Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 30 Jun 1937, p. 5

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wkdwebday junk soth 1937 the acton free press paguc ftvb jrvicnjah mrs it smart of toronto vlsltod aototi friends lost week dr kcnncy or bmcebridge is ihoudoylnir tils homo here mlaa rnnoea mcdowell of toronto is holidaying wtthcton friends mr and ure ii reed spent the weekend uchh toronto relatives mtsa lillian morley of wetland vislt rri acton friends during uie week mr and mrs itlchard leaveou of weuand visited with acton rclutlvuc over the weekend mr and mrs wm iryer of toronto visited with ids father mr wm fryer over the weekend mr and mrs gordon tryuen and ion of scarsdalc arc visiting with mm drydcn and mrs llolmia rcv savin and mra gamble of oalstorvillc visited wlul aclou relatl and friends on monday miss emma itobtnson 1a visiting at lier nome in kciillworth attending uie hal lowed robinson wedding mrs kilo grimm and mr carman grimm of lreston vlilted acton frieiubt during the ueclc dr and mrt johnson olid mivt laura scott of kitchener visited ac ton friends during uie wwkciul mr harry tiiompson and dauuhuru of eugenia visited on sunday ut mlwi thoxnpeone ltel street mr and mrs robert slibatte of albany ny und mlwi clara lobae of guwcrsvllle visited mr and mrs jolm keiuicy this week mr and mrs if held mr gordon ilefcl and mlsd norma mutton of tor onto spent the tteckend at tile lwiiuc of mr and mrs held mrs it hurling olid mr keiuieui burling aild mlwi arlina llaunuui of milwaukee wis are vklting with lier sister mrs tluurcls and other ac ion friends jteeve mccutcheon exwurdvai mosoni und ucuni it kerr it mc jlieraou and dills attended uie funeral lost ueck hi freeman of the lute jurry rvttit mui bella suphfiiiiin ulio hits beej ipeiidliuf uie ulntw and rprinj montlw in uikeuuid florida with lier abler mw jos clicyne returned to acton this ucek and will mhnd the itimmcr and foil mr and mra benjamin duller and tu wlnfleld and glenn of seminole okuliomu luted mrs butlers mouier mrs cutting laft ucek tliey uere on uiroe ueekr holiday txi through canada and uie united states george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryrieblrim anniversary services ijmehouse presbyterian church on sunday july 4th kpecul kpeakef at zjo and 730 standard time rev mil goodwill of hillumrg anniversary social on tin chutlcu gttounui monday evening at 00 biundord time tint cloart program includ hue mlfkt ttiim4 gooraetown jojmnlo tmnurjiin georkctown mrs jan aiuciplc txin unity male qoajtette lacion and otlier icxcellent talent ilcfrwihmeiit itooui on grounds eev and mrs stephenson and family honored wvidend 1avmknts uy ndvidends ut tile nite of s15790o0 uwtk utre paid by uu mines of canada during 193fi acoordirur to statement by uus rvpartmwit of mlnefi and iteourre total payments for uie year exclusive liuymcaili made by oil refining couj ikuuca amounted to tfi2o730o0 pny snenttf by uie muuj in 1035 amounted to i6o2i8000 and in 1031 to sso20c000 in 193c the metal miner paid dlvldonds umoimungito t7ohgooo and uic non htarialuc mines j205500o up to ule end of loojj uie mlni of canada liad paid divjdchili totalling tfl3fl3730o0 ap iiroximauri 34 per cent of which uas contributed by the rold mlnca payiiints by tlie gold mines in 103g readied total of 35417000 compared with 29207000 lnw035 in uie latter yir twtntyane ch proertle acre on tli dividend pajhig lbt ulierear in 193g iio number liad increased to tlilrty uie additions to uu 11 balng the beattle miw in quebec cenral patricia pickle ctpow mackenide iiij lake uid uttle long lac in ontario and cariboo gold quarts