MOURNING THE QUEEN Byron Thomas photo Byron Thomas, Halton Hills resident and member of the Monarchist League of Canada, displays a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth I! at the entryway to his home. He joins many local residents in mourning the passing of the Queen, who reigned for over 70 years. NEWS HALTON HILLS A HUB FOR CULTURE DAYS REETI ROHILLA Halton Hills has been chosen as one of the hub Jo cations hosting Ontari Culture Days from Sept. B to Oct. 16. The festival invites the public to get hands-on and behind-the-scenes experi- ences to highlight the im- portance of community arts and culture. “It's (Halton Hills’) natu- ral beauty, historic ham- lets and charming villages have captured thel hearts - artists, encouraging many of them to call this place home," shares the festival website. Life ife drawing. rug hook- ing, in the park, Acton Aris vlarkel and National Day ir Truth and Recon: ciliatiot event Banned for atten Hills Tora a complete list of events and further infor- mation, visit the Ontari: Culture Days website. "This year, Halton resi- dents can connect with lo- self-directed said festival senior ac- Mi- chael Usling. Ontario Culture Days i is held in towns and across the province one fall. - TT ROYAL LEPAGE TTT Meadowtowne Realty, nrtermge OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FROM 2-4 PM 46 GARRISON SQUARE, GEORGETOWN ® $1,350,000 Executive bungalow townhome in the very sought Georgetown South location. Features include 2+1 bedroom, 3 baths, double car garage, finished basement, over 3400 sqft of finished living space, 9 ceilings, the list goes on. DR. ANOOP SAYAL a, and Cosmetic a he Vara Val DR. ANOOP 905-877-CARE (2273) SAYAL 3 How do I get my kids to brush their teeth? : You know it’s important for your child’s health. As a parent, you want to do the right thing. When it comes to regular tooth brushing, though, it’s become a struggle just to get your child to brush their teeth. Some parents, unfortunately, give in and allow their children to neglect good oral hygiene. Don’t make the mistake! Your children should be taught very early how to brush. This can be encouraged as a regular habit by using some of the flavored children’s toothpastes now available. Try to reserve brushing for the same time each day so it comes to be an expected activity. If your child still resists, make a game of it. You may even wish to pretend to be a “dentist” for your child, in the process doing the needed brushing for them. Older children May respond to a reward system that you establish. Perhaps most important, set a good example. Your daily brushing, flossing, and avoidance of sweets will do ASK the Professionals Find local professionals here every Thursday! For advertising information please call 905-234-1018 @0z Zz sequiedes ‘Aepsinyy | SiH UOHEH - dl OUL | GL or email More to develop good dental habits that anything else. eordyouy