31 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,N ovem ber 26,2020 theifp.ca 6311 Old Church Road Caledon, ON L7C 1J6 www.caledon.ca T. 905.584.2272 | 1.888.225.3366 | F. 905.584.4325 ExpropriationsAct,R.R.O. 1990,Reg. 363 INTHEMATTEROFanapplicationbyTheCorporationof theTownofCaledon forapproval toexpropriate lands in the TownofCaledonbeing: FEESIMPLE INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 1and2Plan43R-39378, TownofCaledon. PERMANENTEASEMENT INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 2and5Plan43R-39605, TownofCaledon: for thepurposeofa free, uninterruptedandunobstructed permanenteasement ingrossor rights in thenatureof apermanenteasement ingross toenter, occupyand re-enterbyanypublicauthority, utility or telecommunicationscompany togetherwithall associatedauthorized usersand/or invitees, including, but not limited to, servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, representatives,workersand/ordesignated thirdpartieswithall necessarymaterial, including, but not limited to, vehicles,machinery, suppliesandequipmentat all times in, on, over, through, under, above, alongand upon theapplicable lands forgradingpurposes togetherwith theaccommodation, construction, installation, locationand/or relocationof variousservices including,without limitation, storm,utilitiesand/or telecommunications infrastructureandall appurtenancesand/oraccessories related thereto togetherwithall rightsnecessary for theproperandefficient use, operation,maintenance, inspection, repair, alteration, removal, replacement, reconstruction, extension, enlargementormodificationof saidworks. TEMPORARYEASEMENT INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart- Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 1and3Plan43R-39605, TownofCaledon: for thepurposeofa free, exclusive, uninterruptedand unobstructed temporaryeasement ingrossor rights in thenatureof a temporaryeasement ingrosscommencing upon thedateof registrationof thePlanofExpropriationand terminatingonDecember 31, 2027 for thepurposeof enteringuponandoccupying the landbyanypublicauthority togetherwithall associatedauthorizedusers and/or invitees, including, but not limited to, servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors,workers and/ordesignated thirdparties ,withall necessarymaterial, including, but not limited to, vehicles,machinery, suppliesandequipmentat all times in, on, over, through, under, above, alongandupon thesaid lands for the municipal purposeofconstructingapublichighway, installingutilitiesandservices, aswell asgrading together withanyandall otherworksancillary thereto. for themunicipal purposeof facilitatingvariouspublic infrastructureworks including,without limitation, the establishment, construction, reconstruction, operation,maintenance, repair and replacementof publichighways to bedesignatedasMcLaughlinRoadandTimManleyAvenue in theTownofCaledon, aswell as theestablishmentof a service/overland flowcorridor, togetherwith variousutility andancillaryworksassociated therewith. NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN that applicationhasbeenmade forapproval toexpropriate the interestshereindescribed in the landsherein described. Anyownerof lands in respectofwhichnotice isgivenwhodesiresahearing intowhether the takingof such land is fair, soundand reasonablynecessary in theachievementof theobjectivesof theexpropriatingauthority shall so notify theapprovingauthority inwriting, (a) in thecaseofa registeredowner, servedpersonally orby registeredmailwithin thirty daysafter the registered owner is servedwith thenotice, or,when the registeredowner is servedbypublication,within thirty daysafter the first publicationof thenotice; (b) in thecaseofanownerwho isnot a registeredowner,within thirty daysafter the first publicationof thenotice. PUBLIC NOTICE NoticeofApplicationforApprovaltoExpropriateLand-Form2 Theapprovingauthority is TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon 6311OldChurchRoad Caledon,Ontario L7C1J6 Theexpropriatingauthority is TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon 6311OldChurchRoad Caledon,Ontario L7C1J6 Thisnotice first publishedon the26th dayofNovember 2020. AllanThompsonMayor LauraHall TownClerk TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon Per: Per: AllanThompsonMayor Mike DelRe knew some- thing wasn't right. Walking to the bank, he noticed a large black and white bird in front of the main entrance to the Georgetown Market Place. The barred owl had flown into the window, and opened its eyes as DelRe ap- proached. "He'd look left and right with his eyes, but he wasn't moving his head," the Georgetown resident said. "He was too out of it to move." The mall hadn't opened yet and DelRe had a roll of red "Danger" tape in the pocket of his construction jacket so he roped off the area around the bird. He walked home and told his wife about the bird. While he looked for some- thing to transport it, his wife posted about it on Facebook. DelRe drove back to the mall, only to discover the owl was gone. "I felt bad," he said. "I thought it had gone off to die." It hadn't, though. Mela- nie Joga saw the post and since she worked nearby, she found some rags to line a cardboard box and set off for the mall. Once at the mall, a man offered her a blanket. Joga said the owl looked like it was sleeping and didn't react much as she ap- proached. She said she was a little nervous as reached for him. "He is a bird of prey," she said, "but part of me want- ed to pet him." Joga resisted the urge and loaded the owl into the box. She took it back to work and called the Owl Foundation, an owl reha- bilitation centre near St. Catharines. By that time, DelRe had also been in con- tact with the sanctuary, which told him someone else had picked up the bird and they were looking for a volunteer to transport it. He offered to deliver the owl and the sanctuary put him in contact with Joga. DelRe said the bird still looked dazed at the begin- ning of the trip, but "by the time we got to Niagara, he was looking at me through the hole in the box." DelRe was told the owl had likely suffered a con- cussion after flying into a window. He's kept in con- tact with the Owl Founda- tion and said the bird should make a full recov- ery and will be released once it demonstrates it can hunt and feed itself. "He has been moved out- doors, which is always a good sign," the latest up- date said. "If he continues to improve outdoors, he will need to be live prey tested. We may run out of time with cold weather ap- proaching. If that happens, he will kept until the spring." Once the owl has recov- ered, it will be released in Georgetown, close to where it was found. Local residents helped this barred owl that flew into a window at the Georgetown Market Place. Mike DelRe photo RESIDENTS RESCUE INJURED OWL HERB GARBUTT hgarbutt@metroland.com