Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 30 Jun 1937, p. 8

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paqe exoht the acton free press wednesday june 30th 1137 notlcca of births urrurci knd deaths lavniitkthlv column without chr in uemorura kotlcca joe nd per lio additional for poetry nous flkiluno at the private nurslnjr home acton to mr and mra ilnrold sklimnff on thursday juno 24th 1037 son ilarold william in memo hi am mdleod in loving memoty of our dear husband and father norman mc leod who passed away july 3rd 1030 as wo loved mm bo wo miss him in our memory lie la near lovod remembered lorujodfor always bringing many silent uar sadly msh wife dauoilteit and eons save the forest wealth congas forests which provide the iljhintrv with lto third greatest primary lnduntry are great source of national wealth and employment during 1930 the forest industries produced national wealth estimated at 300000000 and provided employment for namo 200000 men wlu were paid approximately 170 000000 in wage nearly ninety per cent of the forest lands of canada arc owned by the arrilnlon or provincial qoveriimcnta afd are held in trust for tile permanent bencni of the people the problem of sttfguardliig tliti great herit age agmst tao constant uureat of des trucuorrwby afro la therefore of primary mcleod in kvlng menwry of our dear grandpa wlu posxl away july 3rd 1030 in our hcarti your memory linger sweetly tender fund and true there la not day door gtandpa that wo do not thlnjc of you ever remembered by hi loving grandchildren evelyn imd jackie locals seventieth birthday canadas morrrow ttlr vocation time no ue luivo not pluiiiwxt ours iteaciujra and pupil arc now en joying tile long mimiiur vacation ivjifald wellknown guelph bur ineea miut died suddenly on saturday hw coating of gravel in buhuf applied to tlu unpuved roadwayi in town acton iwy soouui are building new scout hut it tho blue eltupj boy scout itahervu six cases of highway truffle viol ation uere settled ixillce court fn aotoa last lvlduy application formu for tlie toronto ilapla lcaftf training school may be secured ut the pbksj oiflce pilsllnch like was tlio reruiezvoub for an taijoyabli plcnlcot knox young peopled society on saturday buildings arc now being removed to the new boy scout luerve here from tiio former camp near caledonia the young ivoploe society of acton united churcii held delightful picnic ut woodbridec on saturday uttcrnoon peonies liave been beautiful uie ptut veek the variety luid wealth of bloom at ii bluiops woji indeed tight statitlcs collected by fservicu of thw deportment ilesourcen rovcul tlmt uu tiled over 111 103i exceeded acre rcprese iithuj direct and projxrty valued of over jdoaoooo and ct hi actmi lire lighting of morn tliaii 1300000 tjir flgiireji do not by any iiieam tfll the whole itory jjlnco indirect loosed while not ulwiiyn ooinputabli in dollarii and cenu are much greater apart from their importance oi idturca of raw material for industry the foreils exert an ameliorating influence on the climate olid comrvc and regulate tlui water resource1 rviret covr tend to niltlite the extreme of lu at and cold the erfed of frot are warned and the drying power of wind li reduced in addition forests are undoubtedly the most elfcctlve uguncy in the prevention of flood und toll erosion tliey retard the melting of the inow in the iprlng and the lltur und humus of thu forest floor are open and poroun permitting the water from melting snow or rain to per colate into the ioll to feed the springs ttreuiny and rivers jowly throughout uccceding dry periods when tlie foret has been destroyed the water run rapid ly on the surface carrying largo quan tities of the rich uirfnce uill with it the water couruyi become rauliiff tor rents fipreading havoc uirougliout tlie vulleyn and navigable rivers und liarbory become blocked with debris and will wajdied down by the flood watcre dur ing tlie dry jaaons bprlng ceae to flow mall trciinu are dried up and even larue rlvcra become low that they ceajc to function as inircts of power or for the dlrpofai of sewage from towns and cltlea tlie general water table is louered and crop rjiortages reult jvar ejs fires uko dettroy the shelter and food for wild life and kill many of the animab themselves even tlie fish in the streams are driven out or killed by low water nnd shoruge of food in brief the forest resources nre so inter locked with the many phase of personnl and industrial life of tlie country that to destroy them wantonly or to stand heedlessly by while they are devoured by flames is to impair the basis of the nations social and economic existence over eighty per cent of the forest fires in canada are the result of mans care lesmuss and at this ralon ue are enter in upon one of the create dancer periods of thjujear rlht now varloui fnreit prodflsn agencies throiirhmit