the acton free pkhss nrunaday june ioth iwj the difficulty tuo doctor looked hla patient oer and bravely shook his hd you muslnu carry so muiih steam you need rest ho anld to burn the candle at both etuis will wreck your system quit aiki now must bo oft you know im driven day onft night in cery walk of urn familiarity makes each repudiate his on philosophy the cobblers shoes arc full of holes the tailors coot is torn th plumbers house is full of tfaa the builders full of smoke the inconsistent sons of men dont practise what they preach menuje lints s4i uww etty barclay diu2 uj your cakkij whyrhii doubt tcrvo cake thats safenotto for every menu planner tor certainly ui am nation of cake caters there are the rake ntundbys layer loaf and tup take and thtn there are the vlli mnnbers of tin cakr family such uj 1u mil cri am pie cottujge puddiiuf uiul lrhilu ruvm they are all live titiu fivoritf fur jitt about rwry eat iritf occasion except hriukfuat you can dri ul the dellcurlc like malc with auri or frontline made of sucitcncd ond iited milk added if you uani to aer or loufi from the comer store jut idd crushed fruit or oilier flavoring to the magic milk and presto chungo you haw fu dessert that tastes as icood as it look phultciteam sauce awi sweetened condensed milk cup lemon juice teaspoon grated lemon rind cup fruit drained crushed pineapple tliced fresh strawberries of ban anas cut in small cubed thoroughly blend awecuned condensed milk lemon julc ahd grated lemon rind stir until mixture thickens add fruit makes ubout cups may be thinned with water to any desired consistency serve on sponge cake ousel food or cot tage puddlntf of serve charlotte russe style with lady fingers cocoa mocua fllcsting stcup sweetened condensed milk traiiisouna strong black cohe teaspoon vanilla 2u cups confectioners oo augur teaspoons cocoa blend together sweetened condensed milk strong black eotfcoaml vanilla add confectioners sugar and cocoa which haw been sifted together lllcud thor oughly spread on cold ca mnvf enough frosting la cover tops of inch layers or top and sided of loaf cake or about j8 cup cakes baked connlcd blcep pounds corned beef whole clovca cup brown uigar maple syrup or strained lumey imt comd beef into kettle with cold water xo cover bring rapidly to the boiling point skim immediately reduce uve heat and let simmer slowly until tlie muit undtir remove from water place on ruck in an open roosting pan ilub brown augar over corned beef or pour ocr it maple irup or trained honey stick with whol clovij in diag onal rous and place in moderate oven 300330 defreui until the surface li nlcily browned cilfciulies ripk and iikd it ulll toon be time to can your cherries with plenty of canntd clicrrica the ulntcr ciilitj pie li aured uul tlb man ustj jauces and puddings that maj be mide from tfttrsiuiqaci can nd chirrlui an delicious cheiuty conslrvk tjuaru pitted tour clrrk tjiurt currunto pound euar for jxh pound fruit wilj un fruit mu uith ujr it tiaid our nutht in llu nujrntii coo the mixture unul it tluck and elbar lour into luriluid jtllj lilj cor ulth paratfln chiatuy and ilajnkuily conilkilvk cup rid rapirrli cup clierrlta vj cujwi kutfur cjok the clilirt in ury jwhii umunt of wuter until the tkim ure tender add tliw raribirriia and the fcuipu cook until tlic mutur li thirk and clear pour into st rulxl uuuu cur ului paraffin dont nkou3ct ilamiuiaikkil when maklnu pnffrven and jllucfor winter uc do not fall to includi lilwral nuppli of ruspbt rry dellcaclpu many wople prefer the flavor of pn hf md raapberrua to lluit of tbt niturul nitt here are tuo dillcloun raspberry rclnj which may be put up at ery little jt jmtlm hailpilkrhy syiiui quart ruipberribi quart bituor cup cold uatr majji the berrlc add tunar cov lt ttand over nbiht in the morning add uattr hrlnif mixture imiii lioil tueiily mlnutr iitraln throuh lini ktrainer llrlnif to the boll aan luir into slertlut jari ueol tiuht tiiu lii exclunt uj foundation for drlnta or bailee for itv crvuiu raapusuuty lltettkuvkil pound raspberries pouikds sugiur mix whole frull and silar luco mixture over ileal and stir carefully until it boils boll six minute ur into urlllted jar iieol jut ad the ftkurea ut uie invention if id only had the radial ihx has come buckbtouiml of knawiclili3 brtilnd me uorkrd for montll on liux fltfuren and couldnt reproduce tlkat numlel when dropped in to find ihrrp os second model decided to take that one and luire am thief are you ifuliul to continue belnff tliat demanded