sixty second year no 4g acton ontario thursday may mth i0v7 eight homepruit pages five genu street repairs fences taxes and beverage room hours acton institute erjects officers 11c 05 so 110 075 00 arc among the item taken up at the meeting of council on monday power grader for street repaira the regular meeting of acton council was held in tlie council chamber monday night messrs gibbons mcmillan and mason were present with reeve mccutcheon presiding the clerk was instructed to writo mr olen wilson to ascertain if accident were covered in the arena at hockey matches etc in the uiuns liability in surance upon motion of councillors mason and mcmillan the clerk was in structed pay the following accounts henderson drawing gravel 00 acton imhllc utilise cotnml tluii mail lights 15j 8j acton public lhilltle comml ion town hall litfhting 3c acton public utilltii caiitml blon pump house 75 acton public utilltiei comtnl sion arena 30 acton public xjtllltli cammu sion lire pump 10 21 actoh pwi pxmi printing unti advertising norman mceachtrn gasoline norman mceachern for cheater mcbain trucking george mcbain gravelling cleaning sioll 323 2i the 1erk was instructed to apply the amount of accounts payable to tliasc in arrears on the taxes letter was read from tlie workmens compensation board stating that cover age for the town employees could be given at 50 per 100 of payroll tlie clerk was instructed to find out if this covered chief mcpherson white on police duties it was moved by gibbons and seconded by mcmillan that the court of revision of the assessment roll for the year 1937 be iield at the regular council meeting to be held on monday june 7th 1037 carried the matter of arrears of taxes was re ported on and chief mephersan given instructions to attach rents or collect by whatever means possible letter war rrad from beardmore leather limited relucting eluin and john street entrances to tlie property be repaired another letter from the come nrm called attention to the condition of the dumping lround at the crecent the clerk was instructed to wrlu beardmore leathers limited and tliank them for drawing to the councils atten tion tlie state of tiie dump lite matter of it mug the streets will be dealt with as soon as the grader can be procured chief mcpherson was instructed to iccuns tlie necessary amount of stone needed and to construct an lnclneratoi at the dumping ground to burn all garb age that could be burnt letter was presented from mr odette of tile liquor control board ac knowledging the letter from acton council which left the clodng of the beverage rooms in tlie hands of the ontario commission th toatur of fences for tlie park and alao the pioneers cemetery was re ported on the council gave instruc tions to hvt wire fence put up but if the landowners wanted board fence the council would only bear lialf tlie eot at tlie board fence was more costly mr william hamsden as pruent requesting permission to connect ills cellar drain to tlie tow drain on willow street tlie request was granted reeve mccutclieon reported on the condition of agnes street between wil low and john streets it was decided to put street light in this section reeve mccutclieon was instructed procure tlie services of the pouer grader to have the various streets in acton re graded and the ditcher cleaned out chief mcpherson and reeve mccut cluon uere instruct to usci rtuln the cot of oiling tile streets and to compare the costs of oiling and putting rulclum chloride on they wen ken the piuer to act as tlwy uu tit in thli mutti reeve mcutehism re irli thut mr broun had made propo il work up the pionter ct meter and ti tou it uith niirr or prior to it ed ing it down for j10 ih mutti uu held over the chirr of police uas instructed to liung tlie silk hug donated by acton vngliirul to acton onu rlo in tin counrll chamb thl to tie uu before coronation diy ci 11 iphaue bg being pit pun nir tin il it will not become tolud moved from hanoveu hon duncan marshall the monthly mc ting of the women iiiitltut was held ut the liomc of mn gambli on thursday with the prtaldenl in charge live minute talk on the motto iii world is full uf beauty and it duyi nlli witli music was given addresses meeting by mp lalitx roll call ad answered sr by tfij paying of fees and imitating of at receht meeting of halton short trnyurd fowl current events wire horn jirecdcrv held in milton the club by mr bodgins ttu organad after being dormant tim ytari uetlvltir urre very katll for rome seven or eight years the fol factory and donations wrro given to the lowing officers were elected pall pair crippled chlldn fund chll wrsidciit grantf campbell moltat dnii iihelur patient in gin iph bos vlcclrcjildent gordon breckon fund and bronte secretarytreasurer whltuock milton dlrccuirn esqucsing nolwm