uluiw trutc hud ben klopid fr offlclul iuhpvetlou ilie photo howi wmu of the plek uandlnu udurd at yie murpoh bridge med ulth pllchforki und knlveii lid tjtr at uu sold im jku bmrnli ad tlu quicker chilt way to nnd bmdl onlv cknt wobdi