to canada srudlni dominion provincial unci priv stand ready to face the dancer lire hitli follou tlie drj ln uiiul these ulncl remove the rnolture commenced niakin from the prev jear di ad veeli tjio oulide wall of the sociai room at i1u it drv meeting of the miiry moore girls guild of icnos cliurch was held at tlie home of miss helen mainprise latt evening mr win evan juis purcluued the iioujj on lumer avenue beloninj mr scarrovv the sale was ranged throiyjh kerr air surveys of the forests cnnndn leads tlie world in the use of air photography fir survey purposes photographing tile forests from tlie air la development which is rapidly ex tending tlie knowledge of the dominions forest resources as well as proving of great assiatanco in their admin lsratlorr and exploltutloir some 713700 square mllea liavc been pliologra plied by uio dominion government through uir co operation of the royal caiiadian air force and tlie civilian departnunts and in addition tlie provincial governments uiul privule lnutitr have covered uixjul 70000 vjuare inllc over400000 mjuarc miles of fdrestsi comprising onethird of ule utui forest uxva liavo been photo grupluti uiwl the foresu luvve been map ped on about luuooo mjuure mile with foict area llim000 tuure tulle in extint in which traieortatloi on the ground uiduoie as well as ex pensive making fonjt inventory liu tremendous undertaking by the utilisa tion of aircraft practically evtry locality lj made acevlble foi rcirvatloii and photourdphy und from uir phougrupli hiwmi nuip can lie supplied ut small fraction of the time und expense of ground surveys friim pluhe travel ling ut ninety mlu pr hour 450 to 700 mjuure mllet can be photographed per hour by obllquu pliotogruphy und 100 to 00 square miles per hour by erticul phouiiiraphy tlie countless lake icatl lered throughout mckt of tlie f6resud regions provide landing places und make for safety in llybig for plane equipped wltli lwntoonj in the summer and skis in the winter air phntography u1jj provides much greuter detail tluui can be secured from veil quite intensive land surveys every kink in the streams and shore lines and every road and cut line is accurately located to the forester tliey provide not only un accumte map of the areas of tlie various forest types and uie and derulty classes but nl means of es timating the volume of timber within aj reasonable degree of accuracy for in ventory purivoses air plvotograplis are now being used by operators for laying out cutting operations locating roads logging camps dums imd other land und river improvements neecsssvy for tlie extraction of the timber tliey are available also for the use of the miner hydroelectric engineer land classified tion engineer and in fact are useful to practically everyone engagid in the de lopment or tlie natural resources of tlie dominion xll the photograplis taken by tlie dominion government are kept in the library of tlie department of mines and resources and copies may be secured at small charge per print cutting the corners by foul tip aiikm why did the new womens club brcai up so soon tlie majority voted to have the three oldest women constitute the board workmen have uie watertight before tlie interior finishing pro eedlng with mit not and highly inllam uniil tlie rain and the ad rreen vegetation will uli ubuie two otlltt dancer jktlod ujilii tire will spread ripidlj and avaime lir proportions are in tin summer mmitlu tluriiij protracted periods of dry hot weather and acain acton hoy scout held their annual in the fall after the enmnd vielitim church lurade on sunday and attended has en killed by carlv frou and sub st aibana church where itov brll sequeutly dried out by liijrli wind audi linger delivered special meuige to lnt sunny da tlie scout the problem of safecuardin canada fore ts from thai dtstnutlve and spec an induction service will be held at utcular enemy lire requlrt the con oton wllluun united church on friday centratlon pf the naon thoudu tmntt action and all those who travel in mcx folks around here im saturday luiird of copelundchatterson employle plenickliur at iilceuootl acton via on of the spot choian fir horn testing collection of debts what bttter proor or atlfacto reulls and aholute lntecrity can von have than our reird of 17 year op timums haiidlliur of collection kelly aiken ihii colicwflr oltavgkviui ontario italimird lhto no cullrrtion no chargv fur our sericr evenhijr for rev chiu jolliffe who take cluirtre on sunday of the iamehoue glen william and churchill churclu acton clllen band will preseut their llnl open air concert of the season on sunday evening at 1j pin it will be given in the park in front of the grandslliul or be lear the forest an fid with lire strongly urged tc at all times 1iuv want toiti slim ted hamaii waj sin tevful in foxl fad nity div injf examinations with ivk1 standiinr li