HP OPINION GO RIDERS DESERVE A USABLE SHELTER This is in response to the recent article about the Acton GO station shelters being reopenet the riders not deserve a clean shel- tered space to wait for a train? Can there not be a system put in place in which only the riders have access to the shelter? Before they get on the train, they have to use a transit card to tap to show they have . Could they net use the same card to get into the shelter‘ Or least the passengers who have a monthly pass? SANDY MACDONALD HALTON HILLS SEND US YOUR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ,_ The Independent and Free Press values its readers, and th meen ate that said, we welcome your letters to the editor on all matters that impact ar- ea residents. We ask that letters be no more than 275 words, and include the fullname and town of the writer. Your address and telephone number must also be included for verification pur- poses only. We do not publish anonymous letters. Letters will be edited or rejected for offen- sive content, factual errors, legal issues or space re restrictions. your roo ntheifeen letters to news- NEIGHBOURHOOD LEARN MORE AT THEIFPCA ONTARIO BUILT. CANADIAN DRIVEN: MODEL FE2FSNJ ‘SPORT MODEL SHOWN, ONTARIO BUILT. - MODEL YF6HONKN CANADIAN DRIVEN: MODEL RWIH2NES BLACK EDITION MODEL SHOWN: RESERVE YOURS TODAY - @ MODELS ONLY ~ MADE WITH PA HondaOntario.com (case payMENTS INCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDI. EXCLUDE LICENCE AND HST. Ontario Honda Dealers DEALER ORDER/TRADE MAY BE NECESSARY. HONDA. Dealer order may be necessary on 2022 CR-V and2022 PILOT models. Anticipated delivery December 2021 (HF). tou Dayments include freight and PD ranges from $1,700 to$1,870 depending on mode), te omomenat eo S(T his Moecows eco ohn Calc covering an ery es Mo chrge S10, on i fe si 0). Taxes, cence, insurance and regatnarecsr.Reresmatve weet ese eane:2022 MCLX SEDAN Qld FEZNE 2022 CMC SPOT SEDAN Medel FEZFN) #2022 CR-VLX2WD Modal HNES tev 2807200728004 esiypemert at. 2 1 09200 me AP ety pens $85.90 2/5241, /429867 wn SIBIS 55/8 1000001000007 40, 000Konetealovancs pet $0.:24n er ces lanes, CRY LX Adtional charge i legal to it *si0001 8100079 feat PSA, other i cls Over nt 3. Forall fers January 04, 1Z0z ‘Sz Jequienon ‘AepsinyL | SIH UOHEH - dl OUL | LE codon