Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 27 May 1937, p. 7

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thpfrbpay may t7th the acton free press dont want to rlay in your yard oaoe there lived aide by side two little nuods used to dress just alike hair down in braids secrets tiieyd tell whispering hand in hand down in the dell one day quarrel came hot tears were shed you cant play in our yard but the other said dont wont to play in your yard dont jlkti you any morel youll bo sorry when you cc mo sliding down our cellar door you can holler down our rulabarrcl you cant climb our appletree dont want to play in your yard if you won be uood to me next day two utile maids each other mu quarrels arc soon made up scaled with kiss boon hand in hand again happy they ko friends all through life to be they love each other no soon school days mil uwu sorrow and bll but love rcnit ntber quarrel and kiu in sweet dreum of thlldhood we heard the cry you unli play in our yard and the old ply twjntv vtalls a0 tvocn tb luue of thc ftrx at thursday ihuy 3lwi 1017 it lontf time unce trout of on iiiw have been cuuuht in corporation pond but on saturduy afternoon master jordan lum on landed btuuty it measured ovrr foot in tujth and tip ped thl cult lit pound itwr either bure iu suvi la lliur day woa tin coldr 4th of may hi jcaw tlic 64th ilattullon lr tationed at eailj bundling cutnp und attached to the 2nd canadian ilcerve yrs iperry received word thl ucex that her brotlier lt gcorect orech had been wounded recently vta recti enlisted in acton for the first contin gent itc itter mcllvrldc formerly of acton is officially reported killed 31b father is also in france with tlie 73rd battalion the memorial service in the methodist church oxi sunday morning in tribute to the memory of ih john moore uas very impressive the kine orderlies bible class attended in body mauhiki ajdettspeloirr at tlifi residence of tlic bride parents toronto on wednesday may 30th 1917 by ilev avlson ma bjo acton flor ence mac eld lit daughter of speight to fred charles adsett txr of toronto cavajda nobtiiwfcst ttlou stretching from hudson bay on the ltul to alaska on tlie wast and from the northern boundaries of the province of manitoba saskatchewan al berta und british columbia to the north isiiti the northait territories occupy ivoooooo fiuare nilks or more than two ihuii of llu area or the dominion al though about onethird the area of europe the population li only 15 000 including indianr and kklmoa in spite of the northern latitude the terri lories are not region of perpetual ice and know as many believe although tin wintcrr are long and cold the tem peratures are quite high in summer the long duya of sunlight promote rapid iprowth of egemtlon that in some places grains and vegttabus are grown for local con umptlon even us far north us the arctic circle the soculled barren lands yield profusion of wild liowcrs and mocs the northern limit of timber growth runs in sueeping diagonal line from the mouth of the xlackerude hlver to churchill on iludion bay and tlmbet tultahle for mining purposes is cut on the shore of great bear lake since the seventeenth century the northvcst territories have been an im portant producer of furs and since 1023 luwe yielded fur harvest valued at more than 27 000 000 notwithstanding tlie importance of the fur industry to the economi life or the territories recijit events have thown that the future of tills gnat northtrn area lies in the development of its mineral resources at tention uas txrut drawn to tlie mineral rouces of the canadian north bi the bold strike on the klondike illvr in tlie yukon in lbofl and since then the yukon ijai produced gold to the value of more than 103 000 000 in the northwest terrltorii the liuud important mlrurul devil lpiuuit prior to 10jo uas the brlnulng into product ml of two oil uells on tlu mackenzie jtlver 42 mill belou norman mid about u75 mllei north of ldmont llu dlcovtrvi uttractod con lderabli allmtim but the utlu remained ripped until 1934 hen market tin oil uil fmnd in tlu oivut ur lilt nnnine 11 hi ulun pllchbluuu drp its from uhl rullum uiuilunid utn illtmm 1030 lit droit lltur lilj dil unit nt has of linpjrlmti nk lx in tin ridluui di ills li in in tlu in lr ill it hi in to pr pict tug nut inlnli in tli itrutirlt cullini utt mi tin ful thit lirtt iiiu rati in ur imi in mini thut pri luo ii ubtfullv