paobtwo the acton free press thuuitaday may 27th uu7 ulle artun jfrrr rtu published every tburdy actoo ontario scrsdilptlon bates pr yer w1k united sutei sfc rndditloat sinl topic jc both olil tnd new tddrcatea houu be ivca when chaoce ul ddre requeued cancellations find tu noil tmr ib bcrtucra prefer not to have their aubacrlptlon interrupted la caaa ibey ail to remit before csplratton while aub acrlptiona will no carried in arrears uef period yrl utile we ue iiotilird cancel we uisuue the aubacribct wlabca the acrvue continued auvertjmnc hatesoo and ti it vjriouh column heading aulw rill be taken to avoid it ernr tim free ireaa acccpla adverln on the understanding thai will nut be liable for nf error in any kdvcrtnrmtnl publuhed hereunder unlcmb pim of auch advertisement reqtiestrd in writinff by the ttdveftjaer and returned to the free jre bunncil office duly signed by the advertiser and with such errr or corrections plainly botrd in wrmnff thereon ami in that rase if any error tinted nut corrected the iree ircss its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement hi the spjee occupied to the whole spjee occupied by ahlop dills kdilor tklemiomes eiljtorui and lluhiiini ofti wesidence courtesy always pays the holiday death toll for ontario leaves plenty of room for improvement true the waters claimed more victims than the highways ant it can be readily seen that care is needed in all outings if the clima of the journey is to be happy it would certainly not be fair to infer that the seven highway fatalities and the heavy list of casuulities was entirely due to the increased speed limit courtesy practised as carefully on the high way as in other walks of life would do lot to stop the accidents the chap who wants to set slow speed and keep in the centre of the pavement is just us big menace on the highway as the individual who wants to go so fnst that he cant wait until place in the truffle allows him to pass in safety when one views the highway traffic that always occurs on holiday weekend it would seem that most motorists are courteous it is the odd discourteous individual who makes matters miserable perhaps such one isnt courteous anywhere else and likes to show off bit in company but give him machine with which to demonstrate his bad manners and he be comes not only nuisance but menace it takes lot to convince such an individual that courtesy pays sometimes he learns it in police court but more often he inflicts injury on some other individ ual courtesy pays any place and especially on the highways 1edpdri beauty hoat in the rate sometimes one wonders if the beauties at home arts nor overlooked in the attempt to see the much heralded beauties of other spots we missed blos tom time last weekend in the fruit belt but trip over the holiday took us down through the section just week later and while we were week behind we saw much of the beauties of blossom time and the sight is beautiful but the traffic was terrible for the driver of car blossom time just cant be thing of beauty it was dark when we arrived home and we noticed little about the home surroundings but the next morning the sun shone and lo and behold it was blossom time in our own back yard and it could be admired without the jidor of gas fumes or the constant vigilance of keeping both eyes on cement roadway we could park on the back doorstep with grass and not the gravel of roadside service stntion between us and the blossoms there werent as many of them but they were just tis beautiful the picture was miniature but the frame was better beauty doesnt nlways have to be sought beat way to win public support success in any venture depends largely upon the support that the public gives if your people be come enthused in the project to the point that they are willing to buck it with 100 per cent coopcrn tion then success is well established if you do not enthuse those close up then dismal failure will result enthusiasm is created by carefully planned and prepared publicity close analysis of success ful ventures reveal that behind them there was brain that promoted publicity campaign you may not realize just how it was done until you stop to study the methods used back of every successful campaign you will see tfie handiwork of capable publicity man business community enterprise social work sport and churches are made to succeed through intensive publicity campaigns those activ ities and centres that are passing out of the picture ire those who have lost nfmncentive and initintive to carry on they sit buck waiting for some one to move them up to the front line thus they become weak and feeble if you will look oer the liveactivc successes you will discover that there is motive power working nehind the scene you will discover that the thing does not just happen but rather that the force behind drives the idea home with carefully planned cam paign entluinsm was created and power gained success cittne with the public support and coopera tion thus centres have been built games attended none subscribed spiritual life deepened business creased and