the acton free press wimc rian wben taak youre set to do watch yourself until its through vjrtch your bauds and watch your feet tin you cod your work complete of your strength give every ounce it la faith nil ocas that count watch that you may give your heart to your task each smallest part be as steadfast as rock watch yourself hut not the clock adalbert caldwell twenty yeahs ago lb imo of the kr prei thursday low 28th 1911 pte wm lazcnby of tlie 26lh bat talion cep will bo presented with floe sold watch by eaqucsinff council on dominion day in milton pte ioicnby had his arm shattered while in action at the front rev and mrs avlwm ma and children left on monday for the new field at wetland large number of members of the congregation were ut the station to say farewell he tl large and mrs ljgc and daughter arrived on wednesday mr james camahan returned last week from his tour of tho northwest the crops generally are promising mr camahans two roiii james and stanley are quite token with uio country and are remaining or tho aummcf with th prospect of mtuing in haskatchowuli death coma very suddenly to ionuld msnn son of uie late donald mann on monday afternoon to became 111 on yrlday vtith pneumonia and passed away on monday itev rauton brown ua lias been stationed at baroiui alberta and rev and mrs brown has removed to their new home large congregations attended the clos ing sermona of uv avison in the methodise church on sunday num erous iendfi from otlicr communions were present to pay their respects to the retiring pastor toronto clam wjlns school to levklof mas kb mx talk nt chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the acton vree press uwenduune clarke wo have two young people who can hardly believe in their own good fortune daughter hui only one departmental examination to write and our yomlrf son got paa3 in the en trailer clawi on hu jyrurb work iio there was great whoop ing and cheering he on yrlday the children think the ar lias milte long enough but to nut it doennt teun uny time since txluyil started iol car another thing wo can hardly ruullse li that our youngest thud ui already through iubllc school and gohu on to high jut one morn rup towards the time when he will be living hb own life cldldn arv youtuf for such little while and dont realle it until ihry are grown up and then perhaps we begin to wuh we had bpent more time with thuu when they were very miiall played with thini little more and en joyed tin lr iweet and funny wuy used to think it iouilded quozr when my mo tin iued to jay uii the often did wlsh you were all back in your crudui know whinj you wore then and you were not lialf the worry to me then that you are now now know juat exactly what die meant thk adolescent age and they uu me 10ju from fourtn to twenty an age that never knows what it want or irauier knows exactly what it wants and uiat inunedlately but then ctiangcr its mind before we poor outofdatti parents have turned around to get our second wind oh well if it were not for getting married and raising families we women would ncvtr realize what our own mothers hud to put up with human nature is the umie from one generation to unother it only has different ways of exprefcjiuig itielf last week wrote that partner might start haying on monday can repent our liay is stlu standing in the field too wet to cut what an extraordinary difference be tween this summer and lart but if the weather doumt eoon beliave uie farming outlook will be as serious as it was last year only in different way as you know farm people are uun paied to always have something to grumble about and the prcent time is no exception we arc having nil togeth er too much rain it has encourged nb normal growth wl ls absolutely no strength in the heat or ftundlng hay rank growtli every uhere and heuj windstorm uith rain would flatten every thine to the crountl in ery llttli while but the hei show ers keep ajmi things llourhhintf rilei morjiultoea rheumatl wledn llower cardenr and ianall frull are in their clory it isnt no good far picnics and garden partict wet weather is good for believing that there are number of young baseball players in ontario who with proper coaching and advice could be launched upon successful and profitable career in professional baseball manager dan howley and other officials of the toronto baseball club liava decid ed to inaugurate baseball school at maple leaf btadlum starting on mon day july 19th and concluding on thursday july 29 th there will be no admission or tuition fee to attend uus scliool it will be open to all