"PAGE SIX THE NATION'S NEED God, give us men! A Ume like this Btrong minds, great heerts, true faith and ready Men whom the lust of office cannot kill, Men whom the spolls of, office cannot buy, Men who possess opinions and a will, Men who have honor, men who will not lie, the y of the charming young lngtirs, of the village. As surmised, in the course of time tho Nicklins went out of business, sold their property, and left the old home where so many happy years' were spent. Thoy ved for a time tn Guelph, but like so many other families 'who established their roof_tree in this goodly old town, their love for it never waned, and they camo back to Acton to end thelr dayn THE ACTON FREE PRESS down with his trusty rifle on the out- akirta of Acton tn the early days and later about the mountain and at Bt. Helena. Occasionally, even when he had approached seventy yoars, "he took hunt- hing excursions to 'the Bruce Penlnsula und Parry Sound district, As noted carly In this week's "article, the paased' on except one, Mra, CDr.)) Mer- cer, of Culgoary. Thetr inffuence and family -of Edward Nicklin have a! tie ' "THURSDAY, nn ard, 1987 i HE ral Ghe King's Highway SAFE - DIRECT ~- ECONOMICAL | LEAVE ACTON (STANDARD TIME) To Kitchener Business Directory MEDBOAL DR. J. A. McNIVEN Physikian and Sergeen and Realdence--Corner Bower' and Elgin Gtreet. - Ome Avenu: Men who can stand before a demagogue _ his treachetous flatteries , without winking. Pure men, sun-crowned, who lIlve above the DR. E. J. NELSON. . Physician and Surgeen Electro Therapy od Phone 88. work hi "the community haye left their imprint. A grandton, Dr. E. J. Nelson, uw ton of Muyyle Nicklin und BR. E, Nel- «945 am als pm 121s pan y 8.15 pm 215 pm | 11335 pm here. At the time of Edward Nickiln's death the Howe fog, In blic duty and in private thinking. nee ¥ --J, G. Holland. Menu Hints mactpes toe ea taene no 7 Heescheld Ideas and * Buggestions By Betty Barclay ATTRAOTIVE MEXICAN DISHES 'The Senorus und Senorltas to the far south of us, Where it ty tuken for grant- ed that every marricd and marriageable woman has been tralncd to be a good - cook, huve learned how to preparc some of the most appetizing toads' imaginable. Here. are two deliclous dishes that should be tried by wornen In the north: CHICKEN SONORA Cut uw frying-slze chicken in quarters und try in ollve off with 1% cap tnely chopped onlon und raw white potatoes cut in dlee. Cook until the meat of the chicken ts white. Add '% teaspoon sugar, 1, teaspoon chopped parsicy, 1 table- spoon chopped green pepper and \ cup. hot water. Season with salt aud, pepper to tuste and cook very gently until the . chicken und potatoes are thoroughly done. . CIDRACAYOTE tender summer squash tablespoon butter roasting cars of com teaspoon sugar Galt und pepper Peel the squash" und cut. into cubes. Fry until tender in the ter, 3! ne frequently. Add the seaso "and the sweet n cul from the Mave it w aisrler as much com as equash. Con) ie cooking until the oarm {Ls soft, SUMAER SALAD DRESSINGS | Many housewlves know how to pre- pure the base of u variefy of salads, but Yind thenielves ut w loed when -decliing upon a Niting dressing Yor cach one. This is unfor, te, for good dress- ing adds mudh to 'or of the dish. Here are for. two dressings that you "will ni larly 'pleasing: DRESSING MU together the yolks of fou . one teaspoon mustard, one te a salt, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon but- ter, Your tablespoons vinegar and « dash of red pepper. Cook in uw double boiler until thick. Cool and then beat iu one cup whipped, creant and one cup chop- ped nut yneals. 'This ts a deliclous salad "dressing for fruit aglad. Lee CREAM DRESSING A cooked dressing made with cream will be Yound excellent for serving with vegetable, meat or rish salads. Aflx to- wether one-half tablespoon salt, one-huali tablespoon mustard, three-quarters table~- spoon figmr and one tablespoon dour. 