the professor no said julian fiercely im golntf to do the only decent thliur can im kolntf to tell tlur president just who took tliose plans and tnodels and he can do anythlrmc ho grants with me with tliat attitude of mind theres cnsjico youll be famous yet julian and on your own legs said terry come on lots all go hi togetlierl tim siutaulek joy give me the simple joys the wild birds koni rote or two to cherish my own dwelling small wlicre constant lovu is known and ill not murmur that lifes way in lontf give me sheltering tree patch of lawn few jood frlcnibt to share my merry houra to ualk uith me and bend above my bouenf and ill rejoice to greet the coming dawn give me ome taijca to do not leader ship nor brilliant effort with its larger but tanks which erve need and soften pain and can face the uorld with smlllna up give me this small success to play the friend to hold my past with courage and to bo free from the chains or pomp and luxury and can ualk uladjieartcd to the end kdffar guct someuhcrc about fiftyfive yearn afco adam cook then mlddleoficd man in his prime cold his farm at glen wil liams came to acton and bought the bulk of the zra adams farm the brick utore and dwelling at the corner andtho grut mill poperty and mra thurtella house and lot were not included in the hale to mr cook all the rest of that auction of the original zra adams pro perty bounded by main mill and queen streets and the mill pond road camo into mr cooka poaeulon and this included cobble hill the hlheit eleva tion in the icinity uhlch from the days of my bojhood of ninety yeara ago to the present hai been faorltu climb and vantage point wlien the uatermorks svttem uas ln rt ailed in acton lot of us uiouylit the reservoir uould le kit upon tile top of till lkiullun but tin tort of piping uj it ua to much and tlie tovrr was comtruttid on main hlru and lwji lwen tlvln cd vrlce for tlu ait evtntien wi ii alt atlun oxjk had here ju or lie aibotd tliut at ion uaa lnrlj prirtvlvl pui und tlitt uvall abn bulldlru lota would vnm at pn ml jin it funny tliliuf ln it tliat jji outnldcr ofun wui tlu tiling lx fon dii old nudfiit cvtr dn unui that hu town la u3 lmpfirtallt und imxw mj tlu iirjiluluit4t tliat un uppurtnt to lrunui mr coik luul the prokrty urvyd into loun iiju aiul thbi uddl ilon vi tin jlniliii of tin ororullji woi fiaimd jiurvey thnv iuw thor ouhfurtj urf opjrud vw ujrla avtnu from mill jitrwt quini llnkavi nuo from main to vhtoru und ohuri jltrxt which tlu adunui did nrjt wmit to run ihrouuh tin ir farm und ifiiulnat id at main iitrtu wi extendi to vi utru avinui in im nlim of thls niw juhllvljliii mi ml luo iicu tirhlgl ovi the tiln utn from tlmtirlit mill to tlu iuiiiiti th hivr imiu qulti nil ixjm llif for lipkip it in re iln lou hum all hi dbipoid of whn look our tlu fhumiwl unpe or otbbli 1111 und it nloplnu nldis mid oinpth it vhi ttom uty or vinty ycurh iyo vf urn to climb to oui ilim tnli hi niiinmir in inur of llowcit und wmtrriin nr in fall for hii1 imu und in wint for umh oldfiuihlomd hleluhrldi on our honhnnidi liund ululut pauhr und wondur ut tin truii formutlon nuu tlieri ure fifty or nlxly hmiiis unlnu the uddtnl ulrtclh and tin mow of hum arc ounid iy the oicii pjinu mr cook llvd to hii many of tlue improifiiu nu but they tontliju on and wo wonder just what ho would think of all uio fine homes that now occupy this survey only one member of hia family remains mtas myrtle cook and site has not enjoyed ttfood lieultli for immc years and none ojrjvln uirougli tlw property and tlie property on which is passed is rtvcrtlng back to pulldintf lots think the first house on uie new survey was built by jlmmie and tommy glbbons now councillor gibbons uie two elder sons of buly gibbons the frumer and carpenter who erected so many buildings in esqueaing especially in the dublin community this brick house stands at uie corner of main and church street and is the home of mr and mrs reld its erection pro vides facts for pretty tale of industry and foresight iprom the days of their early boyhood jlmmie and tommy glb bons liad passed and repassed old brick chimney which stood as silent index tliat at some earlier day busy lumber mill had been located tlicro and was the reason for its erection this was the chimney which furnlslied draft for uio fireplace under tlw boilers in angus kennedy6 siw mill on tlie ciuck line after several years of buiy opera tions the mill burmxl down finally only the chimney remained it was on the farm of the boju uncle tlw laui vctcr