island mountain shtvp creel and ymlr yankee girl in urltlji oolum hll duldendi paid by uue mlnen unuvunud to j221g000 lntrnauonal nickel compuiy uiu far in uui lead in 1030 ulth pajtiient ftinountlng to 20095000 folumed in ocider by lake shore ulth looooooo worondu ulth jo710 000 coiumutt mining and sineltlnu conitmi ultlt st 610000 and hotungit cuiultdatil gold mhutf ulth 5412 000 preicnt indication are that dl idetul luymnts canadian minut in 1037 vu1 givatiy ciceed uwj of 10ju tlie rnbigs of tewral of tin larger bise wtal coinpaiilfu lme uvn much hblu far tlili eit uuui durlju 10mi maln aa result of uie lncrewue in tlie prlc of leud zinc and copier and lnn tkurt of uili additional rmenue uill he luid out in dutdendj gregory theatre thuksilav ani riuuav july hi una 2nd the piunce and the paujjek murk ivalnt unloriietlnblc hlory sturrina krrol i1nn and uw miuch taiiuj cartoon hound atul nibblt cliapur 11 of on ring weft satuiuvay jtuily 3rj call it day comtdydruiiiu tarrinj olhlu dj havillind alice brady and roland young cartoon throe orphan kitten community sing no itox neur moniay july 51h she shall ilvve music with jicl iljlton and lus iorld famoa band in melange of melody and mlrtll comedy wlm baby are you novel ty hurling cartoon klko lbll tlie rtox cojno iefisonal pkoiekly starring jean liarlow and robt taylor autiiolt unknown ilero little poem author unknoun tliat local businc man mibmlltrd to tlie editor it cerulnly appeabi to and luu point to it ilreauuxt titers man uiui oul deu wlio tuner to himself luiui haid ill tty bfaie bed tlu debt owe uie printer yed thcrw are kouu ue know full well who rrver fcuch tale cull tell siut they fcttr will tfa to wdt the place wiure uierei no winter xiie tkktik tltod small yirl of uueo cuddenly burst out crylm ut dlnntr why betty told lier mouwr uliat uie matter oh soibbed betty my tceui trod on my tongue fully kxplainxd wluil the cauc of janets lirlti slie uon popularll contest ijawnld on him prof jr nou at liit nid do lljrht trarp student prettj fajt lr anjuay iel in re far uo ijkiu in uie morntmr last thursday evening members and friends of churchill united church us nctnhled at the hutno of mr and mm archie kerr when faxecll gathering in honor of rcv and mrs stephen son and family woa held the following addrcs read by mr artliur suraejduuncr beamtke uw esteem in which uie minister and hla family were licld ilcv and mrs ijtephtiiim and jinuly dear evieiwla we the oncrccatloui of churchill and umeliouse luive liut hero to nlgllt to spend coclal time wlul you prior to your removal from our mldsi lurliiif uc past four years you liavo been among ui vu mr teitlieiuon have uiuuy beeai reudy to liclp tfvu and hiinlstor to you mrs jiteplienwmi liavr aluuyn been loyal and true lielpmate ulways puuiiui tlie maiterji wor forcnviit you norma and ken neth uirmiah your wihlnffiu luivt kutji hioht iiuiilrintf aiid helpful lsabcl aiul muriel iou liavu it provud younlwe to be lnvulutiaile in tlie work of uie iiunday school and uic clmrch wo ihull indeed greatly niiis you in our church our tonus and our community it our mott bincero and heartfell wbji tliat god uu1 jreauy blew you all in yor new held of labor for tlie master as email token of our tte aijc you to accept thb ulft and may it brhu back pleasant mem ories of churclilll und llmeliouie signed on beludf of churclilll and umehoue congrcgutloiiri sidnkv kiiucpatnick wud smahf smith orttvin mkritdith aatiiun swackhamiol and bearing out uicsc rood wlju rtudlo couch uas prccnled by mew cims meredlui smiui grllfln uiid lred smlui on beludf of uie ttuigregation mii ilbel stepluiiaon uas ulao re membered by uie