'Then add the yolks of, two eggs, beaten lightly, three tablespotns is melted butter, three-quarters cup of eréant or rich milli and one-quarter cup vinegar. Slr con- stantly in double boller, cooking until the mixture Geoomes thick. Strain and cool. HOUSEHOLD USES FOR LEMONS Yo Replace Vinegar:: Lémon julce may be substituted for vinegar In any recipe that calls for the latter, except pickling. Yo Sour Milk: Lemon Jjulce added to sweet milk will sour It suitably for cook- ing. For Stewlng Dried Prults: Add a small amount of lemon julce and grated lemon rind in stewing such dris fruits as prunes, figs, peaches and so In Cooking: Meats: Tough meats will be made tender by adding « teaspood of _ demon juice to Wafer In which they are bolled. ~~ am . GIVE NATURE A CHANCE There is an, old saylng, "Squeew a 'plmple and rauke u boll; squetxe a boll and make a carbuncle." The maxim has been cantirmed by the researches of De, Oscar W, Bethea, of Tulane Univerelty, New Orleans: In the treatment of car- cbuncles of the fuoe, the mortallly was -twice as great in cased in which exclsfons gnce FIND A WAY OF MAKE IT Ambltlon, sleeps lad, in your braln, Bright hopes may soon awake it-- You see the goal, but ne'er a path, Then find a way, or make it. Yo get the cocoa-nut's rich meat, The shell ts hard--you break it: The fragrant leaf Its odor holds Unt you brulse or shake tt. Untrodden 1s the path you choase-- You may be wise to take it: But look uhead--all danger sce, And than you tMiay escape It. A mountain, far too steep to climb: Well, then' don't try and do it, You may be able to go around Or patiently dig through ft. A fence, you say, but ner a gate! What can you do? you wonder: Just scale the wall--mount Uf you can, And if you can't, crawl under, Your way ts muddy? Walt awhlle-- Let winds and sunshine dry it. Stl, walt not for another rain, see Some comrade try it. A rivey deep--you cannot swim, No steamer there, you know it? Well, if there is no other way, Bulld your own boat, and row it. Nay, lad, we "now the way fs hard, Down hill and up steep piountain: And oft you'll drink fom. muddy stream, Por want of some clear Yountain. Don't hide Your talent through a fear, But bravely go and stake it. Wear out, don't rust, to each your goal, Lad, find a way. or make It. --Fron the Old Scrap Wook. The era Adams homestead, which came into the posseasion of the Nicklins in 1844 or 45, as XY sald last woek, was situated in the rear of the kurge white two-story ygabléd house on Main Street Cook and his family for years. My. Wickiin built this flne bly realdenca more than seventy years ayo. It was at that time one of tha finest residences of the cammunity, It was here that Edward Nicklin took Mfary Gwackhamer, his uride, and here thelr elghb children-- Augusta, Albert, Katie, Magile, Warner, and Jesale--weare born. The father amd mother and all but one of the children have, "passed over the river." Edwand Nickiin's home was always an with the young folks. They were musical and good singers and loved other music- ally inclined young people to congregate here. Their cousin, Mary Thurtell, next door, was also o musician and a dally visitor to the home. Mary was the first organist of the Methodist Church when the first organ was purchased,, about, the year 1870, When she was married and resigned Augusta Nicklin succeeded her und for years was the organist. Prior to the intreduction of this onan there was a. Melodian in the church and W. H. Storey uked to play it leading the choir, Not only was Augusta, a member af the cholr,- but jn Byeceading years Albert, Magule and used their talents in the came good 'work, | But music was not the anly attraction '-were made as in'cases Where there was no suryleal tnterference. Heat is the remedy. Heat kis pain and hastens the. well-known' ,yatural 'prdccases "through which byfecton ts niastered und elimin- uted. It ly w good pollcy in infections of the skin. Partibularly of the face. tw, stay one's hand 'and give Natur: changes. The heat niust be applied flgar- | > ously and coutinuously, Hot cloths: wring out of a 10 per cent. lactose solu- thon in water should be renewed every |t § minutes for an hodr. The treatment, wil remove pain and 'stimulate the | natural healing process, . Very TWO TOGETHER i Man (shoutlny throush tox office win- dow ut the theatre :: "UE want two good werls t'* 'Vekel Geller: "Haven't pet 'mt Man: "Well, whut hhave/you gol?" Wieket Geller: "Nothing bub slunding room." . Man: "AM right, give ine two together." | at the Edward Nicklin hame. Qn the front lawn there was a famous croquet uround and during the summer months this was a very popular recreation. Every tne evening, and often in the afternoon, ames or pruclce were on. The young Methadi.t preachers found it a pleasant diversion from {ts trecome delving in gusty tomes in the cammantaries for weds of sermons and making pastoral cals. In these palmy far back days Juck tanceley, afterwards Rev. J. BE. Lance- ty, 1D. wal un operator at the Grand Trunk station, and Rev. De. Lauc Tovell wag the young minister hore--one of hie first "Charges, 'They were both crac Jeroguet players and both were partial to which has been owned by tho late Adan} --_ hospitable place and especially popular. family was residing on Avenue, When the end came word w: sent to the absent members of the family and the day and hour pt for the tun> cral, Robert: was ieee in' Brandon, Man. His traln wud delayed on the way and it was impossible for thks Mrst- born son to reach Acton unfll severul hours ufter thé tlme fixed for burial. Out of requrd to hiv feellngs the internient was deluyed unt!) hls arrival in the evening. 'Vhis was® the only interment gon, mude Acton hls home und follows -warthll}| in the footsteps of hls' fore- fulhers.: (He hus been u Councillor for teveral years, und u Director of Acton Y.M.C.A.;: President of the Hockey Club; Orgunkt la the United Church; und all In uddition to currying on the busy Ufe of hts profession. It's remarkable the way these fumlly traits follow through from generation, Oh yes, und the doc- tor Ukes lo get thing Just the aime as hls grandfather did, buck in those early ever made ufter dark In Palrview Cemo~ tery. but the clrcumstances surrounding the event lent un inipressivenesy rarely equalled ub the laying awuy of a departed: loved one, . . The NickHny were' not only closely Identitled wlth church work but fulfilled their fatr shure of citizenship duties at well Edward Nickiin was ao member both of.the Municipal CounctLand of the | cen with the red and Une. duys, and they say he has similar sue- Wel, here 1 tether grat, the Nieckiin More anon! am. at the end of and Pm not through with homestead and estute yut. School Board. He was a charter member of Acton Divinign of Sons of Temper- } und until the day of his death: stood. strongly for the principles of total abstinence for the tndividual and "bone dry" prohibitian for the country. Me dearly loved a gun and a fishing rod, but especially a yun. Many a deer he brought ie The OCH Sen. SOUND ADVICE Rashful Swain: "What would you do if you were in my shoes?" Heartless Girl: "Clean 'em. ™ comedian Dob Burns and his blonde such talk, Ing stronger and stronger out Hollywood way. wecouple, pictured: here ap a picture studio, has refused to confirm *% deny Look Out, Bob, for That Love Bug ° Rumors that Dan Cupld has found another mark tn screen and yadlo secretary, Harriet Poster, are grow- The seemingly -Mappy my : 4 - TORONTO ¢ LONDON tees x--Through to Lendon x ais pm. a--Dally except) Sundays and Holidays y--Through to London Sun. and Hol, ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIP FARES Between Acton and $i.7e) , DETROIT $4.05 MONTREAL DR. WM. G. CULLEN, L. M. C. © Physician aad Sergeem Office Hours--1-4 and 7-6 p. mL Sundays by Appolntment Wilbur Strevt--Just North of Mill Btrese Telephone 128 LEGAL In TRY COURTESY The New Spirit of the Road a Line-Up you are Courteous-- Tay ony in the Traffic Lines YOU, like mast people, are courteous when you line up ut the wicket to buy tlekets, You stay in your place, do wot jostle your weighbour, you respect his rights, and otherwise net towards him in @ courteoul manner, Hut do you think_end act towards your fcllaw-motorist in this , sue Lind and courteous manner whes you get behind the wheel of your cur and roll along the highway? ' Do you sound your hora whee about to overtake him and then pass at @ asfe distance? Do you keep to the right so that others may safely pasa you? Do vou haul sigaal whea you are about to siop, start, slow down or change directioa Do vou drive at the speed of the traffic you are in so as not to impede other deivers