th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 15 ,2 02 0 | 10 Join us Downtown and complete our scavenger hunt for a chance to win a prize! Print off the scavenger hunt form found on our website ( and find the clues on the store front windows! LEATHERTOWN LUMBER www. 264 Main St. N., Acton 519-853-1970 416-601-1259 .ca It was a virtual record breaker -- literally. Hosting the first virtual edition of its annual Walk or Run for Georgetown Hospital event, the George- town Hospital Foundation set new records -- both in terms of money raised and the number of partici- pants. This year's fundraiser took in $70,000. A record amount of teams took part while staying safe by par- ticipating virtually on their own routes. Funds raised will be di- rected to the hospital's ur- gent needs including new in-patient beds that will re- place beds currently at the end of their life cycle. "We are so thankful to all the participants, spon- sors, donors, and volun- teers for helping make this event such a success this year, despite the challeng- es COVID-19 has present- ed," Betty D'Oliviera, vol- unteer chair of the events committee, said. "Our community's re- cord-breaking fundraising efforts at this event will have a positive impact on our patients at our commu- nity hospital for years to come." NEWS HOSPITAL FUNDRAISER BREAKS RECORDS WITH VIRTUAL EVENT While this year's Run or Walk for Georgetown Hospital went virtual, the event raised a record-breaking $70,000. Georgetown Hospital Foundation photoBRYAN MYERS