HB NEWS 7 THINGS YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE PARALYMPIC GAMES THESE FACTS MAY SURPRISE YOU VERONICA APPIA vappia@toronto.com The Tokyo Summer Pa- ralympic Games will take place from Aug. 24 to Sept. 5 and athletes from around the world will be competing in 22 sporting events, from wheelchair rugby to eques- trian. While — th officially made their debut in 1960, the Paralympic es around in different itera- tions prior to that inaugural year. A number of the sports. played today were intro- duced to the Games in un- conventional ways. Here are seven things you probably didn't know about the Paralympics. PORTING EVENTS FOR ATH- LETES WITH AN IMPAIRMENT ACTU- ALLY BEGAN IN THE 1800S In 1888, Berlin became home to the first sports facil- ities for those with hearing impairments. However, Pa- ralympic sports did not be- come as widely known until after the Second World War. THE PARALYMPIC GAMES WERE FIRST KNOWN AS THE STOKE MAN- DEVILLE GAMES The Stoke Mandeville Games first appeared at the 1948 Olympicsin London. In- Godueed by Dr. Ludwig ittmann, a doctor who rae rehabilitate war vet- erans at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in _England, the served in the Second World War. ere were 16 competi- tors in total and they partici- pated in what is now known as Paralympic archery. TOKYO WILL BE THE FIRST COUNTRY TO HOST THE PARALYM- PIC GAMES TWICE Tokyo first hosted the Pa- ralympic Games in 1964. This year will mark the country's second time, mak- ing it the first-ever nation in history to host the Games PARALYMPIC. MEANS “ALONGSIDE THE OLYM- PICS" “Para” isa sre preposi- ‘alongsi lym - lel Games to the Olympics and illustrates how the two movements exist side-by- side." THE SYMBOL FOR THE PARA- LYMPICS REPRESENTS THE COM- ING TOGETHER OF ATHLETES FROM AROUND THE WORLD — means “I move" in Latin and the colours represent the colours most prominent in the flags of countries around the world. THE PARALYMPIC § SPORT IH UOWEH - dl 8UL | 1S Woz ‘92 3snBny ‘Aepsinyy | ‘Dave Holland/Canadian Pa "Paralympic Eric Kurtado Rodrigues, 41, of Mississauga will be competing in wheelchair rugby at the Tokyo Paralympics. WHEELCHAIR RUGBY sen TO BE ball ." due to the fact that it is a rough, full-contact sport that involves the clashing of wheelchairs. The sport was created by Canadian Dun- ‘ampbell in 1976. Camp- bell, cans has quadriplegia, invented the game with his friends while waiting t ues, outlined by the IPC, are: courage, determination, in- spiration and equality. work out at a centre. THERE ARE FOUR PARALYMPIC VALUES The four Paralympic val- T by the International Para- lympic Committee, Paralym- ic.ca and B.C. Sports Hall of Fame. Buns, Meat Pies, British style Me : Groceries, Desserts, Gifts and more. Closed Sept 5 & 6 Tues & Sat 9:30-6, Wed-Fri 10-6:30, Sun 11-4, CLOSED MONDAYS 905-877-0596 330 GUELPH ST., GEORGETOWN (opposite Canadian Tire) www.mil i kery.com From 3 packs a day to smoke free! Retired, Brampton | stopped smoking after the first day! | am very thankful for the reinforcement of my decision to be a non-smoker. In my opinion this program really works!* R. Palmer, Retired, Brampton Call Clear Vision Hypnosis - We can help you too! WEIGHT LOSS ¢ SMOKING ¢ STRESS MANAGEMENT GEISSGID 416-919-5657 BACK TO SCHOOL in —{0)\'(A8@) the working and leering co. Top Picks ‘See these deals app over this, your cade to see more deals. w.clearvisionhypnosis.com = Written Service Guaranteo Your only d jon for more coupons, mo more savings.