TB MUNICIPAL ELECTION WHO'S RUNNING FOR WARD 3 AND 4 REGIONAL COUNCILLOR? WENDY FARROW-REED CONTACT INFO: Websites book. com/' Wendy Farrow. Reed2022; Email: Wfarro ed@gmail.com; Phone. 905" 106-8857 OCCUPATION: Ward 3 coun- cillor; HR consultant after 18 years in private industry. PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: Ward 3 councillor since 2018. Six years as Georgetown BIA manager, which reports to council. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY: Volun- teer with BIA, Georgetown Fall Fair, Craft Beer Festi- val, CASHH events, Com- munity Living North Hal- ton, Together in Movement and Exercise, on the Ben- nett Village board of direc- tors, deliver for Meals on Wheels, Legion Women's Auxiliary member. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?: I MUNICIPAL » ELECTIONG love the challenge of politi- cal life and connecting with residents. During my first term I was able to watch, learn, listen and bring a fresh perspective to coun- cil. It is a natural progres- sion to represent our con- cerns at regional council. ‘WHAT ARE THE TOP THREE IS- ‘SUES FACING THE TOWN/WARD?: 1. Accessibility. I believe in housing and programs. An all-inclusive community goes beyond supporting those with limited abilities and is a place where every- one belongs. 2. Growth is mandated by the provincial government and council's decisions will affect our community for the next 20 years. At Halton Region, we need to be a strong uni- fied team and voice. 3. I be- lieve in responsible and intensification that (o\Vi-tee) more coupons, more flyers, more savings. AA es Wendy Farrow-Reed photo WENDY FARROW-REED aligns with the services to support the growth. (CTED, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS?: I have dem- onstrated talents for team building, mentoring and coaching. I will help new councillors adapt to and learn their new roles. It's important we work togeth- er as a cohesive team as soon as possible. HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND CHAMPION DIVERSITY?: I be- lieve in an all-inclusive ommunit place where everyone belongs, I will Find the Rexall flyer and more on Save.ca save.ca/flyers Jane Fogal photo JANE FOGAL champion causes and orga- nizations that directly sup- port and keep services in our community. JANE FOGAL CONT oie Web- site: https:/, pal worse mays Face- book: www.facebook.com/ Prior to council, municipal recre- ation supervisor, City of North York PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: 25 years as municipal councillor COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY: Co-chair Halton Hills Climate Ac- tion; member of Stop Sprawl Halton; past chair Gallery; past chair Bennett Healthcare Centre; past chair Cote Terrace Seniors Apartments. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?: I want to protect small town living at its best by accom- modating growth that adds tality to our town with- out resorting to sprawl. I want to use my experience at the region to expedite servicing in the 401 corri- dor to attract investment. I want to advocate for action on climate change and con- tinue to advocate for safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists. WHAT ARE THE TOP THREE IS- SUES FACING THE TOWN/ WARD?:1. Fiscal restraint will be needed in the short term due to the delay in ? starting Vision George- a town. 2. Developing a strat- + z egy to bring more afford- 7 able housing on stream. 3. 3 Supporting business downtown Georgetown major construction Fa a in § projene a IF FLECTED, WHAT DO YOU 2 PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR 2 FIRST 100 DAYS?: Begin a new strategic planning process Fy that includes input from ® the public. Confirm water 8B and sewer servicing expan- 8 sion inour 401-employment * allow private pro- jects to proceed. Plan for a celebration of the comple- tion of the Hungry Hollow Trail Network. HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND CHAMPION DIVERSITY?: It is in- cumbent on the entire cor- poration to reconsider how mographic has evolved, and we must be a welcom- community for all of our residents. People need to see themselves in our brochures and advertising. Leathertown 264 Main St. North Acton, Ontario ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN $10, TO SPEND ON CASTLE ‘PRODUCTS AND SERVICES! 000 CONTEST OPEN JUNE 157 TO SEPTEMBER 30”, ee 1Ww9 Ph: 519-853-1970 © Fax: 519-853-2542 f