2 aq q 8 Rg S = F| 3 fe = FS 2 g Zz = 2 Fe 8 2 ‘ 2 = theifp.ca REAL Eo Ane DIRECTORY, If you would like your ad included in the Real Estate Directory please contact com or call ‘7 DEMAND THE DYMOND STANDARD REALTY SERVICES INC, BROKERAGE Harp Gill K Broker Gill 416-669-4314 ealoigila www.PeterDymond.com eshte i Hownliit 905-877-5211 info@meqwinteam.com CANADA'S ROYAL! 324 Guelph Street, Georgetown ON L7G 4B5 Direct: 905.866.8766 Office: 905.877.8262 Meownceoss McKEOWN Blesrepreematve Don't forget when your list your property with the Mi in-town a facility. www.sherylpaglia.ca @rraty| |Peter ie} Zavitz Stoyles ‘SALES REPRESENTATIVE 905-877-8262 www.PeterZavitz.com ¥ sag DIRECT: (905) 866-8923, OFFICE: (905) 873-6111 i 377) 306-IPRO (4776) IBNEWS PUBLIC BOARD HOSTS MENTAL HEALTH SESSIONS FOR PARENTS e Halton District School Board is hosting mental health and well- being i in- for for parents during Feb- ruaty é bate Mar specifi fic topics based on feed- heat from} parents, each session will be led by a mental health expert in that area who will share knowledge and provide infor- mation and resources. ep and Well-Being will be held Wel Feb. 23, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Neuro-inclusive Mental Health Thursday, March 8, from 7 to 8 p.m.; and Diving Deep- nxiety Wednesday, March 30, n at hdsb. ca is required as limited spots are available. Parents can register by completing the Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions regis- tration form. Sessions will be held on Google Meet, ere closed captioning i ilablein var. ious languages. Registrants be emailed a link to access the session. Ses- sions will not be recorded. Parents will have the opportunity to Siro Metroland file photo Mental health sessions will be held during February and March. submit questions when completing the registration form or during the session. The board's Mental Health & Well-Be- ing webpage has information for parents/ guardians and students on mental health, healthand well-being, and how to get additional sup- port at school and in the broader commu- nity. \ \ CARPET, HARDWOOD, RUGS & TILE FE carrer parncanver one Phor and Home The One Store For Your Perfect Floor 26 Guelph St., Dowr www.carpetone. httpu/carpetonegeorgetown.goldbook.ca 905-877-9896 To advertise in this full colour directory please call Kelli 905-873-7162 or email kkosonic@theifp.ca Movers and Shakers Marketplace WINDOWS & SIDING WINDOWS - BOORS - SIDING eT a 2, 2 873-0841 Y www. winside.ca