paqe pour the acton free press thunaday may 13h 1837 neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interest ballinaf ad mr lioy gulp and family have moved to the sixth line erin lot mrs if ailllcs betty and bobble of kirkland lake aru visiting ab the luuno of the formers aunt mrs bert rogers und uncle mr campbell and other friends in tho district mr and mrs robert knsllsh und mrs arm stull returned home last week after spending the wlnur in miami mr and mrs irvine and vm visited on sunday ut the home of mr and mi will mr und mrj wiley are vlsfthur tlilt uitk with friend in toronto milt on mllkux hltrh school won the rnhlnwm clip hi peel musical festival open iilli scliool chorus on friday tiltrht ailtrllf hampshire patient in hamilton generul hospital woodlcy is recovering from operutlon in guclph generul hospital und win hume is seriously 1u ut lib liome on murtln street he tnmafcment ii announced of ksthri marie only duujrhtcr of mra wllelihall and the late mr fruncbl whrcluian cumpbellvlhv to mr francis eueno qubilun son of mr und mm daniel of qulnlali of barric tlie mar riage will take place on june 12th champion rin lara mclrluwi und win john of orion luive leased mr john wheelers residence here and huvo moved hi mr und mrs steen huve moved to their residence recently purchased from mr campbell mrs tuiicrod luis returned to her home here und convuh cintf uttcr undejjiulntf ui optrutlon in the guelph general hnsplti1 mr thomas harvey buhibrldjio of tl oun hun navy will lx umonjf tho uiltiuu uho will be in the coroi itruut number of the brethren of caudon vbited the brethren of no 111 rcrln on monday evening vol louinif frutermil bushics social hour was en joy i4l word bus lwn recriwd by the wcl lhikton county council from tho ontario department of hufhuuys approving the exp udlture of 140000 for use in con nection with county roidi und bridge uork thb year advocate cun mftlou edwari files suit jlie duke of windsor through his nllcltorii has illrd libel charge uuulust ulithor geoff ivy dennb above and brltbh publisher of lib book corona tltm commentary the book is report ed to contain several chapters deallnif with the former kings ubdlcutlon arl his forthcoming murhuite to mrs wulluj wtrileld simpson for whom he ipiyr up the brltbh throne which the duke con siders libelous rockwood mothers day and coronation service were observed in tho churches on sun day the united church war well lllled ut the morning rervlcc for coronation observance and the township council had special invitation to attend the service service was held in the morn ing ut st johns church and holy communion observed ulth the rector rev brllllnger in charge in the evening at the united church the regular evening service as dispensed with and sacred drain put on whatsoever you sow which was well portmywl by members of the class ami the and wltncsjd by large number who enjoyed the dmmu rev taylor conducted the devotional exorcists and mrs llttlo briefly introduced the drama which was well carried out tluf artists deserve much credit for their different purls which created much impression on those present the clemens brothers have greatly improved the entrance to their premises with new fence mr and mrsrgeo ii pearen left on monday for hlllsdalo to visit dr and mrs jiosking and son in tl gueuilng contest at planks store lani week mrs win edward won cold seal congoieum rug the contest number was oh and mrs edwards number was goo few recent and weekend vbltonj miss prance oikej rn kitchener miss lovena richardson kitchener miss minnie nlclccll and friend tor mlo miss jean torrance slmcoe mr alex clark st catharines georgetown wm appel who ha been with magloughlen for the post two ytursi left this week for mllverton where he has purchased business und mrs gibbens and mr jriies scott have returned home after spend ng the winter at lakeland yior liia mr and mrs watson and mm kottnjcler returned to georgetown lust urale uftcr upttiidlntf the winter in st eteriburg norida mrs minnie colfln who has been ijwnding the winter at the home of her son mr harold collin in charlotte nurh carolina nas returned home the uoni club dinner held at the ilotol mcglbbon on monday evening all ircecnt had the pleasure of listening tn crj interesting and instructive address on io ifonir improvement plan dellvei ed by mr ii irwin the government reprentative for thb dbtrlct bylaw wns passed by council mak ing oclock the closing hour for beveratje room and 10 oclock on satur day night herald oakville eden mills the postponed thank ollcrlng mect inf of the of the prcsb tartan church wa held in the estrj of the church on lylday evening with the united church ladle us cueils and mrs mlno in the chitlr afterthe open ing hjmn mrs lourlt led in prajcr iti idlni were given by mlves joan robertson evelvn wilion and guurgiui robertson an instrumental duet wx gmn by mliil wllda and marie oil tx rsoi and vocal duct wus rendered mlves murie qlbertson and gcor gtna roberumin hip special speaker for tin evening mr iv bridle wai lu ll