players between tlie ages of 18 and 31 years it is the purpoco of the ttoonto club to reach as many young canadian players as polhla and give them tlie opportunity to prove whether they have sutfldcnt ability to go higher hi tlie great tummer pastime ktofcbsloioul baseball otferr an attrac tive and doilraiile livelihood to young canadians just as doer profculanul hockey which lvas furnished remunera tive employment to large numbers of our youthful citims tiichkleuuy luu been uat few opiortunltle5 have been offered canadians to enter professional the baseball tho comparatively short sum ve ra tntrt season in canada the lack of proper cottcliln and the small number of pro fcssloiutl tianu in this country luive tended to obtcure this profitable held of athletic endeavor although uiere ore dosena of young men ready and eager to gut into organlukl baseball if alyord td cliance bobby porter toronto boy now regular srlht lielder of the maple lcaffl played amateur hasubull for few seaiy3u5and tlieii made good in the international league in his second year after turning professional through the efforts of the toronto club goody ron another toronto boy jumped from junior base ball in toronto to tlie loutivlllc club of tlie american association and made good from the start he is the regular cent re fielder of the louisville team 0xar judd formerly of ingeroll ont is an oulitundlng pitcher viith roches ter tliew are not exceptional era these boys decided they wanted profcumul boieball career and they nought the op portunity to get it tlie iucco can be aclilevcd by any number of other youni canadians and tluit li the object aimed be the dogs found rabbit at by the toronto club in operating brourht homc uhat lound the canadian he1ndeeb i1eej fawning from far out on tho northern run of tho continent oomes statement by wire less ooncernlntr canadas reindeer herd the animals wintorodln excellent condi tion and about uc enllhf march were moved to tlie fawning groundu on ricliards island wliero fawning oom mcaceil on april oth itcporta up to may th allowed uiat approximately 1000 fuwrui liod bten txrri with the fawning uuiuin not completed juwiilng usually starts about the middle of april and generally continue until the end of may unal return ijiowlnif the jairvlv injf 1iurcaw the hi rd will not be avullable until the annual roundup in august whin the ilivr are put through the cor rub cheillled and count the micerj of the fawilhig uaijm lelelwu to grat extent jliuin til ad vance pri laratlonr which huvi in en mud by the rd and wather condi tions di pltt the fact tluit the reljulerr rierve locattd approximately two huiulred mile north of tin arctic circle and mot of the fawnhur occur before the termluatloii of the winter majan the proportion of young animal which urvlvr usually around iis or 90 ihr tent indicating that the young potw remarkable itumlna at birth notwith suhdlmi the low temperatures uie fawns bom in thf open survive and fuw hours liter are walking awkwardly about within few duyi they are craping about for maui to augment the milk provided by the mothers the relndeer as whole have adaptm thenwelve to the climate and local con ditions on tlu reservation lyuig lmmtwll atcly tiut of tlie mackenzie llfver delta tlie rewrve comprises latno j000 square hilled nnd lncludci both summer and winter ranges rlclmrdii island tliort distance off the mainland comprising approximately cgs square miles has proved excellently wilted for summer grasing and is readily accejlble the crosjiliiff to and from tlie bdand belnft made on the ice with the gradual rc placement year by year of older animals by young stock born in the district the herd becomes more securely attached to tlie canadian range herding is done by laplanders brought from norway assisted by natives who are encouragikl to take part in the liand llntf of the deer and to recognise in tliese animals source of slats diary by oltven wajirxn sunday gotta cum through as admit preechcrs is not as bad as thot ourn spoke about get ten up organlzcn chlrch bass ball leeg at uie in servls tills ajn mebby junyer xccit all so mltch in treated is joko blisters monday peddelcr stopt at are liouse lau this after work hrs ac trlde to sell iu alarm clock witch he ed wood run days wluiuut wliullng how long will it ruii if you do wind it if la tuewliy ma rd in the nooti pupur ij tai that iingle mortm tut to have iji im iiiiuy as wife well xde hate to of hin marryed mormeu tin sed la in drole volm that ma dlddint tit am to injoy uy onli well wedmjuiy md to unk hen this it sl go il hi he