liisuuietent nt tlia till subjects of his course at the uni made bj dr lklir versity of toronto alton friend olfet mdlal olflcer of ileal coiuiralujatioik it not lileli mich malt linn dijreri nre to all emlv june ilihlla iiom th ill tllev neiallv ll kimlen of ml ilawtliome 111 btei li al and it dlllli uli much admired in tin kim iniv win nil tin anvthiug djw it one of the llrm dahliius uv fimkl lad dr bloom cull ear iriij ui th put of ehl more sucept culo1 beeail of winter and statement was aviv avlstajit for hamilton tat4 nunt will no p4ipe lx ni ill the and fike car accident sickness etc harrop representative gore district mutual norwich union canadian ilrd insurance company the alliance aiurana co the casualty of canada auuranrr cow pony the mf re ant casually co tim purtaeelapralrta mutual sttturdaya iioor acton 31 bromp um milton 10 georgeuwn mlium wems be tile only toutil able kiwkk off gxrewwti uiu far 0e locij can take uu uay jiouwl have no trouble in ciimbimf up the ladder with norm moruai oiclt tli wzut aeum well nxvtl in tlu twlruiuf lhu dont think tliat um exixmtive didnt citperiuiice titmtble in securing mortons ird tluy luul to tjicure tlie prmujjon of uu otlier tnuius itk the group take tut trip to llamllum uir oakville and nvouur to milton and as uoal georjptown wo tile only team to say no uiousaml time no minute walten played in right held on saturday jle run long way pull down mochries fly in tlui seventh wood turned in nice game ut tlilrd und made nice pickup on preemuns hard drive in tlie third bus morton uas out of uie game with bad finger savage turned in nice goiru in centre for tlie visitors bill wutcrlioose sliowed plenty of speed in uie tcond wlien lie beat out hit to tiiort tlie fans will get cliance to look over nice team an tliursday morning july 1st wlien downlngfi of toronto came to town for un exhibition tilt tlie game is called for 10 30 waurlinuscs drive in uie eighth went for three bases terry luandled uie team again on saturday after pllinc up nice lead uie locals were able to try out some nlajs tlie squeeze play worked successfully three times the brampton team have been handi capped owlnj to plajers huvhiir to uork on siturday afternoon last wednesdays results milton brampton gtorgi town burlington ilagt standing pc milton il 000 georgetown g2t acton ijj burlinton ii 37a bramjlon 22 the above shows adon onlv half came out of econd place givi the ame brand of twirling dlhed tip by morion on saturdav the local should luue no trouble climbliiji into lirl place manager pat dovvniii and hi fene busters exploded real surprise at wu lowdnle pari siturdiy whin uay mufl ed ule western city st nlor uagui leaders kiwatlts to the tune of 15 to reult webbers and downlui pulled up to within half came of the ague pace letters era nl cater downlngi ihst 1ls man bashed his way to the up of the hitting rate again with home run and two singles hi awrage iov being f10 dont pis up the opimirtumty in pat wnin team heir on thur lav morning this weeks puzzi ioem in uie evening you will nnd my fbrst my second in dawn wticn it tuis burst my next ls in icond but not ui hour my fourth in rain but never in tjtowcr my llfui is hi umc be it slow or fast my sixth in exploclon but not in blast my seventh in tioliduy we liave one lomomilr my laiu is lend but liner in borrow my wtiole li time wlirn folk find en joyment if tlieyvu cuved enough cusli from the uage of emplojineii use couvox 1love lajtak coronauon day wm good occasion to introduce fouryearold nauvo of toronto to uie spirit of the mast loyal city in uie empire slie stood enthrall ixl lier foot beaung time us uu bands bkired pjut uie expressed it later wlien uu jldur went pat felt it in my mouf ordlimrily human question nmrk lu was too uttentlve to the parade to jiy unything while it lusted but the quejtloili came later wliy did uie sol diers wear uiosc furry hat nlie aked the uitswer to kep tlwlr luatl warm fortunately wui siiusfactory somewhat inconjjtent was uie ajlswer to tlie qiieiuon why did lhote men wear uwr short skirts tliere was shadow of doubt in uie blue eyes when uie liruss4d parent ild to keep their kneei cool but uie final item of the catechism luul to remain unanswered it was daddy why wasnt siinta claus in the parade ttu printed word in court do you recognize this fountain pen asked uie judge surely your honor wild uie de fendant all last we nre getting some uliere tjints the same one you have been showing me every day for ueek your honor getting even hostess now doctor au the other guests have performed cant you do someuiing to amuse the company doctor yes will order that last singer month in bed notice ulili uiank all my patrons and friends for uielr purnagi durin the past eleven years and at the tome time announce that have so my shop and business to mr joo herrotf of toronto who comes wrll recommended an wing