cliolr for lur fulth fulneeu and service in ajsutlru uilin ajid uie congregation slic uai tlio re clpieiit of tnuuc cae presented on uielr beluuf byulsb jlusin tlie fol lowing addreut rul by mrs robt kerr cave expreijlnn to uie appreciation of ui cliolr dear abcl we uie members of churchill cliolr have gautered itero tohljdit to impend anouier pleasant cenlnr ului ou before you po to anouier field of service you liave been our efflclent planlit and jou liae freely ch en uf our time and musical talenli ue reflect upon jour rolnc uc thmk of the special jarilce tliit hu been yours in helping to mole at tracuvo the public uorrjilp of god tlie uorld needs mumc it appeab to all sootjies cheers lruplrei and cluarmr carry ini the mind to leveb iboe uie commonplace you hae performed uiat happy mllon here we realize uiat jour aclatlon ului us as uorfcer in churchill cliolr uill soon he at on end our fellouslilp liai been enjojuble cor dial aiul iiarmonious we regret verj much uiat jou are leaving ui your place u11i be liard to fill but our lots uill be anouiers gain in rooofinluon of jxur faiuiful and capahle uork aj pionlit ue ask jou to accept this music case as mark of esteem and remembrance signed on belialf of churchill cliolr john ii smith nomoit kkrn jessik gnifiin edna nusskll mr steplicnson and otlier memberr of uie family replied expressing their ap preciation of uica mcmentoii members of uie congregation also exprersed uie kindly ivmerabronceii uiey mould aluajo clierlsh of uic labor of mr stephenson and family in uielr midst wkrlal time ului delightful lunch uas the conclud ing part of uils evening cpit ere the pastor and his family moved to neu field tlie evening uas turanied by the young inxiplcs society of uie churcli ium of sympathy gmst gojh uiji could allord cir like thb ouner do toli siti4 ilt uas telllnirmrke some ol hli ex iierlenc up norui aiul said he ut once cold lluit ulun he poke uu uord froe md fell in lumps of ice un the flinr urldgtl uu llmilng uiul said yis and luui to tllau tliem out beforp could ulluhit pat uu tajlnir almost hint moea had been invited to the ueddlni of sams daughter and as they ported sam laid and ulien jou come just kick on the door ucil hear jou kick on the door why cant knock ului my handi well come the ply how can jou ue jour liaiid ulth jour unir full of present niugy am rer twtueiii gilass itltil aiik griuvi breul the latet in koruay it nude from griljj meal mixed with htue fuiur and many ulio luiv tried it diylure it not ut all had us food tlie grass meal and frvh ynvn hay uxe bthitf protiucnl in iuu factory near traiuijelm laid to bo tlie only llijuiaiiit of 1u kind in tlie uorld lria is cut uhen it ls in uie leaf uae and dried by elcctrlcallyhmted air and ihm leurlilng tciuperature ttiu irtcrv uie color and retains all uie viuinhix groij iitoal iiude by leaung uie hay with rotaung lionum tlie utnitt live uie mi tain that uie ureal dim nun bitueen the feeble uul the pouer ful uie creat and the inslutfu ant is energy invincible determination pur ike once fixed then death or victory tliat fniallty uhlch uill do anyuilng that can be dam in the uorld buxton ullkcil flktst ihit uajj engagid puttltura uuhr main into uu uorkluulu saturday came and uie lo uw pat dolefully examin ing hu iuy iiackij mlax4iltri uv jour wagve lu usked oil no replied iat but was juit uoiviiering wltouic itie or uie uatr would be in uwr uorkjiout nnt btlkinefts good ynnnfth caid old link business very good dutio bought pig fol ten dollars traded p4g fo bcxrer barrcr calf calf fo ten dollars hut yo fuin make nouilng unkl slio rnilf but look at de business all been dou keep cool