uantfd it it inn nl tint bit ail of bl in ti ii itn oiiimunl itl lilliuin tlu du vi rv tlu cn it iujr mlniiii hi lil fr id und mar tlu in uih tlu unlfi hlvir in 19i4 lining lit pr ml lnt tjl vtrli hiivt mult in luillni ththt ut oulmwt li mil in vdivt ilk 10j uiul ut uuii iili in liki6 nlrktl und hud jiu dc wk luu bxrii found ubui und oiiit iltvlopminl tork bus bn tarr out ijuiiati xutl ltai bn dbuosttid hi iru plairi chronicles of ginger farm wrliien specially for tbe acian free fiua gwendoline clarke who was afmld of uwj big bad wolf mean who uas afraid farmers would nevdr set sprlntf icdlnn done yood many are ull through medlng wc have lit arly finished uk and wliat ib more our first sown litld coining up ilr uurc it bi roat and ros of nice uttlt oat tproull full of promise and uood ftcd ililufurnoon law iart ki tli ppinjf up tlir imck lalie wait called uficr him ktep the up opn in tominul oun coming ht luulird und puitinif ilk an too na uu wulked tht loin tojfttlicr ihirt inr und bock to win re tlu winter vi at urou intf it do sn look as ujod ui it did lat yur or as oo as many lirlds wt huvt utn nortli of lu rt but till coiiiid rlnif uwj lou hinj fuid it on it bnt bud it mitfllt be we uill jii be tliankful for mull nurclts next to tlie uluut tht lit id when the oatr nu proutlnif and thtn ovr tl ftne oiu urutid lu id of ulfulfa urov imr fa as it knou hou ttlntf rxady for luyhlj thm in bttuttn tin old alfulfu rool the ground just coird uith nt irouth im it lookj if we hull huii plitit of hu but hi alwar do hail plinty uluthtr tht rtult of lood fiurm or ood farming or com bination of both li not for uil to ay but it nice comfortable fttllnir to know then lr aluaj enough to uintir the slock some ytai of course art bitur thin otlitn iloutvtr iood hay and pa ture luxr its dbuuhuntall becuue you tlie muihbor cuttle liki it too yt urday looktd out of the pantry window and out in our posture field saw about ilftten head of cattle liuviiuf free feed without uny hesitation olf wtnt to hasc thtm out peter barking ticillly as we uint along could open tlie gap so cjlmbed tlie fence the ground was routh but hurried along llalfuay ovrr tlie ik id my upf btgon to log and dldn seem to liave any breatli left at nil looking back aw partner comhj to the rescue and was only too glad to leave him deal with tlie cattle himself but uas mad ismcy living on farm and not being able to cliase few cow au ay its serious busines tliats utmt it is because there is oluays some thing to chase cous from the field pigij from tht root patch lunr from the garden cats from the chicken coop fllei from tlie hoiue and now tliat ue are on fa time children from their beou in the morning and if oner poviiru of cluuablllty are at ou tob its ju too bad for us and ju too good for the things that ought to be chased what grand looklnr hands art mine drledup green and urlnkled tlie urinkles and doncs are due to formnl dehde jou knou the stulf ue put on urain to ketp it from getting smutty haic been helping partner treat the seed oats and barley we do this every year it makes threshing far more pleasant for the men and luppou ve get better re turns too tlie green lines in my handr came about as re ult of working under tlie home improvement plan you sec after helpinff partner with the grain im mediately took to pointing shutters tlie green paint got into eer crack and urtnkle it could flrd and there it toyed other things notice are back tliat almost shouts to be treated uith respect tuo tired feet tliat burn and throb like nobody buiness ankks too suollen to ever attract masculine tje and head tliat feels as lr pillou were tlie grandest things ter imentcd all thene peculiar ultj came about be nusc of the home improvement plan and the more one plan lo improve the more evident be come these physical hortcomingi nou is that all see to my sorrou that partners work punts hae parted amid jhirk very definitely the nuult ofiomc improvement because uhrn one really enthulatlc about painting shutters one only remembers uch tilings as thin plucks in poiitr uith the hope that they uill tay intact until certain home im provement plans are completed so far ue haven applied for loin under this ver pruueuorthj ichemi purtly because it uould have to be uch big loan to ctcr ull tlie things that nnd to be done at gliiltr ivrm llie homj nnd ull about it uli jioor old man old before his thm premuturil iiged through