id 1l alnit no use thiej ek is up ai muddle to you haft to be olfle old lo let utu1 thing like that lnterfar with your llshtn ilturjluy thiii lotta funnle thing in thli world but thin is more iieculyer than funnle why do the wether all wny liaft to be hot win thef gauleni hoe ai ions to moe have often wandered hi cant rigger it out as liow vrlduy muur glllemj llttel boy is so yung he dont no mutch he ast his pa was it liard to get marryed as mr glllcm kd no not at all it asse nt well mebby it was iiy to murrle mother repllde the little felloe but am going to haft to marrie some strange women saturday well saturday alnt tlie name aj when skool are in seriien then it were good to think of hi untlssepate but now it are jest nother day which make lue of to worrlu about haftcn to go to 1j chlrch tomorrow they oil ways plenty of groef trubble and tctt seams like to yrs trooly weekly gardengraph wrltun by i1kan iiailidav ior central prcms candijui sallys sallies can repeal tliese animals source of sustenance that statement again this week as all vt ui biii available against hard time which may nult trom fluctuations in the ordinary game supply including furbearing animals tlie herd iuls already contri buted to the welfare of the native popu lation in the surrounding area by pro vidlnc meat to augment the natural food cupply kotwltlistandlnc the der killed for thin purpose and the usual losses incidental to live stock enterprise of this nature there has been steady increase in the number of animals from year to year wlien the lost official nnmml mil the rcull that there partment of mlnci and rexiurccs at the roundup in august 1930 uie reindeer numbered 3750 substintlal increase from the orlinal herd of 237g animal delivered to the government in march 1935 ixim iinds home too tame vegetable gardens depends find on their location have two gardens one ln the corner of the oat field and it the best ever had tlie other by the paclllc liand where the brown people house host come up more unevenly than made him prince homesickness flnal any garden ever put ln it is lowlyinc itij ly took him hack to england where his alain oerbault lias returned to tahiti becau his home in cnglond proved too tame tor years he sailed the world alone and once he stayed awhile on of course and probably waterlodged one thing la certain this weather must ty good for wild strau berries never saw anything like them they arc everywhere we have even been able to pick more than we could eat and in ued some to make jam and though says it as shouldnt it was certainly cod let me tell you if you havent tried wild strawberry jam you rave missed one of the things of lire and there is more to it than juit eat ing jam picking the fruit is regular mental cobweb chaser yesterday was tired and rtstlej and headachy didnt want to he down and dldn want to work in fact there uosnt any thine that really felt iile doing so picked up honey pall and oir went to the bush tin dots barkin and bounding ulanc beside me with th greattst of joy up in uie buh we had great time the three of us found dog ly took him back to england where his craft uie ilrecrest was built he even stopped to play lawn tennis his favorite sport ln other days but found it insipid in new ship he set out for the burning shadow of the south seas and now at last his friends hear that he in tahiti to stay 23 laver of cinpelk ondflr pot to kebp oot inject jjg fe roofing ji mkik vmjes mmi llfi ill 11 kumtiwr vacation for house platitti housj plants require watering nearly every day during the summer monuu to keep them from drying out liven better treatment of house plant is to give them summer vacation by setting them out ln the garden llgure of this gardengraph illus trates the fact uiat you do not need to remove plant from its container sink pot and plant into the soil as illustrated tlie pot should be ret in uie ground up to tlie soil level within it which is usually to the bottom of the pots rim place layer of cinder heiow uie pot to prcvant works or insects gaining en trance through the drulnage hole ln uie bottom of the pot while the most house plants should be planted in light shade when net out ln the garden stapcllas and aloe jihould be placed in full nun if this in done they will continue to bloom throughout the summer titelap roofing tho permnncnen nnd low up konp cot of thjh metal roofing rruikea it one tho rnobt eco nomical on tlit murkut tito lnp jiilvuniz4 lloofipd givta kreutuut covlrink capacity llio end lap ia no tight it iu ulmoht invihiblo louitivoly okcludofl driving aloot rain