albboiu jim and tom tutlmuted the number of brick in the big chimney decided they could build itood sliced liouse with tlilin approached pclcr wlio was uluuys friend to tile boys and they bought it from him for hong with treat ttlce th industrious latii carefully took down uu chimney brick liy brlclc tliey came to acton one saturday night utul made bargain for ulo finit lot sold on uu comer of the new survey they had the bricks teamed to acton tliat summer with the help of their father they built the new house and it uu stands an attractive home tt monument of two worthy young mcnn industry and foresight tlie erection of this house directed attention to the new survey and lots began to be picked up quite freely build ing operations shortly became lively through the enterprise of william camp bell builder of experience bill would buy lot erect house and it was hard ly commenced before lie luul purchaser other cltlxens bought lots and engaged him to build tliclr liomes mr campbell uas one of tlie busiest men in town ite went on building until think it is twentyeight of the fifty or elxty houses in this turvcy stand to his credit as tlie builder because of this worthy enter prise at time wlien liousea were scarce and greatly needed in acton the old time name of cobble ilill was called mount campbell by many in honor of mr william campbell uie builder bill finally decided he could do better in the bulldlns line in toronto and moved to uie city there he also erected many houses but there came day when he laid doun the saw and plane and ham mer and lie was brought home in cas ket and now sleeps with ouier members of his family in beautiful palrvlew in sight of ills busy activities as an acton builder adam cook uie man who cubdivided the property into building lots sleeps in falrvleu cemetery oliver uie eldest on and ttoe have also parscd on the eldest daughter was trained nurse but was killed in an auto accident in erie pa ecral years ago only one of the family icmaln mks myrtle but grand 1slack ught continued from iico three could have fytaheadache constipation often causa thorn kollooos aubram relieve constipation cat it regularly youlmml batter keep reqular with tyt allbran canadvh 10est industries tile foreiu provide canadas uilrd primary industry ranking next to agri culture und mining the alue of forest product in 103g ijllmilrd at 3c0 000000 und tlu value of exports is placed ut suooooooc or about th pr cent of the dominion total exports durinif the year the making or pulp and paper is the mojt important manufacturing lndutry in canada itr urowtli ha lnuhd lame expndlturvs of capital in mills in the devekpmuit of uaurpoucr and in the building of new communities pulp and paper mills provide work for over is 000 people large percentage of whom are fjcllud workmen the anual payroll of the pulp and paper industry totals 3go0o00u and it is esumatcd tliat in 103c uie total value of uie products of this industry alone was tlasoooooo nearly goo tiawmills arc in oper tlon in canada wiui an output value at approximately tooooooo normally about threefifths of the lumber pro duced is required for uie home market the sawmills provide employment for about 18000 people to whom over ooooob anually distributed in wages to supply uuj wood using industries hundreds of logging camps are required it is estimated tliat in uie 103536 inter hs000 men were employed con tinuously from november to march in logging operations and uutt at least 20 000 men found parttime employment during the year their wugea amounted to so 000 000 between 23000 and 35000 horses uere used in taking out uie tim ber and approximately ho000000 was expended by the logrlng camps for food and equipment children or the late adam cook still haw acton as their home gordon and herb and mitji helen all reside in acton have just recalled nplendld spring from which there gushed refreshing ice cold atcr about fifty et east from the nlcldln home it was famous spring and when choice drinking water uas desired in the homes of tlie nlcklihs and their neighbors uie product of tills sprint uas always requlsluoned alas alack when the new survey was made and building operations became active the spring was neglected itfl source was disturbed and it finally dried up in lineup you are courteous in the traffic lines yoit like btokt keople are coortmui vlafn you line up ut tlfo wicket to luy iiekcu yot tuy in your place do moi jotl your bricmou oii trestiwnct hia rightst und otherwim uet lowarjit tint iw court