want or curt cure which tht re liar btin no one to livi for tht ft ji irs pirtmr mldn tu can hu in ui rkliu uloiu ha nil hi cm di it tlu birn iioildnt btcuui ft the sunday school ijssson continued from page two then when he was utterly he plena 3m1 could bless him he won trying to enter canaan in his own strength he had to learn that he could enter only in oodc strength it was for jacobs own hkx1 that the struggle was prolonged he liad much lo unlearn when the right time catiic ood subdued him by mere touch then ull jacob trcngtih seemed to leivr him but he wo in reality stroii iucr bforr 2ctr 1j isa 40 for hen uri miul of our oun ngth cod poiin into vis jil tri npth at lriigtli jacob tecognln who it uai holding fart tliut war ut work in iil lief und then by pruyrr urn uppltrntloii lit ov rciunr uliut hf eould not do by wrestling in lib ovvn ilr iuhl hoe 1l will iint lit thee ifce pt thou blc liir he rrhi ilitu he pr vulim lllkt hi lit name wiu givrn him nu princt with giwl or ht who vuil mnt houvr hi liud in iwlenjilrlgt hi old nature honet confer ion the juntliu in our approach to god tin imvinf won iou with cod hi became one who had pouer with mm at be tlu jurob liud hiu vl ion of gimi it penal he hud tin experience with god jin itruigli at penh ft him emptiwl of hi own trench und he carried throughout hi lift the marks of the txpriince vr ji 3j such ulvwijj the re tilt of re il evperimce of god jtb 42 ias vtiuk the blicksmltji wa in tructlni nov let in the uay to trtat hope ho 11 bring ou ohoe from the fire and li it on tht anvil when nod mv head vou hit it with thl himmer llu apprentice did tvictl as he uil told but he ntvtr hit black mi th iililnl wak ovt tuo colored trooper uere lining up for chou out idt the niti hall say de lared one ef you dont feet ome place behind me im going to knock jou out of the house home bey out how 11 figure to do that uhen aln got no home brothr 111 du you one ihort ueclcs in horpital seem to luive waj of bringing about an indefinite rest period but tliat hope is now thing of the past and this jear hope to em bark very definitely on some kind of home improvement to rejuvenate thir poor old man that our house and home so nou vou vnou nnd dear help the family rayr ou the room in which we sleep iirliiloglts claim that the room in uhich ue aeep in important our rest certainly tastefully decorated room may give satbifuctlon tliat is nst ful to the eptrit llou eifu tiien some detail of ren in thuu dlturbft the oocupant yet nothing done about it wallpaper thut lhti suitable badly planned lo worn hoein it not necessary ur th houiwlfty ful that depleted ilnuiut prevtnt the righung or such ong under tlu tune improvement plan fund may in obtained from any cuiutdluh bunk feu improvements ullcr ulloit or additions to homes bedtoevm in one housei was liana est from jil unotlief rewini to an interest ilii in ping epartnicnt tilt wulb were tpiperid in oft green willi rllve ilow nu white woodwork war changod to uvi rj yrry und thr floop were arup tit hi und waxed leclrio out lit wen placed convitih ntly allowing lam to be pi iced tally at useful ivolnt novel urranucmmt of the furniture ituitil to the lmprovenunh tnudt in th rtwim tire lug tuble was placed dlr ectly under the window and tin bcel placed on epixieite side of the room the rue ar tlie loime tone as tlie tll und chdr and iwdcovtrs were of oft blue tlie furniture no dark ilnut wilt little xjwne bedroom war tint thud tli it jia it mrce of pride to li owner uul room definitely created suiil milk mil umut pri ctuiuont hive been take to produce ch in mlll or what limit me htxl liavt been ndopted in deuvtrv it mnot be pe cted to kp uill if it trt ncd cirtle my nfleruardr jon as jwvr ible niter deliviry milk hould bt put in cool clean place and ktpt llilre until it lr required for milk deteriorates by expa ure to the ilr it jwuld tlictfore always be cpt cred further danger that nrfc if it lert uncovered is contamin ation bv flletf milk hould never be put in warm jug or boin milk should be put into crupulously clean el never into dusty or soiled container all veseli cd for milk hould be rinsed with uiter nt or ntir boiling point and then again rinsed with clean cold water thrv not be wiped with cloth that har been ued for other dishes new milk hould never be mixed with old milk unlcs it is for immediate use tlie old milt likclj to contain larger proportion of boterla