+ Ny s a is & B = 3 5 a. = & $ g z fa 2 = = e . 2 2 = theifp.ca n + Routine Maintenanc e + Septic System Evaluation + Real Estate Inspections + High Pressure Drain Flushing + Flushing of plugged or frozen sewer lines and septic beds SERVING|HALTONIREGIONPEEMREGIONCWELLINGTON Enjoy the freshest coffee delivered right to you! IBNEWS TOWN APPROVES LOW CARBON TRANSITION STRATEGY MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com Metroland file photo The low carbon transition strategy aims to reduce Halton Hills' emissions by 74 per cent by 2030. cle, emission-free transit lans that aim to drasti- _ or electric vehicles cally reduce | Halton Hills' 2. Energy efficiency and ions have green development: in- foe given the ¢ green light crease energy efficiency in by council. new and existing buildings ie i i low 3. Local ‘bl carbon transition strategy, gy: replace fossil fuel ener- which was endorsed dur. ing the Nov. 15 town council session, identifies specific actions in four main areas to reduce emissions by 74 per cent by 2030: . Low-carbon mobility: enable travel by foot, bicy- gy with renewable energy sources tural assets: pro- tect ‘and. expand the town's assets to absorb more carbon from the at- osphere. The initiative was laud- ed by Coun. Jane Fogal, who heads up the Halton Hills Climate Action team with local resident Janet Duval. “Climate change is one of the most important is- sues we face today, and it is an effort that must be shared amongst people: and UI said. "T hope that the efforts and support put forth by our municipality serve as an inspiration to others.” In 2019, the municipality made a climate change dec- laration to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. To date, J Halton Gills retrofit facilities to save energy and reduce carbon, and de- veloped a home energy ret- rofit pilot program, among other initiatives. For further details visit https://bit.ly/3qQxRiQ. ‘Tues & Sat 9:30-6:00, Wed-Fri 10:00-6:30, Sun 11:00-4:00, CLOSED Mon