genet al apathy killed bee use some me or several peisons undeitooka laiettilh plan ned publicity vuiipaign he had the light idea tn rropagate public demand was oieaud tot what hev telfiiired and thus success attended the ulfoi this is not new hut icpetition ol jikts ihat eei rrogi essie nei son knous hour it dues eiini orce to diue these acts home to di men and uomen are in ifeetfot stiimiuiinn that will develop their life into success the oilth esjuualu needs tadcrslup along this line llteieioie the time is jp did opportune for those interested 111 the cotnnuiuit enterprises and success to plan conimunitv public ity let the people know that ou aie living in an deal dent re if your ideals tire wot th while plan to cll them to the people plan vour publicity campaign und thus win success bowmanville statesman on tho upcrude in its monthly summary of business the bnnk of montreal has the following comment business prospects for the approaching summer months continue to be favorable the movement of merchandise being satisfactory carloading figures ahead of those at this time last year and mnnufno turing in general busy with primary iron and steel industries in almost full tide of activity attention at the moment is directed largely to the imperial conference which opened immediately after the coronation ceremonies in london this conference is expected to deal with matters which will have an important bearing upon canadian trade and empire trade generally specific matters of trade will be the subject of tiscussion outside the conference proper where empire defence and for eign policy nreto be the principal subjects on the agenda foreign policy however may be regarded as covering questions of trade in so far as trade is made basis of new international relationships in the prairie provinces more than 75 per cent of the wheat growing areas has been seeded under what are considered at ottawa to be favorable con ditions railway earnings have been on the upgrade and both principal railway systems recorded substantial net gams in their receipts for the month of march the fiscal year opened auspiciously from the standpoint of the federal treasury as far as revenues were coicerned customs and excise revenues in creasing over those of april 193x3 by 4510154 and income tax collections by 1772058 the march report of the chartered banks to the department of finance showed moderate improve ment in the current loan position as compared with february current loans in canada amounting to 004215000 as against s60i0sooo editorial notes first of the holidays and ushering in the sum mer senson victoria div remains one of the most popular the spirit of home improvement js quite prevalent these days and its effect is noticeable in manv quarters about the town traffic on all highways over the holiday was reported as extra heavy apparently most everyone was bent on the first summer outing at the age of i7 ears john rockefeller died on unday it is said he amassed more wealth dur ing his lifetime than any other man who lived he ioiouto star and the globe and mail have become almost as eniplitttic in their contro versy as in an ordmarv mavoraltv contest in the queetv city the sunday school lesson sunoav may 30ut 1937 thk itemakino opjaco oolurn ttext ot imhloncd cordlnff thtf world but bo yc tnuis formcti ty uio renewing yt your mind itoinuils 12 liiauii ivxt orntajj 12j 32 1a jo riinr lflo uiul moo imac ihuwji unci ivnlrl fcxponllloil jai vow vow uiiuj jehovah 162 in all wjnr of imclal lmirllneij jacob iib vklnn ut iuic it evidently culm from god to comfort him ho had milch tasumii to tear lllut hcnvul wa3 ihut from him bccuuc of ilk cln hut in lujivlslon god ajuxorod to him and rciuwcd uut jirftiiiuci madu to abraham and iiauw hfct dream fill owed jacob the blesmid tauui wonderfully vral ui by jcsuu cf luko 15 1132 that despite ull our biili and khortcom lii tho loving 1ither of all lj ncvkr far aay that ho li hot able and ready oven in tho hour of our films jud mid lack to cheer our fahitlntf liiart with hl promues and to bleu us with the bwiodlctlon of iilt kracc jacob he ituulccmd wail ufrald rtranji effect lor mich chcvrlntf dream uut jacob like ili wiui winner if jacob linl knouii god wan there he would not limv mopned there vs 10 17 such mnna folly jacob thought it dreadful place bociuw god way there but the pmcncc of god makca joyful not dreidrul place p1 ic ll in pite of his fear jacob laid down and rreminily went to bleep arnln lie was preuy dull plrttually as yet in the warning lu act up nla etone pillow memorial pillar and ct it apart for ood by anotnunjf with oil lev 10 12 tlic incident had beneficial cflcct ujxm jacob ho vowed vow but 1l did not entirely overcome nln bargain lng disposition vo 20 211 much presentday religion ik nlmllar uttompt bargain wllh ood it was iocullarly inuppropriau for jacob to put in any iy hut we ux ar continually putting ifs before tlie sure promises of god jacob got all lie asked audi ij cod condeieiihlon ch 33 10 33 is jooob wan far more ifriirrous uiail inajiy profcsed chrkt laiui 1m favc