nnd if the weithtr lut ourlng uill occur national indubtry fur luimtng in canada has become nulionul indutsry well over 100 000 silver fox pelts axe provided from can adian fur forms hi year prince ed ward li luntl ttir original litime of tlie industry till prexiuce mot in pro loriloi to it lu but quebec and ont ario actually liuve mere foxe while new bruswick manitoba and alberta luive almkt ar many ajid the other province about half lliut number lhc rulilng oi mink on tunns hur ulm eetme be ejulte ail titublllled bu inc hi canada li viur over jo ooo pelts ui old from farm itcvx rul other kind of fur bearer are being cxjurl nie nt with it by coimdlm furfanmrs ine ludini tlu liuh run kit lu und nutria but nolliiru compart in numbe with tin tax und the mink whllt iuilu hi ulwuyt been an im portant source of fun tlu fur trade luivhig be ii diuiilniithii hi hut nee in tin dlcoiery and development of the eountrv the rul mt of wild unhiutu hi iptlvlty for their fur of comiiara tlvtly ri ci nt origin tin practice of trap per in the irli dajf of keeping foxe iuiht in warm ueutlur alive until th lr fur uoj prime uve birth to the mode indu trj of fur farming he irlit uutheiitle reeord of the occe lul brtidiiu at the fox in cipuvlty uu in prince wluurd land in 187b vo iv the fur farm nc ount for alma om third of the total annual value or the nu fur production of camul shaet womeit luely whe was turned enure knew into wood it ally ye lie went em vessel und of oourso slie was aboard well hi arel of woman who was dumb for twtiity yean and wlui regained iimch in minute neuisensel not ut alf min nl into eyele ih picked up whnl and spoke time alonk little boj in an american school ro ruae to sc thinking it beneath th dignity loyeiar old man moikc washington sewed said tha prinrlu taking it for gran led tliat oldie mij und do you consider jour self betttr than teorge wauiinglon dont know time will 11 sold the be rlously asoikir miakl it opp rtunltv belni ovtrlooltd by llu ontario dtpirtmtnt of huhu ii in ivukhktliil it iw court tampulgn uhlih hon ii mcqiitrtm hihu lis mhilmer lainn hlni ig un thl we in an xte nmve trii of ad vi tl nu nl in iu yipupe throughout tlu pr niiur in ttun hows unltv chlti of xumiiiij of motor ve hit li drill qm nk intliu tut tw prtttv uppli unt for el ivlm litm ea tin jnnujv nil tr in tn rl lyv ce urte muggs and skeeter mikwothw hovwibsa like fr gcodkltbs sike wmere idldvou get twjct cftazj comtraptrtom hi puni bride of olflclil in tlu iv in ki ntu to tlie unj of tht ttr rlt ul bujinf omi oejd and end it the lo al trading station nou have ou cocktail sh iker lu kid tlit native tint who for moment looked puzzled ah wo ml he iid prt tntb hl fice lh hlini up tut wi ov rome vcr ood feather dufter titelap roofing ribroll roofing tho permnnenco and low up keep cotit of thm mutnl rwfini nuikou it ono of tho mout oco nomicnl on tlio market lito iip gulvunitee itoolln itive tfrtmu nt covohhk ciipucily lliti end lup nt ttejht it iti nlmout invihibk pomtivuly exclude fi driving it loot ruin or hiiow si iil roof nnd rufte ineaiiiiri mentfi for fr cutimuteii jamesway poulyry equipmeny writ for ti pl1 ji hvt1 wiy tin ltrocmlir culuiltiru lay irtl rhm durable roofing huu xtra rigidity that make hit particularly ejejoel for roofing eveir 51 lillt frame work lliohecrt tof ltuktrvngtli im th rthittirc only fit tnchtmijiiirt jbo moht copied roofmii of itukmtl on tint market ho urt you th ii nume cohonncul ktluoll hoolm auk your bunker for tie tit in ubout roroofinif on tlio gov rnmmu backe homo improvement plan tatjlxe itiuu tin unimuuti eastern steel products ontario king george vl leaves the abbey following coronation hls lu holding tlu orb nnd cepltr in hi hand jmbok tlu crown upi of tlu llnjrhlp uith uhioli ht has jil been form illv tniln bihind the ntwl tre wi invc tvtykini ch ori vi movestouard the dor bur it adm are hl isr rl wr imlnler abbev ft tlu departure pjocl ton fol tion vbdtor uuuittd outside the louinir hi rnwnlnt ut tlu luindi rpu archbt hop ktin mt rue canterburv on hl houltle is tht nn ine rolu and niiu pu carrv tlte nd mou irrfi while high riiou niul of corona hi torlc idllln to tt tht ah kkjow ah aade rnpapayav purpose trcv tol mb it wuz ri haroto tavm tfilde okig twera oimwcclgcibvcvvtrs jk by waily bishop so au figgurd thll job uoulu omlv be ward to larm ons uvar half ez ii

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