Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Jun 1937, p. 7

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tbonaoay june lh j031 the acton free press paox arvai to iet my hearts to let its quite good one too all warm and tender pilled with dreams of jwu rt just single room per you alone tiny place iv be your very own it would be nice if yofud move in perhaps the price is more than you could el your love ask ipor dearest must live twentv ykafcs ago ifrons un issue of tho frcs press thursday june 14th 1917 butter is now ten cents lower than it was fortnight ago potatoes which sold almooa bag two or three weeks ago uc how offer at 1376 ba threw rinks of milton bowlers played the first mauji of the season on acton bowling oreen last wednesday rev uoyd smith ma bt son of bev kmlth bod has been ap pointed as pastor of elm street metho dist church toronto pte percy radford who enlisted in acton and went to england returned to toronto recently very ill anddledtherc the first of june harold savm has enlisted in the loth royal qrenadiers toronto an order tnoouncll was passed and signed forbidding betting on racetracks in canada from august 1st till the end of the war acton council passed bylaws for regu lating the sale of bread and the produc tion and sale of mils which will receive general ooeomendauon mr and mrs james it warren were called to walfcerinn on saturday uirough the death of mr james warren of thai town tleed kitch1kg at uockwood on thurs day may 25th 1917 william kltchlng ased 79 years warren at walkerton on saturday 9th of june 1917 james warren djl agedf 80 years industry joink moquksttrj th tkv coutesv mimt rott stokkts anl highways the fullest possible cooperation of the industrial accident prevention associa tions in supportirnr uie try courtesy campiugnbelntf conducted by the on tario department of highways under the direction of highway minister hon mcqucsten was promised recently by morlcy general manager of the iajjl in all our accident prevention pro paganda work stated mr morlcy we are showing nearly fiooo ontario plant executives uutt their responsibility in connection with industrial safety doi not stop ut uie gates of uiclr plants ttie past few years have mode it increas ingly evident uiat industry luut moved out on tlu highways and consejucnuy all efforts toward industrial accident pre ventlou must be extended to include uils new pliake of responsibility sir xjfdrley cited recent example of liis ttuciutlons cooperative work with uie dtportmentof highways in making automotive transportation safer book let entitled stop guessing published by uie motor vehicle branch luul been dlstrlbuud to gooo iafa members who requtud 20000 additional copies for their employee operating motor vvhlcles in hamilton reccnuy wright vioepruunt of dominion iundrles and steel and president or the upa also used the pamphlet as the basis for radio address made in conmctlon with civic safety campaign being conducted tliere tlie booklet is an extensive question naire covering all points of good driv ing with the notation that the real driver knowa the ansuers and that ap plicants for driving licenses may be ex pected to answer all or any of the so questions listed contained in the pamphlet is simple tet of rules which if followed by every drlvcr in the province mr morlej claims would soon make the current try courtesy campaign lifesaving reality consider the rights and privileges of others drive iour car at reasonable und proper speed at ail time give full and individual attention to your driving if ion uant to enjoy the scenery or window shop park your car know your stopping distances at all times rcaronible speed in fair rather or on dry road surface may be danger ous in rain or snow keep lour brake hunts siti ring mechanism and tires in eud operating condition failure td do this is an in dlcatlou of dangerous und lrri sponsible driver li dont insist on your right of way your life and health urc much more 1m port an watch the cir nlirad and dont follow too cluseli never iusj another ehlcle till or curve or at ai point where the vteu is obstructed slow loan at croijna titreet in tecectlona schools and when passing parked carl vi 10 ohwrw road lns and tlunals tiuy viave detliilu purpuie to pre vent aocldenti ii lie paitlrularly careful when paj inu pedittrlani or blcjcluls put lour taal on the brake then bluu the horn if it is absolutely mcensary 13 if you drive dont drink if you drink dont drive 13 oherw this golden rule drive as you have otlur drlv in otlver words pry curuy every inch tlie way cupw of um pamphlet may be oh tslrttd wltlvoul cliatue nun tlie accid ent jteordhur divujoii motor vehicles urancli queens lvrk toronto chronicles of gingerfarml written spedady cor ftf the aeton pree rrw owendoune cuutke the summer says my doctor is the time to make determined eltort to get rid of rheumatism ihit on your bathing tult and take nunbath cvry day if possible but unywuy us often at you can ilut wt dont uvr byjd batlihur btach objected no but you hue garden vtas the retort illat was the advice given me lost yeur tluce or four times certainly hot more than halfadown dutifully don ned my bathing suit and paraded the grounds it as an awful