bobln sou and mac alexander nalfiaweya amos and lloyd chbtholm neljon loin wlln and choi ltt adlu ad tru faltiar iliompson und jo ph if willmott hon duncan munli ul minister of agrieiikure for ontario uddn the met ting in hls lnlmllabli tyl mr mar hull tutrd that shorthorn cattle are incr asing fusur in great britain thin any other breed and furthermor that tlil shorthoni britd har done more to help uiprlculture hi britain und can ad tlum ony other cluir of live rtock he al announced that arthur street th outstanding british agricultural urltlr und farmer will rpeak at the on nldent and secretary tario agrlcjlturul college on june 8ti laiette mm collier prof georite day secretary of th do booth mn pobiter minion shortliom breeders aocultlon re preventative to miiical also addressed the meeting and reported mn if bishop drtii plul j100 00 to local xpriiditure coinpt tltlve bhh id wu purchawel for the musical iv tival ilic following thi il of officers jwcted bre idult mn bee ir ht vilc pr iiu nt mrr wilder ipln jndvicpti went mr ii bishop scr turi treiiiirr ml haw thorne dlncton mr mccutclieon mr lanty mn ilodi in mn luppln the pr ident and scr tnry sick and vutiug commltte ml hawthorne mrs mcdonald gimble dlst let director ml wi hauthonu pianf mn salt luprercntatlvc to di trlct annu il mrs wlldcrtpin mr dobble pre pay as go policy working in ontario published statement sijows on tarios iavorable financial inwilion nil ilunc shi et of bullies lijr uhl vi tknuii in onurlo inter td noli worthy for lib tantlal rlir plui and an equally ubtuntiitl debt ductjon brought to the attention of tin provmci uith tin publication of the govi rnuu nt thiunelal lau meiit for the nu llir jut loied subj et to uide pr ad comment whin ihn mltclu 11 ut pbum pnmi min lr ind proviuciiil rruuurcr pr ented hi biljtt ih the lj1 ulurt out irio houln of hi thn itud urplii of 000 000 lift puyiiu re hi bill of s12 0fl 000 vii contdiild rtmiirkuhlt in niiilh li tn ed tlie lir winner op coronation iuzzle poem hail to our kiug was the correct unruir to last we purzle poem and tin fin correct uiisutr opt ncd on sat iktay was from audrt macartliur it no acton who will receive cor rmatlon fcouvtnjr as the prize this wteki poem will be found on page pivo of tlil isrui tlie tamo rules luild good very torn ct answer received before 30 on iuturday har an opportunity to win rhr prize will be pound box of high tjuiillty choeolaur acton joins in celebration of coronation of king parade wat one of the largcst address by chairman mcdonald commemoralie treeh planted splendid spirit prevailed rireworks weke duds rpiaettu of young men from guelph attempted to give acton fire uork teltbrutlon on puesday evening it vu badly planned and interrupted by chief mcphiron who relieved the joimt mtn of thilr umutl ilrccrackers arul hi preferred churtte against them fo violating of the nful alice bylnw he uity in which they threw the iln trucker about mill strei wu menace to lmiuung and car oil thu stret and king of canada lytival increasing prices for shorthorn at uil recent sales auditors mrj collier mn twister program mrs salt mn ulster mrs collier preident and secretary group ijcade rs mrr davidson mr gamble tlie meeting dared with ringing and ioclal time was pent very hearty vote of tlianks wan given mn gamble for uw of her home kockalong institute tlie ilockalong women institute held iu first annual meeting ut tin home of mrs paxmore with tlu pre sident mrs mcnabb in charge tills institute bratich was formed last august and had membcrslilp of twentyseven alton plowmen one new member joining for tlie coming plan junior match ear the meeting was opened by singing the opening ode followed by the roll at rccen meeting of the executive cull which was answered by naming of uls plowmen association favorite itowtr tlie minute of the palu ucrc malib lar the annual junior previous meeting were read and adopted and new business discussed it was decided to send donation to the in farmer plowing math and coaching demonr tratlon states president chuholm tlie event li to be stnged in stltute for the blind each member was witon district on friday june 4th and uked to plant tree for co onatlon day tln1 und second choice was made of macc quelph proje to be taken up thl ear mrs palmare tlien toak the chulr and the fallowing olflcer were elected pre sleltnt mr doutla mcnabb rirst vlceprejdent mrs chester plank second vice prerident mr velt sccrttnotreasurer mui helen bam di trict director mr dnnl direc tors mv mcnabb mr graham mr shultlb nnd mr tone pianist mr blacl tant mr velt hower committee mrs mcnabb and mrs bayne audltorr mrs nclon and mrr ii wardluw prts reporter mrs tone the remaining committees will be ap silver wedding pointed at the next meeting which will anniversary be held on