Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Jun 1937, p. 1

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it rtm sttt ess sixtysecond year no 50 acton ontawo thursday junli oth km7 eight homeprint pages five centa actons tarate 47 milk the provincial subsidy helps picnic at eixewood two appeals in eramosa revision court rate would haveteln one mill higher arrears of taxes to be collected ltax sales were necessary at the fortnightly session of acton council on monday evening coutelllrra mason mcmillan jtinc and orbbons were prcsen und jucve mccut cheat presided council opened first court of revision ta hcur appeals against the 1937 assessment mrs lucy gardiner of orungc vllle oom plained on the assessment of tort property on agnes street tlie as sessment was 800 at present oar diner had paid 600 and was wlllintf to sell it for this ngure she asked uic consideration of the council it was considered that present sale prices were not basis and no reduction was made mr murray said ills lot on mill street was wrongly assessed and the amount wag too high he com dned that there was not he amount of land with which he was assessed an had been made in tills assessment and mr murray was satisfied with uui amount in the book the rhjurcs on his notice were in error mrs wallace felt that the ussesmmt on her property on cameron street was higher than larger houses adjoining council considered the assessment on this property sliould be lowered by s0 richard ftawou asked lowered us fcessment no reduction hud bein mude since uie barn on uie property was burn edaot year council decided the assess ment was not too high mry george cowie felt uie assessment on his bhtcksmiui shop and the husiness ass were too high tiuj assessor thud already made reduction this year and council considered the present figure fair by motion the assessment roll for 1037 was confirmed with the one change as noted the twelfth report of the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts ft express on fire hose 81 eightyfour last sunday mr john marshall who for over fifty years was active in mun icipal attain in nassaguwcy township observed his eightyfourth blrtluluy many friend called during tile duy to wish him blrtliduy felicitations und en joy his companionship llecollrctlons of oarly days were re called and among them mr murahull recalled remembrances of his father who mi hundred block aj white ni uiuslnls congregated at edgewood lark kdirii mills on saturday last for their annual plrnle favored with hplrmhm weauier ati extallml program uiul ldt al grounds for the casion the event war byaw pukm for speed limit in the iiiit rnjoyuble on record ttsldent herbert inglehurt of the hulum club acted us chairman and extended uwd come to tile visiting bnedirs of peel and york it reek director of the council for tlir township or eru itidgetown experimental sutlon wim uie 1mi el court of revision in lh guest sphki und hu practical uddrs itnckwood at won hicycust struck and killed hockvvood accuuntri of 99635 wartime premier seriously 111 of inspiration und leadership was par ticularly well received otllrr speakers included ii parkinson ivrsident of the holsuln association of canada ftobt cooper and darlington lrissl dled when he was but si yearn of age dents of the ye and york clubs rrs oxeii werw used in tliosc corly duyn and pectlvtly anouicr interesting fcuture of witli well trained pair uie unite would the days program was the live stock 25 weadge wages chalmers repairs ut arena orvllle ft drown supplies for fence 1705 ft mcdonald relief paid in june 120 00 dunlop tire rubber goods co hrei0fe idg 00 ttlckle fire lcincs ltd suppllc for hre drinade 1g00 ii mcdonald relief piid june 5th 00 acton public utilities commis sion street lights and muni cipal services mo gg chester mcbain labor is ft dron labor io 550 s3 the report us adopted the bylaw tcttlng the tax rae for the year 1037 uos read as required and the rate set at 47 mills the wrtoi de partment rates were made up as folljvs general delientunes 00 mills school purposes 1147 mills county rate hillls street lighting 00 mills free ubrao 81 mills uateruorks deben tures 50 mills salaries and allovu lc so mills relief 00 mill and mhcel concluded on pae klght step up under uic yoke when the first one was in place tills was not tlie caso though with young beasts und mr mar slmll liod vivid recollections of cliaslng one about the barnyard for his father before it came under the yoke liut mr marshall is just as keenly livterestcd in the ulfalrs of today as uixse of otlier days und ut eightyfour maintains splendid section of garden land adjacent td their liomo on the guclph road whlrh would autshlm of some of not many years judging competition conducted under the direction of vof ao italuiby of jocltwood vaj increased 3uoo of tlie ontario