bother and seemed such waste of time dressing and undressing what time has farm woman for this kind of nonsense fcr uccted impatiently and lanyway the rheumatisiri wasnt very bad just then the winter had hardly started before changed my tune this summer the advice was still the same but alas have less time now than had last year however yesterday had brain wave was spading in potatoes in the garden the sun was hot tlie wind blew my skirts every which way and just at the psycliolosical moment it came to me that happy tlmeaavlng heajlh giving brain wave off went to uic liouse and hi few minutes re turned minus clothes plus bathing suit and thus attired cheerfully planted potatoes the wlule derived beiiclit from that something which we call ultra violet rays and so for the rest of the summer good deal of my hoeing and ceding may quite possibly be done with mvsch clod in this most unconventional work suit of course though this outllt elves one fcilcndld freedom of movement for working it lias unfortunately its disad vantages too feel compelled for ul ttunce to keep weather eye on the rood for incoming cars if the dog so much as barks single bark am seized with nervous prostration and am also afraid may be passible for passersby along th road to see me working in the cardcn more plainly nan realise ot eourw one gels used to anything in time and when get usvd to wearing tills attire to the extent of forgetting what have on or liavent on thats when the unexpected visitor is going to get shock its to be hoped wo dont have any visitor who lias weak heart ijut in all seriousness we all know the healing powers of direct sunshine shouldnt we take advantage of it much as possible especially if we hlye as good an alibi as have doctorj orden at the same time am very much afraid there are thote who ulll say these people who write theyre always queer but jleople wlio write arc not the only ones alio arc queer sometimes its mairuzlnc editors lhten to this one morning ulnt for ihemull and what did find but an envelope addressed to me from ucllknown farm naner now what on earth are uusc peipu writing to me for uondlred insldo the envelope uaj cheque attached to the cheque was ilitement ior con tribution dated etc etc then the liiht begun to dawn it was obvious miut have rent these people an slats diary by gltveu waiutkn kunday went out to uir park wlui jane sed to her sed that no swell spot for necxen btu wot of it ac sed well your on the spot jhe laft al sed site guest not but slie was tho ac no mistake monday ii to sunday wliat air uie good of it all eney ways as sed previous jane were on spot ac uicre were nocken plenty ar uien sum more tuesday mister ac mistress olllein cum over to are house to play pecuuckrl ai pu ted to ma he can tell her tlie iaci acore wfour tl game ma sed do it tlwn hi la sed nothing liolhlng mu diddiiit speek to him no mom all cvnlng or scalrsley look at pa wi4lntvlay lilistcrcs pu truula him run the ion mon oils as blutcrs run in to yung tree ac nocked off uimj bark llllsur twi lie dlddcnt mjc the irvf ai his iu uxl wll no wander you cunt see tlie weeds as gross you mis uxrn tliursday lu was tclleu about irtsh polceaimn witli only kids ar when frend ost liim why they was sent more he sed becos he seen in the paper whair ovry 3rd child borned there are jew then la ar ma both laft but oooddent see ho thing to latf at priday were over to mistress joneses this ac tramp cum ju told her sorryule story about ids wife being wlddir with sevrcl small kids ac mrs jones was so sorry for him that she give him peeccs of pie ac bill to send home to his farably later we seen they was ketch in it saturday well nother wk lias went ac still no flshen thats aney good it rahes ho mutdi the nsli are all got mud in there eyes unul they cant tee worm and etc aney how hope the farmers have got enuff molclier m3ma1le wouiuius ij camaa although there is an increase in tlie number of women working in canada uie ten chief occupations uley follow are very much uie same as in former years domestic service claims uie greatest number with over 132000 wlilch more uuin twice uie number of sten ographers and typuts school teacliers run very close uilrd with c5000 fol lowed by 45000 calcsw onien 32co0 nursts and nurses in training 20000 olflcc clerks 31000 bookkeepers and cashiers 20000 sewing machinists in factories 10000 board uigha use keepers and 4000 telephone operators tliese figures are revealed in report of uia 1031 census issued by uie dominion bureau of statlsucs among uie more uncommon occupa tions for women are three butchers and slaughterers one tanner six uood carvers two auctioneers two architects five justices and magistrates 117 under takers 32 dentists 51 postmen and mall carriers 78 police and detectives and 203 physicians and surgeons while women are now engaged in many pursuits uhlch heretofore were regarded as inherently mans tlie males need not be overdls turbed as more women than are working have still remained in the home about onehalf of the single females over fifteen jearr or agv are gainfully oc cupied onethirties of tlie married wo men and onefifth of tlu wldoued and divorced hay kkvktt lliy fever is caused by uu irritation to the mucous membrunc of