7 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,M arch 11,2021 theifp.ca Georgetown's trusted choice for hearing care 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Georgetown (In the Knolcrest Centre) 905.877.8828 Armstrong Ave Delrex Blvd haltonaudiometric.ca Finally, test drive hearing aids that let you decide at your own speed. At Halton Audiometric Centre, we believe the only way to know which hearing aid is right for you is to experience the benefits in your day-to-day life. Take home and test drive state of the art hearing aids today with NO COMMITMENT OR DEPOSIT REQUIRED. Call us today for your free consultation 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, L7G 5G2 | 905-873-2600 | 1-877-712-2205 | haltonhills.ca The Town of Halton Hills is reconstructing Queen Street in Acton (from the intersection of Queen Street & Young Street at Eastern Avenue to the intersection of Queen Street & Churchill Road) starting this spring. Residents are invited to visit the Queen St. project page on letstalkhaltonhills.ca between March 9 and March 23, 2021 for more information. Find detailed maps of the proposed construction area,connect with Town staff virtually about the Queen St. reconstruction project, ask questions and convey your concerns to our experts. For more information or to provide written comments, please contact: Steven Ziegler, P. Eng., PMP Senior Project Engineer Tel: 905-873-2600, ext. 2974 Fax: 905-873-8192 sziegler@haltonhills.ca Queen Street Reconstruction, Acton - Ward 1 The Ontario govern- ment kept Halton region under the "red-control" zone of the COVID-19 framework, as total vari- ant cases in the region continue to inch up. The March 5 announce- ment said that decisions were made by Ontario in consultation with the lo- cal medical officers of health and are based on the latest trends in public health indicators and lo- cal context and condi- tions. "As we continue vacci- nating more Ontarians, it remains critical for every- one to continue to follow public health measures and stay home as much as possible to protect them- selves, their loved ones and their communities," said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Min- ister of Health. As of Friday (Mar. 5), the number of total vari- ant cases almost doubled from the previous week to 97, with 19 confirmed cases and 78 more "screened positive" as variants. The public health unit states on its website that "individuals who have screened positive are highly likely to become variant of concern cases, but it can take several weeks for confirmatory test results to be re- ceived." As for the weekly CO- VID-19 cases, the website shows that from Feb. 26 to March 4 there were 265 new cases in the region, up from 206 the week before. The number of active cases stood at 264, includ- ing 50 in Halton Hills, 68 in Milton, 91 in Oakville and 55 in Burlington. As of March 5, there have been 9,628 COVID-19 cases in Halton since the pandemic started, with 9,166 marked as resolved and 198 deaths. - with files from Louie Rosella NEWS Here's a look at the weekly Halton COVID cases and news. Metroland file photo WEEKLY ROUNDUP: HALTON STAYS IN COVID-19 RED ZONE BAMBANG SADEWO bsadewo@metroland.com SCAN THIS CODE TO VIEW HALTON VACCINE TRACKER