the first wednesday in june at tlie home of mrs nelson tlie hostcs on saturday evening the home of it li anticipated that mclood of two of tic most oub tandlnc plowmen in the province will be on hand to coach the bovs tlie mntch is open to all joung mtn ir hilton under yean of nae all four townhip council have made donntlon to the prle hit and scparatt lin will be provided for each town hip furthermore we undertand from mr chi holm that each townrhlp uill have green class which will be open only to boyt who have not compttid prevlou ly at ploughing match coaching class mr pasmore and her asslstanli served lunch veterans attend coronation service on sunday morning acton branch of the canadian legion paraded to knox church led by acton clukuis band when special coronation service was held rev mr bennle the minister is also chaplain of tlie legion the spec ial coronation order of service was used in his addreiis mr bennio expressed tlu thought that the four worels god save the king are typical in many ways of acton and georgetown the british empire he gave splendid outline of the coronation ceremony mr and mrs robert mcenery of balllnafad was the scene of ver happy occasion when about thirtyfive of ihetr relativer gathered to celebrate tlie silver wedding of mv and mrr mcenery after spending few hours in euclire and musical program all sat down to table laden with good tilings and centred with beautiful bride coke those who served uere mrs arnold mcenery misses edith russell alma mcenery and jean evans mr and mn mcenery received many beautiful gifts mri wm evans und mr jeie mc enery won the prize for euchre on monday evening number of sur ritting climax one of the features of the coronation da in acton was the lake lde chapter llodt dance in the toun hall la evening tiler was and thi hull was fc tooned in elaborate tit orititu foi tluhccu ion roy snider orclu tr of kitchener prowj the mu dr and mr llarr on the prij for tlu elanci winner of tlu my it met mr win ltumdtii and mr smon the ellr inutmn dunct mr lit id und mtrtv und ml wtavtr won th lutkv mi in be nov uu wi rt ftati eitlljhtful lunrh rv prljd mr and mrs roht mcenery of balllnafad by gathering to celebrate their silver ueddlng presenting them with beautiful silver dish ills majesty king georfie vi la the subject bl ihtf portrait by the noted british portrait pninter simon elwes and executed by him for the royal academy exhibition as may be expected it war painted btfore this econd son of england be loved george had nscended the throne he wiu colonu in chief of the 11th hus ir nt the time and it the uniform of ihh fumid regiment tliat he wears it li snld that thl is the only full leni ih portrult yet tinted of tin king thougn new photograplis and portraits luive appeared to help satlsfy the public demand for likenesses of the man who was crowned in the most glorious pag eint the uorld has yet seen tlie then duke or york sat for tlie painting in per on roy ilty and british royajtjln parti cular is perhaps photographed more than any other rinfle subject iu com ings and coings recorded for pewtekity and it sme to say that mx iv picture of tht new king and queen will com memorate this historic year new coronation stamps on monday mornlnr tht re mulndt splendid croud new regular ut und coronation jm tat tami wtjit on nle at the arttin pat olflct hit thru cent dotibh hows th klnr and quit whili tin four live and lht an of the king ulont stamp tit mi ing to tin nt in tht out two und tlini cent tli nomin tiun itn lmd iomt wteki ui hiumg of tht in lampj has lmlii in inr ivrl pit wlndiu for tin pu few iy mr uiul mrh otjur john und daughter htoe mnihl lure from ilmoitr and are residing tut church street mr johnston owmel und ojx rutrd tin idi ul dairy in hunowr fur tht past liv yurt and opening up tlu pasteurising plant oiui committed or trial lyni sin worth of at ton wi ilmndaj commit id fir irl on riniin il ntllit net fharu ut tin pn minury hiarlng bt imhe magt trutt bull many of tin unu wltiu uln hul tt tlflwl ut tlu ceirmiir in pu also av vide nci ut thi trlul ind duvld manmn who hud in in gut iph in tlu melliln truck tin duy of tin aerltlriit ubai gjvi tvldfnct croun attorney dick prtecutfe und elliott of milton uctt for ovkvillehronte pavin itrrfun on main itrtt tlu dt ncf on moiuluy work roinini nceel un thi pumiu uf thi middli roud hluhway lit twtin oikvlllt uilt bronti and upprox lniitlv twmtj vi nun win taki it on turl operuti turttd at tlu itrtintt bridge prtwi cl uutwunl on mill tn tch ti tlu sviiith mm ettad at oakvlll whin the work in lull wing it txpecled hut more thai 10 in will glv cmpliynuut al thoiikl tin wuui rate is j5 nls uu hour the ti whidi lid ui tlu jtrlk in ni luronln no tnuibl in expect el li ilunri budi in cunnda hice the tli pn lun hi compute