the nose uiki uiroat from uie pollen or dust of plants and grass by persons sensluvo to tuch lrritalkii th otrcndlng planl aic tre graiu3 ud weds and uie particular offender lu glvti cis may rccoyiiitcd by ilu teits ut dust be eftectlvr in causing liay fever in sensitive persons must contain an ex cliunt uili condition it mujl be cap ublr of being carried by winds and for considerable dbtaliccfi uie jjurce must abundant and the plauti uldely dls irlbuu in tlu iarly tprlng tri rs carry tlu cuusuuve pollens i7icii conic uir gruss suy alxiut june und lllen the wihxis in aittuiun on the american continent the wlndpollluud tres are those lurry hu cutkliii iuch as the poplar oak blih walnut bteclt haaxl und alder ouurs are the maple ash blackberry sveamare and mulberry ilic willow pollen is the only one of uw not car rld by winds trees producing perfect ilovrrs such us uie elm and nesquitc arc also windpouinatcd on tlie west ern prairies uie poplar is uie chief of fender umong trees and umothy li the worst of uie grasses fcn hrbcr jamleson of tpdnionton writing in uie canadian medical asso ciation journal defines tho uirce hay fevcr urias of uie province of alberto one of uiese stretches from uie itcd deer itlvcr to the noruicrn boundary second comprises um souuicrn section of uils region with its upper limit to the peace ulver country while the third ex tends from uve red deer south to uie international boundary of trees uie poplar is uie important one so far as liay fever hi alberta is concerned prom midapril on is the season for its ravages timothy polun utcs from uie middle of june weeds are uie chief causes of autumn hay fever thee comprise tlie ragweed family and uie uilsue family tlie tffecti of uiese are found from july onwards golden rod popularly sup posed to excite liay fever lias been exon erated tlie sufferer from hay fever sees uie first slcns in wliat appears to be violent cold in the head which may be associat ed with asuuna tliere are attacks of sneezing headache and lassitude old persons are practically exempt tlie im portant point is the prevenuon of the condition in moit coses this may be done by the use of skin tests to discover the pollen or dust to uhlch uie in dividual is subject tills being done vaccine or antitoxin may be prepared which is effectual the majority of ases ioii puoduction gains during tho urst two thonuis of uie aurrrnt year the gold producuon of can ada uuiled 38019 ounces gain or 17 ler eiilveb uie corresponding period of 19ji tlw average price of gold on the new york market during january and pvbruury was j35 01 per ounce und valued ul this price uie can adian output during pcbruory was worth i085gul und during january 1103 34m cuid lu some form has been found lu eviry province of canadir except wince llwurd lsluml und ls hi point of value now uu mifct liihircuiit mlnrrul pro duct of tho dominion while gold min ing did not come into prominence in cimwia until atur 160 placer gold la iuld to huve found in quelxc hi 1hj3 or 1h34 but no systematic attempt was made to work it until nearly twenty live eurs later cuhwla cnlertd on lier llrst lniportunt period of kold xroductlou with discoveries of placer gold 111 llrltkh columbia in iumj and of lode depoitlls in nova scotia in ibc3 up to 1b5 uie greater port of the gold produced in canada was from url tlsh colpmhla placers tlioligh uicre was ulso sulistantlal producuon from lode mines in nova scottu during this period and uu cliaudiere placers in quebec arc estimated to have yielded about 000000 lu gold between i860 und 1876 tlie discovery of rich gravels on the klondykd hivcr in ibm marked uie be ginning of second period of intensive gold production hi uie dominion wlilch readied on peak hi 1900 canada entered on her uilrd important period of goldmining ajcuvlty with uie discovery of uie porcupine gold camp in 1909 followed by that ut klrklattd ioke in 1913 and uie beginning of uie fourth und most lniportunt period may be dated from 1931 when great britain went off the gold standard since uien uie in creased price of gold has caused unpre cedented acuvlty not only in producing mines but also in uie search for and development of new dtposltr and in the investigation of okl prospects and former producers which could not be worked ut profit when the price of gold was i30t7 per ounce but can be worked at present prices last year uie gold mines of canada set up an allume record wlui an output valued at more tlum 4130 000000 real roofing mm values ffl be titelap roofing ribboll roofing this durable roofing has extra rigidity umtnnakeh it nnrticulariy gtwu for roofnikovir lijbtframo worktliobecmtof itubtrenuth in the ttbtarf only fivtt inchr ajnirtl tho most coimwl roofing of its kind tn tho rnarkut ito uum you gut tho frcnuiim ocononiicaiitiiltou hoofnij ak your lumker for clutdiln about roroofing on uu govemment hacked homo improvement plan the pormnnonco and low up keep cost of uii tnotul roofing rnnktu it one of the most eco nomical on tlio miirkut tito lap cnlvunized ltoofiiif ftronteht covorink cnpncity ilio tmdlap ih no tight it ii nlmotit inviuihlu tmiuitively tjxcludefl driving aloet rain or hnow snd roof und vnfter rnoutiuro rncntu for freo thtimatol jamesway poultry