tcntli do you7 olvintf to tho work of the lord doek not tnraii tlie mere donating of inim of money reluctantly olfcnxl art required duty wo have uecd lo remember uili wluilo toinu truth that not onn cmiy more than we have tlic true desire to idve in ever credited to u1 by ua lor to ijlvu because another ivefl or ixcauic man and women of our particular tut ion ro looked ui to tmy uibi sum and uuit counts nothlnir with ood in thlk ai in all other christian activities it bt the intention of the heart that counts not the liand jlio lord lookeui alwuyn upon the heart llili in jwnethin tliali only lie can do as it coticqucnct the lejtowtii of illi reuardj or the witli holdinjf ol tliem are nehr rxculated by human jitayidurd und often ut the anmement of mankind he who pxiiltclh himelf ubajwl while he who lujmbklli himself iiatially exalted ilie supplanter bocomcj tlic prince ulth god 32 2430 twentyone jenrfi hive tone by nnd now jacob homeward bound ch ji ue lion learned that iiiiu is coming out to meet him with fitrong band of men ami lusgiihty conicnco fills lilm wltli fear in his extremity turns to ood in prayer vs 013 then having made an good provision for the safety of his family und nocks am he could 1323 he was left alone to set alone with ood right down to ui bed rock of ills lack and his need that is what every living boui must do before he finds ltvmtr in jiu heart and fulness in his life jarob lias exhausted ovcry resource of his own ho lias come to fcho end of himself it bi now tlmo for jeliovoli to nitet him und to bless him cf matt gal id 17 the experience that nine to jacob was adaptod to hi character tho problem of each indi vidual soul is dlfterent one bat ood knows just how to deal with all of hll children is 103 jacob was ft lf reliant mail tull or schemes man wrestles with him till the break of day thal man uu ood manifest in human form 30 llos 13 it god not jacob began th wreaubia tlio ace no la commonly taken aa an illustration of urcstlmif in pray but that is not the primary thnughu jacob had to bo broken down his ftclfconndcnrc thattered ooncludtd on iagr ileven precious minerals produced by cows mou lliaii 3ii million kwiuwda ol tijiluiua hnoaf miutalil tiioi piticioua than fjold in tlu milk catiidioiia diitik uacii ydr thin providom uvuryonu with oppioxiiualnly fliiuo pounds ci judinpuiiublu calcium pliob phoruri dtid otlmr food liiiiiuila milk iiiuiurdl comhiikitiotib jff wondurfully couutrucud ictjypropoiioiid in thoir iojh tutith and lwxiy buildino piop vrii by coiiptinlly romindmrf tho publico milku initchloti iced valuuu bordon adviirtiutno nd uuumanuhip hulp to ic ctuiuo tlio inarkot for dairy produclw ulchll prcriiofolcim uiuuijcui or uhk eoducli clilfillulo ilitoucoui ihi wotlo spciikini oi the home liiipruvtiucnt plan the stiimici sun wants to know it witc could raise the puce ol hmnn lur hau shingled or if repntahle vitien onld suciiu loan to ct plastered lit kilid stiikln mot people want to hear about is he the hast hall nnipiie ein strili thue wtuil out sas the puroha adeittsei lopic rm not vi in add it it is hometouii hattc ho sti utk out an in tlilstmj studs 100 piople in detroit ho had hjui ed in re pi alt aiitomubile en dents ie ealed thit ii wei ton lid too set lously ci ippled to control lii uen ikniented and 10 veie leehle minded vet all these peisoiis had heen issued license permitting them to take cai tapahle or to mile an hour with deathdealing eonsetiiences out on the lnjhwu motorists in all your driving every inch of the way each miccosive year iiiih hern molar irnfliogreatly incrtnwil willi lhi ineronst there luih coiiir uilfortiiiuikly nil increase in irawic acciileulb ll in llie duty of those rehpotisilile for the regulation of the traffic mid of every individual uho operates motor ehiclc lo do everything possible to reduce these evermounting and alarmin accioeiil figures the government and my department have taken every precaution within our means lo make motoring safe ve have ixiill wider highways have painted traffic lines on the pavements have erected signs at every curie intersection and railway crossing have continuously patrolled the roads with uniformed police and in many other ways havestriven earnestly to reduce traffic accidents and you mr and mrs motorist trurkdriwr anil motorcyclist have you done everything yi possibly can lo prevent accidents that may kill you and your family or some other persons to whom life is also sweet if you will just remember lo try courtcv in ull vour thinking and driving in motor vehicle you will have made vour greatest possible contribution to the reduction of motor vehicle accidents please remember there will he more tiuflic than ever this season and there will be more accidents and deaths ltiopind that niiiy include von unless there is more courtesy shown by eiwrj motorist towards every other motorist songain beg of on to rv fwjeieuv every incli of the wav this cason do thai and you will get safely to where you air going and safely back again thy courtesy the new spirit of the road ministctt or highwais province or ogtaklo