agricultural college of on pul of clias iliatcher guclpli two excellent classes one of yearling bulls and the other of 3yar old cows were brought into tlie rhig where between two and uiree hundretl intn women boys and girls vlid with another tor top honors tlie winners were us follows seniors prank stark milton wm mccaugherty streetsvlue tliat runton llrampton geo henry oriole and howard dolman georgetown alt maxuell 35yariid farm hibor wo atally injur at mldnlgiil sunday night when the bicycle on whlrh lie wuj riding wus jtruric by light coupe drhrii by wright of acum an employ of the ll urdniore plunt luie maxuell wai riding wet on the ko highwuy ut woodhlll and wrights cue uu tavelllnif in the loiim direction muxwill uol ridwhed to the lyrl melil orlul llotpltal llrampton where he died ulthln few mnlute of his udmlslon dr if hetherlngtou wlw atundd the injured inun said that he had mif fered severe internal injuries itnd fracture of the skull ivatflc officer ftay hodgson llrampton who investigated the accident did not hold wright but coroner or if llrydon ordered that un inquest be held muxwell hud worked on farms in lyel kltching and john lister county for several years und survived court of uevulon was closed und uo asters in toronto the aid oil the toronto policy was enlisted by olf ic day with idl the hieiiuieni ttu nl anl the lleeve in tlie chair kah tnehiber uhirlued to the oatl as tmmbt of uie court of revision and tlie court proceeded lo deal the only two appeals presentetl the us wsiititnl of vitx roe spcedsidc was reduced uoo 00 on apjieal of ronald mtx tlie mjamcnt of harris at co about thirty or forty were present on juniors craig fteld georgetown how uils birthday occasion and enjoyed the picnic birthday tea and birthday cuke with mr marshall among those pre sent were mr und mrs nelson ander son und family mr and mrs ft kudd und family mr und mrs sheldon trous dale mr und mrs marshall und family mrs ft mulvoney also dr und miss mahnney of guelph ftev and council rcumed for general business it wus moved by messrs hlndlcy and lush and currlti thut gorge mack be pild bounty of 500 us per bylaw for deuroylnir one dog killing nhtcp moved by messrs gray und pinkney und carried thattthe township auditor report for uie period january 1st to april 30111 1037 be ncceptcd ard laidlaw norval john vunslckle on motion of mtssfsgruy and hind palermo ltank dokon bnunpton and lcv no restrlcung the speed oncntd on saturday was from fcthel carman uvlngstone woolbrldge tlu of vehicles jn the police village of ftock sportr program brought enthusiastic re uood 30 unr tlle re spoils from the little tots all the wuy up utred readings and passed er hodgidn in locating the relative of the dead man the winner last week tile unsuer to last ueeks puzzle pot in war ft johnson the name of very interesting contributor to the let terftox column tlie first correct an the hue ant the to the baldheaded fat men moicd by meiers hlndlcy and pink stout gray luiired ladlts dur nt carried tliat the report of the purge tcr who will receive the award when siie calls nt tut takk puuj otfice tiiu weeks poem ulm be found on page tight get you answer in before 30 on sutur day ufternoon it must be on the coupon ihg the ufternoon thrte holstein culver au of hi departmeht on to ulm and nerferably in un en wr t1 loifl road exnenditure be accenbd lop kacli week thr winner receivu hunur mrs clarke and mum clurke mv oik and mrs dills und master james cumpbellvllle and mr und mrs cameron ftanisliaw mr pinlay of toronto and mr diamond of jassagaweyu number or friends who could nat greet him that day sent messagesof congratulations and wishes for manj more happy blrtluiuys were competed for uie winners being lofl rqid expenditure be accepted eveitton minister conference president ftev mcleod kverton was elect ed president of the ontario conference of the church of christ disciples it uie annual convention of the church which closed in guelph on saturday he succeeded rev john dearnlcy of st thomas vicepresident is ii stephens toronto und other officers are record ins secretory rev amos toell guelph correspondinc secretary ii stalnton toronto treasurer trust fund rieminjr ou en sound treasurer current fund roy luliui toronto uoard trout owen sound rev john dcarnley st thomas law son toronto willsman winger ejrl lemon west lome dunn weit lome norval ed mahon nrrnngement with the ringer brampton lof llie trutw of the police village of irockwood the trustees were appointed to supervise the care of the memorial plot the annual upkeep not to exceed s25o0 on motion of mcurr lush and hind ley john henderson was appointed relief officer for the summer monuis it lw falary to nxxi monthly de is iticilclcc pending eek thr winner receivu chairman an ordt on loca udvertbr for goods pasturing of stock on roads appointment