equipment writ fur informal um tm ny uro in cm dibi jkumirwy firm llrrnioc kot iwatlntf yslma inruliatora layinu ventilator rystaui um januibwy juiinnt for profits eastern steel products pmsioh omtabio montr al ted 1040jio ajjjjeesa 11 th ik lb njiil holm chamberlain succeeds premier baldwin fairy yaufs ktficouocd sugab 11fet pltodlction gains canadian sugar beet proluctlon in 193c li estimated at 5c9 000 tons comparetl wlui icaloo in 1035 an increase ofan proxlmutely 22 per cent although article or story sometime or ouier but ontario planting decreased slightly from uliat or uhen could not remember 20 500 acre in 1035 to 37g00 acres in referring to my record book found 193fl production as estimated at 355000 had tent this particular magarjne tons compared uiui 327000 tons alberta minuicrlpt about six months ago it planttnip exceeded uiose of 1035 by 4400 had neither been returned or acknow ledged and as ic do not take uie maga zlncln qucrtlon uas unaware my article had bten publlshtd the cheque was not very big but didnt send it bacil am just telling you this bcaure thought you might like to know uhat hapliazard sort of game uils writing is it fcouid mean very precarious living if one depended on it wouldnt it there woi another time when had story accepted in january published suu we mj wife and were out driving the ouier day and had occasion to pass farmirs wagon being drawn by team of muler just ar we passed the wagon the mules sllghtli frightened turned their heads toward us and bawled out aj rather frhndly greeting said to the wife relatives of jours no doubt she rl piled bv marriage ifl wluit is declared to be the greatest falrjtale movement in history men in the irish pree stau are gathering tlie tales on dictaphone records for nreserva uon in museum in ehlblln in lonely cottagea on the bogland of connemara and donnegal in little mountain forms in clare and kerry and on wild coastal islands old men and women are reciting in quavering tones uie folk stories uhlch their forefathers handed down their only audience ls man who holds dic taphone recording every kyllohlc for nine monuis aided by grants from the rockefeller foundation and from the free state government the irish folk lore institute has been collecting irish folklore tile work will require ears following the resignation of rt hon stanley baldwin ar premier of great britain neville chamberlain chancellor of the exchequer became head of the british cabinet when baldwin left retired he was granted an earldom and icnlghthood of the garter by tlu king nevellle chamberlain right formed aneu cabinet with sir john simon nlllrtfl his exchequer pos mr baldwin gots to the house of lords when britain radio fans heard the whole fleets lit up acirr and production increased by 47 per cent to 204000 torn compared with 13s goo tons in 1035 sugar beets are grown in canada under contract between growers and manufacturers the mutter of price and acreage being arranged within the in dustry production ls centred in souui uestern ontario and near raymond al berta although there are other areas sofwn to this crop in quebec and manl toba in 1935 the latst jear for which factory statistics arc available uie out put of re lined etnwit sugar amounted to 110g57frjl ijoiinds valued it 017 733 the next january and received uie cheque six months later now here is gardening up to thoje of ou who dont already know it if you want to start cutungs of uiy ne or shrub jouiiirtluiiriy like here is an eaiy to do 11 cut slip olf with sharp knife silt the end open for little wn widge it open with wee bit of itirk make hole in tlu ground for two or three inches put til our looks have tlid till tnethoil wltn cuttng and plate over it an invered forsjih briar ra honeysuckle and sealer pressing it well into uie ground barlwrri tin waj to do it was told to lo excliute the air and leave it for luvm me bi gardening friend ti nou pus two or three weeks when ux slip should the hint along to jnu and hope some be well rooted but wouldnt dig it up if oil mav unci it ils iiitrrvstlng an ex to me you dont neeil to lilt the jir perlment as liuu done to wiw it but an water round the jar if miu think it mcessirv win nii take the jar awi jnu will bi rurpruel to how fre nil livel jour rutting tuls gorgeous llghls from stem to with britains condentrated naval might blasting stern and sending cascadeu of tire jnlo the night sl in honor of lib muji stys coronation review li the scene which inspired the now hlstoiir radio boil mot the fleets lit up so overcome was uie tiled navel nlllur lected the brtijsh broadcasting company to detail uu scene for kngllsh radio listeners that all he could think of to say was uu phrase as quoted he was quickly cut oil uie ale twentyfour hours later all england wils jo fully crying tlie fleets ljtup tlu magnlllcent display of milss lighting and pyrotechnics marked the lln1 oificlal naval review tluit hls mujestj has attended slmc his ut cession to the tllrune muggs and skeeter by wally bishop sues txivcvoici mi fj aoeawavballihat she says moboov miuu ever ea abu2to mit gaem cirovamulc eeovuse wiiem its ualtway ta tiie puate itjustfade fcu kmoaesappears w14ats

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