unrstvlav meehaiilc and bespeak for him thn mune loyalty whlrh you have given to me geo cowie s522 safe direct economical rjkavk acton to toronto to kitchener standard time 57 pm 53 am ti 23 in 11 3h 038 73f 1101 am 207 37 hi 57 hi umi pm 113 in 33 daily exctpt sundays and holidays to detroit dally to detroit suiuhiy mid holidays vacation toults all expenses paid makoka ceonrian ilay the great uikta the quints the uir cities akk for iiiwuraei folder tickiits and information at kiahold wiles ii sjy better service weve just installed during the week new high pressure grease gun which will enable us to give even better service for your car our policy has always been to give you the best of service on your car our obligation only commences when you purchase ford v8 ford service and ford reliable construction are the factors that make so many enthusiastic for ford v8 economical transportation we use the oils and greases proven best by experience norton motors fohd v8 sales and service phone 69 acton ge rt town plav here hilv 7th at in wcdnesdiv mr lnn on hu iiur teislv alteration ut the ab just on the tuilsllrts of at ton pi lory tile opening of new nurki gnuirio motor eui lleiie 10j7 will iiavc backimauul blue with letter ami jlgui plat mm the rniwii hinrer net slightly uiit ir plate and tlu will be iwii late will be ii very enjovable time ws spent nualav evt nlng at mrind mr llliiia the tlulr old rtedale nelgh iwipi prlj wlnnei at uih ueiv mi gibbons mis swirlhamer tiavel iu ii wi ight tliev si em that an eni pmiui ot lllv attach iti ii to tlien nailt the millet mi um of partial larva uot stitliilnit ttt provide fur diy wnk and dav they are taking hey are putting in tjjev they stay lim and they power of ni tulie yimiig women would oe nalv talk midi matt over with diftioi tluv would tiltm better its an added fuel tluu slmddi ing wunieii it it to have adnu fjeh might pt riiiuewtti ill iheimh tlitn hit the iil nei du the ailt me than gi llni and ti ikuiiul itian ietetlt fatvv rjher tunilurr lliuf miu moi thomivatn nr lurkv chair miss iiiiiiuin am injisiici in the utile wiiil in whnh thlldirn ansuiuin uavt uu ir efek willi 01 vi hi ing hem up theie no ilug mnely iv while he mehetlu was nlaylllg the wlvi and so lim ly hljumie it luwti tut loui ulde an eld rl guest iav be only mall injilstue tint th ixift they play beautifully he said child can be expad to but the hllu puidon querld the old gmitlemim small undils wmli is mm ini aid what lovely oehestru mklnghorse stand inanv hands sorry cant hear word th high utcoidlng to sule as blrbon woolly biiiui niuklug much 110uc irlh hunter dukem 1111 cooi royal gueuh tomait wednesday at 1100 pin jitr miouiiij pvkineil stat riii ciykk tiaflu mvhna iov stile parnell oiwns threeday kun t01l1v satpidjv meauluv tucsda julv 3ril lays day at ihr kar mathie saturday al and pi veiilnv at 111 and pm it lav at the uuyul always kntuil sltuw no wants mansion no one want iimniauslim emnplet in shanghai china onlv short time ao ihe rich owner ion alter uiovlll iii nieiud note fioin gangster de inandlni sj 11 tin said tluy had planted unburn miiet plai in tlie jhour and would exphtde 11 unlv tin miimy was forth oinlng theowiiti and his familv inofl out hiustllv alllioujtj thev flt the ihnit wa blull ni ar ly everyone el feel the aiue wa lubotil it but no tine want to tent the 111 ile making m1e1 mil tin fidelity insuiane com pany vis maam 11 is what rn we do or you want to at range lo have nn hus bands nu litv inmrd hi aitl hints what the mtid tr iiuletne and snioothni in halrdrejlm styles adv in ptovlmlat paper ueve ued it welutllrd jneki ilunioriht ql here it is wholesale meat promised last week patterson wholesale meat mar ket uill he ready lor operation on saturday july 3rd here are some tu can make rices that irive some idea of tlie savings pork cuts fresh hams whole or half per th 18 19 licsh loins 99 per hi al cil shoulder hoasts lh 15c 18c sum pokk smoked meats side bacon hy uie piece yy jn per lb jiil tiol smokej cottage roll yf per lb zioc pickled cottage roll fj per lb tijv sausaoe lb foi ot hb ho tijt per lb beef cuts porterhouse roasts inj sir loin roasts per in rib roasts per lb round steak roasts lb round sho ti 1c to mc der roasts th 14 hick shoul der roasts lb 22c 24c 15c 16c 18 20 12 14 12 to 14 10c 100 lbs lard free with eerv lurchuse of or over ho uill cive one jmiiul of duffs ijirrt ekee fifty iouiuls to lie jien on siituitliiy morninj and iifty itiiintb for afternoon and evening customers ihone and deeiveuy ordem may lx phoned and prtimpt deliery of all orders will lie made ol ik ihone no is us better service wc think you will like this new ser vice of cheaper meats sold to you direct from the abattoir we sell for cash only direct to the consumer pattersons wholesale meat market mill street acton ihone 11h

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