of asst librarian for ljbraryi former conservative prim minister of canada sir robert ilorden above li seriously ill according to physicians report frcm ottawa the wartime premier who will be 83 vears of age on june 2gth is suffering from heart uttack sescral of his relatives have been summon ed to ouaua nasaajraweya council druwa the matter to attention of the county council assess ment roll confirmed penuinc on services rendered accounts amounting to j0og35 were mks mary chalmers resiinw and passed for payment and council nd fi ll ao journed to jul 5th at 30 standard time nw duties united mission car collision moving from moffat mrs wm cuiick of molfnt had successful sale of household furniture on monday may 31st mrf ciulck tulviiw ed for nearly sixty cars on the farm it moffat and will be greatly mtstd amonn her old frlentu and neighbors durlni the afternoon crs cuslck was prewntedl with beoutirul purse by the members or the womens institute as she was varied member for number of jrara mrs cuslck will make her home lui her daughter mrs nassaguweya township council met on june 7th with the members all pre sent and reeve gordon in the chair communications were read from the hamilton general hospital department of health of ontario township of pus llnch and the cunadian pucltlc railwa tile council then opened the tender for crushing of stone or gravel on the township roadi and pulsed the success ful ones on to the department of high wajs for their approval tlie council organized into conn of revision with mr gordon as chair man to hear the several appcib aiainsi wills physical director of ken lhc zmv roll of 1937 ajtcr luv nedy high scluwl windsor was re lnb mbdu thelr acc resumed council und confirmed the aisement roll for 1037 on motion of elected president of the london young people of the church miss jean fergu son west lorne was appointed fcccre turj and harvey of toronto treasurer formation of provincial library for young people wus decided upon and trafalgarbarn struck by lightning vrs sim pson dredge the clerk was instructed to make the best arrangements he could regardinc the priming of the voter lists on motion of messrs stokes and van sickle the auditors were authorized lo uujit tha arjesimenl fttill of 1037 on motion or messrs vanslckle and stokes the clerk wu inslrucled 10 write to the board of railway commis sioners ottawa giving consent to the cpu band picnic tlie annual picnic of the acton united church mission band and baby band at uu monthly meeting of acton free uas heid on monday and library board on monday evening the cven ttl llc park xntre were about east of acton resignation of miss mary chalmers as children present tnjoy the ua5 recelvod to taue games races and the very satisfying picnic supper the results of the racts re us fol low biliy band iuc barbara vmctnt ttdd wllon baby band novtllj ract iruu evuns joey wilson race boys and grls md frtddy kentner joephiiu bivd racv girls nnd jiurs slilrley el liott june dunn race girl and 10 yiirs bitty gs on elk en fryer race girls 11 ejrs and up etht1 rranklln winnie daw kins race boys and ii yean earl carn wright john agar race bjys iars rirkle spirts mrs timeral rowland avenue vticcl 30th toronto suffered minor cut and her tlu aa acfi the reslgnntlon taoytarokl daughter received shol rtgreifully and expressed appreciation of low cut above the right eye when cars the efficient manner in which mlv iven by hir husband and by colin chalmers had filled the position green brampton collided on the no highway iv miles 1st of acton green hud his left arm tulsted and miss qutenle marchment gearyetow occu punt of grctns car suffered minor cut bud truffle jam built up at he scene of the accident until curious motorists wtre ivnl on their way by night con stable william emmerson or george town tlie accident was investluuted bv chief marshall georgetown and traiflc olfiter bert howell of guelph ministers for new fields seven applications were received fo the position of assistant llbrarlun after due consideration miss helen lamb utw the choice of the board for the position at the usual salary accounts were paved for printing copli of london lllutruted news and or moving books from mr rurm olf ice tlie secretary was instructed to wrte letter of appreciation to mr farmer tlmnkliig him for the splendid gift of the library of his fathers books and caie this us the second dona tion of valuable books und greatly ap stewart predated by the board the book buying committee was up pointed as follows mrs havill mr brown rev brlllinger and mr ek in st catharines gave changes in watson ubrarian tiie nest meeting of the board be held in september the lliul draft of the settlement committee of the hamilton conference of the united church held during the and during heavy thunderstorm on tuesday night the larue barn