or biiow sond roof nnd rnftur hiuauuro mentu for froo jtimnua ribroll roofing thla durable roofing lion extra rigidity that rmikou it particularly good for roofing over ightfnimo worlcitio bocret of ith htrongth iu uus ribaarc ttnlyfiv inchca ajutrtf tho moot copied roofing of itn kind on tho markol ho uuru you gut tho genuine oconomicnlitiblvou roofing aak your tumker for lotailh about roroafing on tho government backed homo improvement plan jamesway poultry equipment ttatitr mthl kyklumm unit jiunaiiwny hjuitmant fur rofib tlio tiallhitl eastern steel products pstoronrkrio montral jtohonfo scons scrap book ukta needed pollcerruuirtiey come out of there ko bathing allowed victim pardon im not bathing im drowning almost every woman can rive master points at beating time horse discoveits shell it is reported from ladysmtth south afrlco that horse belonging to police man wa tethered against some build in it passed the timo pawing tlic ground and passerby watching uie horer movements oiw the nose of hell protruding from the ground the shell proved to be uncxplodcd and was removed it is believed to he one fired into lady smith during the famou slece of the town in the boer war lmnrja or iut iuduk rbi all bptrd ay uk lonct wmoopiilcj mt iioppmt ftlfv wieu atoh partl ia utltt ckats lobox whtat vlitv asir ivjrfiarfiou mcdph by rj scon a5l do5tp4icow of attflfilal larvhx whiol ttc plui imto hifmnoaf wmt4 wtwamfi btxlk jlajivlawbs adopffed ioo4 mrf was ucld nyfut propiticrwy qovuulmtm ov coldhlk1a lu is oul olf rut oldest plaa il 5lu usr lmrttwortd acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance nnirdiititattcrattcnrlfucral of sir robert borden uiu training school ikirlug uie ten days the rxhool li in operation it is planned to hokl live flve innllig gamej each day side will be clioben and each player given real dunce to display his ability tlie hours w411 be from 10 am to manager howley irvildent prank shaughnetsy of tlie intevnauoimlp league and half down other competent coacuea will be in uniform to instruct the playera sev eral itumbf rt of the present pronto team will okslit tlum ilau and ball will be suppllind by the toronto club players are requlrid to bring their own uniforms bhocs glovts etc application forum can be secured from tnr alton nhj islij or ty lpttpr direct to the toronto luthall clubl limited maple lcaf utadluni toronto didnt mv headache lifted like fog be fore vlccze tiled my pall with berrlei und my heart with priat con tent there are wild berries ioinewhere on every farm yourr for the picking medical icu nee has many turn for vari ous din nature liar one nervous headache can be better cured by picking bcrrld than by uiklnj iuplrln try it uont you tu will keep but loleli wont nor will berries they siy and knou what thty say ls right because nnj time ive trltxn it ive found the dut has kt pt all right it was my privilege last utile to meet winii of the readers of glngir rami it always conu to me somewluit of lmk to find pi op 1e bother to read what write one lidy aid always fttl as if had letter from you every vts answered but notice you dont bother to answer it thats juit the trouble with this bulnej of writln it is such onesided airalr you know fpilte bit about ne but know io little about you camiot be ure of what will hi tin st you can only urlte of life ili find it with the hope tint pmctlniin may touch the right note and write of things that will appeal to few of you ut any rate above are scencii of uie sir robert borden funeral ar the late wartime premier was laid to rest ut ottawa following funeral wrvlec which wu attendedhy representatives in all walk of life in the upper lept are seen the pullbiareri tir they carried the casket from the church in the upper right are miown few of the government officials wlio attended the stutj honors accorded sir robert borden llicy are lkkt to ihoiit front to back hon itaoul dndurund acting prime minuter of canada hon ellijtl poitmuitir gmeral htm ivrnund hlnfret secretary of state hon 11 ley minister of natumil revenue hon mlchaud minister of ilnance muggs and skeeter prdokl ame somkty cam vtio tilrgct to the uncf cuppkoz unri ukiiir iltilii lmk hiah lni told ou ujl iot ilvnot nmti roiwuih ulnt 4jubo yua mv toltl mi all let vou yimktub uuta tnui uurdtn ton duinl 14uluji dul 1oetlaii uujic in lrdrn jfe luul hli iul ihrouuh dat cmck tie tillv uainlm wfu dlh ull hhut ulllf hi er vgau vai sa two blocks woktvltvlls wav hew vvnjru tiovjkfr vaa2i3jo is way in by v7ally bishop gliess vtolid betner start prom somb cowetotwikiktof it if all from