plctun nu ilul in tlu 11 mire of the published shite nuuit hous the uttu il urpluti to bt mirli ii than mr hepburn in dldited nuiiely 313 0311 and tht after tukliii tare of nllef bill not of 13 noctm only but of h370 00o thi in in th ui jtiitlllii tht comment whith hitvi ulnatly hi matle iwt only in ml to the un ful llnancing of tin ivinci bu inni for yc ir but il ti uith pert ti tlu ultlnr fleet ontui itluii in tin llnancbil umrktt of tht world will ns tht mb inntlil rtlhf it become pilhh to ie tuxpiim uf all cla itl ti if th iti urv dtpirtint nl in publl lil ii cr tin tuttmint in tin prt ll dipirtiirt ivtrimuiit orottdun tut in uhlch is tie mi to ivt mi ill tin fu eif tin pij mi go policy ti tin pi on mo in tin tid tlu tixpiivtr hi miplett tutt ment will in hind on puri ix of in 11111 put tht ut iipreeediuted surijuh mimlnatlein nf tle luti uu nt im ontlrms tin irt that tlu jurphl tutlvt tlum tlu urphl budgeted for yiur uui und uehltvid while otht po vhus wen fctrlvlng to borrow to nifit continued on page pive rannockrurn institute tlu regular monthly meeting of the mnotkburn women institute was held at the home of ri clarrldito in wtdiu day aprillmst the roll call wu un wtrtd uith ugip horn for ntxfc jiurs in tltutt progrumi mr cult read paper entitled chrllunlty bu ill nw lliuir the ua sim nt in pi tut mr wluy tlu winner of howe toule uhlch wo pluytd before th nu lilt unrh wit arved and lubli half hour enjoyid by all acton joined yesterday morning with imllitr communities ull over tlie british empire in cilebratfon of thls coronation of king gcorkc vi und queen eliza beth nu purade and service were in artlly joined in oy citlxemi from every walk of life and tlie result was aplen did obstvuiict of thli memorable duy it will long bt numbered in the lives of the children who played prominent ptrt throughout uu proceedings lie purude formetl up on elgin street jllt off mill street ut ten lock it ir undi tin dlncllon of mr hur rcp and uu in tlu following ordi standard bt urer acton citizen band citify and rtevt und mlllllelpal olflt ili duke of devon hire chapter of iodi lake idt ch iptt ox acton vvonun institute public school tenchltj nnd children continuation school teacher and pupil acton boy scouts nnd cub bu incs men und cltleiu lome rlllt scottish und ton and georietown branchu of the canadian legion by wuy of mill and main streets the parade marched to education lane and the school ground where the service ur held rev ii betinlc was in charge and was assutcd in various parts of the service by rev brilllnger rev morrow and rcv baxter the fathering joined heartily in the ser vice tlie combined school tholr under miss hunt rendered the corona tion anthem hi children alao took part in tlie planting of the commemor ative trees tlie acorns from the royal forest were planted us well as other trees by local organ laiat ions the scr vice was bit unique each child passed in uncpat the trees und deposited from box some earth on the trees in unit way each child had part tliat will be in future years pleasant recollection of the coronation day chairman mcdonald gave brief aeldnss on unity and uic brltuli empire he briefly outlined the bonds that link together with such solidarity the widespread parts of tlie emplrei he likened the british empire as the safety valve of the world and its unity in keep ing peace throughout the uorld he paid tribute to the newly crowned king george vi and quoin elizabeth they were close to tlie hearts of all peopl und tilth example in family and state affairs war worthy of emulation and in conclu ion the three hearty chn for tho new monarch left no doubt that all concurred with the express thoughts of mr mcdonald tlie conclusion with tho national an them and the presentation to each child of souvenir coronation mtdal hy reeve mccutcheon and commissioner ktrr were equally impressive and will long mark this occasion in tlie young llvtxt accompanlsts for the singing were miss wllmo ihinstrt and mr salt tlie floral basktu which were admired by many were supplied by ii bishop never in any event held lu acton wo more spontaneous cooperation noted than in this coronation observance with orderly and military precision mr ilarrop mursluilled tlie parade the ar rangements at the school grounds were well made und cimlrman mcdonald arid his committee of willing workers are to be congratulated but perhaps ufa great est success of the event was that whole hearted cooperation and spirit that is indescribable and yet was an underly ing feature of coronation services throughout the empire we cannot put into words but actons service is ono that will long be remembered part of qreat empire ovnt and pitrlotlm mro pupt on the care of rimulneltr of tlie meeting di in ion of flower und mothers day service at st alrans