owned by walter dennlson in trafalgar town ship uas struck by lightning and de guards from the township road rev chas harkvtt wlio troyed tliree purebred calveu one bull and over 100 chickens were burnt to death but the remaining cattle were out in the fields ut the time tlie hired man wlio was short dis tance uwuy when the lightning struck uas knocked out by the shock and did not regain consciousness for sonic time al the time of the outbreak there as no one at home und the lire had gilnid considerable headway before it was notlced by miss hazel tusker lu reid in acton jspnad the ularm spar li from the barn et the implement shed and milk house district fairs meetinf nrv oml ln v4 tllu ll11 blazing furiously lirge number of miss robinson mrs dills unri lm ln tl1 unpleniliu shed were messrs kerr wright dpniulished stewart it lowrle duncan woldu and dhls of alton fair laard calf clitr meeting tended the ilmrr memng of the association lu id 111 ujumplun lut fri day feature or acton uiul nther fairs this year udl the coronation luat which will bv pnsinud by tin kjj association dates und other ttn of hlterest to fair board were dlscilved ut the tw nuvting urumptnn nui has thlw year nuwlr class li fan und uul eligible to secure up vi 500 in leral grunts pastorales in which many of ourteadi will be interested rev stephenson who lias been at llmehouse churchill and glen wll the councils hams goes to euniosu ftev lau to remove the son is the minister for rockwood church one of the 111 crossings but that the cpr will not be ministers in acton church corner buck released of their responsibility of stock to halton pnsbytery and will retting on their right of way stationed nt carlisle rev draper following accounts were ordered also 11 foruur aclon minlster comes to the presbytery uguin und take up kentl wostli charge in hamilton rev love of grimsby will be the new mlnls tiie funeral of ite dougald kennedy ivlinds mid rebitlves who had known dougujd kennedy in the home of earlier days attended the funeral service here race boys 10 years vcldhuis donald evans race free for all boys and gtrls winnie dawklns ethel franklin novelty nut races beys and girls and ytars norma kentner freddy kentner james dills boys and girls und jearsearl curnwright joyce lamb girls und 10 years mat nlcol elianor allan girls 11 years and up marjoru al lun winnie daw kins bays years and up jark stewart township share 12 33 00 90 0d 00 50 1171 04 was well attended lhi nond the atteluluue nedaiub evening of la ate id condilinn hi uils 111 his which lul txn hivts of the evening tin and older breter lull the drmonstrall ms iiidi jenvey holsteli flhinui acton scolts won shield ontario aim molteln bnle id sir ting of halttm calf ur ir iiiih ou aipioumuti mo his hirnhv ii hi muni tiled bv til hiti uiiynbjt wth hit ns til paid dr yonnj fence likcvlew greenhouse acton flowers for memorial relief olflcers vourhers mmlllin balance of salary postuge and station ery and equalisation of iil ici village of eden mills dciirtnunt of health or ontario rtwd upeclnu intents voir hers on motion of mir vansukli and stokes the collector authortil iontliiiie lollectuiii of aruurs or taxes it was movid by mi vrs vuilslclh and stokes that this council do take excep tion to the pasturing of live slock on county and township roads unit pro perly pro ttc text and 1111 hujird made traflu it null id tint immbei of lieople are pusturliu live kck on tlu rmdvvajs and the in charge is uis111 ai irt to mi said mocl 111 lie nunused spud nuli jint rr imp rtunt at ten ion of the count count ter in umihouse wins ioomiij race hist tliuray afternoon ut knox church ct in lanie numbers the service at the thrlc ruct ols and girls church and graveside was conducted by wlnnlc daultm marjarie allan rev mr dorose or grimsby many da mubt beautiful floral tributes including spray wheelbirrow race earl carnwrlght und wreaths from the family and friends hnd lamb jack stewart und gir and from the oof und rebecca lld carnwrlght lodge ut dryden ulso bore testimony race mm spires gerald irnwrlght testimony to uie isteem ln which he was held tin acton first troop or ilov iv outs re ceived this utk splendid wtmdi khielij which uui won by them tor tin txst camp site thr award could mt lv made until after the conclusion of tli iied by hvrm dr wt tm ti proinint nt isville in tlu ull itter din on in llil oil monday julv pallbearers were messrs llroun mann kennedy soda biscuit and whistle gtrald eleanor allan uimb carnurlkhl evtra race girls ye nlcol wm cooper and mctavult among the friends from out of town al ic tending the funeral were mr and mrs hrettn11 of nor oml mm george lothergtll whitby mrs kevlers mrs ilirijreme mr and mrs will atdni mr dun an ho tie rt son mlvs buck all of toronto mr and mv hunt man port credit mr uiul mrs lund brampton mrs thompson