over the holiday civi tin cook uuak skasonable nkes tusiiis tomatoes lb no iih tomutoc 15c lb jgc no iih tomntots lb ooc lnre hend lettuce 10c larju cucumbers green peas basket fresh beets new potatoes qt old potatoes peck 39c 29c 39c 25c 15c 25c juuibo cantelope large bananas dozen small oranges doz ot grapefruit l7 lge briglit lemons ol nc canadian dry ginger aug plus bottle f0 jjc deposit june weddings baiikes waibii quarts of for zdc 15c 29c 25c 25c oz plain olives oz stuffed olives tumbler gberkins 28 oz sweet pickles sandwich spreads 10c to 2w prepared mustard for sardines ac 10c 15c salmon is 10c iil salmon lc and 20e corned beef tin pork beans iargi 15c 219 peekfrean english biscuits lc 20c 2c 2c ilfjc lk they are delicious siior koit qtautv barrs phone 1g we deliver we appreciate vour icatroiiaee ajrlna ajid pink and while peonies in an arch decorated wltll ucckllng bells inudo on altrucuvo background in uie luwno of mr aiul mn ivur hartley milton fen uie morrlakn of uielr irand daujhter lalllan kvcln wahh daugh ter of mrs wrutuleworui and uic late mr kred wabji to ir horace burne fm of mr and mra james barnes oeurketowii itv ii irwin of muton uniuxl church ofilcuuoi and uw ueddliaf iniuac ui playtxl by mrs llobert aitdertui aunt of uie bride lur iiiil tjie idfinlittf of uie retfboer mrc guy wlbxm uunt of uiekixxun juuf ilui bride lien in marrioko by lier krundfouier ore irown nt jjlk em broidered iwt over uhlte tutln uie veil if jkjlnt detprii net uuji in coroiut jtyle wlul omllie blofoin ut each llde ilie carried uji urm boutiuf of uuentllixirt roes mbi murtari lalji eouin of uui bride uojj brideiaiudd hi imwdtr blue nit ovvr jitln uiui baiuli ui of orurur blfjjom ucraj uie bck of lier ludr uhe curried un arm boufjult of pink uitji mr verne barius brounr of ule kroom was beat boon mr hartley jjrui id mother of uu urhle received uu uucl in trey cnie sown ului cliontilly lace trlmmhup mr wru motlur of uto bride was in dtxp blue crepe ului uhlte and mrs iiarn tlie tpomij niouier uore coronitlon hlue lace over cold aitln kich uore cor of rofo mr and mn ilimei left later by motor car for an extended trip uj tile bride travelling in printed broun triple mter frock ulth brown aecejirle and red fox fur mr and mn name will live ut arjunove an atthu whkklia glen william united churcli uan tlie scene cf popular ueddlnir siturday ulien mlji mary angela daughter of mr and mr wheeler and plurcr vannatter rn or mm vannaller ond uie late it vannatter georgetown utre married by jlev stephenion tlie brkle niven in marriage by hrr futlier ujre uhlte silk gown cut on prlntx llrur ixiund with luirrou jtrlpe of uhlte moire over white brldale ulln and uhlte iilk jacket ului puffed slevj drauti to point ut the urlrt her veil uis of tulle and bice caught ului ornnue blnom over hcaddreji of wed pearl arul ihr carried noayay of uhlte rot her attendantr uere wis mary bludd and mi edru uavldin of gun wll ham ml dludd in pale 3lou and ilrs dividrji in pile pin hey wore ion sueeplntj counr of triple lwr ceorutlte ulth chipleti yt flouers mitchlntc their rouiis and nujuotji of lllvoftltalirj und rofej nb janie lvans ctwiumii ai bt mm und ilhen uere harold wheeler nd knict forravei of citn williams mrs jack addj pre ided it the orian and during the ficnlr of the reuter mls betty siklht georetown sanrj ptoiiii mi the ueddin ntimi vv hi id in the church pari mr whieler receiving in lowered orchid thlllin with wide hat or uhile cnjn and tlnj cnral of liyortluvaluy mid roebuds asjiited bv mn vannatter uho uore brown rortietu uith uhlte fill liit and 11i ofthevulie and rosebud rorire gn motor hmevmuou trip the bride