oduced by the president and deliv ered ier helpful and inspiring nies sire to all prtent mrs gllbert on mou vote of thank to mrs bridle and the met ting claed with hmn and the lords prajer in unison wiuli una served bv the ladlis und oiai half hour enjoved very successful coronation danc vis in id in the town hall on tmdiv enli ulth sphiwlld rrowd in at tt line the svmpithi of this rominunlly gfies oll to mulumes will und james gillmrt soi in the dialh of tli ir father mr at in anderson or gut lph the trail nunger mil in the home muster stuile collihth for their ie liar ueeklv met ting mnhtrs dav was verj llttluuly ob sircl in the loeal ehureln on suutuy tlu hnul inietlng the young pi ople union uu held on thurlay evnlng hi the home of mr joeph dyer with itev mr clark in the hair the tirlpture wui read bv mls jean iiurle anil brief talk uiu given on why ought by rev clark feu lablrj protfuiilve croklnole were enjoyed coronation day wus htllaiily olwrved in lhu community hillsburg miss alma robertson of toronto spent the weekend with lur mother mrs robertron the many friends of miss margaret robertson will he sorry to learn of her slckncfj all wish for uneedy recov ery mr and mrs henry welmer mr and mrs alfred rose of hespeler also the lntters motlicr mm thomson of grand valley visited with mrs robert son on sunday mr and mr robert elgle the misses dorothy elgle and csubelle tliomsbn also mr bob elgle of toronto spent sunday afternoon ulth mr and mrs wm cheync mr and mrs chofl booth alio mr eldon booth and bill cheync called an mr harry churcher guelph on sun duy the misses frances and mae booth sjicnt sunday with their grandparents mr and mrs wm cheyne mothers da services were well at ttnded in all the local churches tlie mive jtan and cathleno allan alomlss mamie crcary fipent mothers da with their plrent fourteen candldatti for the position of pobtmkbur ut oulnllle took the civil service efcunlnatlon in the council chamber on monday arthur heaven was elected president of the oakville rotary club at tho an nual election of officers on monday even day evening lie succeeds clutflct doty in thb position albert procter music teacher al pleby school lias been appointed organist ut st judeu church he succeeds croolcduinks who filled the position temporarily povlbie utes for oakvllles new post olflce were inspected on monday by winter of toronto architect for the federal department or public wors among the properties under considera tion are the portion of the centralschool grounds nearest colborne street halton presbytery of the united church met on tuesday at lowvillc with rev irwin milton cliainnan of the presbytery presiding jtfspcclal licensing cervlce was held in the after noon for john mcdermld of george town graduate of emmanuel college toronto one of the worst traffic accidents in the oakville dlstrlct for many months occurred late friday night when clx yearold boy passenger in toronto bound car lifld the top of lib head cut off by flying glass in collision on the dundas highway one mile east of palermo trafalgar township will become bird sanctuary under the ontario department of game and fisheries motion to petition the department to declare the township sanctuary war passed at the regular montlily meeting of the council on monday after the council had heard an address by william gastle assistant superintendent of the department record star biggest building burlington mr and mrs dauphin have received letter from their nn edgar eilroute to england to attend the coronation au representative from the local high school cars driven green and wm eirrlck of niagara falb collided at the corner of locust and ontario streets on monday morning both cars were dam aged but no one was hurt smith canadian national ex prcsugtiit had the misfortune to nm nail tn hi foot on lrday last which rt quired iucdlcil attention he is able to he on the job with the aid of crutches murraj hall won the k1c medal in the open piano competition under elgh ten in in el iwlval lit thur day mrs rimiil ti one of the adju dicator for the toronto school competi tions whl arc lulii in id this week cope and sons have commenced building tin middle uoui from the orntr of brant strict eastward large iihii of men trutl and machiiilry nt unrl it rut titi spot the bione at or arms to be placed nil thtafionl of the new it olfltv hiui arrived and wa planed hi position on tmsdayal ji broiwe tlltlnis tor the in terior and lurid ii to lie hob ted on the lljir pole he llnhhlng touche ure hi ing inil on aijd ai soon ui hon elliott postmaster general will he avail able to olflclatc at the opt nlng ere mnuli the date will lw sel gielle kmkuiltno sikaks axl canadian route winnipeg to vancouver motoring in the canadian itocklcs pro vides one of uio uniorgrttable thrills of vacation spenb in canada and of all the routes open to mo lor lit uw most spec tacular is that linking the ivalrlcs wlui the pacific which traverses the two great mountain playgrounds banff unci yolio national iurks and furnbitics access to such udlknown