coua kumtmer itul do you think and net lowanlii your fellowmotoribt in ihlu attni kind uni eourteoua munueir when ou gel behind the vhel of your ear und roll uloug the liighwuy do ou kountl our imw when about lo overtake tim anil llien paw ul waf tlifttuiir ho on keep to lie rihl wo tliut otlter may safely puns ou do mm hand itfiiui ulieii ou ure aliout to stop start blow doun vr cltaiijfe ilirectiou do vu ilriv al the spel of the traffic you are in so as tint lo impede oilier drivrn and ruue tliein to vuiiiiv lin miu misl to sound vuur liorn ut ou do in frirndlv inaiinit or do five it friiiletiiiig iiiumiy if win liar not tried tliewc rourtrouw driving niuiiiiers that wtu tr giurlr vlieu miu gel iwliiin rariicotlv su the ulieel of to trv court ei is add greit to mhi oun pleasure ami aafety in dnv ill jj vi11 to tliut of ur llou motoriwlu ffe try courtesy the new spirit of the road xuwsw h1mstcr op highways pkovincc of ontario spanish loyalist bomhing of naz warship brings sharp reprisal picobac pipe tobacco for mild cool smoke prulpttatliut tin urivut internutwmul crtiis lmv uia apanuh civil war iwh in und tlnvatenlnu to cinbroll kiirop in uw iiiwtihutn annan warnhlp hluuwi und itistroid the hpalvuli lnyalut wirt of alnuuu in ullutiun tur th bombliili of th kail port battblilp uuiliuiul bj idvullht aurphineii tlw lhiurluuiul wan botnbud us ulie lay otf tlu llaliairiu uunuui in lwlhfld uirt at iblim while puriuirtwlly patrol of the wedi urraiumn for the umilnlerviiitlim cominltuh iwi ntjtline of her ere ure itllud and 8j woundeil clt rniuu indlg nation riard fevtr luat and tlu ltuli ufur racing ajnieria in tvprua wllli rprlrl taualty lut of twriity witlulrw mm the inmlnurveutlim oonuultuhi and announced thvt lur war tuet uuuld put lo ma and protect by foite clermali uhlpi hi lh uar bine lull joined llir lulth in inr withdrawal ctiief au in the international ilruuiu hiuhi vv top ixlt tdinua iiuliilleto pruto loalht hiulii minulr of war navy and army and air fore uhow oinunent dlurrd llutt tlv tkuut lilaiui up btiinlw only alter ihe oivml lire with antlalrerujt uuiut mi thi lojullnl aeropliuu he ivutscliland pride of tlie ribullt clmuui uavy ui tn ciilrx with her commander admiral lllnnann von vmjiuu at mclu uuit ift slua admiral krlrli luwlrr onnuu naval tmniiunditlnchli wlui fciwd ivrlli for ioufirtncd ulth llerr hitler following tlw lufuunt julio rwl vayn lipunuh ihlisat to tlu wau of njllmw uwtr ltutlit waa liutruuxi by hu uovurninnt protiit to tlu lyiink tlit tlw irtiumii khllbi of aluwtiu uat an ac of war iuvnf of the bomblutf aiul of tlut port kliell1 in tli 0rnian itprlul ate thui by tlie mp business directory medio ai dr mcniven phyblcian utd sorftton onlc fcnd healdeno corner avcnu and elfin street dr nelson pfajesuilau sld eucctro therepy dk cm cullen lmcc phyeleua had snigeeei offlcw xoun 14 end sundays by appolnttivnt wilbur stiwtjuat north of mill telephone 12s legal farmer solicitor notary kublio cottteymnoef eifll acton ontario hour 30 to 13 00 noon oo to oo wednesday and saturday 30 mi to 12 noon only limited amount and claaa of work undertaken cucnui cannot be ifcn or work dono afttr houra exocvb by prcvloiw arrancement kenneth lancdon llirrorf koudloc ntoury submv offices actwi over seyuuck ci wto btrveia kir appointments phono acton cs oeorffetown s3 office aours acton tneertij iai thursdjly lib to 4j0 ta lnp on rqueat benyal buchanan btoidbnpn ofrloe in yvitnin bloak ixoum uoitl xi tn trwihsfji by appoinuneat gas for extractions xray closed wednedny artemoon iboo 1u pea1ren kniaj bnrtmrd moved to our new quarters in the symon fitfock phoa 30 mu1 btnm tjau vetettmiaav young veterinary surceoti ohlce cojupbcuvllu ontario phone milton lwrl patterson ro specialist in orihobila tretmeot 18 wynjtiln sl nut quetmi wiome 31m eatons cleaners dyers suits coats pliun dresses jt mainprize barbebrshop imutlvely no shrinks general life fire wealth mid accident automobile windstorm plate guaa boiler fidelity honda farm hwuranee annuities and all general lino of insurance jilbo oeean steumship ticket leading comlanltj bxciaivmy raculiruui uedreeeauuvs r4eours ool uuu el caruuls toe uuoos only pred wright ottua cooper block ohlca 05 mioiies ueji m3 time tables nadjan at aotol cojix kiui dilly except bundiy mjn dailp except fluuday qj6 kjn dally except sunday h33 pm sunday only hjbpan oolu wmi diuy except bundy 848 jn lially exoept suntuiy aagp duily exotrpt ekindny yhapm ually except sunday flag 1338 ftjn uonday only lljapjn btawdaitu task