improvement to tannery rounds he big te hm shov cumplt ted it work if illllnr in an uihlhi ictlun if yard lit unk ut the he ardmon tan nin ti tin round is ull veil iff ifu lit of tin old burk huh belnij turn il im uiu di urlng away of all old irup nit been going on for some lhe grounds about the buildings ull ing improved tim anglican church held spcial mothers day service in the afternoon elurlng uhlch baptlimal service was held in the evening the special strvice of pruyt und dedication in accordance uith the form commended by the arch blihops of canterbury and york was held it conslitihi of three parts tile pn para lion untl exhortation givlilgs and intercju ions hie dwli cutlon appropriate mu ic was urtd inoluding two fjieclal hymns imagine out of li il ivkk pwui reader foi wurdd tlie follow big bit of humor with tlu uuuentlon lids might be got wuy tti swl potato fun the hack irty vllluutr to editor do you think you btwv led clreulatiou by giving years tubtrrlption for tlie bent petkmif iotuloci ruls in the county editor maybe not but ut leetut uot ur imirrels of samples halton calf clubs elect officers at largely attending meeting held in milton on friday evening last hal ton calf club program for 1037 was launch ed approximately 50 club members were present to receive instructions on thu project which was explained by whltelock of the department of agriculture office in milton there are to bo two clubs one confined to holsteins and uic second to jerseys guernseys shorthorns he re fords and angus hit latter club will bo divldod into two ectloii namely dairy and beef both club art being tponortd by the county of hirtton agritulturul society with tin federal and ontario dt part mi nl of agriculture the hulton hol jttln breeders ha ton und peel jersey breiders und tlu hulton shorthorn breeden us well us tluv halton agritul turul society con lb ting to the prji money ahotlther the prlj money of fered will totul upwards of 175 00 at the meeting referred to uddrcsscs on feeding and mumtgt mi nt of holstetn jery and beef cattle were given by addbon woodley gerald gralmm and lloyd chlsholm respectively if tho at tendance and inttrrst at last friday evening meeting is any criterion hal ton calf club members are going to enjoy the bet jtur in tlu history of tho movement tim election of officers resulted as follows milton holstcln calf club prei ident craig reld vlcoprcsldcnt jock hamil ton secretarytreasurer archie gates club leader addison woodley hal ton jersey guernsey beef club president george henderson vicepre sident geo breckon secretarytrea surer lloyd fish jlub leader dairy section gerald gralmm beer section lloyd chlsholm mothers day at united church on sunday morning the mothers day service was observed in the unite church tho sunday school and church combining on tills occasion tlie sup erintendent mv drawn was hi charge of the proceeding mrs stewart told the story of thedoasi please house children choir ron dertd very appropriate number lu ex cellent voice dr morrow gave till motile rs day theme at this service tlie infunt ton of dr and mrs culieii war nhuj christened for the evening scrvlo jyt morrow poke on the coronation using as his subject our empires true greatness trees distributed to rural schools during tlie past few days approxim ately 3500 trets hkvo been distributed to all rural schools hi tho county by inspector xfenyes and agricultural represenuuvo whltelock with the coopcratlon of the teacher each pupil will receive two trees one of which is norway spruce and the other an elm these will be planted around the homes of tile pupils and are being de signated as coronation tree the trees were nupplled by the ontario orestry branch we understand that in all publio schools of tlie county one or more lessons have been taught on con servation and tree planting the entire project being sponsored by tlie conser vation committee or the halton county council pkiendly cihcle meets tlie last of uw sftiion of uw monthly coclak of tho ludlu friendly clrclo of tht unlutl church wim held on tuesday lvliililtf ut tht home of uiid mr johnston it wus umnitfvd to hv thl picnic on june s3rd thirlnj the ivtnink mrs iluton wui luxtnusj wjli pit crjlerole social oveniiik int on contests ttnd uie whuurs wit mrr stewurt mrs mattltows and llu doris wilson nefreshtntnts it trvwl by tht roup coming events ami iincririis of tdi il lr uu lnif sr cl srj cot lltir willi mini mm tli mtiy uhl nut itiint if ic lint house unkvd church awilvor ury sunday junt uth kev mtirroui ma phd shaker garden larty monday evoiilnu hth mpulur oruuh uccital urrtuitjixi by the choir of tlie united church for wed inaduy muy laui 1ruiiruln by ernest it lbiali noted toronto orijiuilst and til rs admission 3ftc or two for quarter rickets from choir members