tourists norts as banff iike louise moraine luke em erald luke und the wonderful yoho valley tlie route from wlnnlxg to vancouver forms tho weiurn half of thr trahh cuiiudu hlifhwuy und continuous but for tlui uncompleted section uerov the selkirk runifi landing tlu completion of thin ktretch from golden brltbdi columbia rtvelstoke british colum bia known us the big ijeiid highway hiour tourists may bridge the gup by shipping their automobile by rail aji in tlie pjist few yean dully uutomoblle transport rrvlce in cih direction be tween revelsloke and golden will ik provided during the 1037 vuon com mending june 15th and ruling septeni ber 15th tlie train journey utwen rjvlstjke and golden will be made by daylight tluii tirovldhig wonderful opportunity of viewing the beutlei or the selkirk ulth their tiijjlewt vbitas of snowcapped pfak gbiclers und verdant alpine val levs there will be no tlelay or uimecc expense to the motorist as auto mobiles and passengers will be carried on the same train and the automobiles will be ready for immediate delivery on arrival at golden or revels tokc one lkniknt coed to tt sum was being implored by church committee of bretliren to contribute to special fund uio church was trying to raise hut tluin wus obdurate well said one of the brothers dont you all think you owe de lawd uny ihln oh he sure ioe suld sam only he aint prewdn me like mull other vrriiluuri is glasses needed an olltccr wlio was shortsighted but would not wear glasses was inspecting kits in the barrack room someone had left floor mop leaning against tho head of bed the captains eye caught it sergeant ho roared yea sir see that that man lias libs hair cut ut once uuld the captain pointing to thr mop opening dance edgcwotxl park eden mills saturday may 22ndr nelsqii dimi und lis swintf itiind of fiamiuon also victoriaday dance mon may 24 tauk now oikn olt ficsics family reunions etc coriagia 1xjll rent iicrks simklk spray to kekp dogs away if mowers and shrubs arc sprayed with dilute nicotine sulphate dogs and cats will avoid them tlie spray bi harmless und the smell is very offensive to these animals even hen applied so thinly tliat persons are unaware of its presence nicotine sulpliate may be bought at any sed or drug store and slinuld he used at the rate of onehalf teaspoon ful to gallon of water the spray evaporates and should be renewed after rains or about every two uceks in ordin ary weather mistakes from vuide have been more and more convinced the more think of it that in general pride is nt the bottom of all great mls takea al the other passions do occa sional good but whenever pride puts in lbs word everything goes wrong and what it might really be desirable to do quietly and innocently bi morally dan gerous to do proudly ruskin what musical instrument invttts you to go fishing cast nets why is uatch dog bigger at night tlian by day at night he is let out and in the daytime he is taken in early layers big pullets big eggs you get all three when you buy rraya xtraprolir chicks or started pullete and theyre selling at rock bottom prices for the balanlcc of the season some poultry raisers are going to cash in on the high egg prices that arc forecasted for next lall others arc going to miss the loat its ijolng to depend on liow early your pullets are ready for the nest how well developed they nre and how quickly tliey come up in egg size from pullet eggs to alargc crays xtraproflt chicks are bom with it head start and they never seem to ipse it they grow and develop with cictraordlnary speed and come into production much earlier than slowergrowing chicks kxd what those customers says wjk jordon station ont when they were weeks old weighed 14 cldcks just as caught them tlie lightest weighed lb 01 and the heaviest lb oz out of 202 chick started have last only one jag lachute quo just line to report on the coo four weekold pullets we recevled from you weeks ago they were so lively on arrival they hopped out the boxes as soon ai the lids were off and up to date there has not been one death in fact mrs and myself have decided not to do our own broodtrrg next jear but to get our requirements from 50u thbt will ajpount to 3000 pullets and between 5000 and 0000 cockerels these xtraproflt pulletn develop the size to stand heavy continuous production and they lay dig eggs they are all hatched prom bra eggs 25 to 30 oz per dozen send for todavs price list our prices are down to rock bottom and our list of dally specials often contains odd lots of started chicks that would suit your needs to perfection fred bray limited geo brown agent nokval ontario hikers take the sky line trail russia is constructing tij bigger building in the uorld already over million cubic jards of earth have been excavated for the foundations and the team shovels and pumps ure at work day and night behind high wooden fence near kropotkln square in mascow and within slrht of the krenlln known as the palace of the sovlctc it will linve 200000 tons of steel and 400000 tons of concrete one of its halls will seat 