th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 26 ,2 02 0 | 32 LITIGATIONlegal matters How do you determine spousal support? The advice offered in this column is intended for informational purposes only. Use of this column is not intended to replace or substitute any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. Q A ASK THE PROFESSIONAL Todd C. Hein Partner Family/Divorce Lawyer Proud member of OFFICE LOCATIONS GEORGETOWN 8 Guelph Street 905 452 7400 BRAmPTON OFFICE (main) 350 Rutherford Road S., Suite 320 905 452 7400 CALEDON EAST 15955 Airport Road, Suite 201 905 584 4545 We typically look at the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, commonly referred to as "SSAG's", in order to determine spousal support entitlement and obligations. We have a program that "runs the numbers" for us. We input certain fundamental data, including the ages of the parties, the length of the marriage or relationship, any children and the residency arrangements for the children, and of course the parties' respective incomes. The program will then tell us what if any spousal support is payable in accordance with the SSAG's, including for how long that support is likely payable (subject to a change in circumstances). The SSAG's will provide a range of the amount of support payable, being a "low", "mid" and "high" range. The duration is also usually a range, for instance 5 - 9 years. A principled analysis is used to determine the appropriate amount of spousal support, but it seems that the majority of cases fall into the mid-range of the SSAG's unless you can show why it should fall to the "low" or "high" range. Notably, spousal support is determined after the child support obligations. Also, spousal support is taxable in the hands of the recipient, while tax deductible by the payor - there are no tax implications with child support payments. We do a lot of family law. We have the experience to help you understand what you may be entitled to receive, or what you may have to pay for spousal support. We have three offices, including 8 Guelph Street, Georgetown, in the Lounsbury Life & Group Insurance Benefits building. Given the unfortunate ongoing public health situation, we are happy to have a free consultation about your matter by Zoom or over the telephone. Have a great safe weekend. Todd C. Hein Empowering Clients. Enriching the Community. 905-877-8500 • A Final Gift to Your Family Main Office: 600 Spring Gardens Road, Burlington Owned & Operated by The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hamilton in Ontario Cemetery Address: 12337 17th Side Road, Georgetown Prearranging your burial or cremation is the last gift you can give your family. It releases them from having to quickly make decisions in their time of grief. It also frees them from the need to pay costs associated with your cemetery arrangements. Contact one of our family counsellors to discuss your wishes and options. Halton is considering the potential purchase of properties that could serve as emergency shelters to help the homeless during the pandemic. The regional municipal- ity is continuing to use ho- tel rooms to house vulner- able residents in a socially- distanced manner, with 74 people currently being sheltered in this fashion, said a memo to council from Halton Commission- er of Social and Communi- ty Services Alex Sarchuk. "The Region's depen- dency on hotels is expected to continue for a prolonged period," he said. "Regional staff is inves- tigating potential capital acquisition of sites that can be repurposed as emergen- cy shelters and supportive housing that would effec- tively allow for appropriate infection control practices, notably physical distanc- ing and isolation, to be maintained." He noted this plan may prove to be the "more cost- effective, long-term ap- proach." Halton staff has submit- ted a business case to the Ministry of Municipal Af- fairs and Housing for the potential property acquisi- tions, which are eligible to be covered by over $2.4 mil- lion in provincial funding. Earlier this year, Halton was forced to reduce the ca- pacity at the Salvation Ar- my Lighthouse Shelter in Oakville and Bethany Resi- dence supportive housing property in Burlington in the name of social distanc- ing and infection control. Hotel rooms have been used since mid-March to help those who need emer- gency shelter, with expens- es being offset by one-time funding Halton received from the provincial and federal governments. In total, 95 individuals are currently in shelter en- vironments supported by the Region, said Halton CAO Jane MacCaskill in an update to council. "Our most vulnerable populations have been sig- nificantly impacted by the pandemic," she said. "We are planning for the potential of further increased demands in the program if there's a second wave this fall." In addition to covering hotel costs, the Region has used the funds from the up- per levels of government to support more than 16 com- munity agencies working with vulnerable residents throughout Halton -- orga- nizations that Sarchuk says have seen a "signifi- cant increase" in requests for emergency food, per- sonal protective equip- ment and transportation. For example, Halton has funded Food for Life to de- liver food and essential goods to vulnerable resi- dents who are self-isolating or unable to access food, in- cluding those being shel- tered in hotels. MacCaskill reported that since March, the orga- nization has made more than 6,000 such deliveries to over 1,500 residents throughout the region -- a measure that she said could also be scaled up, should there be a second wave of COVID-19. For more information on Halton's emergency shelter and homelessness prevention programs visit NEWS The Region is exploring different ways to shelter the homeless during the pandemic. Pixabay photo REGION LOOKS TO CREATE PANDEMIC-SAFE HOMELESS SHELTERS MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@metro-