und cause them to "eut-in"? When sou need to sound your hora do you da so in @ friendly manunee or do you give it « Frightening Llast? Wf vou have not teied these courteous driving manners, I cammestly suggest Uaut you try Courtesy when you get behind the wheel of your cur or truck. . To "Tey Courtesy" safety in driving ay well as to thut of your fellow motoriste. sa Qos is to add greatly to your own pleasure and S HINISTER QF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO London 'and \ Bot for colourful coremonics - dant upon the celebration of VY, 168 With School girhs 'tat tho Canudiaw Pacific Iner choy of Atholl. the Overseas Vducatlon tho studentu dous adventure Coronutlon processlon by viewlny atton- Coronation of If. M. King Georre from Canada add "Newfoundland salled | ter -# from Mantreal Priday, April 30, Travelling -under tho avuly of Taugue start*thelr tromen-| at from ow Uho | stund. dn: Tydo Park. Then will follow in quick succeyalon an Earnlro Youth Rally at the Albert Tall, May 18, the Empire Servica of Youth to bo held in Westinias- Abbey, which will still ba fn itu) Coronution trapplnyy, at which tho Archbluhop of Cantor- bury and Doan of Westminster Will supoak, alght-seelug ia Lon- don, two weoks us guest puplls fumouy uagllah bourdiuy achools, and two wooku sea-buth- ing and hiking futerspersed with the pu. the lectures by noted 'yettist authors They return to Canadu eboard tho Empress of Australia from Southamptan, Juno v4, arriving ut Quebec July first. Evory provinca of Canada ly represented fu the party which represeuts tho plek of Canadian number of boyy sailed two days curler and will yetura aboard the' Moutcula, 23, arriving Yalucationyl/ will bo uudur the directloa of the at Eastbourne. students, An equal from Liverpool, Juno ¢ 4t Montreal Juus 30. nion co-operated tn tue solecthom of tho atudents, Students who wero unablo to leave their studies for the coronatlon will have an opportunity of visiting the Old Country' during; Coronation year, Royy willl leave in the Empress of Australla July 2, for a 67 day tour of Scotland, Earland and Germuny; und girls, spectaliains on Great Britain, sail Crom Mont- real tho nume day aboard the Duchess of Hedford. Both tours suthorltles throucbout the Douit-| Overscuy Hdueatlon League. H. N. FARMER, M. A. Sellclior, Notary Public, Conveyancer, ote. ACTON, ONTARIO Hours--9.30 u, m. to 12.60 noon: 1.00 p,m. to 5.00 p, m.. (Wednesday ond Saturday--9.307a, m, to 12 noon work undertaken, Ciicnts cannot be teen or work done after hours excegt "| by previous urraniement, KENNETH M. LANCDON Barrister, Hollcitor, Notary Publis a. Offices: Acton . Georgetown Over T. Beynuck's Cato Magn Street BL For Appolniments Phone Acton 3--o Georgetown 838 Hours -- Acton, Tuesday gna srhereday, L185 p.m. to 430.p. mm Kren ings on request. wate DENTAL A. J. BUCHANAN, D. D. S. Dental Surgeen Omloe: In Lelshman Bloor Yours: 9 8. mt. untl! 6'p. a. wwnings by Appointment ' Gas for Extractions Ray Closed Wednosday Afternoon Phone 149 P. W. PEAREN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dental Burgeom Moved to our New Quarters in the Symon Block Phone 29... - oo VETERNIARY B. D. YOUNG Veterinary Surgeon Otfice: Campbellvite, Ontario Phone--Milton Mére W. T. PATTERSON RB. 0. Bpeclalies ix Eye Evaneination 'Treaiments Presortptions 108 Wyndbans St. -- Next te Loblaws GUELPH -- PHONE 3106 Quatliy -- "Bocuracy --~ Serview EATON'S Cleaners Dyers ene 1D. COATS, PLAIN DRESSES 'MAINPRIZE BARBER SHOP Poallively No Shrinkage > GENERAL INSURANCE WE SPECIALIZE IN Life -- Fire -- Health and Accident -- Automobile -- Windstorm -- Plate Glass --. Boiler -- Fidelity Bonds -- Farm Ynsurance -- Annuities aud -All General vhines_of Yosurance --ALHO-- Ocean Steamship Tickets ~ LEADING COMPANIYS --- - | EXCELLENT VACWIriEs * Heprescitatlva Protective Amoek- Uou of Canada (for Maeous on) Fred L. Wright : Oftice -- Cooper Bleck Oiflee 95 -- Planes -- Berd. 102¥ Dally, except Gunday Dullp, except Bunday . Dally, cxcept Sunday Sunday ohly ... Going West Dally, cxcept Sunday . Dally, except Bunday Dally, except Sunday Dally, except Sunday Tiag Sumdiay only . Only w'imited amount and eclaas of . -Mi Street, Aton.