0000 people and its main hull seating 10000 will have ft cupola of blue aluminium with huge rquare windows in the entrances and lobbies will be sculptures and fountains und in place of suaira then will be escalator the many loom the building will be crowned with huge statue of lenin 100 feet high colossus of rustless lteel shining above the ancient city if tree broke window hat would the window nay tree mend us tre mendous just fanev vi trying to tell me hov to hrlnu rhlldri 11 up me whati bulled even capitol theatre gueijh monday tiisday vkimsiy maty 17th ibui 19th till gui ati sr hit in ykaus jeanktte ihiel1u neion kony maytinn with john itarrymore finttrb etjurri at qattoba acton rwlw kr ml himw ha tjk pursonmse bower avnut kk sunday may 16th 1937 daylight saving time 11 00 tho minister subject nm things 1215 sunday school and bible clilmce 00 tim minister subject what rd ifateu everybody welcome jlrpfibytrrtun knox church acton ukv rknnik minister manse willow btreet ioit sunday may utli 1937 daylluht biivlntf time 30 in tile sabbath schmil and the omurrtfution unite in motlirrs diy service 00 pm the meunhijf of rtw dilp always welcomet uaptlflt iurtl actov ukv baxveil ltor ior sunday may ifith 1037 kuyllelil kavfn time 11 30 ti mothrra duy service of church and sunday school parents and friends of school ore invited to at tend tuesday 00 pm wednesday 00 pm midweek ser ice welcome to all unctamified smalfadvertisements adwcrtlftnctitri under thlri kwlo on cent pt word ifinimum dbrc isc xr inertlirt ive lncrtiod tot mi if pil caill luc fclftioakl clixruftl wlicr llcwm have to boolcd hog khimxng satukay phone 07r3 for prices frank holme3 notice acton creamery will be open on sat urday nljrhls until further notice used cahs waited used cam wanted for wrecking wilsons auto salvage 455 next station hotel acton foit uiisr furnished house for rent good loca tion apply box 10l prek press folt sale jersey heifer due any time apply paul kennedy lot 2g fourth line kqueslnk township toit sale about two ton of clover and timothy hay cheap for quick talc mrs john kennedy foj6 sale percheron mare sound and blacky 13 ean good condition and wagon lot itfth line erin for sale solid oik hall rack davenport bed roc ken all in irood condition apply mrs dobnie for sale rourjeirold sprlnfier itobiteln and durham eras rljiht every way cutts lot 21 caikfblon cqucslnar phone acton hdr3 for rent ijurrooin iouse for rent at ballina fad iius electric lights and jood trarden rciuxinuble rent apjily peter cole balllnafad boys wanted 10 or 15 cood enenretlc and reliable hovs wanted to sell tickets for opening hull game here vour chaijcc to get seison ticket for little bit of effort call saturday afternoon ut 30 ernest coltis secrxtary ball club potor whylo prominont biuiff art hit whom palatini jraco many drawing roouui lu cuniula and itto united htateti will lead tho sky linn trail lllkuru of tho canadian itockirii on moiit lu toroiitliu fourday holiday tlila oar to larch valloy noar beau tiful moraluo kikn and tho vally of tho ten prakii plana havo boeu complotod for tlie annual outhik from auruat to at uihj uiutithi urunlxa tlon which uuoka out tho lovolleut upntii lu tho canadian iiocuiph and iipojidu four lioaltliy happy dayn on shunuu niuro tourlnc tho vulleyii alpluo moadowtt and rocky country abovo tho tlmbor ilno wiillo hlkliik lit popular all iiummur uport nt banff sprhicii iloutlu una chateau ijiko loulno to tho trail ulkem coeu crodlt for populuruluir beauty himiu off the beaten trullu ljk0 usploreru of old tlioy comb tho country for viuituku polntu to wltiuii iipec taruhir mittiet or minrlii for ciuuera idioin tn alto bade homo an trophlen and for luuea whore tho trout blto freely with cen tral camp lu larch valley the sltyllno trail hikeni of tho cana dian hockliu will upend tliolr offi cial fourday outhik ii lolnurely jaiintu through thhi particularly intoroiilhik uectlou of tho uoeklen on tho cloning ovonink they will havo tt xvowwow an oloctlun of oificurtt good ltjces iaiw ir ilorw injureil cattle or anjtlllnff mil tabic for fo meat wltli injured animals phone very promptly as meat nnut ij mcurvd immediately to be of il it uill cost jou nothing to rhur us phone 95 ilnff 31 suhon to utatlon reversing the chartjes horses positively never resold under any condition vannatter vox paum ijtf notke ue bogs at lauge the bjiavv requlrlni bwneni of dorfd to ki the iiutiiiuli from running at arie liirinc the montlui from may l5tlt through to september lth la rlfectlve from thee datei owneni of do are hereby untitled if the provbjojui of thin bliw are not objarvwl that provcu tions will bj made mcphkitson 452 chief of police kekits keal estat ofrtitlngs attractive llrlck hoii ideal locution all conveniences il bright hwuha ucrwii wl verundali bound to vlt pricod rlht btick blacksmith shop 3600 corner lot mill strwt acton exceptionally well cqulppxj good mhoehur and rw luilrliuf bolntf done tmuiba fur kood bltvckwnltli miial be hold on ac count of ill health keitlts beal e3tatkl phone 30 acton