travelled in uhlte urdee crepe ulth full leeved red ja and red acce inruv and uhlte silk crepe hat ulth nac veil on their return mr and mrs vannatter uill make uielr home at georgetown sound shoe values and styles that please we htill hav ood assortment of white shoeahundred choone from tics oxfords und sandals ree 25c itottle jle shoe polish kree with every pair of iadlkj or menu shocx friday and ii saturday only pumps indies 149 alxhit 15 tiolr only iwie wlute iumpj lteiilar 9fl iair ilpjlol friday and iliiturday ixr iijr indies sandals and tjus iovcly jtu nw strupphuf luui ik rforutioii jut uio style you luive been lookhif for 198 298 mcnh white oxfords in tlur jww centre mvim und tlain ivltur luu real kood nuupi of jjwk for dxtiy ueur from 249 398 menu and doys rcatnpenl und tennis 8ruhf4 we luive full riuit of mii and ilojit fanipm and tiimli illux jibt uiu thltiif for jour sport ueat pallants shoe store whn lulur khoeu are sold toprrty htuj mill street acton ontario choke meats these prices good wednesday friday and saturday bologna i5clb scotsmans guefrting ubh jou all the luck there in and all jour heart desire and 11 the monev hi the uorld that do not quire homo run sonsation in major ball cirouit 29c in piece dumnrts smoked cottnpc rolls per lb sweet pickled rolls or pea ntculcd special per lb dc fresh sausnce oq lbs for ciifc duffs pure lard lb prints per lb idc boneless rolled venl rousts per lb uc prime rib ronst of beef special per lb 23c fresh hamburg steak bs ikr wellinrton brand crenmery butter 9fir special per lb oc lotell bros quality ana cleanlinfcm our motto phone 178 prompt delivery valuuit la tjif uortt for aux kaiiukhirumwi luijinui nr lic cln cliuuxtl itai tuut aiuv giwlt plujtr iii uw mjijt tjiw uho li uu luittui tm iiuuilum or uu umlnr clrcutl auits uk rouiidlyiptfm ill tllil ill live lys luivc liliitu libn wi oulsulwlllw tlma tor tlu 1ww run luiftons in uuj inajti lyo at tlwiii uvre nuin1 otf lfrixklu huahn nvnik al ui gliulu oe off cllrf melton aw ot uw aualu rtuj uur tlirce mre miuk in uuu rrwtorall wlui tlw hillurt vlwcii ola llodd won 2110 did you ever stop to think vcrifilit patterson president of the western newspnpcr union touches on very vital subject when he says the circulation of larje city newspapers in rural communities develops anions the people of these communities the city buyinc habit the effective advertising of the big stores attracts business away from the home town and in time the home town as market place has passed out of the picture when it does the local newspaper is buried in tht same grave considered from this standpoint the regional or local paper is even more important to the town or city in which it is published ttian it is to the owner or publisher there is no getting around the fact that the trade of town or city follows the circulation of the local newspaper just as civilization fol lows the hag your tovn ortiy is not going to advance very far unless your local newspaper blazes the way and your local news paper is nor goihg to be the sorf of newspaper necessary to gain and maintain complete coverage in the logical trade radius of your town or city unless it has the wholehearted support of your merchants nnd business men aggressive business men in many of the small cities of the country are coming to understand and appreciate the im portance of the home newspaper and the day is not far dis tant when local chambers of cojnmerce will make one of their muin objectives an annual drive for increased newspaper cir culation in the logical trade radius of their respective com munities

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