HB NEWS TOWN EXPANDS SHOP LOCAL CAMPAIGN MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com The Town of Halton dents to support business- in the community. * The new and expanded campaign includes several initiatives designed to raise awareness portance of aia toca and increase spending at Halton Hills businesses. This includ - An Explore’ The Hills contest with a weekly scav- cates placed in unique loca- tions + Print and digital ad campaign showcasing lo- cal businesses, in partner- ship with the Georgetown and Acton BIAs and the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce KNOW YOUR POND & HOW TO MANAGE IT Graham Paine/| Meo. The Shop Local campaign encourages residents to frequent area businesses, such as those downtown Georgetown. + Reusable Shop Local tote bags and new window decals to raise awareness about the importance of shopping local + Al Fresco in the Hills the tt Pee agRcPCaEed pe tea rasarelincieta ponds” Patio Program to continue promoting establishments with patios throughout Halton Hills + Social media cam} to engage business owners SPRING REPAIR & TUNE-UP SERVICES /e sell & repaii Koender Windmills. Lure tae Best Quality ‘Parts. TRUE BLUE WATER DYE by Beachroller. The most aggressive aquatic weed, algae and sludge removal tool on the market! Excellent it for cottage, 1cks, swim areas and it shore lines. 6 blades for cutting and pulling out roots. “Simple to use ‘Mazel Geile m, ON NOG 2Wo throughout Ontario. 1-866-367-5932 Local Distributors: Erin, Port Perry, don & Niagara Falls and residents about their favourite local businesses. ur local businesses have been hard hit by mul- tiple waves of temporary shutdowns since the start “It doesn't take much to help with their recovery - all we need to do is shop local whenever possible.” - Mayor Rick Bonnette ofthe pandemic,’ said May- or Rick Bonne “There have been many challenges ur business comm a as they have done their part to help keep our com- munity safe. It doesn't take much to help with their re- covery — all we need to do is shop local whenever pos- sible.” The campaign is a key part of the municipality's overall economic recovery and resiliency plan, said Halton Hills director of novation and culture Da- mian Szybalski. "The Shop Local initia- tive is another example of the Town continuing to take proactive, decisive = and co-ordinated action to support our business com- munity in response to CO- VID-19 impacts," he said. "Through close collabo- ration with o our local busi- , including x the Halton Hills Chamber y 7 Down- 8 fawn Acton BIA and Down- town Georgetown BIA, we senny ‘Aepsinus. | SIH UoweH - dl UL | s ampaign that can be leveraged as the economy ar a fo recover." to Halton wills officials, there are a variety of benefits to shop- ping in th mmunity, such as: creating more lo- cal jobs, reducing the need for long car trips to stores, For further details visit investhaltonhills. .com/ paign. Mountainview Residence oy the Glen The only family owned & operated retirement home in Halton Hills. You've worked hard to enjoy retirement, now it’s our pleasure to ma ina family, friendly atmosphere. Our residents with discrete personal care services to support daily well being. scare on the cusp of the Hamlet of Gle: 222 Mountainview Road 90 see our new designs starting summer 2021! www. mountainviewresidence.com cial meals (variety of food choices), along n Williams rth, Georgetown e this the best time of your life eordyouy