mrs clieyne and clifford tlumip 011 of hllls 1m rg mai klcof rockaing institute mrs nelson was hostess for tlie june meeting of the rockalorur institute there were eighteen members and five vlritors present mrs mcnabb the president occupying the chair roll cull was answered by naming canadi an author mrs dcnnly gave splen did riport of the dlstrict annual held rt ently at the memorial hall guelph plans were discussed for the holding of garden party in july mrs mcnabb uten took charge of the met ting and put on the following program the topic being education tulit on the motto oh what so rare is day in june by mrs dunbar reading on personalities by mrs plank paper on the lives of some of our english queens by mrs mcnabb and current events by mm tone contest wus conducted by mrs shultls the prize going to mr harris the hostess and assistants served lunch and social time was enjoyed acton institute meeting the monthly business meeting of the womens institute was held at the home of mrs mccutcheon lost thursday uf moon 1th past president mrj gamble in charte five minute talk was given on the motto it is not what you start that counts it la uhat you rinlsh roll cull was answered by say or pay mrs stewart lantz ho was delegate to the girls conference ln guelph gave very interesting report of the uctlvitles of the conference the president mrs reesor closed uie nuetlng after which social time was spent very hearty ote of thanks was given to mrs mc cutcheon ilnd mrs stewart for their hospitality and use or tholr home and to all those who assisted roads heconditioned hi no criminal cases in haiton county annual pairs to tlu unp ived roadways in alton have been ln pro gress ulls wiel the county power grader has bieli commissioned for the wtttk and has been making good 00 in grading the calcium chloride was apphitl unimdiately after the erudlng was done and will ulleviati uie dust iiusalui tin roadwuys risult if tlls tui rough work are in tjood condl coming events it art charted uli minimum nirm of jsc owill hold meiung at the home of mru swltzer on thursoay june 17 ih to radio rumlu tune in on ckcl at 0o pin kun di for the unnih montlir phi li ing no thran tauging omiiet it urn hlci aied he winners tuiuelv craig rt id or giu loun hi the section open to hib iium bers and addb011 wo wlley of milt jn in the open sivtum ur pnaenhxi win won liel tenant covernous medal oakvllle ikut jamboree us tlv ground sluw haltrnt by laurence hd to lw lniwcud after the au rt if uie halton holstein club tl the shield 01 view in tint ww lsiksj leiuunre constitutl record foi window mui will lter adorn tlu iicoi hietiiu of 1u kind quarters in uiey mca county ver lie mss evelyn lvuretl receive graduation dlpunnu ut the cltulng vwr retury cut of huvergul college toixinlo last ut tuesday winning the lhuteuifntgov iv leruors medal for diuiustlc science und ueuie generul proilhncy prlw donaud by mary mkruuuy after seiet the 500mllf wilbur shuw lur won on hls new truk rtt pxtvlous utteinpts to wiu iiutlamiiiolis uulo ruie of iiullan miilt not only ighth run but ala sit trd ills average peed the distance was 113 500 miles pr luuir it was thrilling ra as shuu uiul ralph hepburn raced down tlu final stretch together with sluiw cnujin the line only two uconcl uhead of hepburn rimlnil umi for the halt in judge archl ho prt sided prt cilsttimary pair or white iui4 by mm hit anderson und this bom the tirst occasion on winch judge cothranr hat prelded in hultoi luie jus upikilutment as judge ct unty dick icc crown al nit on behalf of various numbers the bar throughout the county extend ed cordial welcome to has honor tlie only business before the court wait one uiiphcutiou for nuiurulijutlwi tlirie othr civil cui4s luiv lug been tet ovr to future ilule 11 and throughout liuild easily he suinnur lu inatutaiind school exams county next iwii tr ivti fxanijiiutln weeks tie pupils ol will during lu lu cause fur 11111 boh the lllglt und chun hilt annuiil garden party on jaa jlst iiroinlja to be uu event of illu moimn llajud birknam eniertuin ir and an accordionist wiprano snloht planlst stipliensun fumlly and orclu tra will make 11 inert pror un out standinj write the ditte down now and dint mis this event of the mason all routls had ijnuliouse untithl of the public scjioolr middle mid upper scliool church next sutuluy und monday rev exumlnatlons conuiunc here on wel morrow ph at 11 urn nthduy und conclude on the following and pin ds garden party mon munday the lower school exams com duy ivtnljg ltlph gordon cartiumut nunce on june 11 ml conclude on und tntertaliu crawford clay solobj the 20th high school entrance exam orchestra male quuriette und other illations ure on friday june ui and booth admission und isc icvery mouduy und tuesday uth akid stli body come

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